Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
Readers Remember: Locations Vary.
The Swimmer's Gang.
Sidney. That Is, The Little Town Of Sidney By The Sea.
On The British Columbia coast The Swimmers Gang did exist there in times
past and unfortunately they still do exist at present,2012. The name The
Swimmers Gang is not a professional name nor is it a registered trade name.
Also there is no specific marina or marina like place mentioned here. I say that
this trouble that I have written up here was in times past, and unfortunately still
is located at times, all over the place, mainly because The Swimmers Gang still
travels all over the place. The Swimmers Gang did and still does have specific
addresses where they live and park their boats though. The Swimmers Gang
travels all over the place and that does include them traveling all over The Pacific
in various ways of transportation.
The Young Man's Woman, The Young Men's Women:
The Young Man's arguement against me about meeting his woman is wrong
also because I might have met The Young Man's Woman once. I do not know
for sure. All I know is that The Young Man was "Once Again" going to trap
her behind a big fence like a Zoo Keeper traps A Red Nosed Reindeer from
The Indian Reserve behind A Zoos Fence. Thank you.
This Report is about several things.
It is about a Murder Man and Murder Men.
It is about The Murder Gang that I called The Swimmers Gang.
It is also about women being stolen off of the wharves located on
The British Columbia Coast.
these problems existed in the past and still do exist all over Oregon
Staste, Washington State, British Columbia, The Yukon and Alaska.
Unfortunately this is a serious problem this February of 2012.
when i was a young teenager of 14 i found out that many different
criminal scenes took place at the marinas on the B.C. coast
i lived in the small village of Sidney at this time. These terrible scenes
also took place inland
please take note: A Young Man, Young Men, who lived in a marina, marinas,
at this time took part in all of these criminal scenes. The
Young Man, Men, was, were, definitely in this marina, marinas, and did know
about everyone of these criminal scenes and did take part in every one of them
Readers: this report here is just a small example of The Young Mans, Men's,
criminal life, lives
Readers: A little addition here: When The Fisherman's Wharves were built
all over British Columbia some of this women stealing did for
certain change its location to The Fisherman's Wharves themselves but i
have to say that this problem is still a very serious problem all over The
British Columbia Coast in This Year Of 2012 Anno Domini
1. at the wharf there were several boats with bad men living in them
all the year long
2. these bad men were proven to be drunkards
3. these bad men were proven to be smokers of cigarettes and cigars
and pipes
4. these bad men were more than unruly in their bad ways of doing
things, they were out right murderers
5. these bad men were just a few of the people who were involved
in the horrible act of women stealing
6. these bad men always called stealing a woman simply "putting a
woman into the fish hold of the fish boat"
7. unfortunately at the wharves of B.C.this trouble making was known
to happen all the time
8. even if the boat, boats, involved did not leave for another
location the women would be held captive in the boat, boats,
and sexually raped endlessly
9. at times these innocent women would be thrown out of these
boats into what was called open water areas and left behind to drowned
10. alcohol was definitely involved in these unfortunate women's capturement
11. cigarettes were also involved in their capturement
12. for certain illegal drugs were said to be used against these women
It is a known fact that the people on the west coast of British Columbia
do make a lot of trouble of various kinds. Just some of the reasons why
the people do this trouble making follow
1. they live a very remote and at times backward life and because of this
they sometimes do things in a mad cap way because of pressure of
isolation and getting mixed up from this isolation way of living. This
at times does things that seem strange to other people
2. from cross bread people of various ethnic back grounds. These
people are at times not wanted and are mistreated at times very bad
and the result in their own lives is they do wrongs to other people
3. the coast of British Columbia is part of a large area of The Pacific
Ocean and is classed as part of what is called The Pacific Black
Jap(anese) Triangle
4. this Triangle is known for very serious trouble making and this
trouble making does include The British Columbia coast
5. one of the serious crimes that the people on the west coast of
British Columbia commits is they always feed people to sharks
6. the sharks are caught in various ways and by all ethnic groups
of people
7. one of the ways that is used in securing the wild sharks when
caught is by tieing a strong enough rope or fishing line around
the sharks tail and the other end to a wharf or fishing boat or
tug boat or barg etc.
8. this tieing the shark up keeps the shark in one location in order to
have the shark ready and waiting when the west coast people
bring their victims to the shark to be eaten, devoured down
9. the shark can be moved about by simply tieing it to a boat big
enough to pull it around
now about the size and types of sharks used for this purpose
1. any and every variety of shark has been caught and used for this
purpose. Any size and any variety of shark can be beaten up and
made to do this kind of killing of human beings
2. i do not know what kind of shark this is but a favourite one grows
to about 18 feet long in length
3. one type of shark used in The Brentwood Bay areas on Vancouver
Island near Victoria was called locally a Springer Shark
4. these Springer Sharks were classed as extremely dangerous
Readers: remember, The Swimmer's Gang does hang around marinas.
They are classed as seriusly crazy people.
now pertaining to sharks and the marinas
1. yes this marina did have a shark, sharks, tied up to the wharf
2. sharks were tied up there at more than one time
3. i saw a shark tied up there myself
4. i was almost killed by the shark that i saw tied up there
5. The Member Of The Swimmer's Gang of the marina had that
shark tied up there at the wharf for quite some time
6. it was definitely The swimmer's Gang Member of the boatyard
who caught the sharks and tied them up at the wharf there
7. The Swimmer's Gang would come to the marinas and pull the
shark about by its tail and observe the shark every day
this note is about a group of criminally minded boys and men and
women who were in a gang that I called The Swimmers Gang who
were located at these marinas, boatyards all over the coast
1. The Swimmer's Gang did and would pretend to be very innocently
snorkel swimming about these marinas for quite a long time
2. this pretended swimming of theirs went on for a long time, i do
not know how long this pretended swimming went on for
3. these swimmers also went all over the coast to pretend
swimming there as well, but all the while they pretended they were
just swimming about the marinas they committed the following
what these swimmers did is the following
4. when swimming they would swim underneath the floats of boat
houses and come up to the surface inside the locked up boat
house itself
5. the swimmers would then rob the boat houses
6. the swimmers would then rob the boats that were inside the
locked up boat houses by climbing aboard the boats and
breaking into them with tire irons and car jacks etc.
7. the swimmers would also destroy the boats in all kinds of
different broken up ways
8. also the swimmers would use old style braces made for
boring holes into wood and drill holes into the boats under
the water line and sink the boats by doing this criminal act
9. these swimmers made really big damage to quite a lot of
also these swimmers would put stolen goods onto locked up
boats and pretend they found the stolen goods and blame the
owner of the boat where the stolen goods were found for
stealing the goods. A lot of trouble came out of this
at times these swimmers would even take a propeller off of
a boat
Readers: concerned people, remember that this boxing type
of fist fighting brawl carried on in time
this is about a very serious murder scene that happened one
morning in the coffee shop of one these marinas
it was known generally through-out the community of Sidney
that the people who ran the marina would have coffee together
in the marina coffee truck each and every morning. The reason
for this coffee first thing in the morning before any work was
done was to talk about what they had to work at that day in the
marinas, plural, and to generally talk about work going on in the
marinas even for the coming week etc.
Readers: unfortunately
1. one morning there was a terrible brawl happened in the coffee
truck of the marinas
2. it was the marinas own workmen who were in this brawl
3. it was literally the marinas own workers who had coffee in
the marinas coffee truck every morning who had this brawl
4. it was said through-out the town of Sidney that no-one knew
what caused this brawl to take place
5. but it did seem to be known amongst the workers of the
marinas what caused this brawl to take place
and the brawl got even worse, and the brawl carried on through time
please know now: over all the scene of this brawl there was
definitely a knife for murder purposes brought
into the scene of this brawl
please know now: over all the scene of this brawl there was
a loaded gun like a double barreled shot gun
for murder purposes brought into the scene
of this brawl. This gun was also used to
threaten someone with
Readers: "TYPICALLY," this is just like Old Sidney. ...
