Thursday, 26 March 2020

#A1. Readers: This Report Is "About Murray."

About Murray

Murray Scott Fenwick 
Hello, my name is Murray Scott Fenwick
I was born into an English family
in a proper hospital
in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
on April 30, 1947.
When I was two months old
I was moved to The Fenwick Family house and land
which was located about 35 miles north east of Toronto
in a little town called Stouffville.
Stouffville, people wise, was a very hard town
the people were worse than one might imagine
just one example of this terrible towns people is the following
the town of Stouffville was built over the top of a quick sand deposit
there was a crust of earth about 18 feet thick over the quick sand deposit
the towns people known for digging holes in this pie crust affect
right all the way down to the top of the quick sand deposit
and then throwing all their murdered guests right down into the
quick sand deposit
should you be a guest in Stouffville you might just be murdered
and thrown right down through a hole right into the sinking sand.
Just two examples of the towns people
and their terrible way of doing things
is the following:
All visitors who came to the town and were murdered
and who were not taken to the many holes that did exist
in the town that led down into the quick sand deposit
were taken to the towns sewer plant down at the park
that you entered by walking between two stone memory obelisks
that had all the names of the second world war dead written on them that is the names of the people who the town allowed to be put onto these two quite large obelisks, there is quite a big catch here, it did become known to me when I was quite a young lad that other people both men and women did die in the second world war from the town of Stouffville, but the towns people would not let their name be remembered on these two obelisks, at any rate, you walked between these two stone monuments then you carried across the park the corpses of your dead guests and then you entered the sewer plant and then threw the dead into the main sewage reduction bowl never to be seen again.
The towns people would also stand in the sewage reduction plant and watch the batter boards of the main mixing bowl strike the corpses and break them into small pieces. The chemicals of the sewage plant would then dissolve the corpses enough in order that they could be bagged up properly with the sewage and then sold to the community of Stouffville as fertilizer for their gardens.
This was Stouffville
the town of the Insane

#A2. Readers: Good Day. This Is My Blog Program.

#A3. Readers: This Report Is About "The Whys And The Wherefores" For A Murray's Menu. ... Right Here.

Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

The Whole World.

Murray's Menu. ...

Readers: This Is "The Whys And The Wherefores" For A Murray's Menu. ... Right Here.

Readers: Murray's Menu. ... will be designed as good as I, Murray S. Fenwick, can make it.
               I intend to get help from some friends of mine who do understand The Internet
                enough that my Blog right here will be set up properly and be quite readable.

Readers: I was not going to have Murray's Menu. ... at all because of the way that I set up my
                Blog. Murray's Menu. ... would not be necessary. Unfortunately though "Criminally
                Minded People" whom Murray calls "PIRATES ON THE AMAZON" illegally
                entered Murray's Blog and made Murray a lot of criminal types of trouble.

Readers: Because of "THE PIRATES ON THE AMAZON" attacking Murray's Blog, Murray's
                Blog has to be definitely rearranged.

Readers: Some of these very Internet talented friends of Murray's are helping him through-out
                this rearrangement of Murray's Blog and it has been found that Murray's Menu. ...
                should at this time, to straighten Murray's Blog out, from "THE PIRATE ATTACKS,"
                A Murray's Menu. ... should be added in.

Readers: Therefore Murray's Menu. ... follows.

#A4. Readers: This Report Is How You Can "Legally Use Murray's Writings" With Murray's Permission.

The Whole World.

Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

The Whole World.

Readers: It is written up in The International Internet about "The Proper Proceedings" that
               people should use, apply, should they so desire to use Another Person=Person's
Writings, Pictures, Drawings Etc. that The Other Person=Person's have put on to Their Own
Blog Set On The International Internet. I have to write here that the people who so desire to
use other people=people's  personal property have to be very careful receiving proper
permission and directions as to how to go about using the other people=people's private
property because their own private property is their own private property and they might let
you use it or they might not let you use it. This kind of business is very carefully written up
in The International Internet and should be studied very carefully as to just how to go about
using another person=person's private property. This writing right here is "A Fare Formal
Warning." Therefore: Readers Beware. ...

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, have no intention of selling or renting or loaning any of my
               writings. Whether my own writings be Poems, Songs or Reports, or just some kind
of writings that I have written up, these writings are my own, and I have every good intention
to keep them my own. 

#A5. Table Of Contents.

Table Of Contents.

#A6. The Whole World. Locations Vary. "Not Necessary, Women's And Children's, Untimely Park Deaths. ..."

The Whole World,


Deep Cove,


The Saanitch Peninsula,


Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

The Whole World.


Deep Cove,


The Saanitch Peninsula,


Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

The Whole World.
Deep Cove.
The Saanitch Peninsula.

"Not Necessary, Women's And Children's, Untimely Park Deaths. ..."
This  report is about "Not Necessary, Women's And Children's,
 Untimely Park Deaths. ..."

1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not agree with "The Non Church-Temple People"
    Like The Worldly Police and The Worldly Politicians Etc. over the following
    criminal issue.
2. I am against "Cigarette Smokers" attacking woman with their kids in The Park.
    "Cigarette Smokers" are prone to act criminally because of the way that
    cigarettes affect the human body. In North America "Cigarette Smokers" commit
    more crimes than "The Police-The Politicians" ever do admit too. It is
    increasingly becoming known now in 2015 Anno Domini that "Cigarette
    Smokers" do a lot of damage of all kinds of descriptions to every kind of society
    that does exist in The World.

Readers: It is also a known fact that when "A Cigarette Smoker" does get lung
                cancer from smoking cigarettes that they sometimes lose control of
their mind, themselves, and do attack people. The cancer patient might even
kill a woman or her child in The Park.

3. I am against Spirits Of Alcohol. "Alcoholics" being aloud to attack woman with
    their children in The Park. It is a known fact  that Alcoholics do criminally attack
    innocent people and that does include children. This "Alcoholic" attack has been
    known for centuries.
4. I am against "The Drug Addict" being aloud to attack woman with their children
    in The Park. It is a well known fact, for a long time, that "The Drug Addict" does
    criminally attack people and that does include children.

