Tuesday, 4 February 2020

#E33. Nanaimo. Gabriola Island. The Hidden Hippy. ... The Born Crazy Man, On Gabriola Island.


Gabriola Island.

Gabriola Island,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Gabriola Island.

The Hidden Hippy. ... The Born Crazy Man, On Gabriola Island.

This report is about A Hidden Hippy that I think could be and should be shot by a firing squad by any country still involved in capital punishment. This Hidden Hippy came to visit with me when I

was working on Entrance Island as The Light Keeper. The Hidden Hippy would get to Entrance
Island by sailing a small sailboat there that he owned.

1. I was working as a Light Keeper on Entrance Island Light Station.
2. Entrance Island Light Station is located just outside of Nanaimo Harbour or there-abouts in The
    Gulf of Georgia.
3. I decided to leave the job and move to Gabriola Island which is quite close by. About only 1/2
    mile away.
4. I managed to get a quite large trailer to rent on Gabriola Island that was located on Garland Drive.
    The land that the trailer was located on was just behind the old community hall that because of
    arson was burned down. I say right here to my readers, that is exactly what Gabriola Island is like.
5. Soon after I moved into the trailer The Hidden Hippy presented himself on the land to me who
    layed claim to the fact that he was a Church Goer and that his father was also a Christian             
    Churchman and that his whole family were and always were God Fearing People.
6. After a day or two a Minister showed up at my door and introduced himself to me and wanted to
    know if I  wanted to attend His Born Again Chrisian Church.
7. I said that I would like to attend His Born Again Christain Church and I did.
8. By my attending The Ministers Born Again Church is how I found out about the man who first
    came to talk to me who layed claim to being A Churchman Himself.
9. The Minister had to come and pay a visit to my home and talk to me pointedly about the man who
    did lay claim to being A Churchman.
10. The Minister did say this in the secrecy of my own home. The Minister did not spread this
      claiming Churchman's Life around The Community. The Minister did say this quiet enough.
11. Well at any rate, The Claiming Churchman was not only a Hidden Hippy by His Own Manner of
      How He Did Dress Himself he was also a Back Slider Christian.
12. It is true that This Hidden Hippy's Family and father etc. were Church People.
13. That Hidden Hippy though "Never Darkened The Door Of A Christian Church With His Dark
      Entity Performance In All His Life".

I will write to my readers right here.
The Hidden Hippy was as Big A Trouble Maker that a person might ever meet. A person might not
even live through meeting "That Hidden Hippy Just One Single Time". It was like everything that he
did do was EVIL and he had no intention of changeing any of his WICKED WAYS! I do not want to
end up in a court of law case that is why in this report I am not putting The Hidden Hippy's name and
proper address but his name and address along with these felonous crimes that he did commit have been turned in to proper authourities. I do know that Gabriola Island is part of the municipality of Nanaimo and that Nanamio "WILL NEVER" do one single thing to stop This Hidden Hippy's EVIL
WAYS! I do have intentions of dealing with This Hidden Hippy in other nations like Korea.

I will write to my readers right now that all of my blog posts have been highly selected to be put into
my blog set. They are not just "The Run Of The Mill" editorial articles out of the local newspaper. This POST about This Hidden Hippy is about a man who would without question would end your life
by committing some kind of very strange hideous killing of you. It will take a while to write this POST down but it is a worth while one to put into my blog. I can assure my readers that it is well worth the reading. One should read this POST and muse themsleves awhile over it. Bringing proper
authority into this POST is the only thing that can be done. I am sure that you will agree with me.

1. I will disguise The Hidden Hippies education by offsetting it. I will say for example he was from
    The University of The State of California, Berkley Campus will do nicely enough, wherever that
    might be located or not located in The U.S.A. ...

2. Well The Hidden Hippy definitly had connections with Old Adfolf Hitler's Regimes.

3. One would think that The Hidden Hippy came from War Torn Germany. You could call it the First
    World War or The Second World War, in The Hidden Hippies case it does not really matter.

4. As a matter of fact he could have even originated out of Little Germany, British Columbia, Canada.

5. One thing for certain about The Hidden Hippies education is that he did drop out of school early.
    He did refuse to go to a formal school of education any longer. I think he did a 3 year course in
    Down-Under Chemistry somewhere and for sure he did walk out. The Hidden Hippy did for sure
    want everyone to know that he did walk out on The Professor Of Chemistry.

