Saturday, 8 February 2020

#E20. Nanaimo. Gabriola Island. The Illegal Gassing Of The Premiors Of The Province Of British Columbia, Canada.


Gabriola Island,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Gabriola Island.
The Illegal Gassing Of The Premiors
Of The Province Of British Columbia, Canada.

This Report happened when I, Murray S. Fenwick, 
lived on Gabriola Island about the year 1980.

1. I woke up in the morning and a friend came to visit with me and told me that I should go to the
    park today because there is going to be a nice base ball soft ball game and also some some of my
    friends were going to the park for a nice sunny day outing at the beach. This nice park fronted
    right on to the ocean beach.
2. I got into sthe car and some of my friends got into the car also with their children and off we went
    to the beach
3. the park is located at one end of Gabriola Island. The park and the beach are located in the same
    place. People on Gabriola Island also got their water from a well in this park. The water supplies
    from individual property on Gabriola Island is not very good.
4. when we arrived there quite a number of people were already there

This statement here is important to know. I at this time owned a nice old milk van called a Divco
Step Van. It was quite nice and large and roomy.

5. I got the children out of the van and onto the beach and then went back to the van for their
    toys etc.

All of a sudden The Premiors of The Province showed up with a nice lot of cars and trucks
following behind them in a parade like fashion. I thought this looked very nice.

The following happened very quickly.

6. everyone in the park and on the beach got excited and wanted to see The Premiors and to shake
    their hands and meet all of The Premiors guests.

All of a sudden the "this time" poison gas hit all of us!

7. the people right there beside The Premiors own car who were right on the beach were all knocked
    out by a poison gas attack
8. then just as quickly the whole park full of people were knocked out

When I saw The Premiors and their guests drive up to the park by the entrance I walked up there
to see them and to shake their hands and say hello to them. Where The Premiors stopped their cars
was on a little higher ground therefore the gas did not hit me right there.

9. as I began to hear people shouting and as I began to see people falling down I took very
    careful note of this and did walk about and did look at this. Everyone was knocked out
    every where in the park and about the park perimeter
10. then I walked back to my van and just when I got there The Premiors and their guest coasted
      their vehicles down the little intrance road into the park and stopped right behind my van. There
      The Premiors and their guests parked their vehicles.
11. The Premiors then staggering from the gas got out of their cars and other vehicles and staggered
      over to my van

The Premiors did know me. Probably he knew me from when I worked at Government House
Grounds and The Law Courts and at The Parliament Buildings in Victoria.

12. The Premiors called out to me. They shouted dear Murray help us help us!

Remember readers this gas scene happened very fast.
I quickly realised that there was developing here a lot of trouble. This gas and trouble could mean
murder once again!

13. I quickly grabbed a hold onto The Premiors body, bodily, and escorted them into my quite large
      van aand set them down there and then I got out of the van and with very much intent to
      protect The Premiors I did close the van door so that no one knew where The Premiors were

At this terrible point of issues of this poison gas scene attack against The Premiors and their guests
the poison gas had not yet hit me off and knocked me right out like it had every one else.

14. I took up my guard position right at the door of my Divco Van that I had The Premiors of The
      Province locked up in

The next part here is so very hard said that it might get some people locked up for the rest of their
lives or out right killed. Yes it is true that at this time Gabriola Island did enact capital punishment!

Remember readers this attack against The Premiors of The Province and their guests happened
very fast.

15. Right immediatly into first the beach area and then into the park area ran a lot of Hippies. The
      Hippies were part of the people who did attack The Premiors and their guest. The Hippies had
      a fighting area given to them and it was right where my van was parked. I watched them run in
      and start their part of the overal park murder scene.
16. the Hippies were wild from taking drugs
17. some of The Hippies even had cocain injection needles in their hands aand were sticking them
      into their arms as they ran into the beach area and park area fighting
18. The Hippies were carrying two-by-fours in their hands
19. The Hippies were carrying for-by-four pieces of wood in their hands
20. The Hippies were carrying mainly axes in general about the size of a wood splitting axe in
      their hands. The axes were anything upto about a five pound wood splitting axe

The Hippies were shouting madly kill The Premiors off, kill The Premiors off!

Because I did live on Gabriola Island I did know some of these Hippies and I did know that they
were very dangerous especially one of them named "You Know Who?". "You Know Who?" did
live on Gabriola Island and was a school teacher at "You Know Who's School?" that "You Know
Who?" RAN! In the past I had already had big hard talks with "You Know Who?" about "You Know
Who?" using illegal drugs and growing them. "You Know Who?" would not quit using illegal drugs
or growing them so I would not talk to him anymore!