Thus says, Murray S. Fenwick,
The Lord Buddha

Readers: I am keeping this very short.

1. I know that "The Non Church-Temple People" like The Worldly Police and The
    Worldly Politicians are trying to make, bring about, A Worldly Change In
    Government that suits themselves, their own selfish selves.

Readers: In the western hemisphere like Europe and like North America, The Holy
                Roman Catholic Church allowed The Worldly Towns to come into

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick,
               The Lord Buddha,
               would definitely not have let Worldly Towns to come into existence.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick,
               The Lord Buddha,
               would have thoroughly killed off The Worldly Movement that brought
               about The Holy Roman Catholic Churche's "Permission" to allow
               "Worldly Towns To Come Into Existence."

Thus says
Murray S. Fenwick,
The Lord Buddha

#A7. The Whole World. Locations Vary. The Following Set Of Reports Are A Collection Of Reports.

Swartz Bay,
Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island. 

Swartz Bay,
Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island, 
British Columbia, 

Readers Remember: Locations Vary. 

Swartz Bay.

A Collection Of Reports. 

Readers: The following Reports are A Collection Of Reports,
               that I, Murray S. Fenwick, did write and did put together 
right here in my blog for you, my Readers, to read.

Readers: For The Convenience Of My Readers, I, Me, Myself And I, 
               Murray S. Fenwick, have organized some of The Reports in 
my blog the following ways. Some of My Reports are In Collections, 
Grouped Nicely Together and some of My Reports are put into my blog 
on An Individual Bases. My Readers can look up A Single Report and  
enjoy reading it or my Readers can look up A Collection, Group, Of My 
Reports and enjoy reading them. Just how my Readers decide to read My 
Reports is left up to their own discretion.

Readers: The following Reports are seriously located in Sooke and Victoria, 
               British Columbia, Canada.

Readers: Some of My Reports can be ascribed, put into, more than one 

Readers: Thank You Very Much
               Murray S. Fenwick

#A9. Atomic Sidney, Saanitch Peninsula, Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada. The Atomic, little double ended fishing boat.

Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Readers: Try To Remember: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am trying to help people
               through, "Generally My Writings, "Reports," My Poem-Songs etc. ...
I do not allow people to duplicate my work though for what-ever gain that
they might have in mind. I do ask you to take this to heart. I have certain 
rights and one of them is a very exhaustive, "COPYRIGHT," that pertains to 
The Internet. Therefore I, Murray S. Fenwick, do ask you to be honest with
God, Yourself and Others, and do not try to make unlawful gain by abusing 
another person. ... Thank You Very Much, Signed, Murray S. Fenwick.     

Readers: This is "A VERY SERIOUS REPORT HERE! !!!"

Readers: "I, Murray S. Fenwick," have written this report up here in my blog.
               My blog is quite large and I cannot place just where I put this report.
This report is already written into here a long time ago. This small report right
here will cover this situation happening and I can talk out this report verbally 
at any time and to any length. This additional small report right here has to be
done because something "Public Has Right Now" come about, and I,  Me, 
Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick" has to say something "Public About This 
Report! !!!" 

Readers: Therefore: Here is this very small report about a larger report in my blog
               that I, Murray S. Fenwick, cannot find right now.

1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, had just moved to Beautiful, Little Old Sidney By The Sea.
2. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was 14 years of age. My Age Here Is Very Important To 
    Know About.
3. I, Murray S. Fenwick, went for a walk along the immediate Sidney beach front
    with a Very Criminally Minded Man who did live in Sidney all of his life. I can
    supply this young man's name should it be necessary.

Readers: Remember: This "Report" is severely short. 

4. Suddenly a little double ended coastal fishing boat showed up.
5. This little fishing boat, that was painted white, sailed right to the gravelly shore
    right where The Criminal and I were located.

Readers: Talk and shouts were said quickly.

6. It turned out that this little double ended fishing boat was an Atomic Boat! !!! 
7. Some how this little double ended fishing boat had a whole lot of, "Atomic
    Something Or Other, in it! !!!" 

Readers: There was more calling and shouting.

8. This Little Atomic Double Ended Fishing Boat was right here at the beach right 
    in front of, Beautiful, Little Old Sidney By The Sea, literally picking up Atomic
    Workers From Sidney.
9. These Atomic Workers were both from Sidney and from Sidney's School named 
    at that time North Saanitch Secondary School. 
10. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was asked if I wanted to become An Atomic Worker 
      and work also with the other school teenagers in This Atomic Boat. 
11. I, Murray S. Fenwick, said politely, "No Thank You."  
12. I, Murray S. Fenwick, immediately backed away from this little double ended 
      Atomic Fishing Boat.
13. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was taught in the town of Stouffvile, Ontario, Canada,
      where I had at one time lived that I was to stay away from literally contacting
      "Atomic Anything" because "Atomic Anything" can be Human Body Health 
      Damaging To The Extreme! !!!
14. I, Murray S. Fenwick, right there on the beach front of Beautiful, Little Old
      Sidney By The Sea, immediately talked to all of the school kids, Atomic
      Workers, who were present right there that morning, and ready to go away  
      and work in that little double ended Atomic Boat. I talked with them  for 
      their own Better Health Reasons. 
15. The school teenagers did argue with me and said in a determined manner 
      that they had been working in The Atomic Field for a long time now and 
      for them to work in This Little Double Ended Atomic Fishing Boat was 
      old stuff for them! !!!
16. Some of the school teenagers did right their get into That Little Atomic 
      Double Ended Fishing Boat and began  to work in it right their and then.
17. Right Away The Little Atomic Fishing Boat Did Sail Away. 

