Thursday, 26 March 2020

#A1. Readers: This Report Is "About Murray."

About Murray

Murray Scott Fenwick 
Hello, my name is Murray Scott Fenwick
I was born into an English family
in a proper hospital
in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
on April 30, 1947.
When I was two months old
I was moved to The Fenwick Family house and land
which was located about 35 miles north east of Toronto
in a little town called Stouffville.
Stouffville, people wise, was a very hard town
the people were worse than one might imagine
just one example of this terrible towns people is the following
the town of Stouffville was built over the top of a quick sand deposit
there was a crust of earth about 18 feet thick over the quick sand deposit
the towns people known for digging holes in this pie crust affect
right all the way down to the top of the quick sand deposit
and then throwing all their murdered guests right down into the
quick sand deposit
should you be a guest in Stouffville you might just be murdered
and thrown right down through a hole right into the sinking sand.
Just two examples of the towns people
and their terrible way of doing things
is the following:
All visitors who came to the town and were murdered
and who were not taken to the many holes that did exist
in the town that led down into the quick sand deposit
were taken to the towns sewer plant down at the park
that you entered by walking between two stone memory obelisks
that had all the names of the second world war dead written on them that is the names of the people who the town allowed to be put onto these two quite large obelisks, there is quite a big catch here, it did become known to me when I was quite a young lad that other people both men and women did die in the second world war from the town of Stouffville, but the towns people would not let their name be remembered on these two obelisks, at any rate, you walked between these two stone monuments then you carried across the park the corpses of your dead guests and then you entered the sewer plant and then threw the dead into the main sewage reduction bowl never to be seen again.
The towns people would also stand in the sewage reduction plant and watch the batter boards of the main mixing bowl strike the corpses and break them into small pieces. The chemicals of the sewage plant would then dissolve the corpses enough in order that they could be bagged up properly with the sewage and then sold to the community of Stouffville as fertilizer for their gardens.
This was Stouffville
the town of the Insane

#A2. Readers: Good Day. This Is My Blog Program.

#A3. Readers: This Report Is About "The Whys And The Wherefores" For A Murray's Menu. ... Right Here.

Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

The Whole World.

Murray's Menu. ...

Readers: This Is "The Whys And The Wherefores" For A Murray's Menu. ... Right Here.

Readers: Murray's Menu. ... will be designed as good as I, Murray S. Fenwick, can make it.
               I intend to get help from some friends of mine who do understand The Internet
                enough that my Blog right here will be set up properly and be quite readable.

Readers: I was not going to have Murray's Menu. ... at all because of the way that I set up my
                Blog. Murray's Menu. ... would not be necessary. Unfortunately though "Criminally
                Minded People" whom Murray calls "PIRATES ON THE AMAZON" illegally
                entered Murray's Blog and made Murray a lot of criminal types of trouble.

Readers: Because of "THE PIRATES ON THE AMAZON" attacking Murray's Blog, Murray's
                Blog has to be definitely rearranged.

Readers: Some of these very Internet talented friends of Murray's are helping him through-out
                this rearrangement of Murray's Blog and it has been found that Murray's Menu. ...
                should at this time, to straighten Murray's Blog out, from "THE PIRATE ATTACKS,"
                A Murray's Menu. ... should be added in.

Readers: Therefore Murray's Menu. ... follows.

#A4. Readers: This Report Is How You Can "Legally Use Murray's Writings" With Murray's Permission.

The Whole World.

Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

The Whole World.

Readers: It is written up in The International Internet about "The Proper Proceedings" that
               people should use, apply, should they so desire to use Another Person=Person's
Writings, Pictures, Drawings Etc. that The Other Person=Person's have put on to Their Own
Blog Set On The International Internet. I have to write here that the people who so desire to
use other people=people's  personal property have to be very careful receiving proper
permission and directions as to how to go about using the other people=people's private
property because their own private property is their own private property and they might let
you use it or they might not let you use it. This kind of business is very carefully written up
in The International Internet and should be studied very carefully as to just how to go about
using another person=person's private property. This writing right here is "A Fare Formal
Warning." Therefore: Readers Beware. ...

