Readers: This Atomic Report is about the time that I, Murray S. Fenwick,
was A Trooper in The Canadian Army Regular, Armoured Corps.
I was stationed in Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, in The Canadian Armoured
Corps Headquarters. I was at this location to be trained as a gunner in a
Centurion Tank.
Readers: Right here is another change.
Readers: Right next door to where my barrack block was located was a
building that housed the facilities for training people in some kind of
Atomic Education.
Readers: It was The Commander of This Atomic Training Building who did
"Falsely Accuse Murray S. Fenwick" for making Atomic Energy
Trouble in This Atomic Training Building And Then Out Going From This Atomic
Training Building Through Out Camp Borden in General.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, had been in This Atomic Training Building,
as far as I remember, maybe just one time. I along with some other
Trainees were asked to go into This Atomic Training Building in order to be
told what was going on in this building and other buildings in The Armoured
Corps Headquarters Area. We were being introduced to The Armoured Corps
Headquarters Area. I, Murray S. Fenwick, just might have stood on the outside
step of This Atomic Building and looked into This Atomic Building through the
open door way. I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not quite remember. I just might not
have ever been in This Atomic Education Building.
Readers: There is another Trainee who was definitely in This Atomic Training
Building a lot of times. He seemed to live in That Building. He was in
That Atomic Training Building A Whole Lot. This Trainee is A Trouble Maker
and is The Trouble Maker that I have written up in This Here Report who I
named The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE."
Readers: This False Negative "GUILTY" Trainee originated out of The Maritime
Provinces of Canada, "SOMEWHERE." This Trainee was a man=male.
He was sent to Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada, to be trained in The Basics Of
Canadian Army Life and if then he was found acceptable he was to be allowed to
stay in The Canadian Army Regular to be further trained in some kind of trade
that was related to his position in The Canadian Army Regular. This Trainee was in
The Atomic Building A Whole Lot. It was found out that This Trainee was to be
trained in Armour Vehicle Driving. This Trainee did graduate from The Canadian
Armoured Corps School for driving Canadian Armored Vehicles. Soon after this
Trainee graduated he was found to be in "The Area" of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
His name while he was in The Canadian Armoured Corps was, his name can be
supplied. ...
Readers: This Trainee could have been one of the people who did Falsely Accuse
Me, Murray S. Fenwick, for making Illegal Atomic "HELL HAVOC" in
The Atomic Training Building and around about Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do know "EXACTLY WHERE" This Trainee Man
was located in and around abouts Calgary, Alberta, Canada. "EXACTLY
WHERE" This Trainee was located, there was a lot of trouble going on and as well
Atomic Trouble going on right "EXACTLY WHERE" This Trainee was located.
Readers: It is This Trainee who was found "GUILTY" For Making Atomic Trouble
In The Town Of Golden, British Columbia, Canada, At A Later Date."
Readers: There was a whole lot of trouble aimed at Trooper Murray S. Fenwick,
by The Commander Of That Atomic Training Building, and I, Murray
S. Fenwick, doe's think other people did also get involved in "Falsely Accusing"
Trooper Murray S. Fenwick, but for lack of evidence This False Negative Case
Did Just Fall Away. Never-The-Less This Negative False Atomic Case that was
charged at Trooper Murray S. Fenwick was a real case but a case that did lack
evidence. This False Atomic Negative Case was accused against Me, Murray
S. Fenwick, in about the year I964 Anno Domini.
Readers: Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick.
Readers: Right here is another change.
Readers: The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory Disaster Case is along the
same type of trouble as The Chernobyl Atomic Factory Disaster near
Pripyat, Ukraine.
Readers: Now we will move on to The False, Negative, Atomic Case, that was also
aimed at Murray S. Fenwick, at, in, The Little Town Of Golden, British
Columbia, Canada. This False, Negative, Atomic Case, was aimed at Murray S.
Fenwick, in about the year 1964 Anno Domini, at a later date.
