Monday, 25 November 2019

#L112. Golden, B.C., Canada. The Atomic Factory Destroyed. Golden Destroyed. Two Rivers Destroyed. 2 Reports. Camp Borden Is Here Also.

Camp Borden,

Readers: This Atomic Report is about the time that I, Murray S. Fenwick, 
               was A Trooper in The Canadian Army Regular, Armoured Corps.
I was stationed in Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, in The Canadian Armoured
Corps Headquarters. I was at this location to be trained as a gunner in a 
Centurion Tank.

Readers: Right here is another change. 

Readers: Right next door to where my barrack block was located was a 
               building that housed the facilities for training people in some kind of
Atomic Education.

Readers: It was The Commander of This Atomic Training Building who did 
               "Falsely Accuse Murray S. Fenwick" for making Atomic Energy 
Trouble in This Atomic Training Building And Then Out Going From This Atomic
Training Building Through Out Camp Borden in General. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, had been in This Atomic Training Building, 
               as far as I remember, maybe just one time. I along with some other
Trainees were asked to go into This Atomic Training Building in order to be 
told what was going on in this building and other buildings in The Armoured 
Corps Headquarters Area. We were being introduced to The Armoured Corps 
Headquarters Area. I, Murray S. Fenwick, just might have stood on the outside 
step of This Atomic Building and looked into This Atomic Building through the
open door way. I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not quite remember. I just might not 
have ever been in This Atomic Education Building.

Readers: There is another Trainee who was definitely in This Atomic Training 
               Building a lot of times. He seemed to live in That Building. He was in
That Atomic Training Building A Whole Lot. This Trainee is A Trouble Maker
and is The Trouble Maker that I have written up in This Here Report who I
named The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE."

Readers: This False Negative "GUILTY" Trainee originated out of The Maritime
               Provinces of Canada, "SOMEWHERE." This Trainee was a man=male.
He was sent to Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, to be trained in The Basics Of 
Canadian Army Life and if then he was found acceptable he was to be allowed to 
stay in The Canadian Army Regular to be further trained in some kind of trade
that was related to his position in The Canadian Army Regular. This Trainee was in
The Atomic Building A Whole Lot. It was found out that This Trainee was to be 
trained in Armour Vehicle Driving. This Trainee did graduate from The Canadian
Armoured Corps School for driving Canadian Armored Vehicles. Soon after this
Trainee graduated he was found to be in "The Area" of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 
His name while he was in The Canadian Armoured Corps was, his name can be 
supplied. ...

Readers: This Trainee could have been one of the people who did Falsely Accuse
               Me, Murray S. Fenwick, for making Illegal Atomic "HELL HAVOC" in 
The Atomic Training Building and around about Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do know "EXACTLY WHERE" This Trainee Man
               was located in and around abouts Calgary, Alberta, Canada. "EXACTLY
WHERE" This Trainee was located, there was a lot of trouble going on and as well
Atomic Trouble going on right "EXACTLY WHERE" This Trainee was located.  

Readers: It is This Trainee who was found "GUILTY" For Making Atomic Trouble 
               In The Town Of Golden, British Columbia, Canada, At A Later Date."

Readers: There was a whole lot of trouble aimed at Trooper Murray S. Fenwick,
               by The Commander Of That Atomic Training Building, and I, Murray
S. Fenwick, doe's think other people did also get involved in "Falsely Accusing"
Trooper Murray S. Fenwick, but for lack of evidence This False Negative Case
Did Just Fall Away. Never-The-Less This Negative False Atomic Case that was
charged at Trooper Murray S. Fenwick was a real case but a case that did lack
evidence. This False Atomic Negative Case was accused against Me, Murray
S. Fenwick, in about the year I964 Anno Domini. 

Readers: Thank You Very Much
               Murray S. Fenwick.

Readers: Right here is another change. 

Readers: The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory Disaster Case is along the
               same type of trouble as The Chernobyl Atomic Factory Disaster near 
Pripyat, Ukraine.

Readers: Now we will move on to The False, Negative, Atomic Case, that was also  
               aimed at Murray S. Fenwick, at, in, The Little Town Of Golden, British 
Columbia, Canada. This False, Negative, Atomic Case, was aimed at Murray S.
Fenwick, in about the year 1964 Anno Domini, at a later date.

Readers: Whether I, Murray S. Fenwick, was "In" The Canadian Army Regular or
               whether I, Murray S. Fenwick, was "Out" of The Canadian Army Regular,
I had "A Private Interest" in "Just Visiting" The Little Town Of Golden, British 
Columbia, Canada.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was in Calgary at the time that the following disaster
               did happen to me.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did plan to go to The Little Town Of Golden, British
               Columbia, Canada, and as I planned to go there I talked up my plans to a few
people who I did know and who  were around about me a little. One of these people 
was The Trainee From The Maritime's, "SOMEWHERE," The Guilty Trainee.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did review the price for a train ticket to Golden, B.C.
               I, Murray S. Fenwick, did review the price for a bus ticket to Golden, B.C.
               I, Murray S. Fenwick, did review the time and trouble it would be to Hick-
               Hike to Golden, B.C.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was still reviewing the possible travel opportunities, 
               options, that were available to me to get me to The Little Town Of Golden, 
B.C., when I felt a light tap on the back of my shoulder and when I turned around to 
see just what it was or just who it was  tapped me lightly on the back of my shoulder 
I found myself looking into the eyes of The Trainee From The Maritime's, "SOME-
WHERE," who then said quietly, softly, that he and some of his friends were also 
going to The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., soon, shortly, in one of their own private 
cars and that I could go along with them if I wanted to help out by paying for some of 
the gas and oil for the car. After I talked with The Trainee From The Maritimes,"SOME-
WHERE," the cost and the over-all deal seemed alright so I did agree to go with them.

Readers: Right here is another change. 

Readers: This is where things about My, Murray S.,Fenwick's, going to The Little Town
               Of Golden, B.C., did change to, "The Worse, Very Radically, Very Seriously."

Readers:  It was not long and the day of our departure from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, to
               The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada, came along. 

Readers: It is about 160 to 170  miles from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, to The Little Town Of 
               Golden, B.C., Canada, and it takes about 2 hours and 50 minutes to about 3
hours of time to go from Calgary to Golden.

Readers: I do and I do not remember going to the car where The Trainee From The Maritime's                                             "SOMEWHERE," and some of his friends, not known to me, were all 
gathered together and waiting to get into the car and get under way on our trip from Calgary, 
Alberta, Canada to The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada. 

Readers: This is where "The Disaster That Struck Me Down Did Begin To Take Place."

Readers" I, Murray S, Fenwick, also does not remember getting into the car.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, also does not remember where the transportation car was
               located at as to where we were to meet up and begin our journey from Calgary to
Golden from.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, also do not remember what kind of car The Trainee From The
               Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," did have.

Readers: I, Murray S, Fenwick, must have been hit on the head or drugged or gassed to make
               me pass right out because I do know that I did pass right out.

Readers: Right here is another change. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that The Following Crazy Traffic Situation Did 
               Take Place.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, "Do Not Remember Much About This Because I Was Out Cold,
               I Was Knocked Out." I do remember The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," speeding a lot in A Town. I believe The Town To Have Been Banff, Alberta, Canada, within Banff, National Park. 