Readers: Next is the disappearance of The Diesel Marine Engine
"TYPICALLY:" right off of the end of the wharf. If
this Diesel engine had disappeared off of the end of Beacon
Street Wharf which was the main wharf in Sidney this engine
disappearance would be one of The Old Sidney all time classic
scenes. This is so "TYPICAL" of Old Sidney to do this that it
cannot be overlooked. It's the same thing as a woman disappearing
off of the end of The Wharf
1. one day a salesman came to the marina in a flat deck truck
2. the salesman had sitting on the back of the truck a nice
Diesel Engine complete with Reduction Gear and
everything needed for the engine to be put right into a fishing
boat for serious service
3. a quite big strong man from an island went quickly to the
salesman just when the salesman arrived and just got out
of the flat deck truck and before the salesman even had a
chance to walk away from the truck on his proper business
the following is what was said happened about this situation but
is not necessarily the whole truth that is all the truth about this
scene that i believe is not acceptable
4. the big strong man's name was Crazy Man
5. the big strong man from the island said to the salesman that he
wanted to make a gambling bet with him
6. the salesman said that he was willing to gamble
7. what the wager, the gamble, was about was the big strong man
from the island said that he was strong enough to literally lift up
this quite large Diesel Engine complete with
Reduction Gear and everything else, by himself, right where the
engine was sitting on the back of the flat deck truck and walk
away with it to put it into his own fishing boat where he needed
a brand new engine
8. it was said that the salesman did Wager with the island strong
Crazy Man and lost
i say that i do believe that this was a criminal act but:
it is said to this day by the marinas
9. that the island strong man won the bet by literally picking up
the quite large Diesel Engine from where it sat on
the flat deck of the truck and walked away with it all the way
to his boat that needed a new diesel engine put into it
it is said to this day that the salesman was quite surprised at the
big strong man's strength who came from an island
it is said to this day that the salesman said not really any thing at
all at this point of issues
it is said to this day that he, the salesman, left very quiet very
quickly in his flat deck truck
Readers: take note, these things have been found out about
this scene that there was no-one around except the
salesman and the strong man from the island named Crazy Man
Readers: take note, it was found out that "The Young Man
was very close at hand." The young man knew
everything that ever might have happened about this
"Supposed Gambling Bet," also it is known that this very young
man was about with a loaded shot-gun that could be said like in
times past "the shot-gun was right at hand"
i say that i do believe that there was foul play involved in the
disappearance of this diesel engine that was brought by the
salesman to the marina. The engine was already,"All EQUIPPED",
for immediate service in a fishing boat and just like Old Sidney a
near or out right murder case takes place and the engine disappears
to The Island of The Strong Man named Crazy Man never to be seen
I say that's total fogged in lieing mystery but Typical of Old Sidney.
And the salesman drives away into the early morning shadows not saying anything.
And the young man sitting behind a half open window looking across the marinas
parking lot with a loaded double barreled shot gun across his lap sounds Typical
of the young mans act in life
I just have to say this here: this engine scene here is Typical of Old Sidney and
to think that The Marine Engine was a Diesel Engine
at that. This engine scene right here being A Diesel Engine Scene does bring in
another scene altogether and I know that it does and just to further this i will say
exactly what it can mean. This Diesel Engine Scene lines up with Indian
Reservation Diesel Engine Scenes which mean honest privileges to own one and
not everyone on An Indian Reserve is allowed to own one and then it can mean
honest work privileges that you get and it can mean the owner of That Diesel
Engine Has Reservation Indian Women Privileges that others do not have. To me
that means that you and everyone like you travels with Indian Women locked up
in your fish boat all over The B.C. Coast and British Columbia being classed part
of "The HUGE" Japanese Pacific Ocean Triangle that means to me that you
and that's all of you are illegally trafficking in Indian Women all over The Great
Pacific Ocean.
and to think that Mr. Young Man is backing you, "CRAZY MAN" up all the
way with a shot gun
I always did say that you were all rotten guys and that does include you Mr. Crazy
Strong Man
I always did say what I would do with the whole lot of you and that is I would
hang the lot of you right off of your own fishing boats booms
since The Young Man and other Rotten Men Like Crazy Man want to be known
as The Terror of the marinas of The Pacific Coast and since you have let this be
known all over The Town of Old Sidney. Well since you want a duel you are
going to get one. I think i will put a bullet-in out on you Rotten Guys through out
The Countries that really do look you up about such Diesel Engine Scenes and
shot gun scenes that you, "Supposedly Tough Guys", want to enact onto the
innocent at large. My very own sister died here and she is definitely just one of
the young women who did die from your Evil Rotten Hands. I think that i will
put a bullet-in out on You Rotten Guys in countries here and there and i and others
will just see what happens in the end to You Rotten Guys and because of your act
your families whether close to you or far away from you are subject to those
countries dealings also. I hope that you and all people like you are shot down dead
soon in those capital punishment countries.
it is known a long time ago that this Crazy Man arranged his fights and
did pull the arms and legs off of his victims in order that they would die
and that the marinas would then boast this as fact around about The Town
of Old Sidney By The Sea.
Oh Beware The Fooled
Oh Beware The Fooled
Oh Beware The Fool Crazy Man
Is The Terror Of The Place
And I The Young Man
Am Sitting Here With A Gun
Would Herald The Young Man
To The Old Town Of Sidney
this page is about the dead man, murdered man, found inside
the marina, found about the ship's ways but inside the boatyard
and locked in by a fence and lock. This is said this way in order
for it to be known that this dead man was found in the marina
and there was no mistaking of that being proven the truth to The
Old Town of Sidney By The Sea
after many other very serious criminal offences had taken place
the following very serious death called murder took place and
proven right inside one of the marinas on the B.C. Coast
For some very serious reason, "Which Still Remains Unknown To
Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick," The Old Town of Sidney
By The Sea had to prove a lot about, "This Specific," murdered
Man's case! !!!
i do not think that it is worth me writing down all forced
investigations the town forced onto this issue. I am going
to write down a very short report here but I think that it
is very good for this specific issue
A murdered man was found inside of a marina murdered.
He was found lieing dead right beside a boat that had been
hauled out of the water to have work done on it. The boat
was on the shipyards ways.
It was proven that someone had struck the man on the head,
maybe the back of the head, and killed him.
The Swimmers Gang young man was "OUT RIGHT ACCUSED,"
for killing this man and for committing other murderous acts! !!!
It was said in The Old Town of Sidney that The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man had crept up behind the man and struck him on the
head with a big piece of timber hardwood and killed him. No matter
what anybody did in The Old Town of Sidney no-one could argue a
case on The Swimmer's Gang Young Man's behalf and clear The
Swimmer's Young Man of being accused of this murder. The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man was accused of murder and The Old
Town of Sidney convicted The Swimmer's Gang Young Man for
committing this murder. "But As Usual," The Old Town of Sidney
did not one single thing known to anyone in the town against The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man for committing this murder. But I,
Murray S. Fenwick, will say once again that this murder went down
as one of the most investigated murders that The Old Town of Sidney
By The Sea ever did commit
Readers: the following are just some things about this murder case! !!!
Everyone in The Old Town of Sidney ran around shouting as though
they had a great big fog horn in their hands for several weeks.
Readers: The Old Town Of Sidney, "SHOUTED,"
it's another murder
it's another murder
it's the marina again
it's the marina again
Readers: well, finally, The Old Town of Sidney shut up.
The following is just a few things that had been said. ...
some people said that the public explanation of this "dead man" does appear false
people said that the dead man was found in a location that he was not supposed
to be in. This statement was found false because even in Old Sidney the man who
owned the boat on the ways had a right to be beside it. Then the ownership of
just who did own the boat was brought into question. I know that no-body
satisfactorilly answered this
the next town statement was found very much out of place: the location of the
dead man was classed by the young man and Other Workers of the marinas
as an out right out of bounds location. No-body in The Old Town Of Sidney
believed any-body about this statement.
Readers: It was soon proven by Little Old Sidney By The Sea that the murdered
man had been moved from the murder location to the location where
the murdered man was supposedly found at.
Old Sidney said that the marina refused to look at the fact that the murdered
man was found inside the marinas locked area. The marina refused to look at
and accept this fact as the truth as to the location that the murdered man was
found at.
Old Sidney proved that the murdered man would not be able to enter this
boatyard's locked area. Old Sidney's statement went no where. Once again
the marina would not accept the proven evidence and case understanding
that The Little Old Town Of Sidney By The Sea kept bringing forth against
The Swimmer's Gang Young Man who the town blamed for committing this
specific murder scene.
