Sunday, 3 November 2019

#O15. U.S.A. San Diego, California. Atomic Factory Blowing Up.

Readers: The following report is true therefore I put it into this report about Mexico.
                This, the following, additional report certainly does involve Mexico.

Readers: This Atomic Bomb Factory that was built in The State of California is "Very Big And
                Powerful And Therefore Dangerous To The Extreme." This Atomic Bomb Factory 
because of the way it was built, "Always Was Very Dangerous. This Atomic Bomb Factory 
was then "ALTERED" in its overall design by "A Man" who did not know the first thing about 
Atomic Bomb Factories and because of "These Alterations" that were made by "This Unlearned 
Man" This Atomic Bomb Factory became "Even More Dangerous." The very best of These Atomic 
Bomb Factories just might "MELT DOWN," Or " BLOW UP," on their own because of the nature 
of what they are like.Readers: That is why This Atomic Bomb Factory that was, "ILLEGALLY BUILT," 
in San Diego and then "CRAZILLY ALTERED BY AN UNLEARNED MAN" is considered so very 

Readers: Should This Atomic Bomb Factory that is in San Diego blow up it very easily could
                make very serious trouble with The San Andrea Fault. If The San Andrea Fault does
make very serious trouble then that trouble could extend itself from San Diego a long ways down
into The Nation Of Mexico and then in the other direction make very serious trouble all the way
up through The State Of California, all the way up through The State Of Oregon, all the way up
through The State Of Washington, then, all the way up through The Canadian Province Of British
Columbia, then, all the way up through The Canadian Province, Territory, The Yukon, then, all
the way up through The State Of Alaska, then, all the way around about The State Of Alaska's
Aleutian Islands. 

Readers: This kind of trouble making could very easily "Literally Break" The Coastal Areas right 
                away from The Wast Side Of The Mainland of Mexico, And The West Side Of North 
America and push them out into The Great Pacific Ocean. The Aleutian Islands could also get 
Very Serious Trouble And Even Sink From This Earth Quake Like Disaster.

Readers: This kind of trouble making is Great Big Trouble Making Indeed. 

1. Since The Second World War Years The United States has been seriously Atomic Bombed.
2. As far as I know it The Atomic Bombing Of The United States has taken place in the southern
    locations of the country.
3. The southern locations of the country that I am talking about are The States Like Texas and
    Mississippi and Louisiana and Florida and California.
4. It is "Responsibly" said that The U.S.A. has been Atomic Bombed more than Japan ever was
    Atomic Bombed!

Readers: When I, Murray S. Fenwick, was visiting The United States Of America in about the year of
                1991 I stayed for awhile in A Catholic Mission Named Bishop Maher Centre that was located at 1501 Imperial Avenue, San Diego, California, U.S.A.

Readers: You must remember that The Bishop Maher Centre is located in A All Black People's Place.

5. I had a very nice time visiting Bishop Maher Centre.
6. The Bishop Maher Centre's neighborhood needed The Bishop Maher Centre's Catholic out reach
    very badly but I am sure that The Bishop Maher Centre was up to The Christian Work that they
    found right at their hands.

Readers: The Bishop Maher Centre was a brand new building of quite a large size at that time. It was
                A New Catholic Mission.

Readers: I like everyone else who was staying at The Bishop Maher Mission at that time went out for
                daily walks about the immediate neighborhood.

7. It was not long before I, Murray S. Fenwick, ran into a young man who did direct me to A Shop
    that was located very nearby The Bishop Maher Mission in order that I personally did view a very
    serious problem that was located in The Bishop Maher Centre's neighborhood.

Readers: What the problem was and might still be going on is someone built quite a large Atomic
                Bomb in the Bishop Maher Centre's neighborhood.

Readers: Unfortunately The Internet Systems of the Whole Wide World does say that The United
                States Of America is the most murderous country on Planet Earth Today, 1990 Anno

Readers: Unfortunately some of the people who are U.S.A. citizens, are by The Internet Claimed
                to be The Most Murderous People On The Earth. Also These U.S.A. Citizens Have A Very Bad Attitude.

8. I, Murray S. Fenwick, walked into The Ego Shop and immediately I was verbally shouted at by the
    people who did say they had guns in Their Ego Hands.
9. I was verbally swore at and those store keepers even did kick the floor at my presence.
10. The Ego Shop attendants even swore oaths right in my face that they had every intention of
      shooting me with some loaded guns that they just loaded to kill me with. They shouted and
      hollered that they even knew,when, I, Murray S. Fenwick, started on my way to Their Ego Shop
      and they had prepared those loaded guns to shoot me down with and to kill me with them.

Readers: This actually did happen to me, Murray S. Fenwick, right next door to The Bishop Maher
                Centre right in The City Of San Diego right in The State Of California, U.S.A.

