Saturday, 8 February 2020

#E23. Nanaimo. For Another Person In "Another Land." "MORE"

Another Land.

Another Land,
The World.

I went looking for The Man In The Moon? ... For another person in "Another Land."

Maybe Your Land Stouffville.

This report is about one or two visits that I, Murray S. Fenwick, did have to Another Land.

Readers: I want to say something "GOOD AND POSITIVE" right here about those two
                visits of mine to Another Land. That is when I was in Another Land I did meet
some very nice people who were Another Land's People who did live in Another Land.
Also there were a lot of very nice places and nice things in Another Land.

Readers: My, Murray S. Fenwick's, following statement is "FICTITIOus". ...

Just some of the very nice people who I did meet with and did know in Another Land
were some of The Presidents of Another Land who were both in office and out of office,
also some of Another Land's General Staff, also some of Another Land's Commanders
of Police, also some of Another Land's Church and Temple People.

Some of the nicer things that I saw in Another Land were lands and forests, music makers,
nice stone buildings, cars and nice store merchandise too. I would like to special mention a
very nice view that I saw while I was visiting Another Land when I was in Blue Water Bay.
I was staying at a Catholic Mission and the early morning view of a new building in
relationship to where it was built, by The "Lovely" Blue Water Bay, was very nice indeed.
It was as pretty as a picture and a sight that I will not forget.

Readers: I did other nice things too when I was in Another Land like take bus rides that
                were fun and I went for walks and saw the sights here and there. I also had nice
meals when I was there too.

Readers: those nice things being said I will carry on with the main reasons why I am writing
                this specific report.

                OF THIS REPORT FROM NOW ON.

Readers: Because I, Murray S. Fenwick, was offered a job to be A Space Astronaut is why
                I chose The Man In The Moon stage costume idea to set this "Odd, Off Hand" way
of writing this report in.

Readers: Unfortunately for Another Land there were terrible "NEGATIVE EVENTS" that
                did take place when I was vising and I do believe that I should write this here
report about them.

Readers: Not for lack of my concern for Another Land but because of what did happen
                around about me that I ,"now say", it does not matter much whether those
"NEGATIVE EVENTS" did happen on my first visit or my second visit to Another Land.
You will see what I mean should you read my report, this report, right here but from the
beginning to the end of the report.

Readers: I do not want to write something here prematurely that might be misunderstood
                because that particular, exact, issue should be written further on in this here report.

Readers: I will tell you something right here. I, Murray S. Fenwick, had no sooner entered
                Another Land and I was knocked right off of my feet in a bus station by an illegal
gas attack or was knocked unconscious right off of my feet by an attending guard or
policeman who did strike me on the back of my head with a rifle gun stock. Readers we will
get to this situation later on.

Readers: This striking Murray S. Fenwick, on the head and knocking him out cold on the
                pavement of the bus station can do permanent brain damage and frankly I, Murray
S. Fenwick, have had enough of these kind of things happen  to me in Another Land and I
simply do not want to go to Another Land again because of these knock out events
happening to me.

Readers: Please remember this knock out scene right here because it is important to know
                about when The Readers and others do read this report right here as to why I do
not go to Another Land and also for serious police investigations of one kind or other in
Another Land too-also!

Readers: This knock-out negative criminal scene took place in The State of Head Ache in a
                place like Unnormalville. Because I was knocked-out I do not remember exactly
where I got knocked-out at. I do want my Readers to take note of this right here that I, Murray
S. Fenwick, does not remember exactly where I was knocked-out at. I do know that I was in a
bus station somewhere in The State of Head Ache but because of the bad effects of the illegal
gas or policeman's rifle stock hitting me behind the head I now do not remember the same as
I used to remember. My memory is gone about these particular events and I do not know how
far my memory is gone from this gas attack or, and, being struck by a policeman's rifle stock.

