Jordan River.
British Columbia,
Real Slave Trade,
In Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.
Readers: Mr. Al Capone Commits Real Slave Trade In The Surrey District Of
British Columbia, Canada.
The following writing is A Report about Real Slave Trade that was going on
in The Surrey District of Coastal British Columbia, Canada in the year of 1998
Anno Domini.
This here report could justify being written up in a modern type of writing That
Says The Situation As It Is, In A Modern Mode Of Writing. I would like to write
this here report that way but I am A Religious Person and I do not want to use a
modern mode of writing that would get into using slang. Readers thank you.
Readers: I will say this though. I, Murray S. Fenwick, am really, very seriously,
angry over this case. Should the country that pulls you in and convicts
you as guilty for committing this case I, Murray S. Fenwick, will
personally, beat you up in the death cell to the point where you will not
even be a blood spot on that death cells floor. I believe that some of you
men really do deserve to be seriously pounded through, and I, Murray S.
Fenwick, am all for giving it to you. This case right here will make Any
Normal Man Sick Right Through.
Readers: There was specifically one member of quite a large gang who did commit
this lowly offence but also the whole gang did get involved in this negative
criminal offence.
Page 1: This is The Front Page.
Readers: This Page 1: The Front Page, is very serious to know about. This Front
Page is about, "Very Serious Publick Action That The Women Of The
Surrey District, Did Try To Put Into Effect , Against The Slave Traders
Of The Whole Surrey District." The Women Of The Surrey District did
try to stop The Slave Trade that was going on in The Surrey District but
were Politically Stopped By Some Parliamentarian Set Of Men, By
Some Policemen And By Some Politicians.
Readers: To Me, Myself and I, Murray S. Fenwick, the stopping of the women of
The Surrey District from getting "Positive Publick Action" against The
Slave Traders of The Surrey District had to be stopped by The East India
Side Of The Police Station and Some Very Negative Politicians and Some
Very Negative Parliamentarians. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does know enough
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say in East Indian, That The Feeble Men of The
Surrey District who did Raise Their Feeble Minded Hand Against The Smart
Women of The Surrey District, are known in India to be classified "As A Dog
Eater." Those Feeble Minded Men are, "The Lowest Of The Low."
This front page does pertain to The Positive Work Of All The Women Of The Whole
Area Of Surrey District Did Do.
I do know that The Smart Women of The Whole District Of Surrey did demand that This
Bad Man And That This Bad Gang be thoroughly thrown out of All Of Surrey for the rest
of their lives and never be allowed to return to The District Of Surrey Again. Readers: I,
Murray S. Fenwick, does say that this request of All Of The Smart Women Of The District
Of Surrey did not request much of A Judgement For The Crimes That The Guilty Man And
The Gang Did Commit. Unfortunately The Feeble Minded Men of The District Of Surrey
did refuse to listen to and go along with their Smart Women's Judgement Of Eviction
Readers: I have written this information down here as Page Number 1 because knowing
this fact is so very important in understanding the overall influence about this
negative criminal case.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, obviously do have an arguement right here against that bad man
and against that bad gang but I do know that my arguement is also backed up by The
Smart Women Of The Entire Surrey District.
I do believe that Surrey District could put all of these gang members collectively into A
Mental Jail Lock Up like Farm Colony Road that is located in Port Coquitlam.
Readers: This report is written by Murray S. Fenwick.
Readers: This report is about A Man And His Family And His Friends=The Gang. His
address is in Surrey and His Family and His Friends=The Gang live nearby Him.
Readers: I call This Bad Guy Mr. Al Capone and His Family And His Friends The Gang.
Readers: For the sake of cross referencing in my blog you can cross reference in my blog
to more about Mr. Al Capone and The Gang by cross referencing to my report
named "My Visit To The Yukon."
Readers: Here we go.
1. Mr. Al Capone boasted to me many times that he was raised A Member of The Notorious
Al Capone Gang. He literally boasted of being raised right at The Private Al Capone Meal
Gun Table that belonged to literally Al Capone's Private Personal Cook named Eddy,
pronounced (EEDDEE.)