6. The Hidden Hippy was a student of what he called "Mad Man Chemistery".

7. The Hidden Hippy thought that he would ruin every Oil Baron's Oil Well Rig Scene by attacking
    all Oil Well Rigs in The Southern State of California.

8. When then The Hidden Hippy was not freely donated A Giant Oil Rig And Oil Well FOR
    FREE by The Oil Barons he then did walk out to come north to Gabriola Island. The Hidden Hippy
    thought that he was Churchman ENOUGH to receive a large oil industry free of charge as a free
    offering from The Oil Barons. When, To His Surprise, The Oil Barons turned him down FLAT he
    decided to come north to The Gabriola Island Of Hippies and make his time really pay off! ... The
    Hidden Hippy thought that because he was a Churchman The Oil Barons should DONATE FREE
    OF CHARGE an entire oil industry to him as a Sunday Go To Church Meeting Church Offering.
    The Hidden Hippy had his own Church Offering Plate program made out. It certainly did suite
    The Hidden Hippy but it did not suite anyone else including The Oil Barons. Like I said The
    Hidden Hippy came north to The Island Of Hippies Named Gabriola.

8-A. The Hidden Hippy might have been involved in Two Electric Chairs that were located in
       The City of Nanaimo. These Two Electric Chairs were located in different locations in The
       City of Nanaimo. Because The Hidden Hippy did work for A Golden Forty Niner The Hidden
       Hippy might have been involved with those Two Electric Chairs. One of The Electric Chairs 
       was located in a building that This particular Golden Forty Niner was located in. This particular
       Golden Forty Niner had a store business in this rather Big Store. This Big Store had smaller
       stores inside of it. The Electric Chair by being located in this Big Store was then located right 
       at This Golden Forty Niners Feet. When The Hidden Hippy went to see This Golden Forty Niner           to get instructions for his job This Hidden Hippy was then, "ALSO," right very near to This Electric         Chair that was located in this Big Building. I, Murray  S. Fenwick, does know this particular
       situation right here. Because of The Mental State Of This Particular Golden Forty Niner and also
       The Mental State Of This Hidden Hippy who was born with A Mental Illness this involvement of
       this Golden Forty Niner and this Mentally Ill Hidden Hippy with this particular Electric Chair And
       The Other Electric Chair In Nanaimo is seriously possible as a matter of fact it does look like it
       is very possible indeed.  
9. By the time The Hidden Hippy arrived at Gabriola Island he had written up additions to His
    Own Offering Plate Agenda that by now was getting to be somewhat of A Platter With His Own
    Name All Over It not just His Original Offering Plate Ideas.

10. The little 14 foot sail boat that The Hidden Hippy had acquired was gotten by The Hidden Hippy
      by UNCOUTH means. How he got it I do not know but it did not seem to be A Straight Through
      Deal By The Hidden Hippy. To this day I do believe that there were Hidden Hippy Clauses in the
      backward deal that The Hidden Hippy made to acquire the little sail boat. The little sail boat was
      quite a well built little boat. The Hidden Hippy could not even drive a common nail straight!

11. The Hidden Hippy had a woman living with him that he called This Churchman's Wife. She was
      abandoned in Germany by some none loving parent. To get the child woman to his home on
      Gabriola Island The Churchman had to lie to the little girl wife by saying Gabriola Island is a nice
      place to live "WHEN IN REALITY" Gabriola Island "IS THE DUMP" of DUMPSTER

12. When I talked with this girl child wife she did say that she would like to move away from

The Hidden Hippy even adversely affected water wells.

13. One day The Hidden Hippy asked me to go for a ride in his truck with him. He said that he had
      work to do and he wanted to show me what he was working at.

14. He said that he was doing this particular job for his Father. His Father might have been The Local
      Gabriola Based Priest Of Satan. The Hidden Hippy did listen to him for some reason. I do know
      that The Local Gabriola Based Priest Of Satan did lose fare paying customers aboard ships he
      had Captained at times. The Priest Of Satan said that those people were lost at sea and never
      found or seen again. The Priest Of Satan said that those fare paying customers simply fell off
      of the bow or stern of the ship and that they had been lost by accidental happening when the ship
      was in a bad sea way and that nothing could be done about it. I strongly suspect that The Hidden
      Hippy stole children from all over the British Columbia Coast and did sell them from his Little
      Sail Boat all over the Islands but I cannot prove it but I do suspicion him for doing it. I think
      that just maybe The Priest Of Satan who was Gabriola Island Based and The Hidden Hippy
      were in partnership selling little stolen children. I have just reason to say this dear readers but
      to accually catch The Hidden Hippy in the act of stealing and selling those little children is
      another thing.