By this time the beach area and the park area was in a two-by-four and a four-by-four and a wood
spitting axe uproar. Innocent people were being murdered all over the place. Well low and behold
who walked right up to me right then, now, during the hieghts of this killing scene but "Mr. You
Know Who?" "HIMSELF?" and sure enough he was carrying a great big wood splitting axe in his

21. "Mr. You Know Who?" asked me if I was still doing alright and whether or not I had been
      gassed or not. "Mr. You Know Who?" showed right here a lot of concern for me and he did
      know that my friends had been gassed aand the four childrren had been gassed and were
      knocked out right there on the sandy beach

The Premiors of The Province blamed The Hippy Drug Addicts and others for this murder scene
talking place!
The Hippy DFrug addicts and others blamed The Premiors and their guests for this murder scene
taking place!

22. "Mr. You Know Who?" then asked me if I had seen The Premiors around anywhere. "Mr.
      You Know Who?" saaid that The Premiors and their guests had just released the gas that
      had knocked out everyone and that he, "Mr. You Know Who?" along with other Hippies
      wanted to kill The Premiors and their guests by chopping off their heads for hurting them
      so badly by this type of poison gas attack.
23. I stood my ground and protected The Premiors and would not say that right here in my old
      Divco van lies the knocked down, out cold, Premiors of The Province. Right at the door of
      the old Divco step van I stood and faced The Hippies supreme command demanding in a drug
      nuts way the where-abouts of The Premiors. Standing right behind "Mr. You Know Who?"
      was 1,000 drugged out of their mind Hippies all shouting "Kill The Premiors".

It does look like The Hippies were guilty of this murder scene.
The following few statements are why.
The Hippies all showed up at this murder scene with 4 foot long two-by-fours
The Hippies all showed up at this murder scene with 4 foot long four-by-fours
The Hippies all showed up at this murder scene with axes
Get this: The Hippies all showed up at this murder scene with freshly sharpened axes!
It ias obvious to me dthat The Hippies did come sto the park that day well prepared for this
murder scene.
Also it is a well known fact that Hippies cannot be properly organised into troop warfare
These Hippies that did come to this park were very well oranised and had Commanders present
who did run the whole side of The Hippies. I stood right there on this murder scene sight and
watched The Hippies do manouvers that were preorganised by their Commanders.The side of
The Hippies did have their side of this murder scene very well oranised.

24. I told "Mr. You Know Who?" that I did not know where The Premiors were located at
25. because "Mr. You Know Who?" was a professor at The Hippy School he had a lot of
      authourity with The Hippiesand he was right then in charge of a lot of them. "Mr. You
      Know Who?" then turned away from me The Searching Hippies and directed the drugged
      out of their mind Hippies to carry on their search in other areas of the park and beach areas.
      "Mr. You Know Who?" made sure that this searching for The Premiors was done in very
      acute detail. "Mr. You Know Who?" did make certain that the drug wild Hippies did look
      under every bush and along everay bit of water front quite closely.

This murder scene went on for quite some time. This searching for The Premiors went on for
quite some time.

26. No matter what went on or happened I still clung to my position of guard duty at the door
      of my old Divco step van
27. fortunatly for The Premiors I did manage to get "Mr. You Know Who?" and the drug wild
      Hippies away from my van and local area by directing them myself
28. then the poison gas did strike me down also
29. I passed out, out right out cold
30. I stayed passed out for 3 days straight

That is just how terribly strong that gas was. A lot of people did die as a result from this gas and
a lot of people were killed on both sides of this terrible murder scene.

During this time that I was passed out The Premiors and their guests did recover themselves enough
to scramble off out of this Beach Park area that was filled with gas.

This murder scene that follows here is so terrible that to this day I do not know why Work Point
Barracks was not called up to defend the rights and lives of the people who were hurt so badly as
the people who were located on the beach and in the park area were hurt. A lot of them were killed
in this gas and murder scene.

31. all the people who were knocked out who were located on the beach were either left right
      there where they fell down when the poison gas hit them off or were killed anad left right
      there on the sandy beach. Never-the-less all of these unfortunate people did float away in
      "The Now Rising Tide".
32. The people in the park who were knocked out by the poison gas were thrown off the rocks
      into the ocean. They also did float away in "The Now Rising Tide". Why some of these people
      were thrown off of rocks is there are some rocks at this park that do front the park to the ocean
      itself. That is where some of the people were thrown into the ocean at.

There were a lot of people killed in this gas and Wild Hippy attack. Just how many I do not know
but it was a lot of people.

33. A lot of women with their children were dragged from below high tide mark to above high tide
      mark by people who immediatly came to try and rescue everyone in the gas filled park from
      ceertain doom.
34. I was carrried forward to the water and immersed into the cold ocean water, repeatedly, for
      three days straight to try to revive me. Finally I woke up after being out cold for three days
      straight. This dunking me into the cold ocean water repeatedly did not revive me. I simply
      woke up after three days time.