2. Mr. Al Capone also boasted that he grew up with Cook Eddy as his senior and that he, Mr.
Al Capone, was led into having real live gun fights a whole lot. Mr. Al Capone said to Me,
Myself and I, Murray S. Fenwick, that he had more real live gun fights than he could even
remember or count.
3. This crazy gang land up bringing of Mr. Al Capone's took place in and about The City Of
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, or in and about The City Of Moosejaw, Saskatchewan,
Canada. I do not remember which of these cities it was where Mr. Al Capone did grow up
Readers: This report is kept short because it never ends. Mr. Al Capone is A Member Of The
Old Notorious Al Capone Mobster Gang. He and The Rest Of The Gang are always
trying to hurt and ruin somebody.
Readers: The following is just one small mouthful of Trouble Makings that Mr. Al Capone
boasted of while talking to me, Murray S. Fenwick, just one time. Mr. Al Capone
was obviously raised by Al Capon's Private Cook Eddy very negatively.
Readers: The following is just one small mouthful of Mr. Al Capone's negative deadly
dealings with other people.
1. Mr. Al Capone beat up 4, four, policemen while they were investigating him on his home
2. Mr. Al Capone sold guns and ammunitions illegally.
3. Mr. Al Capone did hire people to work for him to illegally cut down trees that did not
belong to him. The trees were cut down on school property, in parks and other places
where it was illegal to cut the trees down at. Mr. Al Capone would produce false papers
for work jobs that did not even exist. Mr. Al Capone would abandone the hired people
right on the falsely proposed work sight and let them be charged by law for cutting down
people's private trees or publick trees.
4. Mr. Al Capone would mentally subdue young girls and make them live in a little trailer
on his home property and at a wrecking yard property that he owned nearby his home
property. Mr. Al Capone and other indecent men literally used the young girls sexually
by forcing the young girls to have sex with them. There was A Man In This Gang That
I Named And Called The Tall Swede Who Did Lead This Sexual Rape Scene. It was
generally said amongst The Gang that this Tall Swede was the head of the sex rape party
no matter what girl it was being sexually raped in the little trailer. I was told at least 3,
three, times about this little girl in the trailer sexual rape scene that was constantly taking
place. The little girl would run about in the trailer and try to escape but because of her
being mentally abused the way that she, they, were she, they, could not get away from The
Tall Swede And The Sex Rape Gang. This Tall Swede might work for an Automobile Set
Up Some where. The Tall Swede is always sluffing off on the job. The Tall Swede is
always lazying around Mr. Al Capone's back yard. He is just another big mouth.
5. On close examination you will find out that Mr. Al Capone and all of His Friends and all
of The Gang do seem to sit down with Hippies and do eat and drink with Hippies. Mr. Al
Capone and Hid Friends and The Gang always say the opposite, that they do not socialize
with Hippies at all but on close examination it looks like they do socialize with Hippies.
Readers: you could do a study to prove out whether Mr. Al Capone and His Friends and
The Gang does or does not socialize with Hippies. This socializing of Mr. Al Capone and
His Friends and The Gang does mean something very important to know about concerning
their own character studies. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that Mr. Al Capone and
His Friends and The Gang just might be procuring "Illegal Street Drugs" from The Hippies.
6. Mr. Al Capone and His Friends and The Gang do commit "The Illegal Act Of Peeping
7. They drink large amounts of alcohol and I believe that "They Are All Confirmed Alcoholics."
8. They all drink to the excess and then do drive their automobiles around crazily which is
illegal to do.
9. Their manner of daily conversation is filthy.
10. They intentionally do wreck other peoples personal belongings like houses and trailers.
11. All of these people are dangerous to work with because they intentionally do cause injury
on the job to other people.
12. There is A Man I Named Mr. Pick Up Truck and Mr. Cook Cannibal Man who is a close
friend of Mr. Al Capone and A Long Time Renter Of Mr. Al Capone's. Mr. Pick Up Truck
is the same kind of dirty filthy alcoholic that Mr. Al Capone is. One day when Mr. Cook
Cannibal Man was drinking a lot of alcohol he decided to throw whiskey bottles over the
top of my trailer. All of the whiskey bottles did bounce around and off of my trailer. He
also did bounce the whiskey bottles off of my trailer intentionally. He then decided to
maliciously rip, tear, the trim off of the back of my trailer which did allow rain water to
get into my trailer during the winter months. I do demand that he pay for the over haul
of all damages.