Readers: This statement that was made by the marina about this part of the
case Old Sidney deemed even falser. The Swimmer's Gang Young
Man said a boat was in the marina and was up on the ways. Then the marina
said that a scaffolding that was needed for work on the boat had been built
about the boat. Before the murdered man got himself killed he was supposed
to be at that boat just walking about the boat. Then the marina said that the
murdered man did not die from being murdered at all but was struck by a
large piece of timber that fell from the scaffolding and struck the man on the
head and killed him.
Readers: The marina said that while the man was about the boat simply
looking about, a piece of wood or falling scaffolding fell and struck
him on the head and killed him. The marina said that the man's death was a
complete accident.
Readers: This is "Just Part Of Why" this statement is considered to be so very
false by The Town of Old Sidney. The people of Old Sidney went to
the marina with a handful of measuring tapes and did measure the scaffolding
etc. that was about the boat that was up on the ways. Then they told The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man and other workers who were about the marina
that the scaffolding is proven to be only 4 feet high therefore your story is found
false because falling wood or falling scaffolding from this height could not have
hurt the murdered man and brought about his death.
Readers: Another far out statement from the marinas was: "The Dead Man
Was In This Area Of The Boat Yard Illegally And He Went To Another
Area Of The Boat Yard Illegally That Was Also Locked Up" where there
was a wood frame which did hold wood in it. The murdered man then
reached up to a piece of wood that was above his head and pulled it out of
this wood frame which in turn did also pull out another piece of wood which
did fall and strike the dead man on the head and did kill him. Being wounded
the dead man then crawled across 2 locked areas of the boatyard and died
along side of his boat.
Readers: The people of Old Sidney thought that this was just as fool-hardy a
statement as the falling scaffolding and falling wood from the
scaffolding was. The people of Old Sidney went to their homes with a sigh.
Readers: Because the people of Old Sidney were concerned they did look at
this specific case of murder in the marina with a magnifying glass
for quite some time.
Readers: The people of Old Sidney did believe that The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man did commit this murder but they did not do one single
thing to The Swimmer's Gang Young Man for doing it.
Readers: Here are some further things that i found out.
Unfortunately for The Swimmer's Gang Young Man it was proven that he
lived in the marina.
Unfortunately for The Swimmer's Gang Young Man he was also found to be
An Authentic Member Of, "The Notorious Swimmer's Gang," that did frequent
the marinas for all kinds of criminal reasons.
Unfortunately once again The Swimmer's Gang Young Man did say some wrong
statements all over about The Old Town of Sidney that did pertain to this specific
murder case which did go against him when Old Sidney held a public trial against
him. This is one of the reasons The Swimmer's Gang Young Man was found guilty
of this murder.
Because The Swimmer's Gang Young Man was found guilty of this murder further investigations then made, "The Whole Swimmers Gang Themselves,"guilty of this
murder because The Swimmer's Gang Young man was an "Active Member Of The Notorious Swimmers Gang Itself." It was The Swimmer's Gang Young Man who
brought "The Notorious Swimmer's Gang" into the marina in the first place. The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man still stands as the first and foremost guilty person in
this murder case because of his living and working location and because of his
active membership in The Notorious Swimmer's Gang. The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man has worked in and about this marina all of his wicked life.
The Swimmer's Gang Young Man talked with me, right to my face, and said that he
was once again right on the exact spot when the dead man died, was killed. The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that "He Knew All About This Death Of Murder."
Some of the people of Old Sidney said The Swimmers Gang of the marina's
murdered the dead man inside of out of bounds locked up areas of the boat yard
set of boat ways by bludgeoning him on the head with a piece of hard wood at
least the size of a 4-by 4. Before The Swimmer's Gang of the marinas could drag
the dead man's body just a few feet to where The Swimmer's Gang's captive shark
had been tied up, and feed the dead man's corps to the shark, The Swimmers Gang
of the boatyard's were caught with the dead man inside of the out-of-bounds locked
up location of the boatyard right beside the murdered man's own boat which had just
been hauled out of the water on the ways.
Readers: You should remember,The Swimmers Gang of the boatyard's simply
dreamed up the lie that a piece of wood or scaffolding fell onto the dead
man's head and did kill him.
It was known that after a few weeks the lieing stories from The Swimmer's
Gang and others in the boatyards were accepted as the truth. The
Royal Canadian Mounted Police also lied and said publicly that they did
accept The Swimmer's Gang lies as the truth.
it took a while but this particular murder scene did settle down and Old Sidney
went on as murderous as usual, ever
and in rememberance of "ALL WOMEM" and other innocent people who did
live in and and about Old Sidney that a bullet-in has been posted for these
murderers in foreign lands but frankly i would rewrite the law books and bring
the executions of these murderers as close to their own home town wharves
as possible
Readers: here is another murder scene in the marinas
1. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man announced this fight to the town of Old
Sidney that happened in the marinas
2. one day, again, The Swimmer's Gang Young Man reported to us school
children that there had been an awful fight on the driveway of the marinas.
Well all of Old Sidney moaned "that is nothing new."
3. i do not no what caused this fight but it did take place
4. there was a group of people, maybe 8 people, involved in this fight
this fight is worth mentioning here
5. the fight got into fist punches at each other
6. the fight got into kicking at one another
7. the fight got into shoving one another across the driveway
8. the fight went on for quite some time
This fight does seem to run parallel with a very bad knife fight
that took place in this location, in and about something to do
with the cutting up of herring roe. Once again a woman got
shoved along the wharf by a man with a fillet knife in his hand.
9. a gang from the marinas went to nearby places and did the same
kind of fight
10. on one occasion The Swimmer's Gang that was located at the
boatyard entered a house and beat up people who were in the
house. This terrible beating, and that at knife point, made those
people leave the house and area. I know that those people in that
house scene were beat up terribly and The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man was definitely one of the knife wielding people who
did hold those people at knife point and beat them up. I believe that
the knife beat up of these innocent people by The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man was more severe than The Town of Old Sidney ever did
find out about.
11. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man and other members of The Notorious
Swimmer's Gang seemed to fight around about the boatyards that were
quite nearby to his own boatyard in the same way. His own boatyard
meaning where he lived at. This can be understood if you know that The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man was a member of The Notorious Swimmers
Gang that haunted all boat yards but who did live in a boatyard himself.
Readers: This is another very bad scene. The same Swimmer's
Gang Notorious Member is the main person putting
forth this arguement, threatening and dangerous scene.
I was told not to come to The Swimmer's Gang Young Man's house.
I was told this by That Particular Swimmer's Gang Notorious Member.
1. One day The Swimmer's Gang Young Man spoke to me in a very
rude and loud way.
2. One day The Swimmer's Gang Young Man wanted to talk to me
and over all of his talk this scene came to be quite a surprise to me.
I personally think that The Swimmer's Gang Young Man is crazy.
3. What The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said was that he was going
to get married soon.
4. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that he might be getting
married soon.
5. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that he might just live
with a woman soon in the form of marriage that is called "Common
This "Common Law Marriage" is a bad marriage scene that runs
rampant all over The British Columbia Coast. Common Law
Marriage takes place "When Proper Marriage Is Spoken Of As Not
Acceptable." It is more along the worldly way of when an Indian woman
does live with a white man in a white man"s community when she runs
away from the Indian reservation. This "Common Law Scene" has nothing
to do with The Church Of Jesus Christ And Proper Marriage or any other
type of Religious Temple.
6. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said loudly that he did not want
me to visit his house at all. ...
7. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that if i come around his
house he will beat me up. ...
8. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that if i come around his
house he will get me into the back of his truck somehow and beat me up.
9. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that if i come around his
house i can talk with him only and no-one else.
10. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that if i come around his
house he did not want me to talk to or visit with the woman he was
going to live with.
11. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that he was going to put a
fence around the house where he planned to live, "Common Law," with
the woman.
12. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that he might not live in that
house that he was talking about.
The Swimmer's Gang Young Man seemed very confused when he said these
loud out-spoken things to me.
The Swimmer's Gang Young Man seemed very dangerous when he said these
things to me.
I knew nothing about The Swimmer's Gang Young Man's up coming
"Common Law" woman"s scene.
I knew nothing about The Swimmer's Gang Young Man's house scene.
To me this seemed like the crazy thoughts of the crazy man named The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man.
I think that the crazy man named The Swimmer's Gang Young Man was
trying to build up a crazy thought case in his crazy mind to attack me with
but since i was never really around The Crazy Swimmer's Gang Young
Man he could not do it so he left me standing right where i was standing
after he had deflated himself like an old bag of wind and crawled himself
along the sad streets of Old Sidney once again.
