Thursday, 20 February 2020

#C23. A Very Odd Report. Nanaimo. Locations Very. The Pass You By Highway. "MORE"

A Very Odd Report,


Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

A Very Odd Report.

Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Readers: This Report is about "A Proposed Highway"
                that was supposed to "Pass Nanaimo By." "MORE" 
Readers this report took place about the year 1980 Anno Domini.

1. There was an article in The Nanaimo News Media
2. Whether the article was in The Nanaimo Newspaper or on The Radio or on The
    Television I do not remember
3. The news article was about a proposed highway being built around the outside
    of Nanaimo in general
4. This new highway was designed to allow traffic to pass "Troublesome Nanaimo
5. A person could travel North or South on Vancouver Island without even entering
    "The Troublesome City Of Nanaimo."
6. This highway had been properly designed and was about to be built
7. The merchants of all of Nanaimo did protest "The Stopping Of This New
8. The merchants of all of  Nanaimo did stop the building of this new highway that
    was going to by-pass "All Of Troublesome Nanaimo."
9. The merchants of "All Of Troublesome Nanaimo" tried to keep business going
    for themselves better by stopping the building of this new highway that had been
    designed to by-pass "All Of Troublesome Nanaimo." The people who were
    travelling North and South on Vancouver Island to were forced to pass through
    "Troublesome Nanaimo" and therefore buy goods and gasoline for their travelling
    needs in Nanaimo itself.

Readers This By-Passing New Highway that was about to be built to Pass-By "All
               Of Troublesome Nanaimo" was not just in the thoughts of "A Few People.
"A lot more than a mere handful of people were concerned about escaping
"Troublesome Nanaimo." The Passing-By Highway was just about ready to be built.

Readers this is how "Troublesome Nanaimo Is."

Readers "Troublesome Nanaimo" does not change.

Readers "Troublesome Nanaimo" is still "Troublesome Nanaimo."

Readers, I Murray S. Fenwick, am going to lodge with you a complaint today.

My complaint is:
Nanaimo never has and possibly never will, when you study their actions, inform
the general public about "The Atomic Compound Problem" that does exist in and
about Nanaimo. This "Atomic Problem" is located right at Malaspina College and
extends itself all the way out and around about Yellow Point and The Cedar areas.

This "Atomic Problem" is the basic Physical Body and Mental Health Problem
Maker in all of Nanaimo's History.

This "Atomic Problem" is definitely a very serious poison problem and people of
Nanaimo go through generation after generation of people without properly being
taught about Nanaimo's Atomic Poison Problem.

A general statement follows:

Readers I do right here recommend that you read all of my reports in my blog that
I have written for you about "Atomic Problems Through-out The World At Large"
and should you be involved in a location that has been as seriously medically
affected by "Atomic Compounds" like The City Of Nanaimo has been you have the
right to seek out proper medical help.

Readers: Thank You Very Much
                Murray S. Fenwick

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Friday, 17 January 2014

#101. Some Things Worth Knowing About Homosexuals.

This report is a few investigations about "THE HOMOSEXUAL".

This is a little note, right here, to my Readers about The Lord Buddha's own understanding about "THE HOMOSEXUAL". For example The Lord Buddha does not share the exact same belief
that The Bible has written in it. The Lord Buddha goes along with the judgements of The Bible because The Bible is at times the main information book of an entire "Society, Civilization". If The
Lord Buddha did start His own "Society, Civilization," He then would establish His own set of Laws
 in that, His own, "Society, Civilization".

I. The Bible says in the Old Testament to out-right kill off the "HOMOSEXUAL".

Reader I will now show you some Bible Statements about this subject.

The Bible that I chose to use here is named The King James Version.

The Bible Book that I use here is an Old Testament Book named Leviticus.
The chapter that I use here is chapter 20.
The verse that I use here is verse 13.
Verse 13: If a man lie with
          mankind, as he lieth with a
          woman, both of them have com-
         mitted an abomination: they
         shall surely be put to death; their
         blood shall be upon them.

The verse that I use here is verse 15.
Verse 15: And if a man lie with a
           beast, he shall surely be put to
           death; and ye shall slay the

The verse that I use here is verse 16.
Verse 16: And if a woman approach
          unto any beast, and lie down
          thereto, thou shalt kill the wom-
          an, and the beast: they shall
          surely be put to death; their
          blood shall be upon them.

The Bible Book that I use here is an Old Testament Book named Exodus.
The chapter that I use here is chapter 22.
The verse that I use here is verse 19.
Verse 19: Whosoever lieth with a
           beast shall surely be put to

The Bible Book that I use here is an Old Testament Book named Leviticus.
The chapter that I use here is chapter 18.
The verse that I use here is verse 29.
Verse 29: For whosoever shall com-
          mit any of these abominations,
          even the souls that commit them
          shall be cut off from among their

2. Did you know that Homosexual Groups are stronger Groups than Non Homosexual Groups are.
    This strength factor has been greatly studied in recent years.

Readers whether you have known about this fact or not the following studies have been done.

3. Private enterprise that is private business is away out in front in what could be called deep space
4. The United States Of America and Russia had a big space race going on for quite a long time in
    something like the 1960's or 1970's.
5. In general the people on The Earth did not know then and still do not know now that private
    enterprise that is individual people are much farther ahead that either or both of these countries
    put together in deep space flight. This is now 2014 Anno Domini.
6. Soon after the 1960's it was out-right known that people on The Earth have always been involved
    in deep space flight.
7. Rockets and airplanes and sputnicks have been found by The Modern Space Explorer of the 1960's
    and the years there after to be scattered all over the universe. People have found deep space
    vehicles of all descriptions all over the place.

