Entrance Island Light House Station.
Entrance Island Light House Station,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
Entrance Island Light House Station.
Bad Scenes Surrounding Murder
On Entrance Island Light House Station.
This is another murder scene that took place On Government Land.
This murder scene took place about the year 1980. The location that it happened at was Entrance
Island Light Station near Gabriola Island near to Naniamo Harbour on Vancouver Island in British
Columbia, Canada.
1. one day when I was working an unknown ship came nearby my light station
2. I was the junior light house keeper at this time
3. the unknown Pirate Ship launched a small boat and then filled the small boat up with Pirates. The
Pirates rowed the small boat over to Entrance Island
4. I immediately walked over to the boat landing where the small boat rowed in at
5. I was talking for a little while with the crew that did man the row boat and to The Captain of The
Pirate ship
6. The Captains name was Captain Drunk
7. I helped to carry some of The Light Stations supplies into the store house which was part of my
my own living house. When I did this I found my children all crying their eyes out and very
8. my children started to ask me the following "dear Daddy are we really going to be hurt, are we
going to be beaten up, are we going to be thrown into the ocean and fed to big bad sharks?!"
9. I immediatly looked into this issue and found that part of the crew from The Pirate Ship did
come into my house when we were all moving in The Light Stations supplies and did threaten
my children. The crews threatening statements against my children did scare my children badly.
I was very shocked at this happening and I went outside to talk to Captain Drunk about this staking
10. when I asked Captain Drunk about this threatening scene Captain Drunk then did threaten me
with the same theats exactly
11. Captain Drunk did shout at me that he had every intension to beat me up and then throw me right
off of The Light Stations Wharf and feed fme right there to great big sharks.
From my being empoyed on this light station I did know that great big man eating sharks were right
there at waters edge.
Captain Drunk told me that the only way that I could stop this from happening was to sign a bunch
of Very Official Government Papers and then leave the island behind at his next visit here which
would be in about one months time when he, Captain Drunk, would arrive again with The Unknown
Pirate Ship.
12. Captain Drunks crew then did move in on me that is towards me and threaten me with bad
statements and out stretched fists
Captain Drunks crew then surrounded me in a complete circle and by doing this and shouting at me
forced this overal issue onto me.
13. I had to by force of brutality sign The Very Official Government Papers which I was not allowed
to read or understand
14. I was then told very hardly by Captain Drunk to prepare to leave The Light Station behind in one
months time
15. Captain Drunk then did race off back to The Pirate Ship with the row boat crew
16. one month later I and my family were moved from Entrance Island Light Station to Naniamo
17. about one month later I recieved in the mail a check from The Government paying me my
pension money and super annuation in one lump payment
This I knew nothing about but when I investigated why I recieved this payment I found out that it
was wrapped up in The Very Official Government Papers that I was forced to sign. This check
that I recieved was very little when compared to a proper government pension that I had worked
for many years to get.
I swear by my own oath that this mistreated that Captain Drunk and his crazy crew forced upon me
not shall not but will not be forgotten at all! I am going to go back on this issue and asmake The
Government straighten this forced scene out!
When I got this check in the mail it was a complete surprise to me. I immediatly phoned The
Government Head Office and asked why they sent me this check and they said that I had signed a
Government Paper which Captain Drunk had presented to me which both did terminate my job and
did request that I cancel my pension and super annuation with The Government and recieve in one
payment the benefits that I had built up over the years with The Government. This bad overal
situation was done against me when Captain Drunk and his Pirate Crew forced me to sign The
Government Official Papers that bad scene day on Entrance Island Light Station!
You have to remember, readers, that there were also threats of murder against me and my family
which were made by Captain Drunk and The Pirates that terrible day. Unfortunatly before I came
to Entrance Island Light Station there had been murder taken place and when I was there attempted
murder had taken place. This has been written up in The Light Stations Log Book. Unknown people
shot different kinds of bullets all over Entrance Island Light Station at times. I wrote this up in The
Light House Log Bood.
I took quite a long time to think out what caused me to lose my job and to lose my pension and to
lose my super annuation and I came up with the following.