15. The Hidden Hippy and I soon arrived at the land that looked all logged out and nothing but slash
      left behind. It soon became obvious that The hidden Hippy had wrecked this place.

16. Just who did own this wrecked piece of land I do not know. All I do know is that The Hidden
      Hippy called the owner by the name The Father.

17. The Hidden Hippy started to use a shovel to back fill a water well on this wrecked piece of

18. Then suddenly there was a goat tied up to a shrub by the water well by The Hidden Hippy.

19. The Hidden Hippy said that he did not like the goat so he was going to kill the goat and throw
      the dead goat into the water well to fill the water well in.

20. I asked The Hidden Hippy if he had ever prayed for the goat and that he should pray also that he
      would come to like the goat but The Hidden Hippy said roughly that he had never prayed for the
      goat and that he would never pray for the goat and that he hated the goat and that he would
      always hate the goat. The Hidden Hippy said roughly that he was A Churchman and that he
      would never pray for such a request.

21. Then The Hidden Hippy said roughly that he was in a short time going to kill the goat with a
      large knife that he had made out of a bread cutting knife and then throw the dead goat into the
      water well. He then said roughly that he was going to cut the goats throat right out and drain the
      goats blood dright out onto the dirt of this here land and that nothing could save the goats life.

At this point I could not take any more of The Hidden Hippy that day and I walked off home.

22. Later on that week I saw The Hidden Hippy again and he did say that he very roughly cut the
      goats throat and did await until the goat stopped wiggling and died from the awful wound. Then
      he threw the dead goat into the water well.

23. Then he used a hand held shovel and shovelled dirt onto the dead goat until he covered the dead
      goat all over with the dirt.

24. Then The Hidden Hippy used the hand held shovel anad finished filling in the water well by
      shovelling a lot of dirt into it.

25. Once this water well fill in job was done The Hidden Hippy said that he then stood at the top of
      the now filled in water well and cursed the dead goat that was buried in the now filled in water
      well for not taking up more room in the water well itself.

26. The Hidden Hippy said that he thought that the dead goat would fill up the water well and that
      there would be no work left for him to do.

27. The Hidden Hippy found out that he had a lot of work left to do with the hand held shovel in
      to back filkl the water well in.

28. The Hidden Hippy was in a rage that he had to work at filling in the water well over the dead
      goats body.

29. The Hidden Hippy spit onto the ground and walked off into The Gabriola Island Woods roughly
      swearing and cursing and frothing bad omens at his mouth at the dead goat that did not fill up the
      water well.

Dear readers that is how crazy Gabriola Island is

30. It is obvious that The Hidden Hippy polluted and ruined the water well on The Priest Of Satan's
      Wrecked Property.

Now readers we will look at The Hidden Hippy's "FALSE GOLD MINE"

1. In order to cover up how The Hidden Hippy acquired "GOLD" The Hidden Hippy" went to City Hall
    and bought himself a gold license that was serviceable on a certain piece of land that was located quite
    nearby his home that was located on Gabriola Island

2. Every time that The Hidden Hippy acquired some "GOLD" he would tell people lies about how he did
    acquire that "GOLD" by telling them that he dug it out of his "GOLD MINE" that he was Legally
    Licensed to own right there on Gabriola Island

3. The Hidden Hippy would pretend he was "Working His Gold Mine" by wheeling wheel barrows around
    in front of people, by doing the odd bit of explosive blasting that would be hurd by people and therefore
    make those people think that he, The Hidden Hippy, was hard at work on his "GOLD MINE"

4. The Hidden Hippy would pretend that he was going to work on his "GOLD MINE" by putting all kinds of
    tools like picks and shovels and maddocks and crow bars and rakes and hoes and explosive fuses into his
    wheel barrow and wheeling his wheel barrow all over The County in order that everyone in The County
    did see him with all of his mining equipment going to his "GOLD MINE" to work. This was done in a total
    pretence to hide his other ways of acquiring "GOLD". The ways in which The Hidden Hippy did do this
    was a very carefully designed cover up that The Hidden Hippy fronted to the general public in order that
    the general public would not see his real evil ways of acquiring "GOLD"

The Hidden Hippy's Mean Black Bear!

