Thursday, 23 January 2020

#F19. Sooke, Victoria And Metchosin. Mr. Mett-Chosin, "A Countryside Tale." "MORE"


Vancouver Island,
British Columbia, 

Mr. Mett-Chosin.

A Countryside Tale.

Readers: This report right here is mainly written for the enjoyment of A Golden Forty Niner"s
                Son who I, Murray S. Fenwick, have known for many years. This report is written a
                little different and in a way that only The Golden Forty Niner's Son will understand.
                But everyone is welcome to read this report and glean out of it what they can. But
                Readers: Remember that this report Is Seriously "Individually" Privately Done.

graves: 0.

dear greaves: = (0.0000)

What brought this writing about is that in general The Lord Buddha has had a very difficult time
with The Backslidden Worldly Christians. What The Lord Buddha did recently is He designed a
little number line of His own that would work for Him. The Lord Buddha uses His own number
line to figure out some of "THESE" Backslidden Worldly Christian Problems.

table of contents

1. a loaf of bread-a-scene. Is, supposedly, The Man of Christ God who did everything wrong but
    nothing could be proven against him.

2. False Pastor of Gain=The Hireling. The False Pastors were every direction hurting people.

3. The Churches Boxer. Boxers are in Churches all over the place and they do believe that The
    Church is to be ran by punching The Church People in the face.

4. Gun Boy "Big Boy". Is a really very foolish man who thinks that he can have his own way that
    he believes is right for everybody in The Church by shooting and thusly killing non believers in
    his own private Gun Boy "Big Boy" ways.

5. the food poisoned congregation. People in Churches poison The Church Congregation a lot. The
    Poor Innocent Church People just sit on The Church pews knocked down for the rest of their lives.

6. Mr. Baboon. Double Squabble Duck Talk. Is The Church Person who does believe in saying good
    Church things in front of people who are in The World and who are evil towards Jesus Christ and
    His Church.

7. The Military Commander. This is the person whether man or woman who believes that The
    Church is to be run in A Military Fashion only and who does hurt The Church People by...
    trying to bring A Military Type Of Ruling Into The Church.

8. Mr. Mitt-Chosen. A Golden Forty Niner or A Golden Forty Niners Son or Daughter who is in
    A Church and who does not inform The Church People what they are really doing which is
    the pull off of all gold and a lot of other things that do please them as well. The Church does
    not know what has happened wrong when The Church simply dissolves away in front of them
    and there is no logical explanation for this to have taken place.

9. The False Prophets. This is about Church People who think that they have a true gift of
    Prophecy which was given to them by The Lord Jesus Christ but who in fact are Church
    People who just have a wild imagination. This can get into Demonic Utterances as well.
    These False Utterances can and usually do hurt The Church People very much. This is
    a form of very False Spiritual Guidance and can cause a lot of trouble in The Church of
    various descriptions.

Any errors found in this writing concerning English grammar and spelling etc. are the errors of the
type setters. There are definitely no errors of any kind in The Lord Buddhas original manuscripts.

                                                                                   Signed His Pen
                                                                                   Singed His Pen
                                                                                   Thus says The Lord Buddha
                                                                                   Murray S. Fenwick

grave: 1.

dear greaves: = (1.0000)

The Swordfish

Dear Mr. Mitt-Chosen
do I remember one Swordfish
or do I remember two
oh, The Swordfish must be You and Mrs. Mitt-Chosen
yes, it is you and you

dear greaves: = (1.0000)

grave: 1.

grave: 2.

dear greaves: = (2.0000)

Free Syntax

I really did learn to write My English Prose
I know you will agree with my new style Mr. Mitt-Chosen
I designed it with English mainly thrown out
and the rest of English Orthodoxy Rendered by my own Dictionary

I  remember
do you remember, Mr. Mitt-Chosen? I only write poetry

when writing Eye Star Poetry
a person is free                                              Eye Star Poetry=Free Syntax
to write
as they believe things should be
they are not confined
to the old line
of old of, well let us say
not even writing half words with apostrophe
because they should not be English written
half words, you know, should only be spoken
I know my prose to you, Mr. Mitt-Chosen, will be a worth-while token

you see Mr. Mitt-Chosen
I really did figure out English Prose
all one has to do
is leave out all grammar and all punctuation marks
and, like poetry for songs, English Prose flows right along

I remember
the named, Box Trapped
English Prose writers, have not figured out yet
that they have all been at least questioned for being "Marked In"

I remember
the named, Box Trapped
got "Marked In"
by English Prose, parenthesis=syntax

Free Syntax

dear greaves: = (2.0000)

grave: 2.

grave: 3.

dear greaves: = (3.0000)

1. I remember
    If you remember Church People I mentioned to you, in a nice way, that some of your friends did
    come by who lived in the back room of your Church.