Readers we will now return to The Homosexuals.

8. People involved in The United States White House, District of Columbia, U.S.A. ordered a huge
    investigation done on "HOMOSEXUALS".
9. This investigation covered "THE HOMOSEXUALS" in all walks of life.
10. One of the things found out is that "HOMOSEXUALS" were found to be on the average a
      stronger people than the common ordinary people were.
11. This finding out about "THE HOMOSEXUALS" strength brought immediate interest response
      from the types of employers who do need physically strong workers.
12. There has been employer interest in hiring and working " THE HOMOSEXUALS".
13. This employer interest in the strength of "THE HOMOSEXUALS" began in about the 1950's
      Anno Domini of  this Christian Era.

Readers read on.

14. People involved in Space Flight of all descriptions, types, of Space Flight found all over the
      universe enough evidence of "THE HOMOSEXUALS" also being involved in Space Flight
      that the following statements have been made all over the Earth.
15. "THE HOMOSEXUALS" have been found, that is located, in the drivers seat of very large
      and very successful Space Craft of all descriptions.
16. "THE HOMOSEXUALS" have been found to be In Command of very large and very
      successful Space Craft of all descriptions, types of employment.

Readers I was not going to write in this specific posting, report, the following information about men
and women who were found in space vehicles all over the universe but this is just as good a report to
place these findings in as is anywhere else and that does include a private individually done report on
this subject only.

Therefore readers read on.

17. When modern Space Flight People were picking their way through the debri of all kinds of space
      vehicles all over this universe they found dead people of all types.
18. But also one thing that The Modern Space Flight People did find was "THE HOMOSEXUAL"
      scene in space. "THE HOMOSEXUAL" scene was found all over the universe and in all kinds
      and descriptions of space vehicles.

But did you know Readers that the stronger muscled body of "THE HOMOSEXUAL" that employers
have subjected to manual labour is not "THE BRAIN OF THE HOMOSEXUAL".

I, The Lord Buddha,
Murray S. Fenwick Said!
That The Bible Verse Did Say.
That All Homosexuals
Have To Be Executed!

I, The Lord Buddha,
Murray S. Fenwick says
That The Bible has many verses written in it
that speak out against the homosexuals.
The Bible says that the homosexuals cannot be trusted.
Remember readers that The Bible says many verses
against the homosexuals.

I, The Lord Buddha,
Murray S. Fenwick says
that I do agree with The Bible.
I agree that homosexuals cannot be trusted.

The following quote from The King James Bible is just one statement of the many verses that speak
out against the homosexuals.

The Bible Book that I am quoting from here is to be found in The New Testament Of Our Lord And
Saviour The Lord Jesus Christ named The Book Of Romans.
The chapter that I am quoting from is chapter 1.
The verses that I am quoting are verses 18 through to the end of the chapter to verse 32.

          God's wrath against sin
Verse 18: For the wrath of God is
       revealed from heaven against all
       ungodliness and unrighteous-
       ness of men, who hold the truth
       in unrighteousness;
Verse 19: Because that which may
       be known of God is manifest in
       them; for God hath shewed it
       unto them.
Verse 20: For the invisible things of
       him from the creation of the
       world are clearly seen, being un-
       derstood by the things that are
       made, even his eternal power
       and Godhead; so that they are
       without excuse:
Verse 21: Because that, when they
       knew God, they glorified him not
       as God, neither were thankful;
       but became vain in their imagi-
       nations, and their foolish heart
       was darkened.
Verse 22: Professing themselves to
       be wise, they became fools,
Verse 23: And changed the glory of
       the uncorruptible God into an
       image made like to corruptible
       man, and to birds, and fourfoot-
       ed beasts, and creeping things.
Verse 24: Wherefore God also gave
       them up to uncleanness through
       the lusts of their own hearts, to
       dishonor their own bodies be-
       tween themselves:
Verse 25: Who changed the truth of
       God into a lie, and worshipped
       and served the creature more
       than the Creator, who is blessed
       for ever. Amen.
Verse 26: For this cause God gave
       them up unto vile affections:
       for even their women did change
       the natural use into that which is
       against nature:
Verse 27: And likewise also the men,
       leaving the natural use of the
       woman, burned in their lust one
       toward another; men with men
       working that which is unseemly,
       and receiving in themselves that
       recompence of their error which
       was meet.
Verse 28: And even as they did not
       like to retain God in their knowl-
       edge, God gave them over to a
       reprobate mind, to do those
       things which are not conve-
Verse 29: Being filled with all
       unrighteousness, fornication,
       wickedness, covetousness, mali-
       ciousness; full of envy, murder,
       debate, deceit, malignity; whis-
Verse: 30: Backbiters, haters of God,
       despiteful, proud, boasters, in-
       ventors of evil things, disobedi-
       ent to parents,
Verse 31: Without understanding,
       covenantbreakers, without natu-
       ral affection, implacable, unmer-
Verse 32: Who knowing the judg-
       ment of God, that they which
       commit such things are worthy
       of death, not only do the same,
       but have pleasure in them that
       do them.

Readers this is just a few statements that The Bible has written in it to prove what "The Homosexual"
is really like.

I, Murray S. Fenwick,
The Lord Buddha,
Does Agree With The Bible.

I could Preach on from here a Truthful Message A Mile Long or Lifetime Long, which ever you
Readers would like to call it, but I really do not think that it is necessary.

Readers I am sure that this report has said enough about the ill brain of "The Homosexual".

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