1. The Hidden Hippy purchased Himself a mean Black Bear.
2. The reason that The Hidden Hippy purchased that mean Black Bear was he used The Black Bear as a
    false front to the public in order to hide his true ciminal ways of procuring "GOLD".
3. The Dirty False Hidden Hippy told people the false lies of needing The Mean Black Bear to protect his
4. The Hidden Hippy said that he would tie up The Mean Black Bear at his "GOLD MINES" location in
    order to use The Mean Black Bear to chase away "GOLD THEIVES" who were trying to rob him at his
    "GOLD MINE OF FRESHLY MINTED GOLD" that he would stack up at "THE GOLD MINE".

This talk that I have written here is The Dirty Hidden Hippies false talk to the public.
Remember readers that I said that This Hidden Hippy is so filthy in his criminal ways that it did astound me as to how he lived at all to this day and point of crime in his life.

5. I at a later date found out from The Hidden Hippy that he attacked people and their own homes with a
    powerful rifle gun and shot the people down and then did rob the people of their "GOLD".
6. The Hidden Hippy would find out who in Nanaimo, and you know that Gabriola Island is in Nanaimo,
    had "GOLD" and who then did have their "GOLD" located in their homes.
7. Then The Hidden Hippy would attack them with his rifle gun and kill them and steal their "GOLD".

The Hidden Hippy told me that he did do this all over Gabriola Island.

The Hidden Hippy would then take "THE STOLEN GOLD" to his "GOLD CLAIM MINE SIGHT" and
resmelter "THE STOLEN GOLD" right there on "HIS GOLD MINE CLAIM SIGHT" into sizes and
shapes that he wanted The GOLD" to be in. The Hidden Hippy would then take "THE GOLD" home and
put it into his homes basement.

8. The Hidden Hippy would then go to The Gabriola Island Publick Halls and tell everyone that he struck

Now pertaining to the very serious trouble makings of The Hidden Hippies Mean Black Bear Scene! This
Mean Black Bear Scene does go around about somewhat. I have to take the time to explain this around the
clock trouble making to my readers. This will take quite some time to write here. I will cover this trouble
making in this report as individual segments of this overal report.

I will cover The Hidden Hippies statement as to why he had The Mean Black Bear in the first place.
1. The Hidden hippy said that he had The Mean Black Bear in order to use The Mean Black Bear to chase
    people away from his mining claim that he, The Hidden Hippy, said was a very good productive "GOLD
    MINE". The Hidden Hippy told everyone that his "GOLD MINE" did produce "GOLD AND THAT IS

2. The Hidden Hippy lied to people about the productivity of "GOLD" from his mine in order to cover up
    how he really did illegally acquire his "GOLD".

3. The Mean Black Bear was part of The Hidden Hippies false front to the general publick. The Hidden
    Hippy said that he had need of The Mean Black Bear. The Hidden Hippy told everybody that he used
    The Mean Black Bear to protect his mining claim. I do know that the general publick did fall for this
    explanation as to why The Hidden Hippy did have The Mean Black Bear. I do know that no-one did very
    seriously question The Hidden Hippy on this Mean Black Bear="ISSUE". Especially after The Hidden
    Hippy produced some "GOLD" and showed "THE GOLD" to people the general publick then did
    believe The Hidden H:ippy "Absolutely"!

Readers the next following statement right here gets into something that is very serious and is very different from "GOLD MI:NING". This is the very beginning of another segment of this overal report on The Hidden

Readers this report now gets into something so hard to read that I suggest that you hang onto your chair in
order to read all the way through it.

1. Unfortunately The Hidden Hippy was involved in murdering innocent people.

This murdering of innocent people is in connection with the next terrible crime that The Hidden Hippy did

The next terrible crime is the following
2. Unfortunately The Hidden Hippy, after he had committed murder, was then involved in

The Hidden Hippy first had to kill the innocent people before he could commit The Act Of Cannibalism.
This statement hold true in just some of The Hidden Hippies "CANNIBALISM MEALS".

3. The Hidden Hippy killed innocent people all over The Municipality Of Naniamo.
4. The Hidden Hippy was constantly transporting "HUMAN CORPSES" from all points of The
    Municipality Of Naniamo to a beach area near about where Garland Drive meets The South Road that
    is located at the south end of Gabriola Island.