Readers: Remember: I, Murray S. Fenwick, had been taught in Stouffville,
               Ontario, Canada, to stay away from "Atomic Anything! !!!"
Therefore. ... When This Little Atomic Boat Arrived That Morning. ...
Readers: As The Little Atomic Boat came towards the beach front I carefully 
               moved away back from the beach front and away from that boat. 
As That Little Atomic Fishing Boat started to sail away and move away from  
the beach front I moved back towards the beach front and talked further
with the school teenagers about quitting their jobs with The Atomic
Program and trying to be healthy once again! !!! My talk lines did not alter, 
change, their determined attitude, mental position, to continue working for 
The Atomic Program! !!! 

Readers: This Little Double Ended Coastal Fishing Boat, that was painted 
               white, did travel all over the area. It even went around The 
Saanitch Peninsula, and into The Brentwood Bay area! !!!

Readers: This Atomic Little Double Ended Fishing Boat, that was about 28 
               feet in length, was certainly one of the top 3 problems that did beset
Beautiful, Little Old Sidney By The Sea with serious Mental And Human
Anatomy, Human Body, types of serious medical problems! !!! 

Readers: You can see what I, Murray S. Fenwick, does mean right here when
               I am talking to you about The Bad Mental Health and The Bad Body
Atomic Problems that can and does affect The People Working In The Atomic
Programs Through Out The World At Large. 

Readers: Having The North Saanitch Secondary School Teenagers work in this
               Atomic Program did negatively affect The North Saanitch Secondary 
School Teenagers To A Negative Alarming Degree! !!!

Readers: Having This Atomic Little Double Ended, "Coastal," Fishing Boat, Sail 
               all over this area, including The Brentwood Bay Area's, "Plural," did
Negatively Medically Affect All People, Peoples, in this huge area! !!!  

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, By Calling This Little Atomic Double Ended Fishing 
               Boat, "A Coastal Fishing Boat," am right on target because This Little Atomic 
Fishing Boat could have traveled The Entire Coast Of British Columbia very easily and 
made A Serious Atomic Medical Problem Happen To Workers All Over The Coastal 
Areas Of  British Columbia. 

Readers: Remember; "This Most Serious Report," is said very breve.

Readers: The next "Most Serious Problem In Beautiful, Little Old Sidney By The Sea," is
               there was a lot of drinking of all types of alcohol like Beer and Hard Liquor in
The Immediate Community Of Sidney and All Around About Sidney. This was 1961 Anno

Readers: Also there were a lot of Negative Additives that the people of Sidney did add to 
               these alcohols that made the already bad alcohol abuse even More Negative. 

Readers: This alcohol problem and The Negative Additives that were put into These
               Now Altered Alcohols did spread themselves over all of The Saanitch 
Peninsula! !!!

Readers: The 3rd. Serious Medical Problem that was located in Beautiful, Little Old 
               Sidney By The Sea, was there always was A Very Serious Illegal, Street Drug
Factory Built Into The Town Of Sidney. 

Readers: Everybody In Beautiful, Little Old Sidney By The Sea, did buy their street drugs
               from Sidney's Illegal Drug Factory.

Readers: Sidney's Illegal Street Drug Factory was huge in any era of time! !!! 

Thank You very Much
Murray S. Fenwick  

Readers: Remember: We are Moslems. ...

Readers: Remember:
I, Murray S. Fenwick 
The Lord Buddha 
Does Say:
With corrupt Capitalism 
All around us
With corrupt Bureaucracies
All around us
For people to be Moslems
And believe that Capital Punishment
Against the unbelievers is necessary
And have a set of swords
And a guillotine
In their garage
To enact that Capital Punishment out
Against the unbelievers 
To me is not far out! !!!
To me is Right On Target! !!!






#A8. The Whole World. Locations Vary. The Street Called, Named, "The One Way Street."

The Whole World. 

Locations Vary.

The Street Called, Named, "The One Way Street."

I, Murray S. Fenwick, have known about The Street Called,
Named, "The  One Way Street," all of my life.

Readers: I, Murray, will say the following.

1. The Street Called, Named, "The One Way Street," can be
    Made, Designed, To Be A Positive "One Way Street" that
    can help, "heal, benefit," mankind.

Readers: OR

2. The Street Called, Named, "The One Way Street," can be
    Made, Designed, To Be A Negative "One Way Street" that
    can hinder, "hurt, wreck," mankind.

Readers: I, Murray, will say the following.

Readers: I, Murray, will say some things about The Pro's And
               The Con's, The Positive's And The Negative's, of The
Street Called, Named, "The One Way Street."

#A10. Canada: Through Out All Of Canada. Very Criminal. ... Deaths, Even Deaths, Have Taken Place! !!!


Through Out All Of Canada. 

Very Criminal. ... Deaths, Even Deaths, Have Taken Place! !!! 

Readers: This report is an additional report to my blog to more fully explain 
               my other reports in my blog. This report right here though is absolutely 
necessary reading in order for the reader of my blog to understand this terrible 
criminal report set. Readers: Remember that this report right here is a report
that is part of a report set. 

Readers: This report is about all kinds of criminal acts that do happen in Canada
               and why the criminals who do commit these criminal acts are not charged.

Readers: Then why The Mental Health through out all of Canada are not able to get 
               involved in stopping these criminal behaviours. 

Readers: Then why The National Police, Provincial Police and Etc., Etc., Etc. also
               do not get involved in stopping these criminal behaviours.  

#A11. Switzerland's Gun Laws And Other Allied Countries That Just Might Be Allies With Switzerland.

This report here is about a really big murder case that took place
in British Columbia, Canada. The Nations, The United States, 
Vietnam, India, and Germany are also involved in this murder case 
as victims. ...

We will look at Switzerland's "Gun Laws," and other Countries 
"Gun Laws" that Just Might Be Allies With Switzerland,
pertaining to their "Gun Laws."
Switzerland is also a country of economic, money influence.  

Czechoslovakia is similarly done in "Their
Gun Laws" but they do have more "Gun Laws." 

Luxembourg is very different in their "Gun Laws."
Luxembourg is also a country of economic, money influence.

Japan is very different in their "Gun Laws."
Japan is also a country of economic, money  influence.

Readers: In a moment you will see why I,  Murray S. Fenwick,
               did bring guns and "Gun Laws" into this murder case.