Readers: Whether I, Murray S. Fenwick, was "In" The Canadian Army Regular or
whether I, Murray S. Fenwick, was "Out" of The Canadian Army Regular,
I had "A Private Interest" in "Just Visiting" The Little Town Of Golden, British
Columbia, Canada.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was in Calgary at the time that the following disaster
did happen to me.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did plan to go to The Little Town Of Golden, British
Columbia, Canada, and as I planned to go there I talked up my plans to a few
people who I did know and who were around about me a little. One of these people
was The Trainee From The Maritime's, "SOMEWHERE," The Guilty Trainee.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did review the price for a train ticket to Golden, B.C.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, did review the price for a bus ticket to Golden, B.C.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, did review the time and trouble it would be to Hick-
Hike to Golden, B.C.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was still reviewing the possible travel opportunities,
options, that were available to me to get me to The Little Town Of Golden,
B.C., when I felt a light tap on the back of my shoulder and when I turned around to
see just what it was or just who it was tapped me lightly on the back of my shoulder
I found myself looking into the eyes of The Trainee From The Maritime's, "SOME-
WHERE," who then said quietly, softly, that he and some of his friends were also
going to The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., soon, shortly, in one of their own private
cars and that I could go along with them if I wanted to help out by paying for some of
the gas and oil for the car. After I talked with The Trainee From The Maritimes,"SOME-
WHERE," the cost and the over-all deal seemed alright so I did agree to go with them.
Readers: Right here is another change.
Readers: This is where things about My, Murray S.,Fenwick's, going to The Little Town
Of Golden, B.C., did change to, "The Worse, Very Radically, Very Seriously."
Readers: It was not long and the day of our departure from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, to
The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada, came along.
Readers: It is about 160 to 170 miles from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, to The Little Town Of
Golden, B.C., Canada, and it takes about 2 hours and 50 minutes to about 3
hours of time to go from Calgary to Golden.
Readers: I do and I do not remember going to the car where The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," and some of his friends, not known to me, were all
gathered together and waiting to get into the car and get under way on our trip from Calgary,
Alberta, Canada to The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada.
Readers: This is where "The Disaster That Struck Me Down Did Begin To Take Place."
Readers" I, Murray S, Fenwick, also does not remember getting into the car.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, also does not remember where the transportation car was
located at as to where we were to meet up and begin our journey from Calgary to
Golden from.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, also do not remember what kind of car The Trainee From The
Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," did have.
Readers: I, Murray S, Fenwick, must have been hit on the head or drugged or gassed to make
me pass right out because I do know that I did pass right out.
Readers: Right here is another change.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that The Following Crazy Traffic Situation Did
Take Place.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, "Do Not Remember Much About This Because I Was Out Cold,
I Was Knocked Out." I do remember The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," speeding a lot in A Town. I believe The Town To Have Been Banff, Alberta, Canada, within Banff, National Park.
Readers: The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," would speed along The Streets of Banff.
Readers: The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," would speed around the corners of
The Streets Of Banff.
Readers: The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," would speed around about foot
pedestrians which made the pedestrians run out of the way of his speeding car in The
Town Of Banff, within Banff, National Park.
Readers: The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," did seem to even run over The
Scavenging Bear's Paws At The Banff City Dump, in The Town Of Banff, Alberta,
Canada,within The Boundaries Of Banff National Park, Canada.
Readers: The people of The Town Of Banff did eventually order, run out of Their Town Named
Banff, The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE,"
Readers: The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE," was publickly ordered to get right
out of Banff, to drive right out of Banff, "IMMEDIATELY" for speeding in Banff, for
wreckless driving in Banff, for dangerous driving in Banff "AND YOU NAME IT. ..."
Readers: Remember that I, Murray S. Fenwick, does remember some things about "This Terrible
Publick Driving Display" of The Trainee's From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE." I
cannot be of much help about "This Terrible Publick Driving Display" because I was knocked out.