Readers: The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," would speed along The Streets of                         Banff.

Readers: The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," would speed around the corners of  
               The Streets Of Banff.

Readers: The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," would speed around about foot
               pedestrians which made the pedestrians run out of the way of his speeding car in The
               Town Of Banff, within Banff, National Park.

Readers: The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," did seem to even run over The 
               Scavenging Bear's Paws At The Banff City Dump, in The Town Of Banff, Alberta, 
Canada,within The Boundaries Of Banff National Park, Canada.

Readers: The people of The Town Of Banff did eventually order, run out of Their Town Named
               Banff, The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE,"

Readers: The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," was publickly ordered to get right
               out of Banff, to drive right out of Banff, "IMMEDIATELY" for speeding in Banff, for 
wreckless driving in Banff, for dangerous driving in Banff "AND YOU NAME IT. ..."

Readers: Remember that I, Murray S. Fenwick, does remember some things about "This Terrible
               Publick Driving Display" of The Trainee's From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE." I
cannot be of much help about "This Terrible Publick Driving Display" because I was knocked out. 

Readers: Right here is another change. 

Readers: As much as I, Murray S. Fenwick, can remember we must have gone on to The Little
               Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada, after being chased out of The Town Of Banff, Alberta,

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does not remember a single thing about the driving trip from 
               Banff, Alberta, Canada, to The Little Town Of Golden, British Columbia, Canada
because I was out cold, knocked out.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does remember some things about being in The Little Town Of
               Golden, B.C., Canada.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does remember people in the car that I was in telling each other
               that they were now approaching The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does remember the car that I was travelling in turning off of The 
               Main Trans Canada Highway to go into The Little Town Of Golden.

Readers: Right here is another change. 

Readers: As the car that I, Murray S. Fenwick, was travelling in approached The Little Town Of
               Golden, B.C., Canada, I was pushed, thrown, out of the moving car onto the road that
led from The Main Trans Canada Highway to The Little Town Of Golden and left where I landed 
on the road abandoned.

Readers: I do not know how long a time  it was but a man from The Atomic Factory seemed to 
               come to my rescue who was a worker in The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory.

Readers: This worker from The Golden Atomic Factory did know that I, Murray S. Fenwick, 
               was "A VICTIM" of some people in A Car who just drove into The Little Town Of
Golden, B.C., Canada.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did not know that The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada,
               had A Very Important Atomic Factory in it. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did find out, somehow, immediately, from the working man 
               who did work in The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory, who had come to my
rescue, that there was A Very Important Atomic Factory located in The Little Town Of Golden,
B.C., Canada.

Readers: Right here is another change. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was mainly out cold on the road.

Readers: The worker from The Golden Atomic Factory carried me off of the road and sat me 
                down onto the green grass beside the road.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was constantly mainly out cold.

Readers: Just here and there I, Murray S. Fenwick, would come out of being out cold to a very
               little, small, state of being woke up. I kept going into the out cold state.

Readers: It was in this out cold and small awake condition that I, Murray S. Fenwick, did find
               out from The Golden Atomic Factory worker just what was going on around about me
in The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do "just might remember? ???" a little of the car drive from The 
               Main Trans Canada Highway to The Little Town Of Golden. There was a little pot holed 
rough road that did lead from The Main Trans Canada Highway to The Little Town Of Golden,
B.C., Canada. I remember the car that I was in,"sin," throwing itself around on this small road as the
car sped on fastly along this small off road to The Little Town Of Golden.

Readers: I remember being thrown out of this speeding car when this car entered The Little 
               Town Of Golden or there abouts. The Driver of this speeding car who was The 
Trainee From The Maritimes "SOMEWHERE" did not stop the car to throw me out at all.
The Trainee From The Maritimes "SOMEWHERE" just ordered Me, Murray S. Fenwick, to
be thrown out of the moving, speeding car. I, Murray S. Fenwick, could have been killed 
having this done to me.

Readers: Fortunately for Me, Murray S. Fenwick, when I was thrown out of the moving,
               speeding car, that I landed right at the feet of a worker=workers from The Little 
Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory. 

Readers: It was that worker=workers who did help me a lot in this "VICTIM SITUATION
               THAT I WAS NOW IN."

Readers: The worker=workers tried to no avail to revive me from being out cold but could

Readers: Here and there these Atomic Workers would talk to me when I was semi awake.

Readers: Right here is another change. 

Readers: The Nice Two Rivers that do flow by The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada
               are The Kicking Horse River and The Columbia River.

Readers: From this worker=workers I found out about what did happen to me and about just 
               some of the terrible things that did befall The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic 
Factory, Then The Little Town Of Golden and Then The Nice Two Rivers that flow by Golden.

Readers: The Atomic Factory Worker=Workers did accuse The Trainee From The Maritime's
               "SOMEWHERE" for illegally entering The Golden Atomic Factory and intentionally
destroying The Golden Atomic Factory which then did destroy The Little Town Of Golden
which then did destroy The Nice Two Rivers that flow by The Little Town Of Golden, which
were The Kicking Horse River and The Columbia River. 

Readers: The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" did "FALSELY ACCUSE ,
               PUBLICKLY ACCUSE, Me, Murray S. Fenwick, for destroying The Golden
Atomic Factory which then did destroy The Little Town Of Golden which then did destroy
The Nice Two River that flow by The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada, which were
The Kicking Horse River and The Columbia River.

Readers: The Golden Atomic Factory Worker=Workers Did Publickly Say, Shout Out Against
               The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" that he was a Great Big Liar
because he, The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" was found and caught being
"Illegally" in The Golden Atomic Factory and destroying The Golden Atomic Factory and
Me, Murray S. Fenwick, "WAS FOUND" out cold on "The Road" that leads from The Main 
Trans Canada Highway that runs past The Little Town Of Golden, right at the feet of the 
worker=workers where these very workers did sit to have a coffee break, or their lunch break.
It was these very workers who saw Me, Murray S. Fenwick, get thrown right out of the moving,
speeding car that The Trainee  From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" was wrecklessly 
driving into Golden. These Atomic Factory Workers actually saw this murderous scene happen,
take place. No-one was going to fool them. These Golden Atomic Factory Workers kept a sharp
eye on that car that The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" was carelessly driving.
These Golden Atomic Factory Workers did know exactly where that car went to that The Trainee
From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" was driving carelessly in The Little Town Of Golden
and these Workers also did know exactly where the driver of that car went to in Golden and also
exactly where the other people who were in that car went to in The Little Town Of Golden.
These Golden Atomic Factory Worker=Workers were not to be fooled. ... 

Readers: Right here is another change. 

Readers: Right here, "All Of The Bible's "Hell" Broke Loose." 

Readers: I was still out cold lieing on the side of the road at the feet of The Little Town Of
               Golden's Atomic Factory Workers.

Readers: Because of what happened here I will write the next part of this overall report very
               short, but I still do think that you, Readers, will understand it all right.

Readers: Because I was out cold in this location I do not remember much of anything at all
               that did happen in The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada, or of what did happen
in The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory.