11. Fortunately for me, Murray S. Fenwick, some people in the store got into the argument on my
      side of the issues.
12. Soon some of those very people who were on my side of these issues began shouting out The
      Ego Store door for other people to get involved in this terrible scene and to get Dear Little
      Murray out through The Ego Store Door safely.
13. After awhile I got out of, through,The Ego Store Door safely and went back to The Bishop Maher
14. During the bad scene that did happen in the store I, Murray S. Fenwick, did tell The Ego Store
      Employees to phone up The President Of The United States Of America and get Him to help the
      community of San Diego to deal properly as possible with The Atomic Bomb that had been built
      right across the street.

How I got accused by The Employees Of The Ego Shop for being involved in building The Atomic
Bomb next door to The Bishop Maher Centre is the following.

1. when I came to stay at The Bishop Maher Mission the people who did run the Mission had to know
    who I was and a little of my back ground.
2. i told them who i was and a little of my back ground with The American White House and The
    American Atomic Program

Readers: Just one of the things that i told to The Bishop Maher Centre's Workers was that i had been
                offered a job quite a number of times to work in The Atomic Field somewhere in The
Hoodlum World but that i never did accept a job in The Atomic Field because a very important person who had been A Very Important Person In The American Atomic Program told me not to work in The Atomic Field at all because a person usually dies from being exposed to Atomic Compounds of one kind or another

The Very Important Employee Of The American Atomic Program told me this danger statement many times. The Important Man from The American White House always told me The Occupational
Hazards of jobs that were offered to me

Somehow people from The Bishop Maher Centre or from The Ego Store found out that I, Murray S.
Fenwick, was located  at The Bishop Maher Centre and very much misunderstood my own ideas and
knowledge about Atomic Energy. Somehow my talks with The Bishop Maher Centre got all mixed up and The Ego Store got my talks mixed up as well. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that these people
for what-ever reasons got very mixed up. These very people that I am talking about here could have
gotten so very mixed up by being in contact with the Atomic Gas that did come out of The Atomic
Bomb Factory that had been just locally built.

Some people at The Bishop Maher Centre and some people at The Ego Store got my talks mixed up
very badly and did think that I, Murray S. Fenwick, did help in designing and building and installing
The Very Big And Dangerous Atomic Bomb Factory that was just built next door to The Bishop Maher Centre.

Because The United States Of America has been proven to be the most murderous nation on The
Hoodlum Earth Today. The EGO TRIPPING Employees Of The Ego Store decided to murder me in
Their Ego Store. This Murder by Gun Attack that did happen to Murray S. Fenwick in The Ego Store
just about did take place. Other people who were in the immediate area of The Bishop Maher Centre
were also involved in This Murder Attempt Against The Innocent Murray S. Fenwick. This involvement of other people in This Murder Attempt can be proven true by simply putting together
who it was who directed me to The Ego Store. I, Murray S. Fenwick, had no knowledge of The Large Atomic Bomb Factory that had been built next door to The Bishop Maher Centre prior to my coming to stay at The Bishop Maher Centre and the day that This Murder Attempt was made against Murray S. Fenwick. I Murray S. Fenwick had no intention of visiting at that exact time The Ego Store. I, Murray
S. Fenwick, was sent by people in the neighborhood of The Bishop Maher Centre to The Ego Store
that day The Murder Attempt was made against me. This murder attempt against Murray S. Fenwick
was in advance, quite well organized. At least this murder attempt did appear that way.

Readers: I found out that The Large Atomic Bomb Factory  that someone built and installed next door
                to The Bishop Maher Mission Is Very Large Indeed!

Readers: The Bishop Maher Centre is located in A All Black People's Neighborhood.

This large Atomic Bomb that was built next door to The Bishop Maher Mission is plenty big enough to blow The City Of San Diego completely into Atomic Powder Dust that is blown away in The Atomic Winds Of The Atomic Bomb Blast Itself. There would not be anything left of all of San Diego should that Atomic Bomb be fired off. The City Of San Diego is in The State of California, United States Of

Readers: ALSO,

This large Atomic Bomb Factory that was built next door to The Bishop Maher Mission is plenty big
enough to also blow The City Of Tijuana completely into Atomic Dust that is blown away in The Atomic Winds Of The Atomic Bomb Blast Itself. The City Of Tijuana is in The State Of Baja California, Mexico.

Readers: I found out that The American People who were in charge of That Illegal Atomic Bomb
                Factory did not know how to deal with That Large Atomic Bomb Factory "AT ALL".

Readers: As time went on it became known to me that The Large Atomic Bomb that had been fully
                charged and made ready to detonate off was not under proper control what-so-ever and was thought to be increasingly dangerous! This is the exact report and expectations of That Large Atomic Bomb at that exact time.

Readers: No-one ever did contact The American White House which is exactly what I, Murray S.
                Fenwick, did  tell them to do many times. A person can die from "Various Forms Of
Atomic Energy Very Easily."

Readers: We will now have a look at why someone put The Large Atomic Bomb next door to The
                Bishop Maher Mission.