Readers: The Swimmer's Gang Members were=are all the same. They
were all considered crazy, murderers and Demon Possessed.
I am changing the word in My Report right here from man to men to
now make My Report all inclusive about The Notorious Negatively
Mindedness Of Each And Every Member Of The Swimmer's Gang.
Readers: Because of "The Overall Circumstances" I have to say that
I said that I have reasons to believe that The Swimmer's Gang Young
Man is crazy.
I have murder case after murder case against him.
Frankly I want to see him dealt with and if it takes a foreign nation, to
cut off his head, then so be it.
Canada provides Mental Jails for criminals like The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man but should The Swimmer's Gang Young Man go abroad
and get picked up then he=they are in the hands of another countries
law system and i do know a lot of countries would still execute The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person.
Readers: The following is another report. This report is about The Mad
Man swinging an axe on the wharf.
This walking on a wharf is not unusual.
People in Old Sidney would go for walks all of the time on the wharves
in order to look at the ocean and also to look at the boats tied up at the
wharves. It is unusual though to meet "A Crazy Man Like The Swimmer's
Gang Young Man=Men=Person running all over the wharf screaming his
head off and at the same time swinging an axe wildly at imaginary people
and also at real live people. On The Pacific Coast a person does not have to
justify why they are on a wharf. There are many reasons why people are there.
1. one day i went for a walk
2. i was walking by the marinas
3. i decided to walk down the wharf just for passing the time of day
4. as i walked down the wharf i came upon some wooden stakes that
someone was making
5. it was odd that someone was making these 2 foot long wooden stakes
on the wharf
6. the person had been using an axe to make these stakes and
usually a person does not chop wood in this fashion on a wooden float
7. i stopped, stepped around the stakes that appeared like some kind of
rotten white colored wood or a wood that i did not know off hand at all
and kept walking down the wharf
i looked both ahead of myself and behind me as i walked down the
wharf and there was no-one around. Everything was still and quiet.
I took note of this in my mind that there was not a person around
and not a sound
8. suddenly there was a yell and a scream very loud behind me
right back up the wharf
9. i turned around to see what was going on and you would find
it hard to believe what i faced, alone, right in the middle of
the marina all by myself, this CRAZY boatyard all by myself
10. there only just a few feet from me was The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man=Men=Person dressed in dark gray to black overalls
with a handkerchief, bandanna, tied around his head
11. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person had an axe in
his hands held high above his head
12. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person waved the axe
about and screamed at the top of his=their lungs that i am going
to hit you with the axe, i am going to hit you with the axe, i am
going to split your head wide open, i am going to kill you with
the axe
at this point of this scene The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=
Person did give me the impression that he was very drunk and on
some kind of illegal drugs
13. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person was staggering about
14. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person was falling down
15. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person was wildly swinging
an axe over his head
16. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person was screaming at the
top of his=their voice
All I, Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick, can say when The Swimmer's
Gang Young Man=Men=Persons acted this way is that he=they acted very
1. The Swimmer's Gang Young Men charged at me a couple of times
and fell down.
2. Because of the overall scene that The Swimmer's Gang Young Men
were doing i had to run for my life.
3. I was on the out side, water side, of The Swimmer's Gang Young Men
and the wharf and i could not go by The Swimmer's Gang Young Men
who were screaming their heads off and swinging axes high above their
4. I was very near to the end of the wharf where and when this, The
Swimmer's Gang Young Men's scene took place.
Readers: what i did was the following
5. I, Murray S. Fenwick, ran down the wharf a little ways and then
I turned right and ran along the side of a boat house on a secondary
6. i could not see The Swimmer's Gang Young Men from where i
was located
7. The Swimmer's Gang Young Men could not see me from where they
were located.
8. The Swimmer's Gang Young Men had now picked themselves up off
of the main float wharf and prepared to charge at me again.
9. when suddenly a man by the naame of Fat Fisherman stepped onto the
deck of his fishing boat from being inside the cabin
10. Fat Fisherman immediately told The Swimmer's Gang Young Men
where i was hiding at by shouting to The Swimmer's Gang Young Men
and pointing with his arm and hand right at me
11. The young man in his drunken drug addict state of mind thought
that i was on the secondary wharf right beside him and on
his side of the boat house not on the other side of the boat
house where i was located
12. The Swimmer's Gang Young Men screamed and roared up a storm
and ran down his side of the boat house not my side of the boat house
13. when i heard The Swimmer's Gang Young Men screaming and crashing
about down the secondary walkway of the boat house
14. I ran for my life along my walkway to the main wharf float and this
time turned to my left and ran even more for my life on up the main
wharf and to dry land and to safety.
15. After i ran up off the wharf and onto the road i turned around and
looked back at The Crazy screaming axe swinging Swimmer's Gang
Young Men who were still in hot chase after The Missing Murray S.
Readers: This is another bad Swimmer's Gang Young Man's=Men's,
scene: plural.
1. one day i was driving around in The Old Ford truck that i owned
2. The Swimmer's Gang Young Men came up to me and asked me
not how and why but why did you "Stupid Fenwick" scratch the
left side of the front window of the trucks windshield. ... "more
3. I told The Swimmer's Gang Young Men that when i was 12 years
of age my Acquaintance and i were caught in a bad rain storm.
4. the driver of the over loaded farm vehicle we were in left the
front left window wiper running even though it was not working
5. the window might have suffered damage i cannot remember
6. but what i do remember is that the driver said that the partly
broken wiper did allow him to see partly through the rain
7. if he stopped the wiper he could not see at all
8. the driver said that we would very likely have an accident
should he shut the wiper off
Readers: I told The Swimmer's Gang Young Men this short little
story but The Swimmer's Gang Young Men would not
listen to me.
9. The Swimmer's Gang Young Men said bad things to me and
then they left.
Because by this time i had known The Swimmer's Gang Young
Men for a few years i was glad The Swimmer's Gang Young Men
had left. Frankly i did not want to have The Swimmer's Gang Young
Men as a friend or even see them on the street. I knew by this time
that The Swimmer's Gang Young Men were an outright murderer and
were men with very bad mental hang-ups
10. the left side of the truck window was scratched from a
partly ruined old wiper blade
11. but i think that it is better to have a scratch on your
window than to have a bad car accident
12. i was caught out driving in the rain and had to use the
partly ruined wiper anyways
Readers: Anyways:
i had a good job and could put a new piece of glass in if i felt
that i needed to. I told The Swimmer's Gang Young Men this
but it did not make any difference. The Swimmer's Gang
Young Men always showed hostility towards me not just anger.
Readers: The next writing is another Report about a murder case
that The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Persons
did commit.
this is a disaster report about a murder scene that The Swimmer's
Gang Young Men did commit on the wharves and adjacent land
nearby the wharves of once again the marinas
One day when i was out for a walk i walked down onto the wharves
of the marinas. When i was there i saw a pretty blond haired young
woman there with her several little children. They were all sitting in a
little skiff playing boats. After awhile i left. The following is the report
about what The Swimmer's Gang Young Men did do to them.
1. while the mother was playing boats with her band of little children
The Swimmer's Gang Young Man attacked her and her lovely little
band of children
2. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man murdered the mother and all of
her lovely little band of children with an axe
3. then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man threw all of their dead cut up
bodies into the ocean water right in the marinas for the sharks to eat
Readers: This little addition here is about the same killing or another
killing of The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Persons
about the marinas being The Swimmers Gang.
4. it is possible that when, "The Mad Man," The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man began his axe attack against the young mother and her
band of little children that she tried to row away from the attacker
by rowing the little skiff with her little children in it across the water
of the marina to a piece of safe land about 100 feet away. Once there
she hoped to scramble out of the skiff and with her children run to
5. unfortunately The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Persons
caught up to her and her little band of children and killed every one
of them with his axe
6. then the young man threw the dead mother and her little band of dead
children into the ocean water for the sharks to eat
This axe murder scene was either one murder scene or two murder scenes
committed by The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Persons. I, Murray
S. Fenwick, never found out enough about this to know which it was: either
1 murder scene or 2 murder scenes.
Never-the-less this murder scene was another murder scene of The, "Crazy,"
Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Persons.
once again the people of Old Sidney and that does also include The Police
did not do one single thing against The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=
Persons for committing these murders
past and unfortunately they still do exist at present,2012. The name The
Swimmers Gang is not a professional name nor is it a registered trade name.