 Readers #1: At times, I, Murray S. Fenwick, did wake up just a little bit.

Readers #2: When I, Murray S. Fenwick, did wake up just a little bit The Golden Atomic 
                    Workers did talk to me just a little bit.

Readers #3: The first thing that The Golden Atomic Factory Workers did tell me is that, I,
                    Murray S. Fenwick, was litteraly thrown right out of the back door of The Car
that The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" was driving very fast and very
dangerously. I was thrown out of the back door of the car when the car was under way,
speeding carelessly along the short road that did lead to The Little Town Of Golden, B.C.,
Canada, from The Main Trans Canada Highway.

Readers #4: The Golden Atomic Factory Workers told me that, I, Murray S. Fenwick, was
                  thrown out of The Fast Moving and Dangerously Driven Car right at their feet.

Readers #5: The Golden Atomic Factory Workers told Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that they 
                  were looking after me ever since this terrible, irresponsible, car scene happened 
to me. Ever since I was thrown out of the speeding, dangerously, driven car at their feet.

Readers #6: The Golden Atomic Factory Workers told Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that because 
                  of them witnessing this terrible car scene happen to me and did also witness the
terrible, irresponsible, dangerous driving attitude of The Trainee From The Maritime's
"SOMEWHERE," that they got right into trying to help Me and to also apprehend The
Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE", The Car That He Was Driving In And Also
The Other People In The Car. 

Readers #7: The Golden Atomic Factory Workers told me that The Trainee From The Maritime's
                  "SOMEWHERE," and his friends who were in the car with him did seem to be Very Interested In The Golden Atomic Factory And At Least, The Trainee From The Maritime's
"SOMEWHERE," Was Caught Illegally In The Golden Atomic Factory By Some Of The Golden
Atomic Factory Workers And Was Bodily Thrown Out Of The Golden Atomic Factory  By Some
Of The Golden Atomic Factory Workers. Some Workers said that he was chased out on the run.

Readers #8: The Other People who were in the car with The Trainee From The Maritime's 
                  "SOMEWHERE" did locate themselves quite nearby The Golden Atomic Factory
and were said to enter The Golden Atomic Factory. These People just might have gone Illegally 
into The Golden Atomic Factory but I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not know about it because I was 
Out Cold at this time and could not even see a thing what was going on about, not anything at all. 
BUT there was severe questions about these people being seriously in The Golden Atomic Factory 
Or These People not being in The Golden Atomic Factory by The Golden Atomic Factory Workers 
"THEMSELVES." Because of the way this talk went I, Murray S. Fenwick, do believe that The 
Other People who were in The Speeding, Dangerously Driven Car, that The Trainee From The
Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" did drive were also "ILLEGALLY IN" The Golden Atomic Factory.
Readers: Remember, that I, Murray S. Fenwick, was out cold on the ground during the times that
these Very Criminal Illegal Scenes did take place. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does base my opinion on
this issue on The Talks That The Golden Atomic Factory Workers Did Have.

Readers: Right here is another change. 

Readers #1: There seemed to Me, Murray S. Fenwick, the following arrangements made in The 
                    Gang that did attack The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory. 

Readers #2: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that The Gang who did The Attack Against The 
                    Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory did seem to be in two pieces, sets. 

Readers #3: It does seem to Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that Part Of The Gang did permanently live 
                    in The Little Town Of Golden Itself. 

Readers #4: It does seem to Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that Part Of The Gang did drive into The Little
                    Town Of  Golden in The Car that The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE"
did drive into The Little Town Of Golden In, In A Very Dangerous Manner.

Readers #5: It does seem to Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that once The Part Of The Gang who were in
                    The Car that was being driven carelessly by The Trainee From The Maritime's 
"SOMEWHERE" did arrive in The Little Town Of Golden, that these people did unite with The
Part Of The Gang Who Did Permanently Live, Reside, in The Little Town Of Golden. Once these
Two Parts Of The Gang did unite, come together, they then did go about their dirty criminal business of attacking The Atomic Factory that was in The Little Town Of Golden.  

Readers #6: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do believe that my statement #5 is The Truth because of the                                  following reasons.

Readers #7: There was A Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live, in The Little Town Of Golden
                    who did oppose The Atomic Workers Statements Completely about My, Murray S. Fenwick's, whereabouts and involvement about the attack against The Little Town Of Golden's 
Atomic Factory.

Readers #8: This Gang Of Mainly Women, or, Mainly Women Representing This Little Town Of
                    Golden, did totally and continually, Did Publickly Falsely Accuse Me, Murray S. Fenwick, for attacking and ruining The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory.

Readers #9: This Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live, in The Little Town Of Golden did
                    not stop this False Negative Attack against Me, Murray S. Fenwick,

Readers #10: The Golden Atomic Factory Workers did constantly refute This Gang Of Mainly                                    Women who did live permanently, did reside, in The Little Town Of Golden, British Columbia, Canada.

Readers #11: "THEN" This Gang Of Mainly Women who did live, reside permanently, in The 
                      Little Town Of Golden did decide to shoot Me, Murray S. Fenwick, with double
barreled shot guns and kill Me, Murray S. Fenwick, "DEAD." 

Readers #12: The Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town
                      Of Golden did try many times to get Me, Murray S. Fenwick, away from The Town
Of Golden's Atomic Factory Workers and stand Me, Murray S. Fenwick, up against a tree or a wall
of a building somewhere and shoot me down with the double barreled shot guns that they were 
carrying along with them.

Readers #13: Then This Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little
                     Town Of Golden, did plan to throw My, Murray S. Fenwick's, dead body into The
Kicking Horse River or into The Columbia River. 

Readers #14: Remember this "ATTACK" that was made against Me, Murray S. Fenwick, by This
                      Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town Of 
Golden, did not stop when The Golden Atomic Factory Workers did tell This Gang Of Mainly
Women to stop trying to double barrel shot gun shoot down Me, Murray S. Fenwick.