Readers: Right here is another change.
Readers: As much as I, Murray S. Fenwick, can remember we must have gone on to The Little
Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada, after being chased out of The Town Of Banff, Alberta,
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does not remember a single thing about the driving trip from
Banff, Alberta, Canada, to The Little Town Of Golden, British Columbia, Canada
because I was out cold, knocked out.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does remember some things about being in The Little Town Of
Golden, B.C., Canada.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does remember people in the car that I was in telling each other
that they were now approaching The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does remember the car that I was travelling in turning off of The
Main Trans Canada Highway to go into The Little Town Of Golden.
Readers: Right here is another change.
Readers: As the car that I, Murray S. Fenwick, was travelling in approached The Little Town Of
Golden, B.C., Canada, I was pushed, thrown, out of the moving car onto the road that
led from The Main Trans Canada Highway to The Little Town Of Golden and left where I landed
on the road abandoned.
Readers: I do not know how long a time it was but a man from The Atomic Factory seemed to
come to my rescue who was a worker in The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory.
Readers: This worker from The Golden Atomic Factory did know that I, Murray S. Fenwick,
was "A VICTIM" of some people in A Car who just drove into The Little Town Of
Golden, B.C., Canada.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did not know that The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada,
had A Very Important Atomic Factory in it.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did find out, somehow, immediately, from the working man
who did work in The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory, who had come to my
rescue, that there was A Very Important Atomic Factory located in The Little Town Of Golden,
B.C., Canada.
Readers: Right here is another change.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was mainly out cold on the road.
Readers: The worker from The Golden Atomic Factory carried me off of the road and sat me
down onto the green grass beside the road.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was constantly mainly out cold.
Readers: Just here and there I, Murray S. Fenwick, would come out of being out cold to a very
little, small, state of being woke up. I kept going into the out cold state.
Readers: It was in this out cold and small awake condition that I, Murray S. Fenwick, did find
out from The Golden Atomic Factory worker just what was going on around about me
in The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do "just might remember? ???" a little of the car drive from The
Main Trans Canada Highway to The Little Town Of Golden. There was a little pot holed
rough road that did lead from The Main Trans Canada Highway to The Little Town Of Golden,
B.C., Canada. I remember the car that I was in,"sin," throwing itself around on this small road as the
car sped on fastly along this small off road to The Little Town Of Golden.
Readers: I remember being thrown out of this speeding car when this car entered The Little
Town Of Golden or there abouts. The Driver of this speeding car who was The
Trainee From The Maritimes "SOMEWHERE" did not stop the car to throw me out at all.
The Trainee From The Maritimes "SOMEWHERE" just ordered Me, Murray S. Fenwick, to
be thrown out of the moving, speeding car. I, Murray S. Fenwick, could have been killed
having this done to me.
Readers: Fortunately for Me, Murray S. Fenwick, when I was thrown out of the moving,
speeding car, that I landed right at the feet of a worker=workers from The Little
Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory.
Readers: It was that worker=workers who did help me a lot in this "VICTIM SITUATION
Readers: The worker=workers tried to no avail to revive me from being out cold but could
Readers: Here and there these Atomic Workers would talk to me when I was semi awake.
Readers: Right here is another change.
Readers: The Nice Two Rivers that do flow by The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada
are The Kicking Horse River and The Columbia River.
Readers: From this worker=workers I found out about what did happen to me and about just
some of the terrible things that did befall The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic
Factory, Then The Little Town Of Golden and Then The Nice Two Rivers that flow by Golden.
Readers: The Atomic Factory Worker=Workers did accuse The Trainee From The Maritime's
"SOMEWHERE" for illegally entering The Golden Atomic Factory and intentionally
destroying The Golden Atomic Factory which then did destroy The Little Town Of Golden
which then did destroy The Nice Two Rivers that flow by The Little Town Of Golden, which
were The Kicking Horse River and The Columbia River.
