The Whole World.
Locations Vary.
The Street Called, Named, "The One Way Street."
I, Murray S. Fenwick, have known about The Street Called,
Named, "The One Way Street," all of my life.
Readers: I, Murray, will say the following.
1. The Street Called, Named, "The One Way Street," can be
Made, Designed, To Be A Positive "One Way Street" that
can help, "heal, benefit," mankind.
Readers: OR
2. The Street Called, Named, "The One Way Street," can be
Made, Designed, To Be A Negative "One Way Street" that
can hinder, "hurt, wreck," mankind.
Readers: I, Murray, will say the following.
Readers: I, Murray, will say some things about The Pro's And
The Con's, The Positive's And The Negative's, of The
Street Called, Named, "The One Way Street."
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