As soon as I woke up I went every direction asking questions as to exactly what did happen this
day at the ocean beach and the park and exactly what I have written down here is exactly what

I know that I was knocked out on the sandy beach below high tide and that I would have floated
away in the rising tide and been killed by drowning if the rescue people did not drag me to ground"
above the high tide mark.

35. also to prove a point of issues I went to "Mr. You Know Who's" house and talked with him
      very carefully about the scene that happened in the park and on the beach
36. I very carefully talked with "Mr. You Know Who" about the axe that he had in his hands and
      the drug mad Hippies he was commanding in the park
37. "Mr. You Know Who" did admit that he did all of these things
38. "Mr. You Know Who" then went mad again and started shouting that he wants to kill The
      Premiors of The Province right off
39. "Mr. You Know Who" would not be quieted down about this terrible murder issue that he
      held against The Premiors of The Province.

Twice I went to "Mr. Yu Know Who's" home and talked to him about this murder scene that
took place in the park and on the sandy beach and both times our conversation ended up in
"Mr. You Know Who" shouting his head off about wanting to kill The Premors off.

40. By "Mr. You Know Who's" terrible axe performance in the park and on the sandy beach
      and because of the terrible shouting about how he wanted to kill The Premiors of The
      Province off those two times that I went to visit and talk with him about this terrible murder
      scene that had just happened I concluded that "Mr. You Know Who" was a murderer as well
      as a drug addict and illegal drug seller and illegal drug producer.

In general Gabriola Island talked about this park and sandy beach murder scene for awhile and then
let it go down.

It is note worthy to know that Hippy "You Know Who" was a teacher at The Hippy School but also
he was a good friend of The Dean of The Hippy School who was a known alcoholic. The alcoholic
Dean of The Hippy School was a very serious trouble maker all the years that he was at The Hippy
School. This alcoholic Deans influence on "Mr. You Know Who" made "Mr. You Know Who" even
a worse criminal than he would have been if he had been left to himself.

41. the accusations of "Mr. You Know Who" and the drug addict Hippies about The Premiors
      releasing this poison gas onto the park area and the sandy beach are completely false. All of
      Gabriola Island thought these Hippy accusations were completely false.
42. it is thought that the gas was released neaer where The Premiors Party parcked their cars and
      trucks when The Premiors were on the main road
43. it is thought that people released the gas near The Premiors and their guests in order to knock
      them out and then to kill them off by The Hippies crazy attack against them

Generally speaking the people of Gabriola Island thought that "Mr. You Know Who" who was in
charge of the drug addict mad Hippies didd release that poison gas and did try to kill The Premiors
and their guests off and did try to kill off the innocent people who were in the park and the sandy
beach area as well.

For certain "Mr. You Know Who" and The Drug Mad Hippies could not explain to anyone how
come they showed up on this scene so quickly with axes and prepared two-by-fours and prepared
four-by-fours to try to kill The Premiors and their guest off with. The people of Gabriola Island
reminded The Hippies and "Mr. you Know Who" that they took note also that even their axes were
well previously prepared by being all sharpened up. These drug addicts had no explanation for
their terrible actions what-so-ever!

It is believed that "Mr. You Know Who" and The Mad Drugged Hippies did plan this whole
terrible scene. Just one reason why it is thought to be this way is because this park and sandy beach
and The Premiors and their guests terrible situation happened so fast that the people who did do
these evil things had to be right on the sight at the time that they took place. The guilty people had
to be preseent and very well prepared to enact each of these murder scenes. For example: no-one
had time to go home to get their axe and return to this murder site. Once this murder scene began to
take place no-one but the people right on this murder site could have been involved in it. This
murder scene did happen to fast to bring in any outside people.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, says this following remark right here.
It is unfortunate that The Canadian Army Regular "leaders"at times do not look after their people
It is unfortunate that some Government Officials in The Resposible Positions that do look after
the well being of their own people do not look after their people at all, either.
I do request that The Canadian Army Regular people who are in charge of my situation
I do request that The Government Officials who are in charge of my situation
take a very close careful look at my report right here. That is all of my report right here.
I think that when you read all of this report it will make you "AGAST" at what has happened to
me. I was raised up in a certain manner so that I would protect our Military Commanders and
Government Officials and our country Canada and that is exactly how I got into these murder scene
after murder scene situations. I look forward to recieving help from our Military and Government
Officials in the near future and in recieving my pension that could now be called pensions from
all over the country and for all kinds of acts of bravery!

thank you very much
Murray S. Fenwick.

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