Readers: This is just one of the reasons why I brought guns and 
               "Gun Laws" into this report here. I will tell you Readers 
right here that quite a lot of "Innocent People," in this large murder 
case, were killed by gun fire. That is a large amount of "Innocent 
People" were shot down dead by different kinds of guns being shot
off at them.

Readers: We will have a little look at the gun fire and the type of 
               gun fire that is being reported here in this report. 

# 1. Vietnam: The type of guns that were shot off at The Vietnamese
                      during the Vietnam War, in this specific situation were, 


#A12. Sidney. Murray S. Fenwick, The Amateur Weight Lifter.

Little Old Sidney By The Sea.

Little Old Sidney By The Sea,
The Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Murray S. Fenwick, The Amateur Weight Lifter.

Readers: This report right here, I found out about when I, Murray S. Fenwick, did live
               in The Little Town Of Sidney By The Sea.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was sitting on the sidewalk on Old Beacon Street quite
               near to the water front and I went into A Spiritual Trance and from The South 
A Spiritual Cloud came towards me and did talk to me about this report. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am writing this report up as though this report did take
               place in Little Old Sidney By The Sea.

Readers: Since The Spirit that came to talk to me came from The South I do not know
               exactly where this report did take place at. The U.S.A., Mexico, Central 
America and South America are to The South. I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not know which
country The Spirit was talking about.    

Readers: But because of certain things that did happen in Little Old Sidney By The Sea
               this report can be staged in Little Old Sidney By The Sea. There are quite a set
of parallel things that took place in The Little Town Of Sidney By The Sea that did take
place somewhere else, too, to The South Of Little Old Sidney By The Sea. I, Murray S. 
Fenwick, do know that The Spirit did know Exactly The Place where this report did Take 
Place At but The Spirit did not tell Me, Murray S. Fenwick, The Exact Place where these 
Negative Events did take Place At. I did not know of these Negative Events when The 
Spirit spoke to Me, or the time that they took place and did not know of certain things about 
this report for another one half century=50 years, at a later date. 

Readers: This report is written in short and now begins, now opens.

Readers: Now The Spirit From The South, In The Spiritual Cloud, speaks on. ... 

Readers: Therefore I, Murray S. Fenwick, am Artificially Staging This Report in The Little
               Old Town Of Sidney By The Sea "For My Own Bite Back Parallel Reasons" and 
for "Convenience Reasons."

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am placing Myself into this report as The Person Who Is 
               Experiencing These Things that did take place, did happen. I am doing this for just
The Convenience For A Matter of Ease For Writing this Report, that is all that my name,
Murray S. Fenwick, is in This Here Report For. Readers: Thank you very much: Signed: 
Murray S. Fenwick.

Readers: Here we go. ...

Readers: One day I, Murray S. Fenwick, was talking to a friend and for the sake of good 
               fellowship we agreed that I should move into The Old Railway Station that my 
friend, I've named Mr. Pole Vaulter Man, had rented to live in, that was located in Sidney on 
the corner of Third Street. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did move into The Old Train Station right away. 

Readers: Then, "Right Away," the owners of The Old Sidney Railway Station did accost Me, 
               Murray S. Fenwick, just about the very day that I had moved into The Old Sidney
Train Station, when I was standing on The Old Sidney Railway Station's front porch, as to 
why my friend, Mr. Pole Vaulter Man, had himself ruined The Old Sidney Railway's Rails. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, immediately called my friend, Mr. Pole Vaulter Man, to a 
               bedroom window that was located on a side wall of The Old Sidney Railway Station
to come right now to that window and talk to Me, Murray S. Fenwick, about what The Owners
Of The Old Sidney Train Station were shouting at Me, Murray, all about. ...

Readers: Mr. Pole Vaulter Man said that The Owners Of The Old Sidney Railway Station were
               lieing about him and that he did not know a single thing about the damage to The Old 
Sidney Railway's Rails.

Readers: I, Murray, went immediately to The Owners Of The Old Sidney Railway Station and 
               told them that Mr. Pole Vaulter Man said that they were all a bunch of liers and that 
Mr. Pole Vaulter Man knew nothing at all about the damage done to The Old Sidney Railroad's 
Railway Rails. 

Readers: The Owners Of The Old Sidney Railroad shouted at Murray and said to Murray that if
               Your Mr. Pole Vaulter Man is found guilty We The Owners Of The Old Sidney Railroad
will kill you Murray along with Your Mr. Pole Vaulter Man. ...

Readers: This Threatened Murder Scene against Murray was very serious and very dangerous.

Readers: The Owners Of The Old Sidney Railway did seam to lose control of themselves. They 
               shouted at Murray and hollered at Murray and threw boxes of railroad spikes up in the
air and across the railroad area where the damage had been done to their railroad rails and raised
over their heads into the air large sludge hammers, and did threaten to hit Murray with them,
that they were using to drive into position new railroad spikes to try and correct the damage done 
to their railroad rails.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do say indeed that This Threatening Murder Scene Was Very 

Readers: This report is written in short and now closes. 

Readers: This report is written in short and now begins, now opens.

Readers: Now The Spirit From The South, In The Spiritual Cloud, speaks on. ...

Readers: There were more people than myself that Mr. Pole Vault Man did allow to
               live in The Old Sidney Train Station. Readers: This sentence is to Dear 
Little Old Sidney By The Sea. I, Murray, does know about the trouble making in The 
Old Sidney Train Station. You see Sidney People that There Are Parallels.

Readers: Unfortunately some of the people who Mr. Pole Vault Man did allow to live
               in The Old Sidney Train Station that was located in Little Old Sidney By The 
Sea, on the corner of Third Street, did make trouble at times. This trouble making just
might be classed as "Persistent Trouble Making?" This trouble making should be 
investigate, looked into. Sidney People's Parallels.

Readers: Get This: Because different people did make trouble at different times 
               there were different kinds of trouble made. Readers: I repeat: This trouble 
making just might be classed as "Persistent Trouble Making?" This trouble making 
should be investigated, looked into.  