Readers: You have to understand right here that should there be a court case in Another Land
                my own personal testimony is of no value what-so-ever because of my memory
being knocked-out or knocked about with as soon as I entered Another Land. Unfortunately
this is true!

                THIS REPORT FROM NOW ON.

Readers: Because of the negative way that some people do act in their home nation towards
                their own people and towards people who are visiting, touristing, to other nations I
believe that it is a good idea that I change the way that I write here into a type of "Odd, Off
Hand" way of writing in order that I protect other people and myself from harm from those
awfully negative people who do go about intentionally causing serious trouble for other

Readers: I am going to change this report into an Odyssey. This trip I am now beginning here
                is long enough and has had enough hazards in it to be capable of being made into
An Odyssey therefore that is why and how this writing ended up being written as An Odyssey.

Readers: My name will not be changed to become Odysseus but will be changed from my
                name Murray S. Fenwick to Mr. Me-Myself-And-I.
Readers: Now I was standing right in the middle of Unnormalville, in The State of Head
                Ache just after I had come into Another Land on a bus and had gotten off of the
bus in Unnormalville for a few minutes. I immediately met some very nice people in
Unnormalville. I really did like Unnormalville. I think that Unnormalville is a really nice
little town. At any rate the people who did talk to me did explain something that did happen
to the entire town of Unnormalville that was very bad. The nice people took me right to the
waters edge and pointed out into the ocean in a certain direction and told me that someone
over there had on many occasions released a type of gas that did drift into Unnormalville
from off of the water that did have a bad "MENTAL HEALTH" affect on everyone in
Unnormalville. This could also have reaching effects into the county named Gone Away
County that the town of Unnormalville is in, ,,, Readers. ...!!!

Readers: There should be someone seriously look into this illegal criminal gas attack on
                the nice little town of Unnormalville, Gone Away County, State of Head Ache,
Another Land.

Readers: One  day I went to Unnormalville, State of Head Ache, Another Land. I took a
                bus from Unnormalville 0, The Province of Problems, The Country of Sick to a
bus stop that was still in Sick a little ways from Another Land's border and walked to the
little town of Unnnormalville, in The County of Head Ache, in the country of Another

1. I arrived in Unnormalville in the early morning hours about 7:30 A.M.
2. As soon as I arrived in Unnormalville I immediately found out that there was a lot of
    Police and Other People scurrying all over about town.
3. I was immediately talked to by Commanders of The Police and Another Land's  Military.
4. The Commanders asked me to stay with them and not to leave their immediate presence.
5. The Commanders soon told me that a gang of people had just attacked the little town of
    Unnormalville with guns and that the murderers had just killed a lot of people off.
6. The Commanders instructed me that being in the town of  Unnormalville was very
    dangerous right at this serious moment and that they wanted me to be safe,  that is why I
    was asked by the Commaders to stay right beside them.
7. Where the Commanders walked I, Mr. Me-Myself-And-I walked.
8. Where the Commanders stopped and stood still I, Mr. Me-Myself-And-I,  also stopped
    and stood still.

Readers: By my, Mr. Me-Myself-And-I, being (Attached To The Commanders by "Their
                Very Own Word".)
Readers: By my, Mr. Me-Myself-And-I, being (Attached To The Commanders by "Their
                Very Own Word)" is exactly how I found out what had happened in the little
town of Unnormalville.

Readers: By the Commanders own word the following is what happened to the little town
                of Unnormalville.
Readers: By the Commanders own word a gang of people, thought to be men, had attacked
                the town of Unnormalville and had killed a lot of people by shooting them with
Readers: I would like you to know that "The Commanders Did Say (A Lot Of People Got
               Shot Down Dead In The Little Town Of Unnormalville Just This Passing Night.)"

Readers: Attention Golden Forty Niners. ...
                This part of this report is very important because it does interest The Golden Forty
Niners. When The Golden Forty Niners find this out they might get involved in looking into
this case because this case does now talk about the loss of Golden Forty Niner "Gold."