1. I wrote earlier in this report about Mexico, "The Beautiful," how easily "The Entire Nation Of
    Mexico" could be very easily flipped over. That is turned right upside down.
2. To me it looks like someone got knowledgeable about this being the truth.
3. It does look like someone has definitely made an attempt at destroying Mexico by turning Mexico
    upside down by flipping The Entire Nation Of Mexico right over.
4. The Large Atomic Bomb that was put into place right beside The Bishop Maher Mission in The
    City Of San Diego is definitely large enough to blow away "The Supporting Blocks" that do keep
    Mexico in the geological position that it is now presently in.
5. Should That Large Atomic Bomb Blow Off it would remove the great big block, blocks, of rock
    that presently act as a balance weight to keep The Nation Of Mexico in the geological position
    that it is presently in.
6. Should that much of the counter weights be removed by The Large Atomic Bomb Blowing Off,
    then The Nation Of Mexico could very easily flip right over upside down.

I do guarantee, "To My Readers," that The Large Atomic Bomb that has been placed into its position
right next door to The Bishop Maher Centre has very strategically been placed right in the right location in order to very possibly flip Mexico right over should that Large Atomic Bomb Blow Off.

I do believe that The Nation Of Mexico should go to The American White House about this very
dangerous situation and discuss this possible destruction of Mexico and part of The U.S.A. with
The United States President "Who Is In Office" in order to try and remove such a disasterous threat
to The Country Of Mexico and to The United States Of America.

Readers: The following is my own assessment made about the possible places that This Large
                Atomic Bomb came from.

My explanation here is not a direct statement against anybody in order to accuse them for making such A Large Atomic Bomb Illegally but is just a little bit of information about where This Large
Atomic Bomb that was built next to The Bishop Maher Mission did originate from and why I think
the way that I do about the manufacturing location of That Big Atomic Bomb, Factory.

1. The LARGE Atomic Bomb that was installed next to The Bishop Maher Centre might have been
    manufactured at any distance and anywhere from the location where it was installed at and then
    transported to its location of installation which was next door to The Bishop Maher Mission.
2. The location of the installed Large Atomic Bomb was next door to The Bishop Maher Centre in
    The City Of San Diego which is located in The State Of California which is in The United States
    Of America.

Readers: I checked The Bishop Maher Mission's immediate area out and there was only one place
                that Large Of An Atomic Bomb could have been manufactured at. The Large Atomic Bomb could have been manufactured in "The Local Yard."

Readers: I would like to make clear "The Size Of Factory" idea that is needed when someone is going
                to manufactured some product.

For example:

1. The factory that is manufacturing the goods has to be designed in accordance with the goods that
    are to be manufactured in it.

2. A manufacturer of great big ships that cross oceans has to have a factory big enough to build big
    ships in like a great big ship yard.
3. A manufacturer of cars has a factory big enough to build his model of cars in.
4. A manufacturer of steel nuts and bolts has a factory that is designed suitable to manufacture nuts
    and bolts in.
5. A manufacturer of clothes for people has a factory designed big and suitable enough for the
    manufacture of certain kinds of clothes for people.

Readers: When someone builds A Large Atomic Bomb "Factory" the scope ideas used for the
                factories design needed by the manufacturer are exactly the same design scope ideas
that are used for other kinds of manufacturing factories for anything else that might be manufactured.

Readers: For certain after a person listened to, "The Reports," about the size of The Large Atomic
                Bomb, "Factory,"  that was found in the immediate area of The Bishop Maher Mission.
That person would know, "That Large Of An Atomic Bomb" could never have been manufactured
in someone's private car trunk, or in the back box of, "a mere little, small, pick-up truck.

Readers: Sometimes These Atomic Bomb Reports are accurately assessed, made. Sometimes
                These Atomic Bomb Reports are not accurately assessed, made.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do have my own ideas as to the assessment that was made
                concerning The Atomic Bomb, "Factory," that was built and found near to The Bishop
Maher Mission. My thoughts are based on "The Facts" that I, Murray S. Fenwick, was taught by
people from The American White House. I do believe that I, Murray S. Fenwick, should not
write down here in this report my own thoughts about This Specific Atomic Bomb "Factory"
Problem that does exist within the national boundaries of The United States Of America,
that is within The United States Itself.

Readers: It had to be quite a large machine, metal working shop, that manufactured
                "That Large Of An Atomic Bomb" that was found installed right next door to
The Bishop Maher Mission.

Readers: There is only 1, one, large machine metal working shop in the immediate area
                of The Bishop Maher Mission that had the size capacity to manufacture "That
Large Atomic Bomb" and that machine metal working shop is called "The Yard."

Readers: I am not saying that "The Yard" did do the manufacturing of "That Large Atomic Bomb"
                but I did say that I did start my own investigation of "That Large Atomic Bomb" and I
still do think that The United States President "Who Is In Office" should do likewise and also The Nation Of Mexico.

Thank You
Murray S. Fenwick

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