Readers: The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" did "FALSELY ACCUSE ,
PUBLICKLY ACCUSE, Me, Murray S. Fenwick, for destroying The Golden
Atomic Factory which then did destroy The Little Town Of Golden which then did destroy
The Nice Two River that flow by The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada, which were
The Kicking Horse River and The Columbia River.
Readers: The Golden Atomic Factory Worker=Workers Did Publickly Say, Shout Out Against
The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" that he was a Great Big Liar
because he, The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" was found and caught being
"Illegally" in The Golden Atomic Factory and destroying The Golden Atomic Factory and
Me, Murray S. Fenwick, "WAS FOUND" out cold on "The Road" that leads from The Main
Trans Canada Highway that runs past The Little Town Of Golden, right at the feet of the
worker=workers where these very workers did sit to have a coffee break, or their lunch break.
It was these very workers who saw Me, Murray S. Fenwick, get thrown right out of the moving,
speeding car that The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" was wrecklessly
driving into Golden. These Atomic Factory Workers actually saw this murderous scene happen,
take place. No-one was going to fool them. These Golden Atomic Factory Workers kept a sharp
eye on that car that The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" was carelessly driving.
These Golden Atomic Factory Workers did know exactly where that car went to that The Trainee
From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" was driving carelessly in The Little Town Of Golden
and these Workers also did know exactly where the driver of that car went to in Golden and also
exactly where the other people who were in that car went to in The Little Town Of Golden.
These Golden Atomic Factory Worker=Workers were not to be fooled. ...
Readers: Right here is another change.
Readers: Right here, "All Of The Bible's "Hell" Broke Loose."
Readers: I was still out cold lieing on the side of the road at the feet of The Little Town Of
Golden's Atomic Factory Workers.
Readers: Because of what happened here I will write the next part of this overall report very
short, but I still do think that you, Readers, will understand it all right.
Readers: Because I was out cold in this location I do not remember much of anything at all
that did happen in The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada, or of what did happen
in The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory.
Readers #1: At times, I, Murray S. Fenwick, did wake up just a little bit.
Readers #2: When I, Murray S. Fenwick, did wake up just a little bit The Golden Atomic
Workers did talk to me just a little bit.
Readers #3: The first thing that The Golden Atomic Factory Workers did tell me is that, I,
Murray S. Fenwick, was litteraly thrown right out of the back door of The Car
that The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" was driving very fast and very
dangerously. I was thrown out of the back door of the car when the car was under way,
speeding carelessly along the short road that did lead to The Little Town Of Golden, B.C.,
Canada, from The Main Trans Canada Highway.
Readers #4: The Golden Atomic Factory Workers told me that, I, Murray S. Fenwick, was
thrown out of The Fast Moving and Dangerously Driven Car right at their feet.
Readers #5: The Golden Atomic Factory Workers told Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that they
were looking after me ever since this terrible, irresponsible, car scene happened
to me. Ever since I was thrown out of the speeding, dangerously, driven car at their feet.
Readers #6: The Golden Atomic Factory Workers told Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that because
of them witnessing this terrible car scene happen to me and did also witness the
terrible, irresponsible, dangerous driving attitude of The Trainee From The Maritime's
"SOMEWHERE," that they got right into trying to help Me and to also apprehend The
Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE", The Car That He Was Driving In And Also
The Other People In The Car.
Readers #7: The Golden Atomic Factory Workers told me that The Trainee From The Maritime's
"SOMEWHERE," and his friends who were in the car with him did seem to be Very Interested In The Golden Atomic Factory And At Least, The Trainee From The Maritime's
"SOMEWHERE," Was Caught Illegally In The Golden Atomic Factory By Some Of The Golden
Atomic Factory Workers And Was Bodily Thrown Out Of The Golden Atomic Factory By Some
Of The Golden Atomic Factory Workers. Some Workers said that he was chased out on the run.
