Friday, 31 January 2020

#E64. Nanaimo. There Was "An Army Battle Tank Attack" Against Nanaimo.


Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

There Was "An Army Battle Tank Attack" Against Nanaimo. 
This short report has very long term effects on the community of Naniamo, British Columbia,
Canada. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was A Christian Church Worker at this time, in Naniamo.

1. This event took place about the year 1982 in The City Of Naniamo.
2. One of The Golden Forty Niners needed a job done so he went out to Naniamo and
    he did hire a man to do the job for him.
3. The hired young man was not very old. He would have been about 30 to 35 years of
4. The Golden Forty Niner did not know that the hired young man smoked a lot of
5. The Golden Forty Niner did not know that the hired young man drank a lot of alcohol!
6. The Golden Forty Niner did not know that the hired young man did use criminal street
    drugs and was classed as a drug addict! This young man also did use a lot of The
    Criminal Illegal Street Drug Named In Short L.S.D.
7. The hired young man, the drug addict, did something so extremely wrong to The
    Golden Forty Niner that The Golden Forty Niner decided to attack The Hippie!

I do not know exactly what the drug addict attacked The Golden Forty Niner about but I do
know that he did attack him and exactly what he used to make his attack with I do not know.
I do know though that The Golden Forty Niner did attack back beyond what the average
person would think was reasonable. The Golden Forty Niner thought that his attack against
The Hippie and against Naniamo was rightly done.

1. The Golden Forty Niner did attack Naniamo with an Army Battle Tank.
2. The Golden Forty Niner shot down some garages with the tanks main gun.
3. The Golden Forty Niner shot down some dog houses with the tanks main gun.
4. The Golden Forty Niner by using his battle tank like a tow truck attached cables and chains
    to driveway culverts and road culverts and did successfully pull them right out of their
5. The Golden Forty Niner did drive his battle tank over driveways and roads and did ruin them.
6. The Golden Forty Niner did drive his battle tank over trees and shrubs and by doing this did
    ruin the trees and the shrubs.

The Golden Forty Niner did this type of damage over quite a large area of Naniamo.

The Naniamo people who did see this happen were terrified at what took place, at what The
Golden Forty Niner did do to them. I do believe that The City Of Naniamo never did know what
caused this attack of The Golden Forty Niner's to take place.

This is the year of 2013. I believe that The City Of Naniamo should still look into this Golden
Forty Niner Attack against them and find out what caused it to take place and publish the
truthful findings in their newspaper. This might help to prevent such An Army Tank Attack
against Naniamo from happening once again.

I believe that The Drug Addict Hippie who did cause this Army Tank Attack Of The Golden
Forty Niner's to take place should be forever locked up in Farm Colony Road Mentally Ill
Jail Lock-up that is located in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada.

Through Christian Church Work I came to know The Hippie who did cause this Army Tank
Attack Of The Golden Forty Niners to take place. I came to know this particular Hippie quite
well and I do know that he was nothing but a very serious trouble maker all over the place.
He would show up everywhere in Naniamo making trouble and that does include on and off
of The Indian Reservation. Because of the type of Church Work that I was doing at that time
I was working all over Naniamo and I would run into that particular Hippie all over the place
and he was always making very serious trouble. At times when I would meet that Hippie I
would wonder why he has neaver been locked up yet because of the very serious types of
trouble that he did make.

I do hope that Naniamo does change the way that they have always mismanaged their court
law systems!

I have acquired a long range telescope and I do manage to observe Naniamo enough from a
long distance away from Naniamo to know to stay away from Naniamo, British Columbia,

I The Lord Buddha have many ears.
I The Lord Buddha have many eyes.

signed the lord buddha murray s. fenwick

Through my knowedge of The Light Of Christ I have committed Naniamo to Satan! ...
I The Light Lord Buddha have committed Naniamo to their own darkness makings. ...

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