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, will say right here in this short report what did happen 
               to Me, Murray, right here.

Readers: I, Murray, was going out of the Old Sidney Train Station for a little walk and 
               in the kitchen area I said good by to Mr. Pole Vault Man and told him that I 
would be back in a few minutes. I, Murray, turned and walked down the long dim lighted
hallway towards the main door in The Old Sidney Train Station and in the dim light of the 
hallway someone attacked Me, Murray, from behind and did strike Me, Murray, on the back 
of the neck and on the back of the head and did knock Me, Murray out cold on the hallway 
floor. This was A Criminal Assault Case Against Murray.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was out cold on the hallway floor for about two and one
               half hours=2 and 1/2 hours.

Readers: When I woke up I, Murray S. Fenwick, walked immediately right back into the 
               kitchen area and did talk to Mr. Pole Vault Man about Me, Murray, being knocked 
out in the dim lighted long hallway that led to The Old Sidney Train Station's Main Front 
Door. I, Murray, told Mr. Pole Vault Man that I, Murray, had just been Criminally Assaulted.

Readers: Mr. Pole Vault Man said to me that he knew nothing about Me, Murray, Being
               Criminally Assaulted,attacked and knocked out on the hallway floor for two and 
one half hours=2 and 1/2 hours. 

Readers: This was a real serious Criminal Assault Attack Against Me, Murray, and no-one 
               who did live in The Old Sidney Train Station did seem to know anything about 
This Criminal Assault Case.

Readers: This serious attack that did happen to Me, Murray, soon became, "A Spooky Attack,"
               because no-one knew anything about it taking place or who did this, committed,  
"This Now Spooky Attack."

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, never did solve, "This Spooky Attack,"Criminal Assault Case.

Readers: This report is written in short and now closes. 

Readers:This report is written in short and now begins, now opens.

Readers: Now The Spirit From The South, In The Spiritual Cloud, speaks on. ...

Readers: Remember, "That Now,"there were more people than Me, Murray, and Mr. Pole Vault
               Man who did live in The Old Sidney Train Station.

Readers: There was a whole group of Religious People from The Nation Of India who did live 
               in The Old Sidney Train Station. 

Readers: This Group Of Religious People From India held nice Religious Meetings in the quite
               large room that they rented quite cheaply, inexpensively.

Readers: I, Murray, was told by Mr. Pole Vault Man, that This India Religious Group had some 
               religious articles that did seem quite nice. That these pieces of Religious Alter Articles
were made out of, "Maybe," Middle Eastern Boxwood and did look quite nice. Mr. Pole Vault
Man said to me that The Nice People from India at times put some of their altar things on their
heads or just walked around the room with them or held the artifacts up in the air. Some of these
religious artifacts were in the shape of boxwood triangles with ruler marks on them or straight 
pieces of boxwood that did appear to be some kind of large ruler with ruler marks on them. Mr. 
Pole Vault Man said that These People From India did measure a person's life somehow with these
religious artifacts of theirs and could also tell where a person came from in their incarnation 
information and where they were going to in their incarnation knowledge. These religious artifacts
did look like pieces of The Middle East Wood named Boxwood and were made into different sizes 
and shapes of rulers and triangles. Mr. Pole Vault Man thought that These People From India were 
quite nice. 

Readers: Soon after I moved into The Old Sidney Train Station I, Murray, did knock on the large
               room door in order to meet the nice people from the Nation Of India and the first thing
that I did find out is that The People From India who I was told by Mr. Pole Vault Man were A Very Nice Set of people did answer the large room's door and were very angry at me and at the world at

Readers: The Group Of People From India immediately moved around about me and did in a way
               make themselves into a circle around about me. Then they did hit me on the head with 
something like a fish club and then they did drag me into their large rented room and did stuff me
into their large room's closet. The closet I remember was not very big. I remember that the closet
was not very big like the room was quite large but was quite on the small size. Just how long I was 
in the closet I, Murray, does not know.

Readers: Later on, sometime, Mr. Pole Vault Man, did retrieve me, Murray, from the large room's
               closet and did put me into The Old Sidney Train Station's kitchen which is where I did 
sit down until I recovered from this bad, serious, attack situation that did happen to me by The 
People From India. 

Readers: After I, Murray, did live in The Old Sidney Train Station a little while, a week or two,  
               The People From India did leave The Old Sidney Train Station Behind. 

Readers: All of "These Negative Happenings" did happen, take place, in about 4 to 6 months of time
               that I, Murray, did live in The Old Sidney Train Station.

Readers: The next "Negative Situation" that did happen to me was about A Helicopter that was 
               parked nearby The Old Sidney Train Station.

Readers: Once again Mr. Pole Vault Man said that he was "Falsely" blamed for wrecking The 
              Helicopter that was parked nearby The Old Sidney Train Station. 

Readers: This report is written in short and now closes.

Readers: This report is written in short and now begins, now opens.

Readers: Now The Spirit From The South, In The Spiritual Cloud, speaks on. ...

Readers: One day Mr. Pole Vault Man asked me to go across the street to The Cor=o=ner Store On
               Beacon Avenue and buy Mr. Pole Vault Man a six pack of Pop.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did not know that Mr. Pole Vault Man just had a complete 
               Falling Out with The Cor=o=ner Store Owners and Operators and that Mr. Pole Vault
Man was absolutely not welcome in The Cor=o=ner Store On Beacon Avenue any longer. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not know what The Falling Out was about but the following
               is what did happen to me both in and around about The Cor=o=ner Store On Beacon 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, walked out the door of The Old Sidney Train Station and went 
               across the street to The Cor=o=ner Store to buy the six pack of Pop for Mr. Pole Vault Man.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did not know The Owners or The Operators of The Cor=o=ner Store
               that was located on The Corner of Beacon Avenue.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, had never been into This Corner Store On Beacon Avenue before  
               therefore I did introduce myself to The Owners and Operators of The Corner Store On 
Beacon Avenue.