Also there is no specific marina or marina like place mentioned here. I say that
this trouble that I have written up here was in times past, and unfortunately still
is located at times, all over the place, mainly because The Swimmers Gang still
travels all over the place. The Swimmers Gang did and still does have specific
addresses where they live and park their boats though. The Swimmers Gang
travels all over the place and that does include them traveling all over The Pacific
in various ways of transportation.
The Young Man's Woman, The Young Men's Women:
The Young Man's arguement against me about meeting his woman is wrong
also because I might have met The Young Man's Woman once. I do not know
for sure. All I know is that The Young Man was "Once Again" going to trap
her behind a big fence like a Zoo Keeper traps A Red Nosed Reindeer from
The Indian Reserve behind A Zoos Fence. Thank you.
This Report is about several things.
It is about a Murder Man and Murder Men.
It is about The Murder Gang that I called The Swimmers Gang.
It is also about women being stolen off of the wharves located on
The British Columbia Coast.
these problems existed in the past and still do exist all over Oregon
Staste, Washington State, British Columbia, The Yukon and Alaska.
Unfortunately this is a serious problem this February of 2012.
when i was a young teenager of 14 i found out that many different
criminal scenes took place at the marinas on the B.C. coast
i lived in the small village of Sidney at this time. These terrible scenes
also took place inland
please take note: A Young Man, Young Men, who lived in a marina, marinas,
at this time took part in all of these criminal scenes. The
Young Man, Men, was, were, definitely in this marina, marinas, and did know
about everyone of these criminal scenes and did take part in every one of them
Readers: this report here is just a small example of The Young Mans, Men's,
criminal life, lives
Readers: A little addition here: When The Fisherman's Wharves were built
all over British Columbia some of this women stealing did for
certain change its location to The Fisherman's Wharves themselves but i
have to say that this problem is still a very serious problem all over The
British Columbia Coast in This Year Of 2012 Anno Domini
1. at the wharf there were several boats with bad men living in them
all the year long
2. these bad men were proven to be drunkards
3. these bad men were proven to be smokers of cigarettes and cigars
and pipes
4. these bad men were more than unruly in their bad ways of doing
things, they were out right murderers
5. these bad men were just a few of the people who were involved
in the horrible act of women stealing
6. these bad men always called stealing a woman simply "putting a
woman into the fish hold of the fish boat"
7. unfortunately at the wharves of B.C.this trouble making was known
to happen all the time
8. even if the boat, boats, involved did not leave for another
location the women would be held captive in the boat, boats,
and sexually raped endlessly
9. at times these innocent women would be thrown out of these
boats into what was called open water areas and left behind to drowned
10. alcohol was definitely involved in these unfortunate women's capturement
11. cigarettes were also involved in their capturement
12. for certain illegal drugs were said to be used against these women
It is a known fact that the people on the west coast of British Columbia
do make a lot of trouble of various kinds. Just some of the reasons why
the people do this trouble making follow
1. they live a very remote and at times backward life and because of this
they sometimes do things in a mad cap way because of pressure of
isolation and getting mixed up from this isolation way of living. This
at times does things that seem strange to other people
2. from cross bread people of various ethnic back grounds. These
people are at times not wanted and are mistreated at times very bad
and the result in their own lives is they do wrongs to other people
3. the coast of British Columbia is part of a large area of The Pacific
Ocean and is classed as part of what is called The Pacific Black
Jap(anese) Triangle
4. this Triangle is known for very serious trouble making and this
trouble making does include The British Columbia coast
5. one of the serious crimes that the people on the west coast of
British Columbia commits is they always feed people to sharks
6. the sharks are caught in various ways and by all ethnic groups
of people
7. one of the ways that is used in securing the wild sharks when
caught is by tieing a strong enough rope or fishing line around
the sharks tail and the other end to a wharf or fishing boat or
tug boat or barg etc.
8. this tieing the shark up keeps the shark in one location in order to
have the shark ready and waiting when the west coast people
bring their victims to the shark to be eaten, devoured down
9. the shark can be moved about by simply tieing it to a boat big
enough to pull it around
now about the size and types of sharks used for this purpose
1. any and every variety of shark has been caught and used for this
purpose. Any size and any variety of shark can be beaten up and
made to do this kind of killing of human beings
2. i do not know what kind of shark this is but a favourite one grows
to about 18 feet long in length
3. one type of shark used in The Brentwood Bay areas on Vancouver
Island near Victoria was called locally a Springer Shark
4. these Springer Sharks were classed as extremely dangerous
Readers: remember, The Swimmer's Gang does hang around marinas.
They are classed as seriusly crazy people.
now pertaining to sharks and the marinas
1. yes this marina did have a shark, sharks, tied up to the wharf
2. sharks were tied up there at more than one time
3. i saw a shark tied up there myself
4. i was almost killed by the shark that i saw tied up there
5. The Member Of The Swimmer's Gang of the marina had that
shark tied up there at the wharf for quite some time
6. it was definitely The swimmer's Gang Member of the boatyard
who caught the sharks and tied them up at the wharf there
7. The Swimmer's Gang would come to the marinas and pull the
shark about by its tail and observe the shark every day
this note is about a group of criminally minded boys and men and
women who were in a gang that I called The Swimmers Gang who
were located at these marinas, boatyards all over the coast
1. The Swimmer's Gang did and would pretend to be very innocently
snorkel swimming about these marinas for quite a long time
2. this pretended swimming of theirs went on for a long time, i do
not know how long this pretended swimming went on for
3. these swimmers also went all over the coast to pretend
swimming there as well, but all the while they pretended they were
just swimming about the marinas they committed the following
what these swimmers did is the following
4. when swimming they would swim underneath the floats of boat
houses and come up to the surface inside the locked up boat
house itself
5. the swimmers would then rob the boat houses
6. the swimmers would then rob the boats that were inside the
locked up boat houses by climbing aboard the boats and
breaking into them with tire irons and car jacks etc.
7. the swimmers would also destroy the boats in all kinds of
different broken up ways
8. also the swimmers would use old style braces made for
boring holes into wood and drill holes into the boats under
the water line and sink the boats by doing this criminal act
9. these swimmers made really big damage to quite a lot of
also these swimmers would put stolen goods onto locked up
boats and pretend they found the stolen goods and blame the
owner of the boat where the stolen goods were found for
stealing the goods. A lot of trouble came out of this
at times these swimmers would even take a propeller off of
a boat
Readers: concerned people, remember that this boxing type
of fist fighting brawl carried on in time
this is about a very serious murder scene that happened one
morning in the coffee shop of one these marinas
it was known generally through-out the community of Sidney
that the people who ran the marina would have coffee together
in the marina coffee truck each and every morning. The reason
for this coffee first thing in the morning before any work was
done was to talk about what they had to work at that day in the
marinas, plural, and to generally talk about work going on in the
marinas even for the coming week etc.
Readers: unfortunately
1. one morning there was a terrible brawl happened in the coffee
truck of the marinas
2. it was the marinas own workmen who were in this brawl
3. it was literally the marinas own workers who had coffee in
the marinas coffee truck every morning who had this brawl
4. it was said through-out the town of Sidney that no-one knew
what caused this brawl to take place
5. but it did seem to be known amongst the workers of the
marinas what caused this brawl to take place
and the brawl got even worse, and the brawl carried on through time
please know now: over all the scene of this brawl there was
definitely a knife for murder purposes brought
into the scene of this brawl
please know now: over all the scene of this brawl there was
a loaded gun like a double barreled shot gun
for murder purposes brought into the scene
of this brawl. This gun was also used to
threaten someone with
Readers: "TYPICALLY," this is just like Old Sidney. ...