13. Mr. Pick Up Truck was walking around Mr. Al Capone's property one day just like Mr. Al
Capone would do, boasting about how he punched someone in the face with The Karate
that he knew.
Readers: The following writing is Another Report That Is Within This Overall Report.
Readers: This report is quite short but it does have a lot of influence with it. This report
has a lot of influence because it brings A Doctor Of Religion Into This Case.
Readers: Because of The Privacy Act I, Murray S. Fenwick, am not naming The Doctor
Of Religion this trouble happened to. I, Murray S. Fenwick, am using my own
name in this report because I have A Five Year Graduate Degree On Top Of A
Proper Doctorate In Christianity. I also do study other religions. Readers: Thank
Readers: The following are just three of Murray's religious public statements.
I can talk with you about good things that are written in The Bible.
I can talk with you about nice things when you come to know Jesus
Christ like I do know Him.
We have Guardian Angels and we might even get to talk with them.
Readers: If you are interested you can contact me at my following
phone number. My phone number is ooo-ooo-oooo?
Readers: The following are just three of Murray's religious public statements.
Number two is about the same as number 1.
Readers: The following are just three of Murray's religious public statements.
Number 3 is about the same as numbers 1 and 2.
Why I was involved with Doctor Murray is that I was a business client of his.
In order for me to see Doctor Murray I had to phone him up and make an
Doctor Murray had to phone me back to confirm the appointment being made.
Readers: This phoning me back by Doctor Murray is where this trouble took place at.
Once again this crazy Mr. Al Capone made trouble by intervening on the phone and
made such a bad scene that Doctor Murray could not get into contact with me at all.
This made difficulties for Doctor Murray. Also this terrible type of trouble making
of Mr. Al Capone once again reached out into someone else's life, now Doctor Murray's.
Mr. Al Capone some how told me that Doctor Murray had phoned up a while back.
Mr. Al Capone remained silent and would not tell me about the phone call that had been
made to my home phone number by Doctor Murray.
I did understand though that I was supposed to phone up Doctor Murray.
This disgraceful conduct of Mr. Al Capone's brought immediate questions, by Doctor
Murray, as to what Mr. Al Capone's character was really like.
Because I was personally associated with Mr. Al Capone by my living directly on his
property, Mr. Al Capone's bad phone conduct brought about immediate questions as to
my own character because I was associating with him.
This negative scene that Mr. Al Capone caused had to be straightened out between Doctor
Murray and myself. This negative scene almost cost us our business relationship because
of the way that Mr. Al Capone negatively answered the phone calls.
Because of the fact that Mr. Al Capone would not give me a message from Doctor Murray
is only part of the bad negative scene that happened over the phone.
Readers: You have to hear from Doctor Murray about what brought the phone to be hung up
by Doctor Murray.
Readers: This little report has a lot of influence with it because Doctor Murray has written
his own report about this bad negative scene that took place over the phone and to
me personally right on Mr. Al Capone's own property.
Readers: I, Doctor Murray S. Fenwick, do believe that Mr. Al Capone has to be locked up in
Farm Colony Road Mental Hospital that is located in Port Coquitlam.
Readers: Thank You Very Much
Doctor Of The Christian Religion
Murray S. Fenwick
Readers: The following is a little extra information about the equipment that "The Mr. Al
Capone's have on their front lawn and all the way to their back lawn, where ever
their back lawn might be located. Any particular, specific, Mr. Al Capone, or any
particular, specific, Set Of Mr. Al Capone's, just might live in an apartment.
Therefore having a literal front lawn or a literal back lawn is not necessarily
possible. Some apartments that are used for human housing at times do not allow
for or just do not have the land area for the development of a front lawn and a
back lawn.
Readers: I want you to take note here a simple change of words that I, Murray S. Fenwick,
am using here. These simple changes do mean a lot about what I am writing here.
Readers: I am now changing the word lawn to yard. This change is very serious to observe,
to take place.