Readers #15: The Workers At The Golden Atomic Factory had to literally stop forcibly and with 
                      their own hands push and shove This Gang Of Women away from attacking and
double barrel shot gun shooting Me, Murray S. Fenwick, down dead when He, Murray S. Fenwick,
lay out cold on the side of the road. This arguement and literally shove around fight to save Me,
Murray S. Fenwick, from being shot with a lot of double barreled shot guns went on and on. This
Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town Of Golden never 
did stop their attack, to kill, Murray S. Fenwick. This double barreled shot gun attack against Me,
Murray S. Fenwick, went on and on and on. It was very difficult, to the extreme, for The Little 
Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory Workers to constantly save My, Murray S. Fenwick's, life. This
double barreled many shot guns attack against Me, Murray S. Fenwick, by This Gang Of Mainly
Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town Of Golden, was so severe, bad, it is
difficult, hard, to believe that This Gang Of Mainly Women really did do this. These Women were
told to stop their attack against Me, Murray S. Fenwick, and This Gang Of Mainly Women would
not stop their relentless attack. This double barreled shot gun attack  right here is so very bad that
it is hard to believe that it really did happen, take place. This Gang Of Mainly Women did shout
and scream loudly all over The Little Town Of Golden and would not stop, when told to stop. 
This part of this Atomic Factory Attack, Negative Case, that was carried on by This Gang Of 
Mainly Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town Of Golden, is very shocking indeed. "This Attack" against Murray S. Fenwick, that took place at the time of "The Attack" that 
took place against The Atomic Factory, In The Little Town Of Golden, British Columbia, Canada, should be looked into very seriously. This Attack Right Here that was led by A Gang Of Mainly 
Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada, is why I,
Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that This Notorious Gang that did attack The Little Town Of 
Golden's Atomic Factory was divided into a least two parts. One part was in the car that was 
driven into The Little Town Of Golden by The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE"
and another part was The Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town Of Golden who did persistently did try to shoot down Murray S. Fenwick, with double 
barreled shot guns.This Gang Of Mainly Women who did try to kill Murray S. Fenwick by shooting him down with double barreled shot guns would not stop their relentless attempt at killing Murray S. Fenwick. Because of this happening repeatedly the way that it did and other things about this attack against The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory, I, Murray S. Fenwick, became convinced that "There Was A Definite Connection" between, supposedly, these two different groups of people. I,
Murray S. Fenwick, do believe that these two supposedly different groups of people could very
easily be just one group of people, The Gang Themselves. Readers: Remember, there were other 
things that did happen that did add also to my believing that these two supposedly different groups 
of people just might be One Gang. 

Readers: Right here is another change. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did wake up here just a little bit again. 

Readers: I do not know how but I, Murray S. Fenwick, did wake up just a little bit again but 
               this time I was back in the car that The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE,"
was crazily driving dangerously once again. I was in the back seat.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did find out somehow that I was in the back seat of the car and
               that the car was just on the short road that led from The Little Town Of Golden to The 
Main Trans Canada Highway.  

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, remember nothing at all about the drive from The Little Town Of
               Golden, British Columbia, Canada, back to The City Of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, remember nothing about my immediate arrival in The City Of 
               Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, remember nothing about my own ware abouts when I was thrown 
               out of the back seat of the car in The City Of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Readers: My, Murray S. Fenwick's, mind here, about Calgary, is completely blanked out and for 
               how long a time my mind is completely blanked out for I, Murray S. Fenwick, does not 
know. ... I, Murray S. Fenwick, remembers zero right here for quite some time. Just how long a
time I, Murray S. Fenwick, doe's not know. ... I, Murray S.Fenwick, has absolutely no memory
of anything at all right here in Calgary for quite a long period of time. Just how long a time I,
Murray S. Fenwick, doe's not know. ...

Readers: Thank You Very Much
               Written By
               Murray S. Fenwick

Readers: Thank You Very Much
               Signed By
               Murray S. Fenwick
















#L113. 1 October, 2020. I, Murray S.Fenwick, Gets Falsely Accused For Making And Blowing Up Atomic Bombs In The Lower Mainland Of British Columbia, Canada.


British Columbia,

I, Murray S. Fenwick,
Gets Falsely Accused For Making And Blowing Up Atomic Bombs
In The Lower Mainland Areas 
Of British Columbia,

Readers: This False Accusation Against Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick,
               took place at 337 West Pender Street, Pacific Coast Apartments, on
October 1, 2020. This date is very close to being exactly accurate. 

Readers: The following is what took place around about This False Accusation
               Against Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, had "VERY SERIOUS TROUBLE" affecting me
               where I lived at which was at 337 West Pender Street, Pacific Coast
Apartments, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Readers: I, Murray  S. Fenwick, lived at this address ever since this apartment
               building opened up for business for British Columbia Housing And 
British Columbia Coast Mental Health to share with each other about 10 years ago,
about 2010.

Readers: This was "The Very First Time" that British Columbia Housing and British 
               Columbia Coast Mental Health came together in a joint effort to share a 
large apartment housing building between themselves.

Readers: I do not Know where British Columbia Housing and British Columbia 
               Coast Mental Health got "The Bad Idea" to share a great big apartment
building between themselves. The reason that I, Murray S. Fenwick, says this is
"Mentally Ill Burned Down Drug Addicts" and "British Columbia Housing Normal
People" do not get along with each other.

Readers: This great big apartment building named Pacific Coast Apartments is 
               divided into about half between "These Two Very Seriously Different 
Types Of People" with British Columbia Housing People getting to use about 50
apartments and Coast Mentally Ill Burned Down Drug Addicts getting to use about
the same, about 50 apartments.

Readers: Every day there is "Very Serious Trouble" between these two different 
               groups of people even to the point where they "For Certain Have Killed
Each Other Off." These two different types of people do kill each other off in 
various ways.

Readers: The following is The Small Report on how this "Atomic False Report" that 
               was "Falsely Accused Against Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick, was
discovered and about "The Necessary Steps In Uncovering "This Atomic False Report"
that had been "Secretly Written And Secretly Falsely Charged Against Me, Myself and
I, Murray S. Fenwick. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, talked with my Coast Mental Health Worker about me
               having a lot of trouble happen to me in This Coast Mental Health Building 
and British Columbia Housing Building ever since I began to live here and that was 
since this apartment building did open up for business about 10 years ago. I, Murray
S. Fenwick, did talk with my Coast Mental Health Worker about looking into this 
terrible trouble making that was constantly bothering me and hopefully stopping this 
"Severe Trouble Making From Bothering Me." I, Murray S. Fenwick, have had A Lot
Of Very Nice Mental Health Workers assigned to me over The Past 10 Years since I
began to live in this Very Nice, Very Big, Apartment Building and All Of Them through-
out all of these years have tried endlessly to stop the trouble that has been bothering me
but to no avail. During "THIS TIME" of my "DUTY FULL WORKER'S" Investigations The 
False Atomic Report was in a way "Accidentally Found." This False Atomic Report was 
not known to be in my General File that is kept on every person who lives in This Big 
Apartment Block due to British Columbia Coast Mental Health Laws.   

Readers: Just a little note of the trouble making against me is I, Murray S. Fenwick, 
               had my own apartment robbed by a Medical Doctor who did frequent This
Big Apartment Building and some of his "Mentally Ill Friends" who do live in This Big 
Apartment Building of a lot more than $15,000 dollars worth of very good equipment.
Just maybe The Negative Gang Of Criminals came into The big Apartment Building
with The Criminal Minded Medical Doctor from outside of The Apartment Building.

Readers: My, Murray S. Fenwick, have had a lot of attempted "Break In Attempts" take
               place against my apartment even to the point of ruining my nice big entrance 
door and this very door's lock system.

Readers: People who do live in This Nice Big Apartment Building and people who do 
               frequent, come into, This Nice Big Apartment Building have many times 
threatened to kill me outright. ... This kind of mistreatment is very serious indeed. ...
Some of The B.C. Government Mental Health Workers have been Very Seriously 
Attacked as well and have been "GRAVELY HURT." I, Murray S. Fenwick, Does 
Speak Out Against This Kind Of Criminal Mistreatment Of Especially The Hired Girls
Who Do Work For B.C. Coast Mental Health. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that
These B.C. Coast Mental Health Hired Girls Who Have Been Attacked And Hurt should 
be put onto An Early Pension. ...