Readers: After I, Murray S. Fenwick, did introduce myself to The Owners and To The Operators
               of The Corner Store On Beacon Avenue I did proceed to buy Mr. Pole Vault Man his 
six pack of Pop.

Readers: It just so happened by accident that one of The Store Owners "OR" Operators did comment
               on The Name Brand of the kind of six pack of Pop that I was just buying. I, Murray S. 
Fenwick, had to by the six pack of Pop that Mr. Pole Vault Man did ask me to buy for him. 

Readers: The Owners or Operators of The Corner Store On Beacon Avenue commented that it was
               the same kind of six pack of Pop that Mr. Pole Vault Man always bought in The Corner 
Store On Beacon Avenue. 

Readers: I commented back to The Store Owners or to The Store Operators that I was buying this 
               very six pack of Pop for Mr. Pole Vault Man.

Readers: It was quickly discussed between The Corner Store Owners "OR" The Corner Store                                 Operators that I, Murray S. Fenwick, "DID KNOW MR. POLE VAULT MAN." 

Readers: It was said by The Corner Store Owners "OR" The Corner Store Operators amongst 
               themselves that "This Guy, Murray  S. Fenwick," said that he was buying "MR. POLE 
VAULT MAN" his six pack brand of Pop. Therefore "This Guy, Murray S. Fenwick, must know 

Readers: My, Murray S. Fenwick's, knowing Mr. Pole Vault Man was quickly discussed between
               The Owners "OR" The Operators of The Corner Store and then a lot of trouble did happen 
to Me, Murray S. Fenwick, for knowing Mr. Pole Vault Man.

Readers: The Owners "OR" The Operators of The Corner Store On Beacon Avenue did think that I,
               Murray S. Fenwick, was involved with Mr. Pole Vault Man in "SOME KIND OF

Readers: Then all  of a sudden a lot of trouble did happen to Me, Murray S. Fenwick, by The 
               Cor-on-er Store On Beacon Avenue Owners "OR" The Cor-on-er Store On Beacon 
Avenue Operators. 

Readers: This severe trouble making was done "Very Big Indeed."

Readers: The Owners or The Operators of The Cor-on-er Store On Beacon  Avenue shouted at me, 
               from various positions all over the inside of the Store, for knowing Mr. Pole Vault Man.

Readers: The Owners or The Operators of  The Cor-on-er Store On Beacon Avenue threatened Me,
               Murray S. Fenwick, very seriously, very badly.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, honestly thought that I was going to get awfully beaten up for 
               "Just Knowing" Mr. Pole Vault Man.

Readers: Then The Negative Action followed Me, Murray S. Fenwick, to the out side of The 
               Cor-on-er Store On Beacon Avenue. 

Readers: The Owners or The Operators of The Cor-on-er Store On Beacon Avenue threatened Me,
               Murray S, Fenwick, that they would get Me up on to the roof of The Cor-on-er Store and throw Me off of the roof which would hurt me and that they were going to kick me with their boots 
on and beat me up in several different ways. 

Readers: This threatening Me, Murray S. Fenwick, went on for quite a while.

Readers: Finally I, Murray S. Fenwick, did escape away from The Owners or The Operators of The
               Cor-on-er Store On beacon Avenue and did make My way back to where I lived at which 
was The Old Sidney Train Station. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am putting in this following additional about this terrible fighting 
               that was going on both within and without This Corner Store On Beacon Avenue, In 
Little Old Sidney By The Sea, British Columbia, Canada. This addition does fit well here so I am
putting it in here rather than somewhere else. Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick Do Thank You. 

Readers: This addition did take place at a later date but at the same location.

Readers: Basically the same kind of frightening, negative, scene did take place against Me, 
               Murray S. Fenwick, but the possibility of The Very Real Killing Off Of Murray 
S. Fenwick, did take place. 

Readers: It turned out that Criminal People did lie about Me, Murray S. Fenwick, for doing
               very severe damage against The Cor-on-er Store On Beacon Avenue and about
The Corner Store's Neighbour hood. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was directly accused for doing this, Lots Of Damage, and 
               was in the process of being attacked by The Owners or The Operators Of The 
Corner Store, who this time did carry with them picks, mattocks, sludge hammers, hoes and 
stone rakes, shovels, steel bars and steel pipes and etc. ... 

Readers: The Owners or The Operators of The Corner Store On Beacon Avenue shouted at
               Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that this time they were going to kill Me. 

Readers: I talked to The Owners or The Operators of The Corner Store On Beacon Avenue
               which did stop the inrush of The Seemingly Mad Owners or Operators Of The
Corner Store On Beacon Avenue from out right killing Me with their mattocks and steel 
bars etc. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did slip away out of this part of the Community Of Little
               Old Sidney By The Sea never to return to this location again. ...

Readers: The Owners or The Operators of The Cor-on-er Store On Beacon Avenue, did to
               Me, Murray S. Fenwick, seem to be "MENTALLY IMPAIRED." 

Readers: Just maybe some one did illegally attack them with criminal drugs and did ruin The
               Owners or The Operators Of The Corner Store On Beacon Avenue, In Little Old 
Sidney By The Sea, Saanitch Peninsula, British Columbia, Canada. 

Readers: Thank You Very Much,
               Murray S. Fenwick.
               Who was in residence
               at The Old Sidney Train Station
               at this time, July-December, 1968, Anno Domini. 

Readers: This report is written in short and now closes.

Readers: This report is written in short and now begins, now opens.

Readers: Now The Spirit From The South, In The Spiritual Cloud, speaks on. ...




Sunday, 23 February 2020

#A13. The Whole World. Locations Vary. Beautiful PF "My Girl. ..."

The Whole World.

Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

The Whole World.

Maybe Stouffville?
Maybe Sidney? 

Beautiful PF "My Girl. ..."

This is a picture of My Girl. ...