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, have no intention of selling or renting or loaning any of my
               writings. Whether my own writings be Poems, Songs or Reports, or just some kind
of writings that I have written up, these writings are my own, and I have every good intention
to keep them my own. 

#A5. Table Of Contents.

Table Of Contents.

#A6. The Whole World. Locations Vary. "Not Necessary, Women's And Children's, Untimely Park Deaths. ..."

The Whole World,


Deep Cove,


The Saanitch Peninsula,


Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

The Whole World.


Deep Cove,


The Saanitch Peninsula,


Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

The Whole World.
Deep Cove.
The Saanitch Peninsula.

"Not Necessary, Women's And Children's, Untimely Park Deaths. ..."
This  report is about "Not Necessary, Women's And Children's,
 Untimely Park Deaths. ..."

1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not agree with "The Non Church-Temple People"
    Like The Worldly Police and The Worldly Politicians Etc. over the following
    criminal issue.
2. I am against "Cigarette Smokers" attacking woman with their kids in The Park.
    "Cigarette Smokers" are prone to act criminally because of the way that
    cigarettes affect the human body. In North America "Cigarette Smokers" commit
    more crimes than "The Police-The Politicians" ever do admit too. It is
    increasingly becoming known now in 2015 Anno Domini that "Cigarette
    Smokers" do a lot of damage of all kinds of descriptions to every kind of society
    that does exist in The World.

Readers: It is also a known fact that when "A Cigarette Smoker" does get lung
                cancer from smoking cigarettes that they sometimes lose control of
their mind, themselves, and do attack people. The cancer patient might even
kill a woman or her child in The Park.

3. I am against Spirits Of Alcohol. "Alcoholics" being aloud to attack woman with
    their children in The Park. It is a known fact  that Alcoholics do criminally attack
    innocent people and that does include children. This "Alcoholic" attack has been
    known for centuries.
4. I am against "The Drug Addict" being aloud to attack woman with their children
    in The Park. It is a well known fact, for a long time, that "The Drug Addict" does
    criminally attack people and that does include children.

Thus says, Murray S. Fenwick,
The Lord Buddha

Readers: I am keeping this very short.

1. I know that "The Non Church-Temple People" like The Worldly Police and The
    Worldly Politicians are trying to make, bring about, A Worldly Change In
    Government that suits themselves, their own selfish selves.

Readers: In the western hemisphere like Europe and like North America, The Holy
                Roman Catholic Church allowed The Worldly Towns to come into

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick,
               The Lord Buddha,
               would definitely not have let Worldly Towns to come into existence.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick,
               The Lord Buddha,
               would have thoroughly killed off The Worldly Movement that brought
               about The Holy Roman Catholic Churche's "Permission" to allow
               "Worldly Towns To Come Into Existence."

Thus says
Murray S. Fenwick,
The Lord Buddha

#A7. The Whole World. Locations Vary. The Following Set Of Reports Are A Collection Of Reports.

Swartz Bay,
Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island. 

Swartz Bay,
Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island, 
British Columbia, 

Readers Remember: Locations Vary. 

Swartz Bay.

A Collection Of Reports. 

Readers: The following Reports are A Collection Of Reports,
               that I, Murray S. Fenwick, did write and did put together 
right here in my blog for you, my Readers, to read.

Readers: For The Convenience Of My Readers, I, Me, Myself And I, 
               Murray S. Fenwick, have organized some of The Reports in 
my blog the following ways. Some of My Reports are In Collections, 
Grouped Nicely Together and some of My Reports are put into my blog 
on An Individual Bases. My Readers can look up A Single Report and  
enjoy reading it or my Readers can look up A Collection, Group, Of My 
Reports and enjoy reading them. Just how my Readers decide to read My 
Reports is left up to their own discretion.

Readers: The following Reports are seriously located in Sooke and Victoria, 
               British Columbia, Canada.

Readers: Some of My Reports can be ascribed, put into, more than one 

Readers: Thank You Very Much
               Murray S. Fenwick