1. Captain Drunk was an alcoholic
2. Captain Drunk at times would get so drunk when he was on board ship that he could not even
stand up, for ceretain he would fall down steps on the ship
3. for certain Captain Drunks Crew, The Pirates aboard The Pirate Ship, were also known for their
heavy drinking of alcolhol
4. but also The Pirates were known for illegal drug abuse. That is both using illegal drugs and very
probably selling illegal drugs up and down the coasrt
5. Captain Drunk also had a helicopter pilot around located somewhere who was also an alcoholic
and who would not even land his helicopter properly when he did deliver important supplies by
helicopter to the light station. He would throw the important goods out of the still flying
helicopter and then fly away in a hurry. This did risk the light keepers life because of the
dangerous act of throwing goods out of a still flying helicopter as well as this type of action did
break goods all the time. The light keeper could have been hit by the still flying helicopter and
killed and the light keeper could have been hit by the thrown important supplies and killed. I
believe that the helicopter pilot should have been locked up permanently in a jail.
This keeping the helicopter in the air and throwing important supplies out of it was a crazy sight to
behold. It was a very dangerous site to even see at quite a distance. The helicopter would flop all
over the place instead of stay steady and the important supplies would break when they hit the
ground. The drunk could not control the helicopter when he did do this. This should never have
been allowed to take place. Once again it was Captain Drunk who did keep that drunk helicopter
pilot on the job. This is definitly one of the most bizaar dangerous scenes that I have ever scene.
A drunken helicopter pilot flying around in circles with a bottle of whisky in his hand tilting a
flying helicopter off the athe left and to the right and back and forth and shouting at the stop of his
lungs and then flying to the other end of The Island Light Station and then flying back and doing
the same thing. I think also that the helicopter should have abeen put into a straight jacket right on
this sight and hauled away to the jail house. The light keeper could have had his head cut right
off by the turning blades of the helicopter or totally crashed into by a falling helicopter.
6. also The Pirates of This Pirate Ship did fist fight up and down the coast and this was very well
known about. The Pirates would have big Karate fights on the decks of The Pirate Ship.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, do still request that my pension and super annuation be restored to me with
out question. I know that this can be done and I do request it be done. Thank you.
I do request that Captain Drunk and His Pirates and His helicopter Pilot be brought to honest
justice for these murderous issues!
there was also an additional problem on Entrance Island Light Station that Captain Drunk did place
there intentionally
1. this problem was the man that I named Hidden Man who hid behind the lying stories of Just
Learning To Fly His Airplane around in Europe during The Second World War and his wife
that I named Hidden Woman who just so happened to work in blood release reseach in Europe
during The Second World War
2. to say this short Mr. Hidden Man and his Mrs Hidden Woman were raised in Nazi Germany
and were two more unfortunate people who could not adjust to North American life styles
3. they were both a constant trouble maker
4. Mr. Hidden Man had a nine millimeter hand gun and he would shoot it about The Island Light
5. Mr. Hidden Man also had a long range rifle he would also shoot about The Island Light Station
6. Mr. Hidden Man would also take these fire arms to Gabriola Island and shoot them off there all
over Gabriola Island
7. I do believe that Mr. Hidden Man and his Mrs Hidden Wife were murders right through.
8. I did report him and her for this bad gun action many times and I did enter their bad gun actions
into The Light Stations Log Book
Remember readers there were very bad gun fights right on Entrance Island Light Station.
Remember readers that I, Murray S. Fenwick, also did faithfully report these gun fights.
The following statement appears to be to small to mention but in these circumstances that I found
myself in this seemingly small statement does have a lot of meaning.
The appearing small statement is: Even The Canadian Flag had to be raised and flown and lowered
in a certain Second World War Torn Germany Fashion!
The Hidden Man took the time to teach me how to raise and fly and lower The Canadian Flag in
Second World War Torn Germany Fashion! And it had to be done in that ways!
The Hidden Man even taught me how he marched his German Shepherd Dog around The Light
Station in Second World War Germany Fashion!
This following statement is aimed at The Canadian Governments who have done me wrong!
The following statement is: I do believe that You Canadian Governments do owe me, Murray S.
Fenwick, my pension!
I, Murray S. Fenwick, have seen on T.V. similar situations as mine where The Innocent Hurt People
have laid in wait down the road for those who were indebted to them for similar crimes and somehow
made those criminal people who were in debt to them pay their debts off!
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