Sooke, U.S.A.
Army Military,
The U.S.A. Army Military,
Department Of Experimental War Equipment,
United States Of America.
Readers: This "Overall Report" does show A One Way Street.
Readers: When Mr. Boogy Mad Man was a child The U.S.A. Army
reviewed his early grades in school report cards.
Readers: The U.S.A. Army Military soon discovered that "The Boy"
Mr. Boogy Mad Man did quite well in school.
Readers: The U.S.A. Army Military immediately went to Mr. Boogy
Mad Man's parents and talked to them about their "Young Son"
becoming A Young U.S.A. American Soldier.
Readers: Mr. Boogy Mad Man's parents thought that The U.S.A. Army
Military had a good idea and did agree with The U.S.A. Army
Military about their "Young Son" becoming A Young Soldier in The
U.S.A. Army Military.
Readers: The "Young Son" Mr. Boogy Mad Man was immediately taken
into The U.S.A. Army Military as A Young Soldier.
Readers: The U.S.A. Army Military had education plans for "The Young
Soldier" Mr. Boogy Mad Man.
Readers: The U.S.A. Army Military had A Military School quite close by
to where Mr. Boogy Mad Man did live as "A Young Boy."
Readers: The U.S.A. Army Military School was close enough to where Mr.
Boogy Mad Man's home was that Mr. Boogy Mad Man could
quite easily, comfortably, walk to and from the school.
Readers: The "Immediate Following" about "The Young Son" Mr. Boogy
Mad Man attending school "Is What Appears To Be What Went
On" but, in this case of Mr. Boogy Mad Man, that is not necessarily the
Readers: Every time that "The Young Son" Mr. Boogy Mad Man did
go A Walking Off To The U.S.A. Army Military School he
first went A Walking Right Straight To, "A Local Indian Reservation,"
and once Mr. Boogy Mad Man was seriously on, that is inside the outer
perimetre of "The Indian Reservation" he would meet up with A Small
Group Of People who were from "The Indian Reservation Itself" and
would have some kind of formal discussion with This Small Group Of
Possibly Indian People and then Mr. Boogy Mad Man would continue
on his way to The U.S.A. Army Military School. There might have been
A Predominant Indian, Indian Chief, Inside Of This Small But Seriously
Important Group of Indians on "That Reservation" where Mr. Boogy Mad
Man did go to all the days of his U.S.A. Army Military School Training
Student Life. Readers: There is something right here that is Very Seriously
Out Of Place. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that this visiting of "The
Indian Reservation," by "The Young Son," Mr. Boogy Mad Man all of his
U.S.A. Army Military School Student Days has to be very seriously
Readers: As soon as "The Young Son" was taken into The U.S.A. Army
Military he began attending The U.S.A. Army Military School.
Mr. Boogy Mad Man was ordered by The U.S.A. Army Military to start
attending The Military School as soon as he was received into The U.S.A.
Army Military.
Readers: "The Young Son" Mr. Boogy Mad Man did show some
mathematical ability in his school work when he was quite young.
This mathematical ability that "The Young Son" Mr. Boogy Mad Man did
demonstrate that he could do as "A Young Son" is what The U.S.A. Army
Military did want to further train Mr. Boogy Mad Man in.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did come to know Mr. Boogy Mad Man
quite well. I believe that if someone did train Mr. Boogy Mad
Man in some mathematics he could do some of the different forms of
mathematics alright. I do believe that Mr. Boogy Mad Man should never
have been taken into The U.S.A. Army Military "AT ALL" because It
Was Very Easy To Prove that Mr. Boogy Mad Man was Very Seriously A
Criminally Minded Man. Mr. Boogy Mad Man always was Very Seriously
A Criminally Minded Man. Mr. Boogy Mad Man was born wrong in his
mind and Mr. Boogy's Mindlessness did show up in his life all of the time.
I know that Mr. Boogy Mad Man had mental problems all of his life. Even
though Mr. Boogy Mad Man could do some forms of mathematics he "In
Normal Ways Of Just Living Day To Day Life Itself" he, Mr. Boogy Mad
Man, could not even add two five cent pieces together to make up one
single dime's worth of knowledge as to how "Decent People Did Live
Just Daily Life." Mr. Boogy Mad Man was born A Mentally Retarded Man.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, Being A Church Pastor would have taken
Mr. Boogy Mad Man into my Church As A Man Who Was Born
Mentally Wrong And Mr. Boogy Mad Man Would Have Been Placed by Me,
Pastor Murray S. Fenwick, Into A Special Church Class That Was Designed
For Seriously Mentally Ill Handy Capped Men. All The Congregation Of My
Church would have known about "The Mental Problem Man" named Mr.
Boogy Mad Man because I would have told The Churches Congregation
about him also I, Pastor Murray S. Fenwick, would have informed The Local
Authourities and Local Community People about The Mental Problem that
Mr. Boogy Mad Man was born with. Mr. Boogy Mad Man had to be
"PROPERLY PROCTORED" all day long all of the days of his entire life.
Mr. Boogy Mad Man had to be "UNDER PROPER SUPERVISION" every
day all day long all the days of his entire life.
Readers: The U. S.A. Army Military wanted to train Mr. Boogy Mad Man
in some forms of mathematics that did work with Their Department
Of Experimental War Equipment. Mr. Boogy Mad Man was destined to work
in The U.S.A. Army Military, Department Of Experimental War Equipment.
Readers: Mr. Boogy Mad Man did graduate in his U.S.A. Army Military
mathematical Military School Studies and was assigned the job
in The U.S.A. Army Military, In The Department Of Experimental War
Equipment, to work with and study The U.S.A. Army Military Experimental
War Equipment.
Readers: By Mr. Boogy Mad Man "Now Working" in The U.S.A. Army
Military's Department Of Experimental War Equipment is what
set the stage for Mr. Boogy Mad Man to expand on His Very Serious
Criminal Trouble Making.
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