Readers #8: The Other People who were in the car with The Trainee From The Maritime's
"SOMEWHERE" did locate themselves quite nearby The Golden Atomic Factory
and were said to enter The Golden Atomic Factory. These People just might have gone Illegally
into The Golden Atomic Factory but I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not know about it because I was
Out Cold at this time and could not even see a thing what was going on about, not anything at all.
BUT there was severe questions about these people being seriously in The Golden Atomic Factory
Or These People not being in The Golden Atomic Factory by The Golden Atomic Factory Workers
"THEMSELVES." Because of the way this talk went I, Murray S. Fenwick, do believe that The
Other People who were in The Speeding, Dangerously Driven Car, that The Trainee From The
Maritime's "SOMEWHERE" did drive were also "ILLEGALLY IN" The Golden Atomic Factory.
Readers: Remember, that I, Murray S. Fenwick, was out cold on the ground during the times that
these Very Criminal Illegal Scenes did take place. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does base my opinion on
this issue on The Talks That The Golden Atomic Factory Workers Did Have.
Readers: Right here is another change.
Readers #1: There seemed to Me, Murray S. Fenwick, the following arrangements made in The
Gang that did attack The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory.
Readers #2: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that The Gang who did The Attack Against The
Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory did seem to be in two pieces, sets.
Readers #3: It does seem to Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that Part Of The Gang did permanently live
in The Little Town Of Golden Itself.
Readers #4: It does seem to Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that Part Of The Gang did drive into The Little
Town Of Golden in The Car that The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE"
did drive into The Little Town Of Golden In, In A Very Dangerous Manner.
Readers #5: It does seem to Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that once The Part Of The Gang who were in
The Car that was being driven carelessly by The Trainee From The Maritime's
"SOMEWHERE" did arrive in The Little Town Of Golden, that these people did unite with The
Part Of The Gang Who Did Permanently Live, Reside, in The Little Town Of Golden. Once these
Two Parts Of The Gang did unite, come together, they then did go about their dirty criminal business of attacking The Atomic Factory that was in The Little Town Of Golden.
Readers #6: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do believe that my statement #5 is The Truth because of the following reasons.
Readers #7: There was A Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live, in The Little Town Of Golden
who did oppose The Atomic Workers Statements Completely about My, Murray S. Fenwick's, whereabouts and involvement about the attack against The Little Town Of Golden's
Atomic Factory.
Readers #8: This Gang Of Mainly Women, or, Mainly Women Representing This Little Town Of
Golden, did totally and continually, Did Publickly Falsely Accuse Me, Murray S. Fenwick, for attacking and ruining The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory.
Readers #9: This Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live, in The Little Town Of Golden did
not stop this False Negative Attack against Me, Murray S. Fenwick,
Readers #10: The Golden Atomic Factory Workers did constantly refute This Gang Of Mainly Women who did live permanently, did reside, in The Little Town Of Golden, British Columbia, Canada.
Readers #11: "THEN" This Gang Of Mainly Women who did live, reside permanently, in The
Little Town Of Golden did decide to shoot Me, Murray S. Fenwick, with double
barreled shot guns and kill Me, Murray S. Fenwick, "DEAD."
Readers #12: The Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town
Of Golden did try many times to get Me, Murray S. Fenwick, away from The Town
Of Golden's Atomic Factory Workers and stand Me, Murray S. Fenwick, up against a tree or a wall
of a building somewhere and shoot me down with the double barreled shot guns that they were
carrying along with them.
Readers #13: Then This Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little
Town Of Golden, did plan to throw My, Murray S. Fenwick's, dead body into The
Kicking Horse River or into The Columbia River.
Readers #14: Remember this "ATTACK" that was made against Me, Murray S. Fenwick, by This
Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town Of
Golden, did not stop when The Golden Atomic Factory Workers did tell This Gang Of Mainly
Women to stop trying to double barrel shot gun shoot down Me, Murray S. Fenwick.