Readers: But "All The Capone's And Sets Of Capone's" do have somewhere a front yard
and a back yard.
Readers: At times the front yard and the back yard of "All Mr. Al Capone's" homes, houses
might look like a modern day home in An Up To Date House Subdivision. For
example: some of the houses might have a little girls swimming pool out on the
front yard and let us say a couple of bicycles parked out on the back yard. Maybe
a wheel barrow and shovel, maddock, set stored, sitting, beside the garage.
Readers: At times the front yard and the back yard of "All Mr. Al Capone's" homes, houses
might look like "An Non Understandable Storage Place For A Circus."
Readers: I am now adding the word "Work" to the word "Yard." This change is very serious
to observe, to take place.
Readers: "All Of Mr. Al Capone's Front Yards" and "All Of Mr. Al Capone's Back Yards"
have considerably changed as to what they are used for. They have now become
"Mr. Al Capone's Work Front Yard" and "Mr. Al Capone's Work Back Yard." This
"Mr. Al Capone's Work Front Yard" and this "Mr. Al Capone's Work Back Yard"
is very differently managed. They are now a pair of \Work Yards that are used to
kill "The Innocent People" With. The following buildings that are known to be used
are "A Animal Killing Building" that is designed for animal butcher work and "The
Butcher Store Itself." These two different buildings certainly do fit in with "Mr. Al
Capone's" negative mental state which is proven by what he, "Mr. Al Capone" does
do with "The Innocent People" that he does "Illegally Captures."
Readers: Mr. Al Capone does also watch the laws that are in his own community. Mr. Al
Capone just might appear to be a very good citizen in his community. "BUT,"
Mr. Al Capone usually does try to break his own town laws and in general "ALL
Readers: Mr. Al Capone does store on his "Front Work Yard And Back Work Yard" the tools
and the equipment that he does use for "His Ugly Trade Called Crime." These tools
and equipment that they use for "Their Trade Called Crime Are Not Necessarily Very
Easily Visible At All To The Human Eye."
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, will start here. The following is "A General Mr. Al Capone
Out Fit Kit." I do want my Readers to know right here that I, Murray S. Fenwick,
am not "A Know It All" in this type of "Crime Understanding." "BUT," I, Murray
S. Fenwick, does know that, "What I Am Saying Here Is Right." I say this as a
Humble Church Going Born Again Christian. I, Murray S. Fenwick, have lived
with Mr. Al Capone's, "THEREFORE," I do know about some of the things that
they do and how they go about doing them. This whole overall report and another
one of my reports right here in my blog, named, "My Visit To The Yukon," do go
together as one report. These two report are kind of like someone's tired hand
fitting well into their old work glove, like The Old Saying Here Goes, That
Situation or that Business There or Those People Are Very Close With Each Other,
kind of like, "A Hand In Glove Idea." They are very closely lined up. In reality
they are one and the same report. When you study these two reports together you
will come to understand that these reports have tremendous knowledge with huge
scope in them. Why I Say, the distance in miles alone in these reports is enough to
stagger a persons mind for at least a week or two.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, will start right here. The following is "JUST ONE" of Mr.
Al Capone's "General Purpose Work Outfit Kits." This "General Purpose Outfit
Kit" is designed for quite heavy work. The heavy work word be like moving
car engines around, moving heavy equipment engines around but not necessarily
the heavy earth moving type of equipment themselves around, towing small boats
around that have a maximum length of about 30 feet, moving motorcycles around,
work equipment like cement mixers with bags of cement with them and house
construction materials for house construction only around. Readers: There is quite
a large work area open to Mr. Al Capone to get involved with here. Readers: This
"General Purpose Work Outfit Kit" is designed along the same design line ideas as
let us say "A General Purpose Basic First Aid Kit," is.
Readers: If you want to have an Mr. Al Capone "General Purpose Work Outfit Kit" in your
your home the following is one. These "Kits" are not always the same. Readers:
The following "General Purpose Basic Work Outfit Kit" is a very popular one
because it works very well.
Readers: The following is "ONLY" A General Explanation about Mr. Al Capone's "General
Purpose Basic Work Outfit Kit." These "KITS" are not rigidly made out. These
"KITS" are made out to do the type of job that they have to work with. Every one
of them might be just "A Little Different."
