This Report Is Knowledge About A Very Ancient
Atomic Problem In Africa.
this report is another atomic story
this story is not well known through-out the history of mankind
this story is though the history of mankind and people in
general do not know about it
this story is about Africa
one day a long long time ago
let's say 250 million years ago
some African people, for what-ever reason,
wanted to make some atomic bombs
in order for them to make the atomic bombs
they had to first make a factory to make them in
unfortunately for the African people
these African people who wanted to make some
atomic bombs did make the atomic bomb factory
to make the atomic bombs in
the atomic bomb factory was located on the east side
of the continent of Africa
the location of this atomic bomb factory was found
by teams of atomic trained people who were from
The White House in The United States of America
unfortunately this atomic factory and the atomic bombs
made in this factory did ruin the African continent and
the African people
the trouble that this atomic factory and the atomic bombs made
still carries on to this day of A.D. 2012
it is believed today in A.D. 2012 that the medical problem in African
heads called crowns and the out of shape brain stem that is part
of the spinal cord is a direct result of the misforming of the human
being that can take place when a human being is in contact with
atomic compounds
it is also believed that the colour of a human being can change when
the human is subjected to atomic compounds. Atomic people do believe
that the African is black because of being in contact with atomic eneragy
The White House has done a very big study on this subject and I think
that all people on the earth should get that information out of The White
House and study it very carefully for the well being of mankind in general
this information which is my information comes from The White House Itself
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