Readers: This kind of mistreatment is what my present British Columbia Mental Health
               Worker started out to investigate. This kind of mistreatment that has been 
bothering Me, Murray S. Fenwick, should not be allowed to happen at all in This Shared 
Government B.C. Coast and B.C. Housing Very Nice Big Apartment Building. My
B.C. Mental Health Worker is simply not armed for this kind of Very Serious Crime
Investigation. This kind of investigation is Very Dangerous to get involved in. ... 
By Accidental Happening, when My, Murray S. Fenwick's, B.C. Mental Health Worker
was investigating This Trial Some Trouble Making that keeps besetting Me, Murray S.
Fenwick, he=she did come accidentally across This False Atomic Report that had been 
Secretly Slipped Into My, Murray S. Fenwick's, General File, without anyone knowing 
about it. ...

Readers: When My, Murray S. Fenwick's, Mental Health Worker, "By Accident," did 
               come across this False, Negative, Atomic Report that had been written out 
against Murray S. Fenwick, and that had been secretly, sneakily, slipped into Murray's
General File, Murray's Mental Health Worker went straight to Murray S. Fenwick, and
talked with Murray about it. 

Readers: After Murray S. Fenwick's Mental Health Worker and Murray had talked to each 
               other about This False, Negative, Atomic Report, that had been aimed at Murray S.
Fenwick, with out justifiable cause, they did decide to take this False, Negative, Atomic 
Report, and certain serious inquiries down the road to another set of Councillors Altogether
and have these other Councillors do a study on This False, Negative, Atomic Report, and
and around about This False, Negative, Atomic Report, and just why it was written up and
just why was it Falsely, Criminally, Aimed at The Innocent Murray S. Fenwick.

Readers: This False, Negative, Atomic Report, that was Criminally Aimed at Murray S. 
               Fenwick, had statements in it like, Murray was making Atomic Bombs Illegally 
in his suite and secretly taking these Atomic Bombs in a hidden fashion out of this great 
big apartment building and blowing up people and buildings and cars with these Atomic 
Bombs that he, Murray, had secretly made in his apartment and by doing this he, Murray 
S. Fenwick, was killing a lot of people off. Also a lot of damage was being done by 
Murray by doing these Atomic Bombings around about British Columbia especially
around about The Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Canada. 

Readers: Another thing that was written up Falsely In This Negative Criminal Atomic 
               Report was 





#L114. Nanaimo, B.C., Canada. Murray Is "Falsely Accused Again," For Blowing Up Atomic Bombs That Were Being Transported On Atomic Carts.


Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

The Atomic Carts That Blew Up.

Readers: Murray S. Fenwick, is once again "Falsely Accused" 
               For Illegally Blowing Off Atomic Bombs That Were
Loaded Onto Properly Designed Carts That Were Made For 
The Purpose Of Transporting Atomic Bombs With.

Readers: One Nice British Columbia Day, I, Murray S. Fenwick, was walking through Nanaimo,                               Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, and "A Man," "It Was A Man Who Did Do 
This Specific False Accusation Against Murray S. Fewnick, It Was Definitely Not A Woman Who 
Did Do This False Accusation Against Murray S. Fenwick,"  from The White House, District Of Columbia, United States Of America, walked right up to me in publick and did "Falsely Accuse" Me, Murray S. Fenwick, for firing off quite a number of Atomic Bombs that were in the process of being transported from one location to another location. 

Readers: When These Atomic Bombs were fired off a lot of human babies,children, young women
               and other people were killed by The Atomic Bombs Blowing Up. There was also a lot of 
Town and City damage like sidewalks, cars, trucks, buses, houses, buildings and other Town and 
City Merchandise blown up into The Atomic Winds and simply blown away. Also there was the loss
of the lives of cats, dogs and birds that were in The Towns and in The Cities when These Atomic
Bombs were blown up. Readers: Also the good old earth was Atomic Polluted. 

Readers: More than 3 times, at different times, That Man from The United States White House, who                     was visiting Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, did publickly "Falsely
Accuse" Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick, for blowing up These Atomic Bombs that were in
transit on those transportation carts. 

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, "Did Pointedly Talk" to That Man who was visiting Nanaimo, at 
               times, to stop his terrible publick "False Accusation" against Me, Murray S. Fenwick, 
and he would not stop his publick "False Accusation" against Me, Myself and I, Murray S. Fenwick.


#M4. Unknown. This Space Is For A New Report.

Unknown. This Space is For A New Report.

#M5. Unknown. This Space Is For A New Report.

Unknown. This Space Is For A New Report.

#M6. World. Women, Children, Park Deaths.



World. "Women's And Children's

Untimely Park Deaths. ..."

This  report is about "Not Necessary, Women's And Children's

Untimely Park Deaths. ..."

These deaths of women and their children in The Publick Parks

should have been stopped. Because these deaths of women and

children has not been stopped This Non Stoppage Of These Deaths

Does Show A Certain Kind Of A One Way Street.

1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not agree with "The Non Church-Temple People"

    Like The Worldly Police and The Worldly Politicians Etc. over the following

    criminal issue.

2. I am against "Cigarette Smokers" attacking woman with their kids in The Park.

    "Cigarette Smokers" are prone to act criminally because of the way that

    cigarettes affect the human body. In North America "Cigarette Smokers" commit

    more crimes than "The Police-The Politicians" ever do admit too. It is

    increasingly becoming known now in 2015 Anno Domini that "Cigarette

    Smokers" do a lot of damage of all kinds of descriptions to every kind of society

    that does exist in The World.

Readers: It is also a known fact that when "A Cigarette Smoker" does get lung

                cancer from smoking cigarettes that they sometimes lose control of

their mind, themselves, and do attack people. The cancer patient might even

kill a woman or her child in The Park.

3. I am against Spirits Of Alcohol. "Alcoholics" being aloud to attack woman with

    their children in The Park. It is a known fact  that Alcoholics do criminally attack

    innocent people and that does include children. This "Alcoholic" attack has been

    known for centuries.

4. I am against "The Drug Addict" being aloud to attack woman with their children

    in The Park. It is a well known fact, for a long time, that "The Drug Addict" does

    criminally attack people and that does include children.

Thus says, Murray S. Fenwick,

The Lord Buddha

Readers: I am keeping this very short.

1. I know that "The Non Church-Temple People" like The Worldly Police and The

    Worldly Politicians are trying to make, bring about, A Worldly Change In

    Government that suits themselves, their own selfish selves.

Readers: In the western hemisphere like Europe and like North America, The Holy

                Roman Catholic Church allowed The Worldly Towns to come into


Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick,

               The Lord Buddha,

               would definitely not have let Worldly Towns to come into existence.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick,

               The Lord Buddha,

               would have thoroughly killed off The Worldly Movement that brought

               about The Holy Roman Catholic Churche's "Permission" to allow

               "Worldly Towns To Come Into Existence."

Thus says

Murray S. Fenwick,

The Lord Buddha

Saturday, 23 November 2019

#M7. World. Africa. On Changing The Colour Of People Permanently.

Report #101. 