Readers: The following is what just one of Mr. Al Capone's "General Purpose Basic Work
Outfit Kits.". It just might look like the following one.
1. A 5 tone possibly flat deck truck to haul stolen goods away with. This particular type of
truck design is very convenient for people to use for this kind of job and for a whole lot
of other types of jobs as well.
2. A lifting machine like A Fork Lift to lift things, of various descriptions, on to the flat
deck truck with.
3. A car which was used on television a lot. It is called A Four Door Sedan. One of the
main things that The Four Door Sedan is used for is "An Observation Car."
4. In this "General Purpose Basic Work Outfit Kit" there is, to my knowledge, always a
certain kind of a boat used that is designed for water use. This boat might be small or
large but the job for this boat is always the same. When Mr. Al Capone was located
on the water front of Lake Ontario, in The Humber River Area, of The Humber
District of Toronto, Ontario, Canada they always had what was called A Rum Runner
Lake Boat. The Rum Runner Lake Boat was known to be extremely safe boat to use
on the lake and was known to be as exceptionally fast boat even for today which is
2018 Anno Domini. I, Murray S. Fenwick, will give you just one example of The Rum
Runner Boat's speed capability. A person could cross Lake Ontario from The City of
Toronto all the way across Lake Ontario to Michigan State, U.S.A. in just one hour of
time quite easily. Even by today's boat speed standards that Is Really Fast.
5. Another completely different piece of property, than the home, to hide on when people
are looking for you and you do not want to meet them, or say, when you do not want
then to find you. For "WHAT-EVER REASON."
6. A kind of tent or a camper set up to escape in as well. Just to hide in when you do not
want to be found easily. For "WHAT-EVER REASON."
7. You should own and know how to "Safely Use" welding cutting torches the obvious
type of "Safely Constructed" garage for cutting and taking things apart in.
8. The following does take more than an individual person to do but Mr. Al Capone does
do the following jobs as well. It is market gardening,general mixed farming and
running a very good bakery. Mr. Al Capone do do these types of jobs in order to get
control of good quality food supplies. Also for hiding stolen goods away on a farm.
The Mr. Al Capone that I am writing about right here who resides in The Surrey District
has quite a lot of these things in "This Kit" in his control for quite some time.
Readers: "The Innocent Person" never knows just what Mr. Al Capone is going to do.
One day Mr. Al Capone has "The Heavy Earth Moving Machine's Engine"
up in the air on the fork lift and you "The Innocent Person" do make an
observation and "You The Innocent Person" does think that you do understand
what Mr. Al Capone is doing and is planning to do, but the very next day "You
The Innocent Person" does make another observation and now Mr. Al Capone
has lowered "The Heavy Earth Moving Machine's Engine" down to the ground
and has removed totally from the fork lift and there on the ground sits "The
Heavy Earth Moving Machine's Engine."
Readers: At times but not all of the time Mr. Al Capone does do things like an Old Saying
that I, Murray S. Fenwick, does quote here. The situation is "One end is up and the
other end is down." To catch what Mr. Al Capone is doing with just your eye is not,
at times, possible to do.
Readers: Some of The Notorious Mr. Al Capone Member right in The Surrey District live
right nearby a nice new great big store mall. They are in a different neighbourhood
and do appear to be quite different from Mr. Al Capone. I do know every one of
them and they are all the same as Mr. A. Capone is. They are very Evil Dirty People.
Readers: All of the Work Equipment that is to be found on Mr. Al Capone's Front Work Yard
and Back Work Yard is meant to be used for criminal offensive reasons only. It does
not matter where these Front Work Yards and Back Work Yards are located at they
are all, always, used for Mr. Al Capone's Evil Purposes.
Readers: The following writing is another report that is within this major report.
This writing deals with a situation that Mr. Al Capone is in Within The National Boundaries
Of Another Country that is named The United States Of America.
Readers: Mr. Al Capone told me very thoroughly one day about the property that he owns
in The United States Of America.
Readers: Just exactly where this property is located I do not know. I do know though that
this properties location could be located through The Land Registery Office.