1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, went to Unnormalville and a High Ranking Officer in the area
    of Unnormalville talked with me for a moment and asked me to go to a building that
    had "The Metal Called Gold" stored inside of it.
2. Because it was A High Up Official who asked me to do this I went straight ahead and
    did do just exactly what He did asked me to do.
3. I, Mr. Me-Myself-And-I, went straight off and did asked the man who was specially
    appointed by the people of Unnormalville to look after "The Metal Called Gold" how
    "The Metal Called Gold" was doing today?
4. The man said to me that "The Metal Called Gold" was not doing as good today dear
    Mr. Me-Myself-And-I as it had done yesterday.
5. The man said to me that someone or some group of bad people had come into his
    building that had "The Metal Called Gold" stored in it and without his consent had
    taken some of "The Metal Called Gold" away.
6. The man said that because of the way the removal of "The Metal Called Gold"
    happened the removal of "The Metal Called Gold" was classed as a bad "GOLD

Readers: The man who was hired by the community of Unnormalville then went on
                to tell me more about this particular robbery of "The Metal Called Gold".
"Which Was,"
Readers: There was also damage done to a money machine that was located just
                outside of the building, the building that had what was left of "The Metal
Called Gold" in it.
Readers: The man who was hired by the community of Unnormalville to care for
                "The Metal Called Gold" then went on to tell me more about this particular
robbery of "The Metal Called Gold" which was "He and The High Up Official and
Others" were not happy about this robbery of "The Metal Called Gold" taking place
and that the town of Unnormalville was not happy about it either.
Readers: That being said to me I then went along my merry way to do my own

Readers: I then remember being in a bus stop, station. Everyone was like me. They
                were lieing down all over the place from being knocked out from illegal
gas attack.
1. I really do appreciate those people who did seriously try to help us in this bus
    station illegal gas attack scene.
2. I do know for certain that some of them did suffer from that gas attack
3. I do say here that I do appreciate them, suffering, trying to help us.
4. I was lieing down supporting myself up on my arm.
5. Others were lieing down completely out cold.
6. Others were supposed to have been killed outright dead, by the reports of the
    shouting people who were running about trying to help us.
7. Just how long I was lieing there in the bus stop, station, I do not know but people
    came to know me and did call to me and about me being there by my own name.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that those who did die trying to help will
                not be forgotten.
Readers: This illegal gas attack scene right here was a terribly bad criminal attack
                against people!

Readers: Another day I went to the little town of Unnormalville at about eight-o-clock
                A.M. in the morning time. I arrived from The Province Of Problems into
Another Land.
1. This was quite early for me to arrive in Unnormalville but I like getting up early and
    travelling early this is why I arrived early in Unnormalville.
2. This wintery day in December was foggy. There was a little bit of a mist all over the
3. At eight-o-clock though the mist was beginning to lift, disappear, and the day was
    becoming see able.
4. I immediately met The Commanders of The Police and The Military and The Mayor
5. I was asked to stay right with These High Up Officials of The County and State and
    The Community of Unnormalville.
6. I was asked to stay with These High Up Officials for "My Own Well Being" because
    a terrible gang attacked Unnormalville the night before with guns and did kill a lot of
    people off.
7. These High Up Officials and Others were still scurrying about trying to catch the Bad
    Gang who did kill a lot of people off right here in little old Unnormalville.
8. A General of The Police was driving around in a car picking up bodies of dead people
    that were being found all over Unnormalville and The Entire County.
9. Local crowds of people were marching around in groups trying to offer help to people
    who were dieing from gun shot wounds or to help drag dead bodies into a certain
    location that had been allotted for, to receive, the dead.
10. A High Up General of The Military showed up to study the killing case and to offer
      some positive ideas to the people of Unnormalville to try and help them.