On Changing The Colour Of People Permanently.

this report is another atomic story
this story is not well known through-out the history of mankind
this story is though the history of mankind and people in
general do not know about it

this story is about Africa

one day a long long time ago
let's say 250 million years ago
some African people, for what-ever reason,
wanted to make some atomic bombs

in order for them to make the atomic bombs
they had to first make a factory to make them in

unfortunately for the African People
these African People who wanted to make some
atomic bombs did make the atomic bomb factory
to make the atomic bombs in

the atomic bomb factory was located on the east side
of The Continent Of Africa

the location of this atomic bomb factory was found
by teams of atomic trained people who were from
The White House in The United States of America

unfortunately this atomic factory and the atomic bombs
made in this factory "Did Ruin The African Continent And
The African People."

the trouble that this atomic factory and the atomic bombs made
still carries on to this day of Anno Domini  2012

it is believed today in Anno Domini 2012 that The Medical Problem In
African Heads called crowns and the out of shape brain stem that is
part of the spinal cord is a direct result of the miss-forming of the human
being that can take place when a human being is in contact with atomic

It is also believed that The Color Of A Human Being can change when
the human is subjected to atomic compounds. Atomic People do believe
that The African Is Black because of being in contact with atomic energy

The White House has done A Very Big Study On This Subject and I think
that all people on the earth should get that information out of The White
House and study it very carefully for the well being of mankind in general

"This information which is my information," comes from The White House Itself.

Readers: Did you know that The Negro Human Race that exists in The Continent
                of Africa all have a very bad name for causing very serious trouble for other people. I am not talking about just one Black Negro People in just one  country inside of the boundaries of The Continent of Africa. I am talking about something much more than that. I am talking about The Whole Continent of  Africa. It is The Black Negro People I am talking about. For many thousands of years now The Black Negro People of The Entire Continent of Africa have had a very bad name for causing very serious trouble for other ethnic peoples.

It seems to me that, when The African People who were involved in The Atomic Bomb Factory did make The Atomic Bombs and did use them on other people did at the same time ruin themselves.
Those Africans ruined every African man, woman and child and everything else like animals etc. On The Entire African Continent. It does seem true that nothing properly survived That Terrible Atomic Compound Blow Down And Atomic Spread Around Of Atomic Compounds On The Entire  African Continent.

caused this Atomic Fall Down to take place
certainly did cause
an entire collapse
of every man, woman, child, dog, cat and
everything else in The African Continent

Now Readers: I just generally speaking:
                        As far as you and I are concerned:
Because Atomic Compounds go on active for what does seem like forever
The Black Negro African Continent Atomic Break Down Problems of very serious Trouble Making Against Other Ethnic Groups does seem to be going on for ever and for ever.

The Black Negro People Of The Continent Of Africa do make serious trouble,
on going, endlessly, even amongst themselves.

#M8. World. China. Huge Atomic War Factory, Atomic War In China.



A long time ago about 2-3 thousand B.C.
there was An Atomic War Factory in The Nation Of China.
This Atomic War Factory did manufacture The War Materials
that China did need to fight a war with.

This dating of 2-3 thousand B.C. is not that old.
This dating is the rough date of An Atomic War that did take place
in The Nation Of China.
This date does not cover all of The Possible War Dates that have
taken place in China.
This Atomic War Materials Factory that was in The Nation Of
China just might be a lot older than just 2-3 thousand B.C.

Readers: One of The Chinese Manufactured War Materials Remains
               are The Old Stone Monuments that are located in The Nation
Of China.

Readers: These War Material Monuments are "Rectangular In Shape
               With An English Alphabet Shaped U At The Top Of These
Old Chinese War Material Monuments."

Readers: These Ancient Chinese War Material Monuments were stood
               up in the air with "The U Shape At The Top Of them."

Readers: What these Ancient Chinese War Material Monuments were
               used for is "These Ancient Chinese War Material Monuments"
were holding devices to place literally Chinese Atomic Manufactured
Rockets into. These Ancient Chinese Monuments were a holding device
that The Ancient Chinese did use for holding Chinese Manufactured
Atomic Rockets In When The ancient Chinese People were going to fire
off Those Rockets.

Readers: The Ancient Chinese Manufactured Atomic Rockets were placed
               into These U Shaped Holding Devices, Cradles, when The
Ancient Chinese were going to fire off An Atomic Rocket.

Readers: The Ancient Chinese did not necessarily place Their Atomic
               Rockets into These Rocket Holding Devices, Cradles, prior to
Those Atomic Rockets being fired off.

Readers: A lot of Those Ancient Chinese Made Atomic Rockets were
               very large indeed.

Readers: Some of Those Very Ancient Chinese Manufactured Atomic
               Rockets that were fired off, used, in that Atomic War did for
what-ever reason fly off of their intended course and quite recently were
found in literal space just drifting around. Some of These Ancient Chinese
Manufactured Atomic Rockets that have been found in literal space are
very large indeed.   

Friday, 22 November 2019

#M9. World. China's Atomic Cement Submarines Badly Affect World.

And Southern South America.

And Southern South America.

And Southern South America.
There are, "Very Large Cement Types Of Atomic
Submarines," in The Ocean Waters around about 
The Cape Horn Area of Southern South America. 

#M10. World. France's Atomic Submarines Badly Affect The World.



Remember, The French Atomic Submarines.
"ALSO." Remember, The French, "Protectorate," 
Atomic Submarines.

#M11. World. The North American Indian Tee Pee Engine.

North America.

North America.
North America.

The North American 
Indian Tee Pee Engine.

This report is about "The North American Indian TeePee Engine" that The North American Indians did make a very long time ago.

1. Because of the very big investigations that did  take place about "This Very Large North American
    Indian TeePee Engine" I do believe that All Tribes of North American Indians were involved in its

2. The shape of The North American Indian TeePee Engine is the proper shape of part of the engine
    itself that fit on top of the rest of the engine.

3. The North American Indian TeePee Engine "Was Definitly A Rocket Engine Designed For
    Travelling In Deep Space With".

4. The North American Indian TeePee Engine "Was Very Big".

5. The Deep Space Rockets that The North American Indians did make "Were Very Big".

6. The rockets were shaped like a long straight stick.

7. These big space rockets that The North American Indians did make had three of these large
    engines attached to each one of them.

8. These engines were fitted to the back of the rocket and could have very easily been thirty miles

9. Just how long the rockets were I do not know

10. For the sake of remembering these huge engines and huge rockets The North American Indians
      did make their homes the shape of part of the top of "Their Engines".

11. The North American Indians did try to retain this huge rocket knowledge in their memory.

My readers can imagine right here the amount of machine shop work that was necessary to
manufacture these huge rocket engines and very large deep space rockets.

Thus says The White House, The District of Columbia, United States Of America, 1982 A.D..

I found this North American Indian Knowledge out by a woman who had visited The White House
and who came up to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. She talked with me about it. She was a
Chinese woman. This Chinese woman had also studied Ancient Old Ship Building in China. She said
that Old Boat Building was very interesting to her.

#M12. World. Outer Space. The Giant People And their Machinery.

Outer Space.

Outer Space.

Outer Space.
The Giant People And Their Machinery.