Readers: Next is the disappearance of The Diesel Marine Engine
"TYPICALLY:" right off of the end of the wharf. If
this Diesel engine had disappeared off of the end of Beacon
Street Wharf which was the main wharf in Sidney this engine
disappearance would be one of The Old Sidney all time classic
scenes. This is so "TYPICAL" of Old Sidney to do this that it
cannot be overlooked. It's the same thing as a woman disappearing
off of the end of The Wharf
1. one day a salesman came to the marina in a flat deck truck
2. the salesman had sitting on the back of the truck a nice
Diesel Engine complete with Reduction Gear and
everything needed for the engine to be put right into a fishing
boat for serious service
3. a quite big strong man from an island went quickly to the
salesman just when the salesman arrived and just got out
of the flat deck truck and before the salesman even had a
chance to walk away from the truck on his proper business
the following is what was said happened about this situation but
is not necessarily the whole truth that is all the truth about this
scene that i believe is not acceptable
4. the big strong man's name was Crazy Man
5. the big strong man from the island said to the salesman that he
wanted to make a gambling bet with him
6. the salesman said that he was willing to gamble
7. what the wager, the gamble, was about was the big strong man
from the island said that he was strong enough to literally lift up
this quite large Diesel Engine complete with
Reduction Gear and everything else, by himself, right where the
engine was sitting on the back of the flat deck truck and walk
away with it to put it into his own fishing boat where he needed
a brand new engine
8. it was said that the salesman did Wager with the island strong
Crazy Man and lost
i say that i do believe that this was a criminal act but:
it is said to this day by the marinas
9. that the island strong man won the bet by literally picking up
the quite large Diesel Engine from where it sat on
the flat deck of the truck and walked away with it all the way
to his boat that needed a new diesel engine put into it
it is said to this day that the salesman was quite surprised at the
big strong man's strength who came from an island
it is said to this day that the salesman said not really any thing at
all at this point of issues
it is said to this day that he, the salesman, left very quiet very
quickly in his flat deck truck
Readers: take note, these things have been found out about
this scene that there was no-one around except the
salesman and the strong man from the island named Crazy Man
Readers: take note, it was found out that "The Young Man
was very close at hand." The young man knew
everything that ever might have happened about this
"Supposed Gambling Bet," also it is known that this very young
man was about with a loaded shot-gun that could be said like in
times past "the shot-gun was right at hand"
i say that i do believe that there was foul play involved in the
disappearance of this diesel engine that was brought by the
salesman to the marina. The engine was already,"All EQUIPPED",
for immediate service in a fishing boat and just like Old Sidney a
near or out right murder case takes place and the engine disappears
to The Island of The Strong Man named Crazy Man never to be seen
I say that's total fogged in lieing mystery but Typical of Old Sidney.
And the salesman drives away into the early morning shadows not saying anything.
And the young man sitting behind a half open window looking across the marinas
parking lot with a loaded double barreled shot gun across his lap sounds Typical
of the young mans act in life
I just have to say this here: this engine scene here is Typical of Old Sidney and
to think that The Marine Engine was a Diesel Engine
at that. This engine scene right here being A Diesel Engine Scene does bring in
another scene altogether and I know that it does and just to further this i will say
exactly what it can mean. This Diesel Engine Scene lines up with Indian
Reservation Diesel Engine Scenes which mean honest privileges to own one and
not everyone on An Indian Reserve is allowed to own one and then it can mean
honest work privileges that you get and it can mean the owner of That Diesel
Engine Has Reservation Indian Women Privileges that others do not have. To me
that means that you and everyone like you travels with Indian Women locked up
in your fish boat all over The B.C. Coast and British Columbia being classed part
of "The HUGE" Japanese Pacific Ocean Triangle that means to me that you
and that's all of you are illegally trafficking in Indian Women all over The Great
Pacific Ocean.
and to think that Mr. Young Man is backing you, "CRAZY MAN" up all the
way with a shot gun
I always did say that you were all rotten guys and that does include you Mr. Crazy
Strong Man
I always did say what I would do with the whole lot of you and that is I would
hang the lot of you right off of your own fishing boats booms
since The Young Man and other Rotten Men Like Crazy Man want to be known
as The Terror of the marinas of The Pacific Coast and since you have let this be
known all over The Town of Old Sidney. Well since you want a duel you are
going to get one. I think i will put a bullet-in out on you Rotten Guys through out
The Countries that really do look you up about such Diesel Engine Scenes and
shot gun scenes that you, "Supposedly Tough Guys", want to enact onto the
innocent at large. My very own sister died here and she is definitely just one of
the young women who did die from your Evil Rotten Hands. I think that i will
put a bullet-in out on You Rotten Guys in countries here and there and i and others
will just see what happens in the end to You Rotten Guys and because of your act
your families whether close to you or far away from you are subject to those
countries dealings also. I hope that you and all people like you are shot down dead
soon in those capital punishment countries.
it is known a long time ago that this Crazy Man arranged his fights and
did pull the arms and legs off of his victims in order that they would die
and that the marinas would then boast this as fact around about The Town
of Old Sidney By The Sea.
Oh Beware The Fooled
Oh Beware The Fooled
Oh Beware The Fool Crazy Man
Is The Terror Of The Place
And I The Young Man
Am Sitting Here With A Gun
Would Herald The Young Man
To The Old Town Of Sidney
this page is about the dead man, murdered man, found inside
the marina, found about the ship's ways but inside the boatyard
and locked in by a fence and lock. This is said this way in order
for it to be known that this dead man was found in the marina
and there was no mistaking of that being proven the truth to The
Old Town of Sidney By The Sea
after many other very serious criminal offences had taken place
the following very serious death called murder took place and
proven right inside one of the marinas on the B.C. Coast
For some very serious reason, "Which Still Remains Unknown To
Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick," The Old Town of Sidney
By The Sea had to prove a lot about, "This Specific," murdered
Man's case! !!!
i do not think that it is worth me writing down all forced
investigations the town forced onto this issue. I am going
to write down a very short report here but I think that it
is very good for this specific issue
A murdered man was found inside of a marina murdered.
He was found lieing dead right beside a boat that had been
hauled out of the water to have work done on it. The boat
was on the shipyards ways.
It was proven that someone had struck the man on the head,
maybe the back of the head, and killed him.
The Swimmers Gang young man was "OUT RIGHT ACCUSED,"
for killing this man and for committing other murderous acts! !!!
It was said in The Old Town of Sidney that The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man had crept up behind the man and struck him on the
head with a big piece of timber hardwood and killed him. No matter
what anybody did in The Old Town of Sidney no-one could argue a
case on The Swimmer's Gang Young Man's behalf and clear The
Swimmer's Young Man of being accused of this murder. The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man was accused of murder and The Old
Town of Sidney convicted The Swimmer's Gang Young Man for
committing this murder. "But As Usual," The Old Town of Sidney
did not one single thing known to anyone in the town against The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man for committing this murder. But I,
Murray S. Fenwick, will say once again that this murder went down
as one of the most investigated murders that The Old Town of Sidney
By The Sea ever did commit
Readers: the following are just some things about this murder case! !!!
Everyone in The Old Town of Sidney ran around shouting as though
they had a great big fog horn in their hands for several weeks.
Readers: The Old Town Of Sidney, "SHOUTED,"
it's another murder
it's another murder
it's the marina again
it's the marina again
Readers: well, finally, The Old Town of Sidney shut up.
The following is just a few things that had been said. ...
some people said that the public explanation of this "dead man" does appear false
people said that the dead man was found in a location that he was not supposed
to be in. This statement was found false because even in Old Sidney the man who
owned the boat on the ways had a right to be beside it. Then the ownership of
just who did own the boat was brought into question. I know that no-body
satisfactorilly answered this
the next town statement was found very much out of place: the location of the
dead man was classed by the young man and Other Workers of the marinas
as an out right out of bounds location. No-body in The Old Town Of Sidney
believed any-body about this statement.
Readers: It was soon proven by Little Old Sidney By The Sea that the murdered
man had been moved from the murder location to the location where
the murdered man was supposedly found at.
Old Sidney said that the marina refused to look at the fact that the murdered
man was found inside the marinas locked area. The marina refused to look at
and accept this fact as the truth as to the location that the murdered man was
found at.
Old Sidney proved that the murdered man would not be able to enter this
boatyard's locked area. Old Sidney's statement went no where. Once again
the marina would not accept the proven evidence and case understanding
that The Little Old Town Of Sidney By The Sea kept bringing forth against
The Swimmer's Gang Young Man who the town blamed for committing this
specific murder scene.
Readers: This statement that was made by the marina about this part of the
case Old Sidney deemed even falser. The Swimmer's Gang Young
Man said a boat was in the marina and was up on the ways. Then the marina
said that a scaffolding that was needed for work on the boat had been built
about the boat. Before the murdered man got himself killed he was supposed
to be at that boat just walking about the boat. Then the marina said that the
murdered man did not die from being murdered at all but was struck by a
large piece of timber that fell from the scaffolding and struck the man on the
head and killed him.