Readers: By Me, Mr. Me-Myself-And-I, being attached to The High Up Officials I found
                out what had happened to the little town of Unnormalville.
11. I also found out some very important things about this killing case that did happen to
12. One of the things that did take place in the investigations of this killing off of the
      people of Unnormalville is "Some Of, Not All Of, But Some Of The People", who
      were investigating this killing scene did show a little bit, not a lot of, but a little bit
      of "coward" when they went about their allotted areas to investigate this killing scene.
13. These cowards said that they were a little bit afraid of entering certain, "Wooded, Bush
      Land, Areas", for fear of being gun shot down themselves.
14. This little bit of cowardness was completely over looked when A High Up General did
      make an excuse for some of those cowardly teams.

Readers: " But I", Mr. Me-Myself-And-I, did take note of this statement of, a small bit of
                cowardness, showing up with "Some Of But Definitely Not All Of" the
investigating crowds of people.

Readers: Something very negative and very serious did happen to Mr. Me-Myself-And-I that
                scared, frightened, him so very badly that this "Bad Gang, Murder Scene" that did
happen to the little old town called Unnormalville did scare him right aways for the rest of his

Readers: The terribly negative scene that did now happen to me in Unnormalville is the

1. Because I was asked to stay right with The Generals who did command the
    investigations of this terrible killing scene that did happen to Unnormalville is how I
    know about this next negative scene that took place.
2. One of the, I think, Military Commanding Generals did ask me to go for a little walk
    with him.
3. The walk was not very far.
4. The High Up Generals and Others stayed quite close together in a group "In One Location."
5. Now and again One of Them would go somewhere  and "Then Come Back To The Main
6. Like I said the distance of this little walk was quite short, it was not very long.
7. From where The Commanding Generals were standing and I, Mr. Me-Myself-And-I,
    was standing with them I could quite easily see where The Military Commander wanted
    to walk to.

Readers: But First I must tell you a little about the reports that all of The Higher Up
                Commanders had come to them from Their "Investigating Crowds" that were all
over the place scurrying about, "and that does also include The Crowd-Crowds who were
classed as showing a little bit of cowardness" during this critical scurrying about and
investigation that was demanded of them. I have mentioned "This Cowardly" situation that
those "Appointed Investigators" did show because more than one of The Higher Up General Commanders did mention it more than one time.

1. The Higher Up General Staff had Their "Investigators" scurrying all over the place. The
    "Investigaors" were close at hand investigating areas and also they went quite long
    distances away from Unnormalville investigating as well.

Readers: By My, Me-Myself-And-I, being with The Higher Up General Commanders is
                how I do know this.

2. The Generals had reports from all over the place.
3. The Generals were investigating little old Unnormalville.
4. Because it was duck hunting season The Generals were investigating what was called
    "The Lakes District" where the duck hunters were located.
5. The Generals also did investigate the duck hunters themselves.
6. The Generals did also investigate the roadways all over the place.
7. The Generals also did investigate the people who were on the roads. ( There is going
    to be a contribution from Mr. Me-Myself-And-I about this statement).
8. The Generals also did investigate the automobile traffic that was on the roads as well.

Readers: I will handle this section as best as I can here.

1. What there was Readers is there was a bunch of people located in a certain
    area that the "Cowards" did not investigate properly enough.
2. Readers, you guest it.
3. Right in that very spot is where The Bad Gun Gang did use as its headquarters.
Readers: This is thought to have been true by The Higher Up General Staff.

4. The General asked me to take a small walk with him and look carefully at this area.
5. Readers you guest it. The General and I ended up with The General having a double
    barreled shot gun aimed at Him and I ended up with a long range rifle scoped in
    aimed at me.

Readers: I say thank goodness to God for saving our lives, but it looked to me that we
                did not get ourselves shot because by this time of day it must have been about
08:45 O-clock in the morning time and the little bits of fog were rapidly going away and
people of the town of Unnormalville were starting to come out and walk about and the light
of the new day was starting to show up all around about.

6. This change from the dark night to broad daylight changed The Bad Gun Gangs ideas about
    shooting people and I believe that God stopped The General and Mr. Me-Myself-And-I from
    getting ourselves shot because of this reason.