She was 13 years of age when this photograph was taken

My Girl was a smart, bright, little girl
She was happy all the time

1. My Girl was the second daughter of a Lucky Woman
2. She was a happy child never doing any wrong
3. When she was about 14 years of age she started going to the local
    Long Store where the local kids would dance to the music of Rock-N-Roll
4.Between My Girl and her sister Miss Dance is how we found out that people
    who would go to The Long Store went seriously into different kinds, Dark Rooms,
    of crime.
5. When My Girl was 18 she stopped going to Public School, High School
6. When My Girl was 18 and had stopped going to School she then started
    to go to a School of Fine Hair Dressing in Toronto
7. After about 1 year of Hair Dressing School she graduated
8. My Girl immediately went to work as a hair dresser
9. My Girl did very well in Hair Dressing School and was asked to continue
    her studies there to become a teacher in The Hair Dressing School itself.
10. My Girl did not want to become a Hair Dressing Teacher in The Hair Dressing School.
      She turned the advance training down and the job offer down
11. because My Girl turned down the job at The Hair Dressing School to be a teacher she
      was then offered by the Hair Dressing School a second form of employment which she
      did decide to do
12. My Girl was offered THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to go to Hollywood in The State of
      California in The United States of America to further her studies as a Hair Dresser in
      Natural Alternative Types of Hair Dressing and Cosmetician
13. At this time My Girl was having a very good happy time in life by working at her Hair
      Dressing Job and waiting for the time to come when she would leave for Hollywood

Readers: My Girl when she was 18

Here she is dressed up to be bridesmaid to her sister Miss Dance when
Miss Dance got married
My Girls mother raised her to be basically a Christian girl
My Girl was a smart, bright, little girl and she did like what she was doing.
She was also an attractive girl too. My Girl was also a wise little girl too
and did listen to her mother’s Christian teaching about things including no
sex before marriage. My Girl did hold on to her virginity until she did get married.
My Girl did give her virginity to her husband after they got married. My Girl did
believe in living a good life.

Readers: This is where My Girl got illegally street drug attacked

I have intentionally kept the following very short in order to shock you
as to how short a time My Girl lived after she was drug attacked
Between the time of My Girls graduating from Fine Hair Dressing School
and her time of arrival to go to Hollywood her family did move to Sidney,
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

1. My Girl did come to Sidney to visit her mother and family
2. My Girl did not come to Sidney to live in Sidney with her family
3. My Girl did not come to Sidney to get married
4. My Girl was in Sidney about 5 days exactly when she went out for a
    "The Innocent" walk about town
5. a drug gang in town met My Girl right at the corner of 4th. Ave. and Beacon
    Street and did give My Girl a permanently crippling drug from a pop bottle
    that was supposed to be pop. The drug appeared to be pop. My Girl  did drink
    this pop like poison
6. Because of this crippling drug attack against her, My Girl's life changed a lot.

Readers: It is very shocking just how fast the following sad events took place

This is a photograph of my My Girl and her new husband "THE CAT MAN. ..."
This is a picture of The Cat Man who married My Girl
This picture was taken on their Wedding Day
My Girl had already been criminally drug attacked
My Girl did not know that she had been drug attacked
Only the criminal gang on the corner knew about this drug attack against My Girl
at this time
"THE CAT MAN" is the most important "CRIMINAL PERSON" in getting
The Mental Health Staff "TO EXPERIMENT WITH My Girl" which led to her death.
The life Cat Man lived outside of The Mental Health Hospital is known
to be very unruly and very questionable also
Cat Man died many years after My Girl was murdered by him and The Mental Health Gang
Once again The Cat Man was driving fast on an old back road in The Interior of British Columbia
and went off the road because of his excessive speed and hit a tree.
The Cat Man caused this accident in The Interior.
This accident killed him and "ANOTHER INNOCENT VICTIM," passenger!
My Girl's mother told me as close as possible where this accident did take place at. But due to Cat Mans speeding away from a town like Williams Lake or 100 Mile House and sliding his car around corners of the roads it is not easy to pin point in some ways just exactly where a person would say this accident did take place at. I knew well enough what had finally happened to Cat Man and to
"THE UNFORTUNATE INNOCENT VICTIM," passenger, who was in the fast moving car with Cat Man.

Readers: Unfortunately it was very easy to prove true that The Cat Man was a fast car "Speed
                Demon." The Cat Man would attend all car races as an observer and also as "A High
Speed Car Driver, HIMSELF." The Cat Man would go into fits and become uncontrollable when
he simply just attended car races of different descriptions. Readers: You have to know and
remember that The Cat Man would get into a race car and race the car himself.While the car
race was running The Cat Man would not take a drink of refreshment regardless of what it was
and would not also take time out him self to have a hot dog. He would fight and argue a whole
lot about him not taking time to have refreshments at all while the race was running. While the
car "FAST RACES" were running The Cat Man had to be right up on his feet at all times to see
the entire race run. People in fun and for good times would try The Cat Man on this issue and
The Cat Man never did take a refreshment wile the race was being run. The Cat Man went to
"FAST CAR RACES" every chance that he could. The Cat Man finally killed himself by speeding
and then losing control of his racing car and running, sideways, into a tree. The Cat Man was
killed in this accident of his own making. The Cat Man did also kill An Innocent Passenger in his
final accident that he did cause to take place himself.

Readers: The Cat Man "By Lieing And Saying His Tall Tale Religious Stories" would tell people
                that he was A Confirmed Jehovah's Witness all the days of his life and then the very
next day he would say something religiously very different like he was All Of His Life A Firm Man
In The Belief Called Shamanism or that he really did belong to The Church just down the road.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am just going to mention A Religious Spiritual possibility here.
                Because of the way that The Cat Man did act about racing cars it is possible that The
Cat Man was what is called Demon Possessed by A Speed Demon, Dark Entity Evil Spirit. ...
Readers: Very soon after My Girl was drug attacked My Girl had changed a lot. My Girl now did
               not know what she was doing much any more.

