Saturday, 22 February 2020

#B20. Ancient Literature. The White House, U.S.A. The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin.

The White House.

The White House,
District Of Columbia,
The United States Of America.

Ancient Literature.

The United States Of America.

The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin.
If you have read my Blog on The Mexico Flip Over then this Blog right here is a must for you to read.
This Blog is as equally aw inspiring.

I call this Blog The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin.

Well, here we go.

1. I want you reader to imagine A Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin lieing lengthways right in the middle of
    North America
2. one end of The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin is located in Canada
3. the end of The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin that is located in Canada is located at about the border
    of Saskatchewan and Alberta
4. the end of The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin travels about 1/4-1/3 the length of those provinces when
    measured from The American Canadian Border up into Canada

now measuring The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin in the other direction

5. going straight down into The United States The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin reaches to about the
    shores of America and The Gulf of Mexico

The following is what This Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin does do accasionally enough to keep a country
on the alert for the following to happen

This Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin is located right underneath of North America

6. every so often it rolls around
7. the effect that This Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin has on North America is like putting a regular
    sized rolling pin from your kitchen onto your kitchen table and then putting the kitchen table
    clothe onto the kitchen table and over top of the rolling pin and putting your hand and arm under-
    neath the table clothe and grasping hold onto the rolling pin on one end and then intentionally
    roll the rolling pin all over the table top but retaining the rolling pin at all times underneath the
    table clothe

remember readers that this is being said this way for example only

8. the result of rolling the rolling pin all over the table top is that you raise up the table clothe all over
    the place
9. this is exactly what does hapapen to North America when The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin decides
    to roll around underneath the continent of North America
10. when you know that North America is made of rock and soil and trees and water you will come to
      know quite quickly that the rolling around of The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin does ruin North
11. This Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin is known to be strong enough to literally through The North
      American Mountains right up into the air
12 the continental base rock gets all broken up, the great lakes fall away, the prairie becomes hills

there does seem to be no end to the types of damage that does take place when The Giant Kitchen
Rolling Pin decides to roll around

13. The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin does seem to affect all of The United States
14. The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin affect only part of "The Middle Prairies of Canada" around about
      The Sascatchewan and Alberta border, In that area about 1/4-1/3 the length of those provinces
      when measured from The American border

An idea that I have had is that The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin might be connected with The Giant Old
Ship that is such a big part of North America. Maybe The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin is a boom on This Big Old Ancient Boat and for some reason or other it turns itself around at times and travels in
different directions.

This Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin has been proven true to exist.
I do not know if it was The White House or Private Enterprise that did investigate it.

If you are a reader who would like to investigate The Giant Kitchen Rolling Pin I would recommend
that you begin your inquirey at The White House. I have absolutly no recommendations for you to
inquire at with Private Enterprise

have a good time with your investigations
I wish you well

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