These Giants were definitely involved with Atomic Machinery.
One day I was standing in the middle of Nanaimo, B.C., Canada and up to me walked a man from The White House in The District of Columbia, U.S.A. I knew the man from The White House and
part of the following is what he talked with me about. It took me a number of years to put together
this story from many conversations that I had with people from The White House and astronauts
and people from all walks of life but all of these people were involved with The Golden Forty

First I will tell you the truth about astronauts. People who are astronauts are not necessarily attached
to a countries Space Program at all they can be involved in Public Private Business. There is a lot of
Space Work being done by Private Business and The Private Business and The Countries involved in
Space Work do not tell you about The Private Business side of Space Work.

The Gentleman from The White House that stopped to talk to me that day talked to me about what he
found on one of his space flights, voyages. These space flights are so long in duration of time that it
might be better to talk about them as very long space voyages rather than A Space Flight. For a long
time now people have successfully made very long Space Voyages.

There is a great difference in flying in space around about our Sole System and then going on in
Space Voyages into flying for years on end in Deep Space. Our Sole System is just our own little
planetary system around about our own little sun. Deep Space is a term used when an astronaut is
flying a long long ways away from our own little sun, when they are voyaging right outside of our
own little orbits around about our sun.

The astronaut that stopped to talk to me who was for some reason from The White House was
talking to me about when he was on a very Deep Space Voyage and what he found there. This
astronaut was a man and what he found was in Deep Space which was a long long ways away from
our own little orbit around about our own little sun.

He said that he was Voyaging through space and ran right into a Giant Man. A man that one could
truly call a Giant. The astronaut stopped his space ship for quite a long time to study The Giant Man.

The spaceman involved here was a private enterprise. He owned his own privaate space rocket. His
space rocket was very large.

What this spaceman did do was he flew his large space rocket around about The Giant Man and
studied The Giant Man when he moved his spacerocket about him.

This flying of a large space rocket about A Giant Man will give you an idea as to just how big The
Giant Man is.

I forget the exact ruler size of The Giant Man but he is bigger than one would ever think that he
would abe.

He is a lot bigger than 3 feet in full length.
He is a lot bigger than 30 feet in full length.
He is a lot bigger than 300 feet in full length.

He is more likely 3,ooo feet in full length.

His size is really quite large.

This is just for an example as to The Giant Mans size.
You cannot really justify trying to fly a really large deep space rocket around about a man who was
3 feet in full length.

This deep space spaceman flew his large deep space rocket up one side of The Giant Man and down
the other side of The Giant Man.

The Giant Man has to be large for the spaceman to do this with his own privately owned large deep
space rocket.

The space man also got out of his large deep space rocket and walked around on The Giant Man quite
a lot

The Giant Man was all there. His head was complete. His body was complete. He had complete arms
and complete legs. His hands were all complete and he had all of his fingers. His feet were all
complete and he had all of his toes.

The Giant Man does seem to have been buried there right where the spaceman found him. The Giant
Man is buried in the space atmosphere itself. He is not buried on a planet or a planets moon or any
thing like that. The Giant Man is also not in any kind of orbital flight. There is not many clothes on
him and there is very little of anything around about The Giant Man. The Giant Man was found in
deep space all by himself.

The spaceman found The Giant Man by accidental happening and after the spaceman had investigated The Giant Man he flew his large space rocket back to The Earth.

The following Bible Teaching is a good one to study because of the Old Time Geography. At the end
of This Bible Teaching I am putting in only a possibllity of what might have been done to Ham and
his family but it is a good idea and a good teaching of my own that should be looked at and considered as possibly what was done to Ham and his family. I do know that this has been done to
other people.

The Bible used here is The King James Version.

I am going to teach a little bit of The Book of Genesis here. This teaching is about Noah and his
youngest son named Ham.

There is a standard Church Doctrine about this teaching that I am going to teach here but I am not
going to get into the standard interpretation of this part of scripture. I am simply going to relate this
teaching out and put my remark about a possibility of what might have been done to Ham and to his

My remark here though could very easily be the truth.
The part of scripture that we are going to read dhere is in The Book of Genesis. The chapter to be
studied is chapter 9 and if you so desire also chaptert 10. The verses to be studied in chapter nine are
verses 18 through to the end of the chapter and the verses to be studied in chapter 10 are verse 6 and
then verses 15 to 20.

My teaching here begins with Chapter 9: verses 20,21 and 22.
Verse:20. After The Flood called Noahs Flood Noah comes out of The Ark and plants a vineyard
                 of grapes.
                This is one of the first things that Noah did do.
Verse:21. After Noah did harvest the grapes he made some wine and then he drank to much of the
                 wine and got drunk.
Verse:21 Still verse 21. After Noah got drunk he went to his tent and took his clothes off and laid
                down to rest and have a sleep.
Verse:22. Somehow Noahs youngest son named Ham was in his fathers tent and did see his father
                 Noah lieing naked on his bed. Ham was then supposed to have gone out of his fathers tent.
Verse:23. Noahs two older sons named Shem and Japheth took a suitable garment and went into their
                 fathers tent by walking backwards into the tent and then through the tent until they came
                 to their fathers bed where their father Noah was still sleeping and put the suitable garment
                 over their father Noah like a blanket in order to cover his nakedness like a blanket does
                 cover someone when they are asleep in bed. It is thought that Shem and Japheth then
                 immediatly left their father Noahs tent without stopping to look at their sleeping father.
Verse:23. After Noah woke up he found out that his youngest son Ham had been in his tent and
                 looked upon his sleeping naked body. Noah found out also that his other two older sons
                 had entered his tent and had covered his naked body in an acceptable manner.

Because Ham did look at his fathers naked sleeping body Hams father Noah got very angry with him
and cursed his youngest son Ham in Verse 25.

Because Shem and Japheth had covered their fathers nakedness with a suitable covering and in a
suitable manner Noah thught that it was right to give these two older sons named Shem and Japheth
a blessing.

The following is what Noah might have done to his youngest son Ham and to Hams family.
Because Noah cursed Ham and Hams family he might have put a mark onto Ham and Hams family
by colour coding them with the colour of black. Noah through using certain chemistry could have
made Ham and Hams family into Negro People. Ham is believed to be the father of all Negro People.
Noah threw Ham and Hams family out of his home and then out of his own country into the land of
Cush which is the land of Ethiopia.

Cush is the name of one of Hams sons.
In literal translation Cush means black.
Today and also in Ancient Days people are often called under the name of their country.
for example: are you a Canadian from The Land of Canada.
for example: are you a Belgian from The Land of Belgium.

for example: are you Black Cush Hams son from The land of Cush=Black.

Because The Bible and other Related Middle Eastern Interrelated Religions in Their Holy Scriptures
"PREDOMINANTLY" only name mens names I leave out womens names here.