Readers: From my being with "The General Staff "only", I do believe that they did know
                that The Bad Gun Gang was using this bush area for their headquarters. I do not
know though if The General who did ask me to take a little walk with him did see The Bad
Gun Gang aim a double barreled shot gun at him and a long range rifle gun scoped in at me.

Readers: Saying this politely! After this investigation was over with I left Unnormalville
                behind and I never again went to Unnormalville. I do not like having a long range
rifle gun that is scope sighted aimed at me. Readers: I am sure you do understand this. ...

Readers: Mr. Me-Myself-And-I honestly knew about The Military General coming to
                Unnormalville to investigate this large murder scene and thought that he was
coming with at least A Military Battle Tank and at least A Troop of well armed soldiers
to investigate this awful murder scene. The General showed up and began his
investigations but as far as I know he showed up by himself in his jeep. If The General
had others with him I do not know about it at all.

Readers: I, Mr. Me-Myself-And-I do give The Generals a good word here and that good
                word is that I do believe that they did try to handle this terrible murder scene
with kindness and thoughtfulness to all concerned. I believe that The Generals did a very
good job trying to handle this seriously bad case in a very kind fashion, ways.

Readers: At this time The General=Generals did call off the immediate investigation.

Readers: The General=Generals did then shake my hand in a kind fashion and then did
                send me along my way with an individual General.

Readers: I was immediately attached to "Just One General" who did talk with me a little
                and then He showed me His nice sausage shaped dog that was awful good at
smelling people and tracking people. This specific General had a little look around about
once again and then He put His sausage dog and me, Mr. Me-Myself-And-I into His jeep
and drove me south out of town.

Readers: As soon as I was attached to "This Specific One General, This Specific One
                General" did show great compassion towards me in being very friendly towards
me and talking to me very kindly that I, Mr. Me-Myself-And-I, would not be hurt at all in
the little town of Unnormalville and that I was welcome to come along with Him, The
General, and ride along with Him should I want to do so. The General told me that He was
just going south of Unnormalville to see a friend for a little while and that I was welcome
to come along with Him should I want to do so. The General was very understanding about
the terrible murder scene that had just happened in Unnormalville and that I should not be
afraid that I would be hurt too or shot down. This General did try to show me great kindness.

Readers: This Kind General even arranged for me to have a "BIG" car ride to a destination
                south of Unnormalville. The Kind General phoned a friend up or he did call "His
Own Military Base" and requested,Commanded, "A Certain Car" to be sent immediately to him "With Orders" to give me, Mr. Me-Myself-And-I, a ride.
1. I was given a ride in this nice big black fast car by This Kind Generals Own Command.
2. The "Obedient Man" who did drive this nice car was very nice also.
3. He was a very nice person to talk with.
4. He even told me that he was ordered by The Kind General to give me this ride to a point
    south of Unnormalville.
5. He said that he did like The Kind General and did like doing  things that The General did
    ask him to do.
Readers: One of the things that "The Obedient Car Driver" talked with me about was a
                troublesome problem that had happened at, to, Unnormalville's "Capital
Punishment Buildings, And More".
6. One of the ways that Unnormalville "Executed People" was in a pair of electric chairs that
    they have.
7. The electric chairs that Unnormalville has are located in two different buildings not far
    from Unnormalville.
8. The "Obedient Man In The Black Racy Car" told me that Unnormalville has two electric
    chairs and that one electric chair is located in a nice building on one side, the left side of
    the road, and that, the other electric chair is located in another building, but not as nice a
    building thou as the first building is, that's located directly across the road, on the right
    side of the road.
9. The "Obedient Driver" told me that the buildings were almost identical in their appearance.
10. The "Obedient Driver" told me that Unnormalville was very proud of having such good
      "Capital Punishment Electric Chairs" in their care and that Unnormalville always was and
      still is very proud of them.

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