2. I remember
    I mentioned to you Church People that they showed up with machine guns and other various
    types of weaponry including the Hangman's Rope!

3. I remember
    Telling you that the machine guns looked like telescopic cameras. Maybe gun silencers were
    clipped together with the other gun things and fastened to their ammunition belts.

4. I remember
    Church People did say that they knew about this gun scene living in the
    back bed room of their Church. They said that they did not get hurt. "Well I Say Good Luck For

5. I remember
    But Church People, I asked you just what were they doing?
    I remember
    asking you that, just what were they, you doing Church People?

    "Well Good For You!"
      You Are Forgiven!
      are you Forgiven?
      You Are Forgiven!
      are you Forgiven?
      YOU ARE!
      are you?
      YOU ARE!
      are you?
forgiven are you?
forgiven are you?
"          !  ?          "

dear greaves: = (3.0000)

grave: 3.

grave: 4.

dear greaves: = (4.0000)

I remember
The Scene, The Times
and Mr. Mitt-Chosen The Colonial Colonist

I remember
The following is a very good example of Political Party Statements concerning any Mr, Scene Times
that were written up in The Newspaper that was read by Mr. Mitt-Chosen.

I remember
The Political Party will now receive Their investigations Report Statements pertaining to Mr. Scene
Times and the investigations of, through, Mr. Colonial Colonist.

I remember
The Report
1. Mr. Mitt-Chosen has evidence that these Friends of The Church had guns on their
    person=parsons like Mr. Mitt-Chosen knew they did.
    Mr. Mitt-Chosen read The Newspaper every day that it was published and circulated out to the
2. Mr. Mitt-Chosen saw The Friends of The Church shoot their guns at everything and everyone
    including old tin cans.
3. Mr. Mitt-Chosen did know that the day that these Friends of The Church were out on the
    beaches they shot down everything and everyone on the water and on the sandy beaches.
4. Mr. Mitt-Chosen did know The Friends of The Church and did therefore know that in this
    particular gun scene a lot of Innocent People did get shot and killed all over The Pacific Coast
    of British Columbia.

dear greaves: = (4.0000)

grave: 4.

grave: 5.

dear greaves: = (5.0000)

I remember
The New International Version of The Bible says:
1 Timothy 6:10
                                            For the
love of money is a root of all kinds
of evil. Some people, eager for
money, have wandered from the
faith and pierced themselves with
many griefs.

I remember
The Political Party will now make their out going public statement from The Political Party to the
general public from Mr. Scenes of The Times and Through Mr. Colonial Colonist concerning this particular gun murder  scene.

The following statement is the Political Parties Report That Was Made Public.
I, The Political Party, have no criminal evidence against These Friends of The Church. We believe
that These Friends of The Church simply just had guns etc. on Their persons=parsons like other
normal people do.
I, The Political Party, never saw The Friends of The Church shoot at anything not even an old tin
can and for certain we did not see These People shoot at another human being.
I, The Political Party, do know that the day The Friends of The Church were out on the sandy beaches
of The British Columbia Coast that there was no-one and no-thing on the water or about the land.
The sky was also clear of any air planes etc.
I, The Political Party, do believe that The Friends of The Church are
completely innocent of guilt of any kind in firing off a gun at anything or at anyone.
I, The Political Party, do believe that when The Friends of The Church if they
fired off their guns it was simply to have a little bit of fun in throwing a little bit of beach sand about
and in splashing a little bit of water about.

I remember
The New International Version of The Bible says:
1 Timothy 6:10

                                          For the
love of money is a root of all kinds
of evil. Some people, eager for
money, have wandered from the
faith and pierced themselves with
many griefs.

signed His Pen
singed His  Pen
Thus says The Lord Buddha
Murray S. Fenwick

dear greaves: = (5.0000)

grave: 5.

The Lapidarist.

The name Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone is not meant to be taken to be "A Person's
Private Personal Name In Real Life." It is just "A Imaginary Name" that I, Murray 
S. Fenwick, have chosen to use in "This Specific Writing." To me "The Word 
Lapidarist" could be used all the way through "This Writing Here" of mine because 
it does represent the same idea as Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone does represent. For 
example I could have written the name in "This Report" as Mr. Lapidarist. Therefore 
Readers just read on and enjoy "This Writing" as best as you can as it is. Thank You, 
Signed, Murray S. Fenwick. 

