Saturday, 15 February 2020

#D19. Locations Vary. The Arctic. The Arctic Was Atomic Bombed.

The Arctic.

The Arctic Was Atomic Bombed. 

Readers: There was more than one investigator involved in investigating The Atomic
               Bombing of The Arctic and many more than just one investigation done on
The Atomic Bombing Of The Arctic. 

Readers: Because there was more than One Atomic Bomb detonated off in more than
               one area In The Arctic the exact areas of The Atomic Bombings are not known 
and there "Locations Vary."

Readers: Just for a matter of convenience I have written This Report the way that I 
               have. I could have said that one group of cancer patients went to The Arctic
to try and get healed by A Group Of Eskimos who were sitting together in a group on
The arctic Ice. I could have said that one group of scientists, who came from a far off
country to investigate why Atomic Compounds have showed up in The Arctic. This
particular scientific group could have come from as far away as Russia. I could say
that Nobility of the nation of Denmark were interested in finding out why someone or 
why some group of people were Atomic Bombing their Island Of Greenland. I could
also say that Nobility from The Middle East went to The Arctic to investigate all of
The Atomic Bomb Action because The Nobility of The Middle East were at that time
seriously in The Arctic doing their own investigations about things that they were
interested in. Readers: Thank You.

One day A Man from The White House in The District of Columbia in the country of The United
States of America.talked with me in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, about why he personally
went up north to The Arctic and what he did find going on there.

The Man from The White House had lung cancer and his doctor told him that he had only a
maximum of about five years to live and then he would die a horrible death by total lung failure.

The Man from The White House went to many doctors and to many Alternative Medicine Groups
to try and find a cure for his cancer sick lungs and he failed totally to find a cure.

Then by his being in The White House he met an Arctic Eskimo Man who said that he could and would cure him of this lung cancer problem if he wanted to come on up to The Arctic and be
treated by The Arctic Eskimo's ideas of medicine.

Well, off The Man from The White House went to The Arctic and got treated by The Eskimo who
swore oaths in The Arctic to The Man from The White House that he can cure him of his sickness
but he has to do exactly what he says to do and that the cure is very painful.

Well, The Man from The White House was standing in The Arctic all alone and sick and could
turn no-where else and because also of the extreme pain in his lungs from the cancer he agreed
with The Arctic Eskimo to go through with his cure no matter how difficult the pain was.

The Arctic Eskimo was a very strong out going person and he somewhat broke the nerves right
out of The Man from The White House.

To say the following is to say The Arctic Eskimos beat up The Man from The White House very
badly but it was the way that The Arctic Eskimos did make The Man from The White House
stand his ground and not run away from the painfulness of The Arctic Eskimos' cure.

The Arctic Eskimo just kept beating up the man from The White House very badly. This went
on for about a month and a half and then The Arctic Eskimo really did turn the full pain loose
on The Man from The White House.

The pain was so bad that The Man from The White House collapsed onto the northern ground
itself and buried his face into the earth while The Arctic Eskimo pounded him to pieces to make
him go through with his cure.

Well, after several months of this Arctic Eskimo's beat up treatment The Man from The White
House was completely cured of lung cancer.

The Man from The White House, because of his own nature, put himself through very elaborate
tests to make certain that he was honestly cured of lung cancer and he found out that he was
cured all the way through.

What The Man from The White House had arranged in his going to The Arctic was to do studies
on The Atomic Bombs that had been blown up all over The Arctic as well as undergo The Arctic
Eskimo's cancer cure. But the cancer cure was very different than he had expected and only a
small amount of research was done on The Atomic Bomb side of his visit to The Arctic. The Man
from The White House went back to The White House rejoicing that he had gotten cured and then
he returned to The Arctic several times to study The Atomic Bomb mess that had happened there.

After The Man from The White House had finished his investigations on The Atomic Bomb blow
up of The Arctic he and other people in The White House studied the findings of these collected
investigations and drew up their conclusions on what The Atomic Bomb mess was all about.

Readers: What The Atomic Bomb Mess in The Arctic was all about is the following.

1. the entire Arctic was blown up by Atomic Bombs
2. the people who were responsible for this Atomic Bomb Disaster in The Arctic were people who
    did invest in making money and "In Making Summer Resorts For Holidays Etc."
3. the idea that these investors had was that should we blow up the ice of The Arctic Area we can
    then plant palm trees in The Arctic Area and "Make Summer Holiday Resorts There" and make
    ourselves millions of dollars by doing this.

Readers: That is exactly what The Atomic Bombing of The Entire Arctic was all about.

it is also true that The Entire Arctic was Atomic Bombed Down. The Atomic Bombs were not just
dropped on this corner or that corner or some other specific spot in The Arctic. It is very sad but
The Entire Arctic Was Atomic Bombed Down.

Readers: The Entire Arctic is A Complete Atomic Compound Polluted Derelict ever since.

Readers: This Atomic Bombing of The Entire Arctic took place in the 1950's or 60's

When The Man from The White House investigated The Atomic Bombing of The Arctic he literally
found a lot of palm trees being planted in The Arctic and a lot of palm trees in proper storage in
The Arctic that had been brought from the equator zones of the earth into The Arctic for planting
in and about Planned Summer Resort Locations. Other Summer Resort Articles were found as

Readers: Remember, That this was SUMMER RESORT EQUIPMENT that was found. There
                was absolutely no winter recreation equipment found at all.

It was very well proven by The White House that Summer Resort Money Investing People did
do The Atomic Bombing of The Entire Arctic Area.

The White House found a lot of evidence to prove out who did The Atomic Bombing of The Arctic.

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