New Zealand.
New Zealand,
North Island.
Mexico Is In New Zealand? ???
New Zealand.
Atomic Disaster North Island.
One day when I was out for a walk I met some people that I knew from The White House, in The District of Columbia, United States of America. They stopped to talk with me for awhile. It was a nice sunny day and the time just slipped by while we whiled away the day talking about serious things. The time era was 1983 Anno Domini of our Christian Era. This conversation took place in
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.
1. What interested the people from The White House to talk about was an Atomic Problem that
did exist in The Nation of New Zealand.
2. The Atomic Problem was located in New Zealand, North Island.
3. Someone had put, built, made, constructed, An Atomic Plant of some kind of description in
New Zealand, North Island.
Because I, Murray S. Fenwick, am involved mainly in my own Vocation which is Religious Studies
I do not take interest very much in some exact details of Worldly Occupations that are classed Worldly Occupations by The Bible.
Therefore: I do know that this report right here is accurate but not as specific as it could be. The
following statement is exactly what I am talking about.
4. The Atomic problem that my friends from The White House were talking about was definitely
located in The Nation of New Zealand, North Island but I do not remember "Exactly" where in
The North Island This Atomic Plant Problem is "Exactly" located.
Therefore: This being now said I will now carry on with this report.
5. This Atomic Plant in New Zealand, North Island went out of control.
6. A lot of Atomic waist was definitely thrown around in an abusive manner.
7. This Atomic Plant became to be considered dangerous.
8. The type of danger that this Atomic Plant became to be was that it could very possibly "BLOW
9. "Atomic Trained People" studied this out of control "Atomic Plant" in various ways.
10. One of the ways that "This Out Of Control Atomic Plant" was studied is the blow up power
that it was capable of creating.
In order for "The Atomic Trained People" to know "The Blow Up Power" of "This Out Of Control
Atomic Plant" they did study a lot about "This Out Of Control Atomic Plant". I have to say here
that the amount of study done on "This Out Of Control Atomic Plant" was definitely tremendous.
11. The "Atomic Trained People" studied "This Atomic Plants" blueprint beginning design and
studied This Atomic Plant all around about.
12. The "Atomic Trained People" studied what "This Atomic Plant" was designed for.
13. The "Atomic Trained People" studied how old "This Atomic Plant" was.
14. The "Atomic Trained People" studied how long "This Atomic Plant" had been in production or
how many times This Atomic Plant had been used for production.
15. The "Atomic Trained People" studied what problem-problems had happened to "The Atomic
Plant" that made it become dangerously derelict.
16. The "Atomic Trained People" studied how much "Atomic Compounds, Waste" had been
carelessly thrown about. Dangerously, "LAWLESSLY" thrown about.
All In All: This Particular "Atomic Plant" was possibly partly shut down?
All In All: This Particular "Atomic Plant" was totally shut down?
All In All: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not remember "Exactly", what was done about the shut
down of This Particular Atomic Plant.
17. This Particular Atomic Plant is considered very dangerous.
18. This Atomic Plant has "A Very Big Blow Up Potential"
It is estimated that should This "Problematic" Atomic Plant Blow Up" it will blow up all of New
Zealand, North Island!
19: The reason why "This Particular Atomic Explosion" will do such an Incredible Large Amount of
Damage to New Zealand by totally blowing away into Atomic Dust the entire North Island of
New Zealand is because The North Island of New Zealand is precariously perched on the sea
bottom when The North Island is studied in relationship to where This Particular Atomic
Problem Plant is located.
20. Should This New Zealand Atomic Plant Problem "BLOW UP" it could definitely totally
dislodge all of New Zealand's North Island and make The North Island into Atomic Dust and
broken pieces but This Great Big Explosion would definitely sink all of New Zealand's North
Island beneath the sea.
This Great Big Atomic Problem in New Zealand is very real and has been studied enough to know
"!At The Time...!" what kind of damage This Atomic Blow Up Would Cause To Take Place.
Signed: Murray S. Fenwick
Readers: Mexico Is In New Zealand? ???
This following report should be looked into.
There are "A Mexican People's Possible Involvement Here.
1. During one of the wars that took place in New Zealand it is proven true that people
who were trained in Mexican Warfare were involved in that war.
Readers: I do know that you cannot have troops in a war without those very troops
getting involved with the people of that area.
Because of the hardships of travelling such long distances in the past by being
on sailing ships etc. it is probable that The Mexican Troops did remain and did
settle in New Zealand.
2. The Mexican Troops who were involved in That Specific War in New Zealand
probably did remain and did settle in New Zealand after That Specific War was
3. After awhile it is possible that both in laws and friends would come to visit both
their in laws and their friends in New Zealand.
4. Because of the hardships of travelling such long distances in the past by being
on sailing ships etc. it is probable that both the in laws and the friends of those
Mexican Troops did also remain and did settle in New Zealand.
Readers: This report this far is writing about "A Mexican Troop Buildup In The
Nation Of New Zealand That For Certain Did Take Place."
Readers: After The New Zealand War was over, because of the lack of population
that would take place because of The New Zealand War, there very easily
could have been quite a Large Mexican People In-Put Into The Nation Of New
Zealand. This has yet to be proven? ???
Readers: There are some questions as to just who some of The New Zealand People
are. A lot of people wonder "Just From Where And When" did These People
come from. Just "When And How" did they arrive here in New Zealand.
Readers: Should This Very Large Mexican People In-Put Into The Nation Of New
Zealand Have Taken Place, would certainly answer questions as to just
who some of The New Zealand People are today and how and why Those People
have come to be in New Zealand.
5. The Mexican Troop "IN-PUT" into New Zealand is definitely sufficient to have
established A Mexican People, Community, in the Nation Of New Zealand at
that time.
Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick
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