Readers: Just exactly how large a size this property is I do not know.
Readers: I do know that this property is used as some kind of junk yard site and some of the
junk yard appearance is falsified for criminal motives.
Readers: Mr. Al Capone very elaborately told me that the property and the junk on the
property were some time ago worth more than twelve and one half million
dollars American Money to thirteen and one half million dollars American
Money. Mr. A. Capone was very boastful about this.
Readers: Mr. Al Capone told Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick, that there was a lot of
round pieces of metal shaped things like wheels of different descriptions on this
property. This wheel junk was not at all classed as junk by Mr. Al Capone. Mr. Al
Capone said that the wheels were worth a lot of money and that they were not junk
at all.
Readers: I believe I remember Mr. Al Capone telling me that he had to travel a long ways on
a kind of straight line course with his hauling vehicles in order to get these steel
round wheel shaped things onto this, his property, safely. Mr. Al Capone said that if
he did not work hard around the clock when he was transporting these wheel shaped
things that all of them could have been stolen. I do know that these wheel shaped
things could have very easily have originated in Canada. Mr. Al Capone did say to
me that these wheel things could have been from Canada. Also Mr. Al Capone just
might have stolen these steel wheel shaped objects from Canada or from some where
else. There was a lot of talk of theft being involved around about these steel wheel
shaped things and also a lot of talk about Canada being involved with these steel
wheel shaped things.
Readers: What ever was the origination of these round wheel like objects I do not know. I do
know though that Mr. Al Capone had to travel fast and straight to that specific
property with them.
Readers: There was definitely a lot of that metal wheel stuff sitting around on Mr. Al Capone's
Readers: This metal wheel stuff seems to be the part of the stuff in the junk yard that has a
very high money value.
Readers: Mr. Al Capone's property right here was definitely valued at a high price itself.
Readers: Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does give you a sound word of warning right here about
being very careful when you approach Mr. Al Capone. I warn All People And
The Public Authorities as to just how you do approach Mr. Al Capone in order
for The Country to deal with him according to their law system because I do
know that Mr. Al Capone does carry a loaded gun with him and I do know that
he is ill known for shooting people down. That said we will now go o here.
Readers: Depending on The Nation that does pick up Mr. Al Capone will depend the type
of judgement that will be given out to him. Nations are different therefore the
type of sentence that will be given out to him will be different according to The
Nation that does sentence Mr. Al Capone.
Readers: The following few things are what some different Nations do.
Readers: For Example.
1. Some Nations use Doctors Of Medicine And Of Mental Health and talk to people about
Mental Health Problems.
2. Some Nations will sentence a person to be put into jail.
3. Some Nations punch and kick a person until they die.
4. Some Nations sentence a person to be killed by a knife.
This Nation might even cut a guilty person's head right off.
Readers: There are many sound reasons to pick Mr. Al Capone up and deal with him in
A Criminal Court Of Law or in A Church Or Temple Setting.
Readers: Just one reason for bringing Mr. Al Capone, His Entire Family and His Friends
to "SERIOUS JUDGEMENT" is Mr. Al Capone admitted to Me, Myself And I,
Murray S. Fenwick, that He Did Enact Mobster Gun Shoot Outs. Still today Mr.
Al Capone is selling Illegal Guns And Ammunitions.
Readers: Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick, does recommend To All Churches And To
All Temples the immediate picking up and Buddhist Jailing of Mr. Al Capone, His
Entire Family and His Friends. The reason for Their Temple Arrest is I do believe
that they all have committed The Criminal Act of Murder.
Readers: I give you here a solemn word of warning right here again about The Negative
Character Of Mr. Al Capone. Mr. Al Capone is known to shoot people with a gun
which does kill them.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that I do believe that Mr. Al Capone is very
Criminally Dangerous all of the time. I do believe that The Temple has to be
very on Their alert and be very careful when They do arrest Mr. Al Capone or
The Buddhist JAILERS Will Run The Very High Risk Of Being Shot By Live
Gun Fire Right Down Dead By Mr. Al Capone.
Readers: Thank You Very Much
The Lord Buddha
Murray S. Fenwick
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