7. Very soon My Girl was married to a man she never knew=The Cat Man=The Car Racer Speed
    Demon="The Evil Spirit Man. ..." 
8. My Girl's going to Hollywood was totally canceled because of this drug attack and her getting
9. The drug attack affected her terribly
10. The Mental Health Board of British Columbia said that they would try to help poor little My Girl
      but they just used her as an Experimental Patient and beat her up even worse by doing this.
11. This Experimenting with My Girl has been proven out. The Mental Health Board of British
      Columbia is guilty of this illegal treatment procedures that they illegally did mall practice on My

Readers: There is a very serious "Possible Twist In The Murder Of My Girl Right Here."

12. Worse led to worse for My Girl
13. Suddenly My Girl dropped dead from the drug attack by the drug gang and by "The Illegal
      Medical Mall Practice Procedures" that The Mental Health Board of British Columbia did apply
      to My Girl

Readers: A very bad catch in this is the following

This is not necessarily the truth at all pertaining to "My Girls FINAL DECEASE ONLY!"
It is possible that a member of the drug gang that did attack  My Girl did murder My Girl. There is a terrible drug gang scene about  My Girl when she died. It is very possibly true that the drug gang did follow My Girl and did kill, murder, her in the end of her life when she died.

Thus ended My Girl!

Readers: I want you to take note that regardless of who did finally murder My Girl, The Little Village
                of Sidney was definitely directly involved in My Girl's murder, right from the beginning of
                The Murder Plot against her right through to the end of My Girls life.

Readers: The town of Sydney once again did just throw a pretty young girl right off the end of the

#A14. The Whole World. Locations Vary. My Friend Miss Dance.

The Whole World.

Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

The Whole World.

Maybe Stouffville?
Maybe Sidney? 

My Friend Miss Dance.

1. Miss Dance was the first daughter that Lucky Woman gave birth to
2. She was like her sister, she was a happy child and never really did any wrong
3. When she was about 14 years of age she started going to The Long Store where the local
    kids would dance to the music of 1950 Rock-and-Roll Stars
4. Between Miss Dance and her sister My Girl is how we found out that people who would go to
    The Long Store  went seriously into different kinds of Darkened Down Rooms, of crime
5. Miss Dance completed school by graduating from grade 13, at age 17 – 18
6. Miss Dance was then poisoned by The Town of Stouffville. Miss Dance almost died from this
7. Miss Dance was in bed for 13 days from this poisoning against her
8. I was told that she might even die from being poisoned

Readers: It is very possible that her X boy friend was involved in this
                poisoning of Miss Dance, X boy friend was Miss Dances age
old boy friend.

Readers: The following did take place. Miss Dance told X boy friend that
                she wanted him to go home and that she did not want to see him
anymore. X boy friend with others drug attacked Miss Dance.


Readers: Within days X boy friend was back into her house seeing Miss Dance
                once again

9.Miss Dance then recovered.
10. Miss Dance then got a job at being an office worker like a secretary

                X BOY FRIEND AT THE AGE OF 18

Readers: I say right here that this marriage should never have taken place
                Thus begins Miss Dances new life married to the man named X boy
friend, the believed to be Mental Case from Musclemans Lake

11. X boy friend came from Musclemans Lake which is located about 5 miles
      from Stouffville
12. At about the same time that Miss Dance got married her family moved to
      Sidney, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
13. not long, not very long at all, after the family moved to Sidney Miss Dance
      and her husband came out west to visit them
14. Miss Dance and X boy friend liked the coast of British Columbia and
      decided to move to Sidney
15. Miss Dance and X boy friend had a family of three sons, no daughters
16. Miss Dance and X boy friend lived in Sidney and Brentwood for awhile
      and then moved to Surrey on the mainland of British Columbia

Readers: Unfortunately: X boy friend through his actions in everyday life did
                show to many people that he seemed to have been born with a
mental handy-cap. There is no point here recounting all the wrong things that
X boy friend did do wrong. I think it is enough to say that the things that X boy
friend did wrong were many and his wrong doing got to be severe!!!

17. One day X boy friend started using illegal drugs
18. The next thing he did was he attacked his wife Miss Dance with illegal drugs
19. The next thing he did was he attacked the three sons with illegal drugs

Readers: By X boy friends attacking Miss Dance and the three sons with illegal
                drugs, this made great irreparable damage in their lives. The three sons
were still just “LITTLE CHILDREN” at the time of this severe illegal drug attack of
X boy friends against them

20. X boy friend then brought about a divorce against Miss Dance for no logical
21. X boy friend then made continuous constant trouble against Miss Dance and
      the three sons
22. Miss Dance then moved herself and her three sons to the Interior of British
      Columbia around 100 Mile House
23. Miss Dance then got married again
24. Miss Dance then raised her family up
25. Miss Dance then went to the store to by some food. While Miss Dance was
      parked in the store’s parking lot and sitting quietly behind the wheel in the
      front seat of the car in the drivers position a mad man known to that
      community for doing really crazy things, drove into the parking lot at high speed.
      The mad man drove his car or truck in crazy circles and then aimed his vehicle
      right at Miss Dance and drove at full speed right into her which did kill her.
26. Miss Dance was taken right away to the hospital and died there in a few hours
      time from this terrible car crash up in the store’s parking lot

Readers: This "Very Serious Car-Crash-Up" was only in a little way
                investigated and said to be an accident

Readers: Speaking for Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick: I do not
                think that this "Very Serious Car-Crash-Up"was an accident!

Readers: I believe that this "Very Serious Car-Crash-Up" should have
                been looked into in quite a long type of investigation. Should
this type of investigation been done I do believe that this "Severe-Car-
Crash-Up" that did kill Miss Dance could very easily have been
interconnected with murder scenes that are brought about by drug addict
gang land. This case has to be studied in connection with the same type
of "Very Serious Car-Crash-Up" that did also kill "A Dead In Law" off, who
was Miss Dance's brother’s son.

Miss Dance was a smart, bright, little girl and she did like what she
was doing. She was also an attractive girl too. Miss Dance was also a
wise little girl too and did listen to her mother’s Christian teaching
about most things including no sex before marriage. My Girl and
Miss Dance did hold on to their virginity until they did get married.
Miss Dance and My Girl did give her virginity to their husbands after
they got married. Miss Dance and My Girl did believe in living a good life.