It will take a little bit of an explanation in this report to explain this scene of killing innocent people off and
committing the act of "CANNIBALISM". At the end of this report you will have to do the best you can do
in order to piece together what The Hidden Hippy did do and how he did do it. I have enough information
here on The Hidden Hippy but I do not have all of the information on what The Hidden Hippy did do in the
dark hours of the foggy mornings on Gabriola Island, Naniamo, British Columbia, Canada.

Here we go again.
1. When the general publick would go to The Hidden Hippy's "GOLD CLAIM" There right on the sight
    The Hidden Hippy would decide whether or not to kill those people present or let them look around and
    then walk away.
2. Should The Hidden Hippy decide to kill them he would kill them in various ways and also would let The
    Mean Black Bear eat some of them as well as sell the human corpses to the "CANNIBALS" nearby.
    The Hidden Hippy could always contact "THE CANNIBALS" at the nearby beach front area.
3. This killing off of innocent people at "THE GOLD MINE LOCATION" was very seriously dangerous
    to the extreme.
4. I was at The Hidden Hippy's "GOLD CLAIM SITE" and I found out about the murders that The Hidden
    Hippy was committing there right there on "THE GOLD CLAIM" site. The "GOLD CLAIM SITE" was
    so drenched in innocent human blood that it took The Mean Black Bears BIG TONGUE to lick it all up
    so that other people would not see the blood shed that was taking place there. This Hidden Hippy's
    "GOLD DIGGINGS SITE" was absolutely The Den Of Satan's now located.
5. When I, Murray S. Fenwick, was at The Hidden Hippy's "GOLD CLAIM SITE" I actually thought that
    The Hidden Hippy was going to have a Satanic Fit and kill some people and children right then and there.
6. This Den Of Satan was so murderous that I just about fainted onto The Blood Soaked Ground and
    crawled out of the place on my stomach in order to get out of the place and away from  the rotting human
    bodies and that does include the corpses of children that had been and were now once again going to be
    lieing around about "THE GOLD MINE SITE".
7. The Hidden Hippy would kill the innocent by clubbing them down with sludge hammers, by hitting them
    with full sized picks, and by using all kinds of other types of tools and drills on them.
8. The Hidden Hippy would also blow them up with dynamite that he kept handy for the job!...
9. The Mean Black Bear was never tied up and was supposed to be tied up at all times but it never was. The
    Mean Black Bear would also attack people and kill them. This "GOLD MINE SITE" was a real Black
    Hearted Hollow.
10. The Hidden Hippy and The Mean Black Bear would wander around about "THE GOLD MINE SITE"
      like lost ghosts that were suffering from somnabulism.You readers aught to have seen this "GOLD MINE
      SITE" in the wee early hours of the morning with fog drifting about and The Mean Black Bears snarling
      growls echoing around about the grey oak trees sounding like a distant fog horn and hammers and axes
      flying through the air in all directions from The Hidden Hippy"s narled hands that he had used for
      strangulation purposes.This "FALSE GOLD MINE CLAIM SITE" was definitly one of The Deepest
      Darkened Down Death Hollows that I have ever seen. It reminded me of Satan's Church.

Remember The Churchman came there to Gabriola Island to make it pay off!

I knew within myself that I had to move off as quick as I could or stand the real chance of being killed right
on The Hidden Hippy's "FALSE GOLD MINE SITE".

Well I managed to scramble off and escape The Churchman Madman but not for long for he was right around at my door again asking peculiar questions and wanting to know "What's was going on?..." I will tell
my readers right here that people like The Hidden Hippy never do really figure life out and they are always
bewildered when the real cars in life go that way along the road instead of where The Hidden Hippy thought they were going to. The Hidden Hippy's are always asking the question, "What's going on".

Now pertaining to "The Killing Of Children" by The Hidden Hippy on The Hidden Hippy's "GOLD CLAIM"
1. The Hidden Hippy really did do this killing of children right on his "GOLD MINE LOCATION".
2. That fact I am sure of.
3. The Hidden Hippy even fed the children that he killed to His Mean Black Bear.
4. Also The Hidden Hippy did sell the corpses of the dead babies and children that he had killed and
    gathered up to "The Cannibals" who did live on Gabriola Island and who did frequent Gabriola Island.

Remember readers that The Hidden Hippy did sell children to people who did want to buy children for
what-ever purpose that they wanted the stolen children for.

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