Cush=Black was the name that Noah gave to the land where The Sons of Ham named Cush=Black lived. Noah gave that land location that name. This study right here gets into great antiquity.

the following study is a good one too

Cush: Good books on this type of study read, Cush. For certain this title leads one into the study of
           names of words of Great Antiquity. Cush=Black is known to be a people who are the
descendants of Noahs youngest son named Ham who had a son named Cush=Black. The name Cush
also does mean the land where Cush did live and also where The Sons of Cush did live. The Ancient
Greeks and Romans called The People Cush=Black and The Land of Cush=Black "Ethiopia". But in
Ancient Greece and Rome The Title Name Ethiopia did have a greater area of land alotted to it.
Ancient Ethiopia did include modern day Nubia, Sennar, Kordofan and northern Abyssinia and in the kingdom of Meroe Cush=Black was located at the juction of The White and Blue Nile River to the
souther border of Egypt.

This land that Noah sent Ham and his family to was easy to get to. But in the days of Peleg in The
Book of Genesis in Chapter 10 in Verse 25 when the earth was divided The Land of Cush=Black
was no longer very easy to get to.What happened is the earth had a natural catastrophy happen and
land masses split up and went to different locations on the earth. The locations of continents and
oceans and seas etc. that happened in the days of Peleg are how we know the earth today but the
earths lands and oceans and seas locations were not this way before the days of Peleg.

Now today after the days of Peleg The Land and People of Cush=Black are located in Ethiopia or
there abouts. The country of Ethiopia is now located in The New Continent of Africa. Therefore
the people of Cush=Black are located in Africa.

It is written in The Bible that in the days of Adam and Eve and Noah and Ham that The Bible People
were known for marking someone should they find it necessary to do so. That mark could be a mark
for proper identification purposes like in the case in The Book of Genesis in Chapter 4 in Verse 15
where God found it necessary to mark Adam and Eves son named Cain for committing the murder
of his brother Abel.

I think it is intersting to ponder just how did Noah mark Ham and his son Cush? Colour changing as
it is known today was also know in Ancient Far Off Times. It is true that Noahs youngest son named
Ham has been blamed very seriously for being the father of all Negro Human Races. This blame
that is pointed at Ham is very negative today and always has been. The man Ham is a very negative
character in The Bible.

Remember readers that the type of colour changing that I am talking about is not something simple
like tatooing someones skin. The drunken man Noah really did throw some kind of very strong
powerful chemistry into his son Ham and into Hams family, Cush, that really did turn these people
into the constantly hated Negro Human Races.

No-one in The Ancient World and no-one in The Modern World want anything to do with
Cush=Black The African and this hatred originates right out of this arguement that happened in
The Ancient World between Noah and his youngest son Ham.

There are a lot of people involved with The Bible and other Interrelated Religions and all of these
people take basically Noahs side of this arguement that Noah had with his youngest son Ham
and just about always put The Negro Human Races out of their company.

For certain The Bible man named Ham and his family Cush=Black have lived throughout all of our
history without forgiveness.

Now pertaining to what caused this terrible long reaching arguement between Noah and his youngest
son Ham.
all that is known is the following
1. there was a man who made a vineyard of grapes named Noah
2.  Noah made some wine out of some of these grapes after he had harvested them
3. this person Noah drank to much of his homemade wine and got drunk
4. after Noah got drunk he went into his own tent took off his clothes and laid down on his
    bed without a blanket covering his naked body and went to sleep
5. Noahs youngest son named Ham saw Noah do this and by seeing him do this did see his fathers
    naked body asleep on his bed
6. Noahs two other sons who were older than Ham did walk backwards with a suitable covering and
    did cover their father while he  was asleep. This was like putting a blanket on him. This was found
    to be accetably done. The blanket was found acceptable and the manner that this was done was
    also found acceptable
7. when Noah woke up he found out about this sequence of events taking place
8. Noah curses his youngest son Ham for being out of place
10. Noah blesses his older sons Shem and Japheth for doing the right thing in the right way

the results are Cush=Black Africa hates everyone
the results are everyone hates Cush=Black Africa

I will leave it up to your own ponderings how Noah marked Ham and his family Cush=Black

there was another one of these Bible men who  marked the bodies of animals

1. the Bible mans name was Jocob
2. Jacob is the son of Isaac who is the son of Abraham
3. Jacob was found changing the colour of live stock

read in The Book of Genesis Chapters 30 and 31

This is an intersting insight to me.
I am not questioning The Bibles statements but I believe that The Bibles statements are outright
short at times in that they do not say all that went on

This writing is about The Midget and The Dwarf

When I was growing up people in my town told me that a midget and a dwarf are two different types
of human being but I found out in the dictionary that my town was once again my town and wrong
again on an issue. The dictionary says that a midget and a dwarf are the same human but these are
two differaent words that say the same thing. Once again in different places words are used in a
different way.

now we will get on with my report here

I will go back to the deep space astronauts description of The Very Big Man called The Giant that he
flew into when he was flying through deep space.
1. the astronaut knew that I used inches and feet when I measured things so he talked to me in
    inches and feet when he explained the size of The Giant

But I will let you know right here that he could have used miles because he did talk to me quite a lot
and also he told me what this Giant was capable of doing.

2. I said that this Giant was really big but just how big he was I do not know but I will let you know
    just some of the things that The Giant was capable of doing

first I will tell you that The Giants Human Race was at one time on the earth

This Giant was capable of walking around The Whole Earth that does include crossing The Pacific
Ocean and crossing The Atlantic Ocean and all other Oceans and Seas quite capably.
For Example: If this Giant decided to sit down on England for a little rest and then he decided to go
                       across The North Sea to Norway it was very easy for him to do. For this Giant to walk
across The North Sea to Norway would be to him like walking across a mud puddle.

This Giant Man that the deep space astronaut found is really that big.

For this Giant to cross The Pacific or The Atlantic Oceans there might be here and there a little
swimming but not very much. The Giant would simply take The Pacific Ocean and The Atlantic
Ocean in stride.

It does seem to be the truth that The Giant Human Race did practice deep space flight very capably

People and that does include the deep space astronaut do believe that The Giant was a proper human
being. They believe that The Giant was just the same as you or I am right here on The Earth in this
year of 2012. They believe that The Giant is just bigger than you and I are.

I think that it is very note worthy to take note about this statement about The Giant is believed to be
a proper human being just like you and I are except in our difference in size.

The Giant Man is not believed to be a different human species at all.
The Giant Man is believed to be the same as you and I are.

I do know by talking with deep space astronauts who have worked for countries and who are also
involved with private enterprise that Atomic Compounds have been thrown around all over the
universe. This act of throwing Atomic Compounds through out the universe is a very serious health

It is possible that Atomic Compounds are resposible for making The Giant Man Big.
It is also possible for Atomic Compounds to be resposible for making You and I Small.

Because Atomic Compounds are very dangerous to human beings health it is possible that Atomic
Compounds that could have been involved in The Big Bang that blew up the universe did also ruin
The Genetic Codes of human beings.The Mechanics of The Genetic Codes as they are studied today
are an absolute mixed up mess that are not understood.

Did you ever think that when The big Bang went off that you and I shrank from The Giants Size to
our now present size that is quite small when compared to The Giants Size.

Did you ever think about the fact that The Midget is a human who is small when compared aato the humans size of today.

Did you ever think about the fact that both men and women are resposible for the birth of not only The Midget but also the mentally abnormal Midget and the abnormal bodied Midget.

This sequenace of events of human beings getting smaller and smaller and more abnormal is a terrible reality.