Thursday, 23 January 2020

#F11. Sooke And Jordan River. The Yukon Robs A Guardian Mother And A Step Father.



Robbing A Guardian Mother And A Step Father.
The following report is about Another Bad People's Trouble Making
in The Yukon. 
The following report is about A Guardian Mother's and A Step Father's experience 
in the Yukon.

the guardian mother and step father built a nice brand new summer cottage on a piece of
property they bought right on the lake front on a hidden away little lake in the Yukon

the step father lived in the Yukon for many years and most of his  family still lives in
the Yukon. The step father's name is Old Scared Man. Old Scared Man wanted to spend some of the summer time in the Yukon so he and the mother built a nice new little
summer cottage there

unfortunately the cottage in the Yukon was very carefully robbed
the cottage was robbed so carefully that Old Scared Man said each page of each and every
book that was on the book shelves was even taken down and thumbed through page
by page to see if there was any hidden money in between the pages. Old Scared Man also
said that all of his paper documents had been thumbed through the same way for hidden
money and cheques of any description that might be forgable in the thieves hands

how this robbery happened is the following
Old Scared Man and the mother had a little work to do inside the cottage
they hired Old Scared Mans inlaws to do the job
the total amount of work to do was so little that i thought that Old Scared Man and the mother would do it themselves but they wanted to come home to Sidney By The
Sea, British Columbia, and rest awhile so they hired Old Scared Mans inlaws to do
the little job for them. The total job to be done was to paint with a brush just part of
a wall not all the wall but just part of the wall, about 20 square feet. Old Scared Man
and the mother got all the necessary equipment to do the job and left for home in
Sidney leaving behind Old Scared Man's inlaws to do the job and to stay in the cottage while they did do the job and to then further stay in the cottage to house sit the building
in order that some people would be about the place in order to prevent a possible
breaking and entering and robbery from taking place

because these people were Old Scared Man's inlaws and Old Scared Man trusted them he also left them the banking right to draw money out of his and the mother's bank account should they need more supplies to do the job with. This was Old Scared Man's big mistake. Little did Old Scared Man know that his own inlaws were the criminals themselves and that they were contriving as to how to rob Old Scared Man and the mother for as much money as they could rob them of

once Old Scared Man and the mother left the Yukon for their home in Sidney the inlaws went straight to the bank and lied to the banker that they needed to withdraw money for more supplies in order to purchase more supplies to finish the job with

the inlaws did this going to the bank and withdrawing money no less than 5 times and each time that they did do this they withdrew 5,000 dollars

their inlaws withdrew a minimum of 25,000 dollars over the period of a couple of weeks by lieing to the banker about needing more supplies and more supplies in order to finish the job with

Old Scared Man and the mother finally found out what Old Scared Mans inlaws were doing and cancelled all further credit to the inlaws for further needed supplies. Old
Scared Man's inlaws were obviously lieing thieves

also Old Scared Man's inlaws did not do one little bit of the little job that they were hired to do

the mother and Old Scared Man did talk to a lawyer in the Yukon about this whole matter and the lawyer did say that he thought it would be a waste of time and money to go to court
over this issue because Old Scared Man had given legal right to his inlaws to withdraw any
amount of money needed to complete the job

the mother and Old Scared Man were in tears about this money robbery happening to them
It was also proven that the inlaws were also the criminals who did rob the cottage very

when i talked with the mother and Old Scared Man about these 2 robberies taking place the 2 robberies had just happened and the seeing of the lawyer had just taken place

after awhile the mother and Old Scared Man became afraid and did not talk about these 2
robberies anymore and it did seem to me that the inlaws did scare them a lot into being
silent about these 2 robbery cases

a brother does know about these 2 robbery cases but how much he does
know is unknown to me

This following murder scene happens in Whitehorse all of the time!
These murders are called by The R.C.M.P. "the dead under the bridge"

When I, Senior Chief, Murray S. Fenwick, went to and talked with The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in The Whitehorse Police Station The Police explained to me that a lot
of people are constantly murdered in The Yukon and at times a lot of these dead people
are thrown beside the little bridge that crosses The Yukon River right at Whitehorse. The
dead found there are called by The R.C.M.P. "the dead under the bridge". The dead are
thrown down buy the bridge itself and by the flag pole.

This note right here is not aimed at any individual Policeman in The Yukon.
Unfortunately the police in The Yukon have for what-ever reason proven themselves inadequate. I believe that The Yukon Police should be carefully dismissed.

I believe that a proper military must be brought into The Yukon from Ottawa to
handle the very serious trouble making that does go on seemingly endlessly in that
location of Canada.

I will give you Readers just a quick look at just some of the trouble going on in Whitehorse and in The Yukon in general.
1. People get shot on The Indian Reservations constantly.
2. People get shot in the towns constantly.
3. When people go pleasure fishing in their little boats they get shot right out of their boats.
4. Cigarettes are used all over the place.
5. Alcohol is used all over the place.
6. Illegal drugs are used all over the place.
7. People feed other people to bears.
8. People feed other people to wolves.
9. People feed other people to large cougars and other types of large cats.
10. There is bad gang trouble all over the place.
11. There is breaking into houses and other buildings all over the place.

Unfortunately in The Yukon this bad list just keeps going on and on and on.

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