Readers: The marina said that while the man was about the boat simply
looking about, a piece of wood or falling scaffolding fell and struck
him on the head and killed him. The marina said that the man's death was a
complete accident.
Readers: This is "Just Part Of Why" this statement is considered to be so very
false by The Town of Old Sidney. The people of Old Sidney went to
the marina with a handful of measuring tapes and did measure the scaffolding
etc. that was about the boat that was up on the ways. Then they told The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man and other workers who were about the marina
that the scaffolding is proven to be only 4 feet high therefore your story is found
false because falling wood or falling scaffolding from this height could not have
hurt the murdered man and brought about his death.
Readers: Another far out statement from the marinas was: "The Dead Man
Was In This Area Of The Boat Yard Illegally And He Went To Another
Area Of The Boat Yard Illegally That Was Also Locked Up" where there
was a wood frame which did hold wood in it. The murdered man then
reached up to a piece of wood that was above his head and pulled it out of
this wood frame which in turn did also pull out another piece of wood which
did fall and strike the dead man on the head and did kill him. Being wounded
the dead man then crawled across 2 locked areas of the boatyard and died
along side of his boat.
Readers: The people of Old Sidney thought that this was just as fool-hardy a
statement as the falling scaffolding and falling wood from the
scaffolding was. The people of Old Sidney went to their homes with a sigh.
Readers: Because the people of Old Sidney were concerned they did look at
this specific case of murder in the marina with a magnifying glass
for quite some time.
Readers: The people of Old Sidney did believe that The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man did commit this murder but they did not do one single
thing to The Swimmer's Gang Young Man for doing it.
Readers: Here are some further things that i found out.
Unfortunately for The Swimmer's Gang Young Man it was proven that he
lived in the marina.
Unfortunately for The Swimmer's Gang Young Man he was also found to be
An Authentic Member Of, "The Notorious Swimmer's Gang," that did frequent
the marinas for all kinds of criminal reasons.
Unfortunately once again The Swimmer's Gang Young Man did say some wrong
statements all over about The Old Town of Sidney that did pertain to this specific
murder case which did go against him when Old Sidney held a public trial against
him. This is one of the reasons The Swimmer's Gang Young Man was found guilty
of this murder.
Because The Swimmer's Gang Young Man was found guilty of this murder further investigations then made, "The Whole Swimmers Gang Themselves,"guilty of this
murder because The Swimmer's Gang Young man was an "Active Member Of The Notorious Swimmers Gang Itself." It was The Swimmer's Gang Young Man who
brought "The Notorious Swimmer's Gang" into the marina in the first place. The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man still stands as the first and foremost guilty person in
this murder case because of his living and working location and because of his
active membership in The Notorious Swimmer's Gang. The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man has worked in and about this marina all of his wicked life.
The Swimmer's Gang Young Man talked with me, right to my face, and said that he
was once again right on the exact spot when the dead man died, was killed. The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that "He Knew All About This Death Of Murder."
Some of the people of Old Sidney said The Swimmers Gang of the marina's
murdered the dead man inside of out of bounds locked up areas of the boat yard
set of boat ways by bludgeoning him on the head with a piece of hard wood at
least the size of a 4-by 4. Before The Swimmer's Gang of the marinas could drag
the dead man's body just a few feet to where The Swimmer's Gang's captive shark
had been tied up, and feed the dead man's corps to the shark, The Swimmers Gang
of the boatyard's were caught with the dead man inside of the out-of-bounds locked
up location of the boatyard right beside the murdered man's own boat which had just
been hauled out of the water on the ways.
Readers: You should remember,The Swimmers Gang of the boatyard's simply
dreamed up the lie that a piece of wood or scaffolding fell onto the dead
man's head and did kill him.
It was known that after a few weeks the lieing stories from The Swimmer's
Gang and others in the boatyards were accepted as the truth. The
Royal Canadian Mounted Police also lied and said publicly that they did
accept The Swimmer's Gang lies as the truth.
it took a while but this particular murder scene did settle down and Old Sidney
went on as murderous as usual, ever
and in rememberance of "ALL WOMEM" and other innocent people who did
live in and and about Old Sidney that a bullet-in has been posted for these
murderers in foreign lands but frankly i would rewrite the law books and bring
the executions of these murderers as close to their own home town wharves
as possible
Readers: here is another murder scene in the marinas
1. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man announced this fight to the town of Old
Sidney that happened in the marinas
2. one day, again, The Swimmer's Gang Young Man reported to us school
children that there had been an awful fight on the driveway of the marinas.
Well all of Old Sidney moaned "that is nothing new."
3. i do not no what caused this fight but it did take place
4. there was a group of people, maybe 8 people, involved in this fight
this fight is worth mentioning here
5. the fight got into fist punches at each other
6. the fight got into kicking at one another
7. the fight got into shoving one another across the driveway
8. the fight went on for quite some time
This fight does seem to run parallel with a very bad knife fight
that took place in this location, in and about something to do
with the cutting up of herring roe. Once again a woman got
shoved along the wharf by a man with a fillet knife in his hand.
9. a gang from the marinas went to nearby places and did the same
kind of fight
10. on one occasion The Swimmer's Gang that was located at the
boatyard entered a house and beat up people who were in the
house. This terrible beating, and that at knife point, made those
people leave the house and area. I know that those people in that
house scene were beat up terribly and The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man was definitely one of the knife wielding people who
did hold those people at knife point and beat them up. I believe that
the knife beat up of these innocent people by The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man was more severe than The Town of Old Sidney ever did
find out about.
11. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man and other members of The Notorious
Swimmer's Gang seemed to fight around about the boatyards that were
quite nearby to his own boatyard in the same way. His own boatyard
meaning where he lived at. This can be understood if you know that The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man was a member of The Notorious Swimmers
Gang that haunted all boat yards but who did live in a boatyard himself.
Readers: This is another very bad scene. The same Swimmer's
Gang Notorious Member is the main person putting
forth this arguement, threatening and dangerous scene.
I was told not to come to The Swimmer's Gang Young Man's house.
I was told this by That Particular Swimmer's Gang Notorious Member.
1. One day The Swimmer's Gang Young Man spoke to me in a very
rude and loud way.
2. One day The Swimmer's Gang Young Man wanted to talk to me
and over all of his talk this scene came to be quite a surprise to me.
I personally think that The Swimmer's Gang Young Man is crazy.
3. What The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said was that he was going
to get married soon.
4. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that he might be getting
married soon.
5. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that he might just live
with a woman soon in the form of marriage that is called "Common
This "Common Law Marriage" is a bad marriage scene that runs
rampant all over The British Columbia Coast. Common Law
Marriage takes place "When Proper Marriage Is Spoken Of As Not
Acceptable." It is more along the worldly way of when an Indian woman
does live with a white man in a white man"s community when she runs
away from the Indian reservation. This "Common Law Scene" has nothing
to do with The Church Of Jesus Christ And Proper Marriage or any other
type of Religious Temple.
6. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said loudly that he did not want
me to visit his house at all. ...
7. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that if i come around his
house he will beat me up. ...
8. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that if i come around his
house he will get me into the back of his truck somehow and beat me up.
9. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that if i come around his
house i can talk with him only and no-one else.
10. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that if i come around his
house he did not want me to talk to or visit with the woman he was
going to live with.
11. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that he was going to put a
fence around the house where he planned to live, "Common Law," with
the woman.
12. Then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man said that he might not live in that
house that he was talking about.
The Swimmer's Gang Young Man seemed very confused when he said these
loud out-spoken things to me.
The Swimmer's Gang Young Man seemed very dangerous when he said these
things to me.
I knew nothing about The Swimmer's Gang Young Man's up coming
"Common Law" woman"s scene.
I knew nothing about The Swimmer's Gang Young Man's house scene.
To me this seemed like the crazy thoughts of the crazy man named The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man.
I think that the crazy man named The Swimmer's Gang Young Man was
trying to build up a crazy thought case in his crazy mind to attack me with
but since i was never really around The Crazy Swimmer's Gang Young
Man he could not do it so he left me standing right where i was standing
after he had deflated himself like an old bag of wind and crawled himself
along the sad streets of Old Sidney once again.