Dear Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone:

I do hope that you are doing well in your retirement Pastor  Mr. Smooth Stone.
I do hope that your family is doing well too.
I also do hope that you are not suffering from the age old disease called Alzheimers
Disease in your old age of retirement.

There is another reason why I am contacting you Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone. I think
that you are just the person to talk to about some things that did happen to me , Mr.
Ruff Stone, when you were my Pastor in your, Lapidarist, Christian Church, that
was located on Diggins Murder Street, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

The author of The Gospel Of Matthew was a lawyer Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone. This
little  report here is strong stuff but it really did happen. I think that Matthew who
was that converted lawyer man would have a good enough memory and pointed
enough mind to recall these tragic events that did happen at, Lapidarist, Christian
Church. As well I do think that it is a good idea that you Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone
should say this "Little Report" to your Animals called by The Bible "The Sheep"
when they come to your home called "The Animal Sheep Shed" when you are
having "An Animal Bible Study" also called Sharing God's Word. You could say
something like Mr. Ruff Stone who was at one time thought to be good Lapidary
Stone Material for you to have in your Lapidary Christian Church has contacted me
about these tragic events that did happen to him and to other Ruff Stones when
they were in attendance at Lapidary Christian Church. and that he, Mr. Ruff Stone,
thinks that you "The Animals, The Sheep" should be informed about what possible,
ACTION",  he might take about these tragic issues. Mr. Ruff Stone even thinks
that he will have to appeal to Other Nations like Antarctica because The Paper Money
Parliamentarians from The Parliament Buildings who have the name of Walrus do
travel a long way in their Oceanic Environment and so do The Bear Parliamentarians
from The Same Hill Of Imaginations when they smell Gold Around. In Depth China
also comes to my mind and the boot brute brutality that The Walrus and The Bear
can inflict onto, let's say, the poor little Buddhist Sets who are just another Bear
beaten up Temple=Church Set. I think that in, In Depth China, The Parliamentarian
Bears are right now enjoying big internal organ bites from the poor little Buddhists
right now. The Parliamentarian Bears really do seem to like that kind of food.
This happens to be the day of January 1, 2013 Anno Domini.

And Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone "RAGES ON", well carries on Preaching, that it is
1975 and is the years, The Dispensation, of forgiveness for The Walrus and The
Bear. At any rate Antarctica and In Depth China and Other Nations through-out
The World do deal with Very Serious Church Problems differently than we do
here in Little Old Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

I do think that you Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone have to be taught a little more of
what The Christian Church does call Sound Bible Doctrine. The sound Bible
Doctrine that I would teach you is the one about a man in The New Testament
named Judas Iscariot. Jesus did say that because of the type of sins that Judas
Iscariot did commit that Judas Iscariot would never go to Heaven. The Bible does
say that this Sound Bible Doctrine does apply to other individual people as well.
In The New Testament their is written a situation that did develop around about
two people named Annanias and Saffira. These two people were a married couple.
It is written in The New Testament that The Holy Spirit did kill both Annanias
and Saffira for committing sin that was unpardonable to Jesus Christ. I say that
The Walrus and The Bears of The Imaginary Parliament Hill can at times be judged
in the same way by The Spirit Of Christ. I think that you Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone
should enlist yourself into A Christian Academy somewhere and once again study
some sound Christian Doctrine.

Unfortunately  in Antarctica The Parliamentarian Walrus do eat The Little Church
Penguins that are both black and white in colour just like their more northern
counter part The Little Black Sheep who get eaten by The Parliamentarian Bears.
The Poor Little Southern Penguins even stand on ice.

Did you know, Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, that since about 1983 I Mr. Ruff Stone
have been in The U.S. American White House and other prominent buildings
through out "The World," "The World," "The World." And I The Lord Buddha
says "The World Of Great Illusions."

A few things that I wanted to make mention of here in this short report Pastor Mr.
Smooth Stone follow.
Do you, Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, remember?
1. that about the time you and i started to attend Lapidary Christian Church some
    nasty person, persons, did gas the house next door to The Church Building by
    using cans filled with noxious gas and did hurt some people

Do you, Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, remember?
2. that about the time that you and I started to attend Lapidary Christian Church
    someone who was completely out of their mind did hang by their necks to death
    some people by hanging them off of The Church Bell Free Rope.