Readers #15: The Workers At The Golden Atomic Factory had to literally stop forcibly and with
their own hands push and shove This Gang Of Women away from attacking and
double barrel shot gun shooting Me, Murray S. Fenwick, down dead when He, Murray S. Fenwick,
lay out cold on the side of the road. This arguement and literally shove around fight to save Me,
Murray S. Fenwick, from being shot with a lot of double barreled shot guns went on and on. This
Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town Of Golden never
did stop their attack, to kill, Murray S. Fenwick. This double barreled shot gun attack against Me,
Murray S. Fenwick, went on and on and on. It was very difficult, to the extreme, for The Little
Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory Workers to constantly save My, Murray S. Fenwick's, life. This
double barreled many shot guns attack against Me, Murray S. Fenwick, by This Gang Of Mainly
Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town Of Golden, was so severe, bad, it is
difficult, hard, to believe that This Gang Of Mainly Women really did do this. These Women were
told to stop their attack against Me, Murray S. Fenwick, and This Gang Of Mainly Women would
not stop their relentless attack. This double barreled shot gun attack right here is so very bad that
it is hard to believe that it really did happen, take place. This Gang Of Mainly Women did shout
and scream loudly all over The Little Town Of Golden and would not stop, when told to stop.
This part of this Atomic Factory Attack, Negative Case, that was carried on by This Gang Of
Mainly Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town Of Golden, is very shocking indeed. "This Attack" against Murray S. Fenwick, that took place at the time of "The Attack" that
took place against The Atomic Factory, In The Little Town Of Golden, British Columbia, Canada, should be looked into very seriously. This Attack Right Here that was led by A Gang Of Mainly
Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town Of Golden, B.C., Canada, is why I,
Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that This Notorious Gang that did attack The Little Town Of
Golden's Atomic Factory was divided into a least two parts. One part was in the car that was
driven into The Little Town Of Golden by The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE"
and another part was The Gang Of Mainly Women who did reside, live permanently, in The Little Town Of Golden who did persistently did try to shoot down Murray S. Fenwick, with double
barreled shot guns.This Gang Of Mainly Women who did try to kill Murray S. Fenwick by shooting him down with double barreled shot guns would not stop their relentless attempt at killing Murray S. Fenwick. Because of this happening repeatedly the way that it did and other things about this attack against The Little Town Of Golden's Atomic Factory, I, Murray S. Fenwick, became convinced that "There Was A Definite Connection" between, supposedly, these two different groups of people. I,
Murray S. Fenwick, do believe that these two supposedly different groups of people could very
easily be just one group of people, The Gang Themselves. Readers: Remember, there were other
things that did happen that did add also to my believing that these two supposedly different groups
of people just might be One Gang.
Readers: Right here is another change.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did wake up here just a little bit again.
Readers: I do not know how but I, Murray S. Fenwick, did wake up just a little bit again but
this time I was back in the car that The Trainee From The Maritime's "SOMEWHERE,"
was crazily driving dangerously once again. I was in the back seat.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did find out somehow that I was in the back seat of the car and
that the car was just on the short road that led from The Little Town Of Golden to The
Main Trans Canada Highway.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, remember nothing at all about the drive from The Little Town Of
Golden, British Columbia, Canada, back to The City Of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, remember nothing about my immediate arrival in The City Of
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, remember nothing about my own ware abouts when I was thrown
out of the back seat of the car in The City Of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Readers: My, Murray S. Fenwick's, mind here, about Calgary, is completely blanked out and for
how long a time my mind is completely blanked out for I, Murray S. Fenwick, does not
know. ... I, Murray S. Fenwick, remembers zero right here for quite some time. Just how long a
time I, Murray S. Fenwick, doe's not know. ... I, Murray S.Fenwick, has absolutely no memory
of anything at all right here in Calgary for quite a long period of time. Just how long a time I,
Murray S. Fenwick, doe's not know. ...
Readers: Thank You Very Much
Written By
Murray S. Fenwick
Readers: Thank You Very Much
Signed By
Murray S. Fenwick
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