Readers: The Swimmer's Gang Members were=are all the same. They
were all considered crazy, murderers and Demon Possessed.
I am changing the word in My Report right here from man to men to
now make My Report all inclusive about The Notorious Negatively
Mindedness Of Each And Every Member Of The Swimmer's Gang.
Readers: Because of "The Overall Circumstances" I have to say that
I said that I have reasons to believe that The Swimmer's Gang Young
Man is crazy.
I have murder case after murder case against him.
Frankly I want to see him dealt with and if it takes a foreign nation, to
cut off his head, then so be it.
Canada provides Mental Jails for criminals like The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man but should The Swimmer's Gang Young Man go abroad
and get picked up then he=they are in the hands of another countries
law system and i do know a lot of countries would still execute The
Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person.
Readers: The following is another report. This report is about The Mad
Man swinging an axe on the wharf.
This walking on a wharf is not unusual.
People in Old Sidney would go for walks all of the time on the wharves
in order to look at the ocean and also to look at the boats tied up at the
wharves. It is unusual though to meet "A Crazy Man Like The Swimmer's
Gang Young Man=Men=Person running all over the wharf screaming his
head off and at the same time swinging an axe wildly at imaginary people
and also at real live people. On The Pacific Coast a person does not have to
justify why they are on a wharf. There are many reasons why people are there.
1. one day i went for a walk
2. i was walking by the marinas
3. i decided to walk down the wharf just for passing the time of day
4. as i walked down the wharf i came upon some wooden stakes that
someone was making
5. it was odd that someone was making these 2 foot long wooden stakes
on the wharf
6. the person had been using an axe to make these stakes and
usually a person does not chop wood in this fashion on a wooden float
7. i stopped, stepped around the stakes that appeared like some kind of
rotten white colored wood or a wood that i did not know off hand at all
and kept walking down the wharf
i looked both ahead of myself and behind me as i walked down the
wharf and there was no-one around. Everything was still and quiet.
I took note of this in my mind that there was not a person around
and not a sound
8. suddenly there was a yell and a scream very loud behind me
right back up the wharf
9. i turned around to see what was going on and you would find
it hard to believe what i faced, alone, right in the middle of
the marina all by myself, this CRAZY boatyard all by myself
10. there only just a few feet from me was The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man=Men=Person dressed in dark gray to black overalls
with a handkerchief, bandanna, tied around his head
11. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person had an axe in
his hands held high above his head
12. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person waved the axe
about and screamed at the top of his=their lungs that i am going
to hit you with the axe, i am going to hit you with the axe, i am
going to split your head wide open, i am going to kill you with
the axe
at this point of this scene The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=
Person did give me the impression that he was very drunk and on
some kind of illegal drugs
13. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person was staggering about
14. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person was falling down
15. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person was wildly swinging
an axe over his head
16. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Person was screaming at the
top of his=their voice
All I, Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick, can say when The Swimmer's
Gang Young Man=Men=Persons acted this way is that he=they acted very
1. The Swimmer's Gang Young Men charged at me a couple of times
and fell down.
2. Because of the overall scene that The Swimmer's Gang Young Men
were doing i had to run for my life.
3. I was on the out side, water side, of The Swimmer's Gang Young Men
and the wharf and i could not go by The Swimmer's Gang Young Men
who were screaming their heads off and swinging axes high above their
4. I was very near to the end of the wharf where and when this, The
Swimmer's Gang Young Men's scene took place.
Readers: what i did was the following
5. I, Murray S. Fenwick, ran down the wharf a little ways and then
I turned right and ran along the side of a boat house on a secondary
6. i could not see The Swimmer's Gang Young Men from where i
was located
7. The Swimmer's Gang Young Men could not see me from where they
were located.
8. The Swimmer's Gang Young Men had now picked themselves up off
of the main float wharf and prepared to charge at me again.
9. when suddenly a man by the naame of Fat Fisherman stepped onto the
deck of his fishing boat from being inside the cabin
10. Fat Fisherman immediately told The Swimmer's Gang Young Men
where i was hiding at by shouting to The Swimmer's Gang Young Men
and pointing with his arm and hand right at me
11. The young man in his drunken drug addict state of mind thought
that i was on the secondary wharf right beside him and on
his side of the boat house not on the other side of the boat
house where i was located
12. The Swimmer's Gang Young Men screamed and roared up a storm
and ran down his side of the boat house not my side of the boat house
13. when i heard The Swimmer's Gang Young Men screaming and crashing
about down the secondary walkway of the boat house
14. I ran for my life along my walkway to the main wharf float and this
time turned to my left and ran even more for my life on up the main
wharf and to dry land and to safety.
15. After i ran up off the wharf and onto the road i turned around and
looked back at The Crazy screaming axe swinging Swimmer's Gang
Young Men who were still in hot chase after The Missing Murray S.
Readers: This is another bad Swimmer's Gang Young Man's=Men's,
scene: plural.
1. one day i was driving around in The Old Ford truck that i owned
2. The Swimmer's Gang Young Men came up to me and asked me
not how and why but why did you "Stupid Fenwick" scratch the
left side of the front window of the trucks windshield. ... "more
3. I told The Swimmer's Gang Young Men that when i was 12 years
of age my Acquaintance and i were caught in a bad rain storm.
4. the driver of the over loaded farm vehicle we were in left the
front left window wiper running even though it was not working
5. the window might have suffered damage i cannot remember
6. but what i do remember is that the driver said that the partly
broken wiper did allow him to see partly through the rain
7. if he stopped the wiper he could not see at all
8. the driver said that we would very likely have an accident
should he shut the wiper off
Readers: I told The Swimmer's Gang Young Men this short little
story but The Swimmer's Gang Young Men would not
listen to me.
9. The Swimmer's Gang Young Men said bad things to me and
then they left.
Because by this time i had known The Swimmer's Gang Young
Men for a few years i was glad The Swimmer's Gang Young Men
had left. Frankly i did not want to have The Swimmer's Gang Young
Men as a friend or even see them on the street. I knew by this time
that The Swimmer's Gang Young Men were an outright murderer and
were men with very bad mental hang-ups
10. the left side of the truck window was scratched from a
partly ruined old wiper blade
11. but i think that it is better to have a scratch on your
window than to have a bad car accident
12. i was caught out driving in the rain and had to use the
partly ruined wiper anyways
Readers: Anyways:
i had a good job and could put a new piece of glass in if i felt
that i needed to. I told The Swimmer's Gang Young Men this
but it did not make any difference. The Swimmer's Gang
Young Men always showed hostility towards me not just anger.
Readers: The next writing is another Report about a murder case
that The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Persons
did commit.
this is a disaster report about a murder scene that The Swimmer's
Gang Young Men did commit on the wharves and adjacent land
nearby the wharves of once again the marinas
One day when i was out for a walk i walked down onto the wharves
of the marinas. When i was there i saw a pretty blond haired young
woman there with her several little children. They were all sitting in a
little skiff playing boats. After awhile i left. The following is the report
about what The Swimmer's Gang Young Men did do to them.
1. while the mother was playing boats with her band of little children
The Swimmer's Gang Young Man attacked her and her lovely little
band of children
2. The Swimmer's Gang Young Man murdered the mother and all of
her lovely little band of children with an axe
3. then The Swimmer's Gang Young Man threw all of their dead cut up
bodies into the ocean water right in the marinas for the sharks to eat
Readers: This little addition here is about the same killing or another
killing of The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Persons
about the marinas being The Swimmers Gang.
4. it is possible that when, "The Mad Man," The Swimmer's Gang
Young Man began his axe attack against the young mother and her
band of little children that she tried to row away from the attacker
by rowing the little skiff with her little children in it across the water
of the marina to a piece of safe land about 100 feet away. Once there
she hoped to scramble out of the skiff and with her children run to
5. unfortunately The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Persons
caught up to her and her little band of children and killed every one
of them with his axe
6. then the young man threw the dead mother and her little band of dead
children into the ocean water for the sharks to eat
This axe murder scene was either one murder scene or two murder scenes
committed by The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Persons. I, Murray
S. Fenwick, never found out enough about this to know which it was: either
1 murder scene or 2 murder scenes.
Never-the-less this murder scene was another murder scene of The, "Crazy,"
Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=Persons.
once again the people of Old Sidney and that does also include The Police
did not do one single thing against The Swimmer's Gang Young Man=Men=
Persons for committing these murders
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