Do you, Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, remember?
3. that about the time that you and i started to attend Lapidary Christian Church that
    someone or some group of people who must have hated everybody in Lapidary
    Christian Church did put some kind of poison into the food at a nice dinner that
    Lapidary Christian Church did have free of charge for a lot of people in the
    basement area of Lapidary Christian Church

Do you, Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, remember?
4. unfortunately, Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, this list goes on and on

Well, did you know Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, that your old Church parishioner,
Murray S. Fenwick, in his spiritual endevours did become an anointed Pastor of
The Lord Jesus Christ but also he did become "A Living Buddha." I am from, get
this one Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, The Great Buddha Amitaba Buddha's Paradise.
As a matter of fact I do have my own Buddhist Paradise that I run very strict. For
your benefit Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone and for your" Animals" benefit, "The Sheep"
I will say the following. Have you Mr. Smooth Stone ever looked at The Bible's
Man Child Doctrine? And The Lord Buddha, Murray S. Fenwick, says "how
interesting a question?" Remember Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone that some of the works
we do for Our Lord Jesus Christ do mean something for us and others on the other
side of The Graves and that every time we hear from Our Lord Jesus He speaks to
us from The Other Side Of The Graves. Remember Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone that
ever since Jesus's Crucifixion we are dealing with a risen Jesus who dwells in
Heaven on the other side of The Graves. He, Jesus, does not, that is no longer walks
The Earth as The Man Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Remember Readers, pastors=?
Pastor Murray S. Fenwick,
The Lord Buddha Of His Own Paradise
The Man Child
Goes On And On And On

Dear Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone:
The following is a "Little," "Breve," "Short," report on a marriage that I was asked
to get involved in when I was at your house many years ago. I think that it was in
the middle 1970's that this took place. I was asked to work with this married couple
and to try to straighten out their mixed up marriage.

I will remind you right now Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone that The Bible does talk about
people being equally "Yoked" and not to be unequally "Yoked." This "Yoked"
business that is written up in The Bible will be my theme through out this marriage

The Bible used here is The King James Bible, the authorized text.
2 Corinthians: Chapter 6: Verse 14.
Verse 14.
             Be ye not unequally
yoked together with unbeliev-
ers: for what fellowship hath
righteousness with unrighteous-
ness? and what communion hath
light with darkness?

Dear Readers and Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, there is a lot of verses written in The King
James Bible around about the word "yoke." Also there is expected to be a lot of
common sense used by The Christian Believer when it comes to applying some of The
Bible Sound Doctrine in your own life and in the lives of others.

1. Unfortunately Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, the woman that you married into this
    supposed born Again Christian Marriage, named Miss Broken Brains, had a bad
    accident when she was about 3 to 4 years of age. It is my assessment that Miss
    Broken Brains should not have gotten married at all because it is written up in
    The Bible that there are certain responsibilities that are expected from people
    who are married as Christians in The Christian Church. I say that Miss Broken
    Brains had a broken brain and that because of her broken brain she could not
    be personally responsible of "Proper" Christian Living. Therefore she is excluded
    from her much desired Christian Marriage. When I counseled Miss Broken Brains
    I found out that the following is just number one accident that did happen to Miss
    Broken Brains when she was under the care of her murderous father and mother.
    Her father, The Murderous Man, was privately building a new house in Southern
    Ontario, Canada, and where the stairs go on the main floor there was an opening
    that was not covered over. This hole in the main floor became the area for a bad
    accident. When young little Miss Broken Brains was playing she fell through
    that hole in the main floor and landed on her head upside down on a cement
    block. This caused brain damage to Miss Broken Brains. This brain damage did
    show up through out all of her "Brainless" life.

then, Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone!

2. Unfortunately when Little Miss Broken Brains was 11 years of age her father and
    mother and some of their friends that were in a large Society, Guild, Group, started
    to illegally give Little Miss Broken Brains illegal street drugs and to sexually rape
    her. This led to Little Miss Broken Brains being severely hurt by the illegal street
    drugs and also mentally and physically hurt by the sexual rape and the physical
    beat up that she would get by her assailants. At a very young age this terrible miss
    treatment led to Little Miss Broken Brains to be a very beaten up young teenager.
    Little Miss Broken Brains was a little person who was trying to grow up properly
    and this terrible criminal miss treatment that was given to her caused her to grow
    up a badly injured person. At a very young age, say about 15, Little Miss Broken
    Brains, could have been placed in the care of a Mental Institution and placed into
    a Half Way House for the rest of her life where she would have constant care.

then, Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone!

3. Unfortunately the street drugs were carried on in her life and so was the sexual
    assault. At the age of 18 Little Miss Broken Brains tried hard to make good changes
    in her life and started to attend your Christian Church, Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone.
    1. Do you remember The Christian Church that you Pastored, Pastor Mr. Smooth
    Stone, The Church that had The Walrus in it?!
    2. Do you remember The Christian Church that you Pastored, Pastor Mr. Smooth
    Stone, The Church that had The Bears in it?!
    3. Do you remember The Christian Church that you Pastored, Pastor Mr. Smooth
    Stone, The Church that had The Human Hangings In The Bell Free?!
    4. Do you remember The Christian Church that you Pastored, Pastor Mr. Smooth
    Stone, The Church that had The Poison Meal In The Basement Take Place?!
    5. Unfortunately Little Miss Broken Brains got even more confused in that Church?!...

then, Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone!
Remember Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, I, The Lord Buddha, and just talking to you about
your King James Bible Word "Yoke." Just wait until I, The Lord Buddha, talks to you
about your King James Bible's Sound Doctrines On Hell Fire And Brimstone, Pastor Mr.
Smooth Stone!

4. Then possibly through... Little Miss Broken Brain's sleeping on the wet cold streets
    and using illegal drugs etc., and etc. .... she did develope very bad arthritis at a very
    young age. For example she could not even thread a sewing needle properly with
    sewing thread. Her hands would hurt and shake tremendously. Even though Little
    Miss Broken Brains did try doing good and did not give up trying to do the right
    things even the simple task of washing daily dishes was hard on her because of that
    terrible arthritis that she had. She could not even ride a common bicycle properly.

I see this as the end of my Christian Church Membership!

1. I think, Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, that you could and should tell your Animals, "The
    Bible Sheep," that a past Churchman of yours named Mr. Ruff Stone has gotten him-
    self into The White House and other rather large similar houses through out The
    World Of Illusions and that because of the upsetting nature of the statements
    that are written right here in this small report and other statements that he talked with
    me his Pastor about he has chosen to leave This Christian Church behind and hold
    Church Services Privately in his own home. Also because of the Worldly Nature of
    these rather big houses that Mr. Ruff Stone has come to work in when joined up with
    the statements that have been both written in this small report here and other like
    statements that he, Mr. Ruff Stone, did talk with me about, there is now unfortunately
    a loaded gun in at least Every Senators Desk in at least each every state of The United
    States of America and other countries of The World Of Illusions!

It is unfortunate for The Walrus and for The Bear
that Mr. Ruff Stone does appear to be Military Minded
It is unfortunate for The Walrus and for The Bear
that Mr. Ruff Stone is going out from those rather large Houses Of Illusions
looking for The Ivory of The Walrus to sell and with bear traps to catch The Bears in!
How unfortunate this is but this is the truth.

Mr. Ruff Stone has advised me, Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, to for warn my Animals, "The
Bible Sheep," to definitely not walk into his home country, also his home base country.
For certain Canada is not Mr. Ruff Stones home country.
Remember my Animals, "The Bible Sheep," that Mr. Ruff Stone is Military Minded!
For certain The United States of America is not Mr. Ruff Stones Military Base.

Mr. Smooth Stone also encouraged me to read his blog program if I wanted to and that
I can encourage my Animals, "The Bible Sheep," to read Mr. Ruff Stones blog program
too if they should so desire. But Mr. Ruff Stone warned me that nothing on his blog
program is for anyone else other than himself. Mr. Ruff Stone did say that he does keep
total rights to all of his blog program.

For Example: I Pastor, Mr. Smooth Stone, and my Animals, "The Bible Sheep," might
                       enjoy reading some of Mr. Ruff Stones poetry.

P.S. This pertains to an issue here.
This is a very serious question that I asked Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone, that has not been
satisfactorily answered yet.
1. because illegal gas was used against "The Congregation" of this Christian Church.
2. because Illegal gas was released both in The Church Building and also in The Church
3. this illegal gas did cause a lot of harm to The Innocent Christians who were in The
    Church and to The Christians who were in The Church Mansion.
4. Unfortunately Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone was found in The Church "Knocked Out,"
    lieing down as though he were asleep for something like 3 days straight.
5. When a person stood at The Church's Pulpit and looked out over The Pulpit at The
    Church's Congregation there was an isle directly to the left that ran along the side of
    The Church's Sanctuary and pews. It was in this isle near the back of this isle where
    this isle did meet the back of The Church's Sanctuary that Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone
    was found knocked out.
I, myself, did talk with Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone about him being found there and his
explanation as to him being found there I found completely unsatisfactory especially
when Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone laid there knocked out for at least 3 days straight.

Should Pastor Mr. Smooth Stone come into a country where I am located with my
"Murray's Military" I do believe that it is necessary to further question Pastor Mr. Smooth
Stone on this issue.

Readers: Thank You Very Much
                Murray S. Fenwick
                The Lord Buddha

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