Sunday, 9 February 2020

#E10. Nanaimo. Gabriola Island. The Planet Saturn's Military Fortress.

Gabriola Island.

Gabriola Island,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Gabriola Island.

The Planet Saturn's Military Fortress.
Readers this report is about The Planet Saturn's Military Fortress.

Readers did you know?
1. At times when I would go for a Sunday walk in some of The Big Stores In Nanaimo that a man
   would come up to me and talk to me about how he "REALLY CAME FROM THE STARS".
2. He would talk to me about even how he was accustomed to going from The Earth named Eden to
    the far away galaxy named The Pleiadies. That man had been to The Plaeiadies just like you and I
    go down town for a Sunday Walk.

Well Readers did you know? This is a good spot to put this fact that is following here into this report.
Readers: I will explain it this way.
Readers: When The Golden Forty Niner named Eel-I-Yum passed through The rings of Saturn He did
               find out that He was being very closely observed and followed all about. One thing for sure
               is The Golden Forty Niner Eel-I-Yum did not plan to be followed about.
Readers: Someone played a Military Game with Eel-I-Yum by following Him about like A Child's
               Game called Peek-A-Boo or called Hide-N-Seek or say "Come Let Us Play And Find The
               Ghost In The Closet.

3. This was a very dangerous Military Game because Eel-I-Yum never did plan this.

4. You Readers should have heard of The Breath Taking Experience that Gentleman had when he
    flew his rocket ship inside of The Rings Of Saturn.

Thus enters The Gentleman I named Eel-I-Yum into The Big Store Murder Scene that did take place in The City Of Nanaimo.


5. The Gentleman named Eel-I-Yum said to me that when he flew his rocket ship through The Rings
    Of The Planet Saturn it was like driving a car in an "Oval Racing Track Car Race" on The Earth
    that is called "A Wrecking Race".
6. Eel-I-Yum said that he was bounced this way and that he was bounced that way from the debri that
    makes up The Rings Of The Planet Saturn when the debri would hit his rocket ship about.

Readers: It is interesting to take note that Eel-I-Yum's Observer did not get bounced about as badly as
               Eel-I-Yum was bounced about. As a matter of fact Eel-I-Yum did start to observe His
               Unknown Observer quite a lot.

at any rate

7. The Gentleman I named Eel-I-Yum said that he did find something of interest to him that was
    located on the inside, there-abouts, of The Rings Of The Planet Saturn.

did you know?

8. Just what was the idea behind all of "The Gentleman Eel-I-Yum's Rocket Wrecking Race Effort"
    not counting "ALL OF THE BIG GOLD MONEY INVOLVED" in Eel-I-Yum's effort for doing

In order for this report here to be kept short, because "This Particular Report" right here could go on
for at least all day because Great Gold got involved right here in Great Gold Expenses I will say this

9. Eel-I-Yum told me one day. He said Murray I have a strong enough "HUNCH" to make me put out
    a lot of effort to do this "ROCKET WRECKING RACE SPACE FLIGHT" and I found out that
    "MY HUNCH" was right.
10. Did you know Dear Murray that "I Eel-I-Yum Had A HUNCH" that there was a man inside of
      Eel-I-Yum" and that I had to go in there to prove it out.
11. Dear Murray S. Fenwick I Eel-I-Yum did prove it out.
12. That Enemy Military Fortress is sitting right in there "Inside Of Saturn's Rings".
13. I, Eel-I-Yum" went right there and looked at it.

Mind you Murray that Military Fortress was awful hard to get at but I, Eel-I-Yum, did get at That
Military Fortress enough to more than just look at it.

14. Dear Murray that is exactly where one of my enemies has sat himself up at is right inside of The
      Rings Of Saturn.

I, Eel-I-Yum, does say to you Dear Murray, what a Rocket Ship Wrecking Race!-was my Military
Journey, Space Flight, from The Planet Earth to The Inside Rings Of The Planet Saturn.

Thus says Murray S. Fenwick
Reporter of The Golden Forty Niners Rocket Ship Wrecking Race To The Inside Rings Of The Planet Saturn To Search For And Locate A Military Fortress Of His Enemy.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say to you
that this very search that was done by The Golden Forty Niner Eel-I-Yum
for His Enemies Strong Hold Fortress did really in actual fact take place.

For certain The Golden Forty Niner named Eel-I-Yum
did find "That Military Fortress" located at The Inside Rings Of The Planet Saturn.

P.S.: This space flight of The Golden Forty Niner Eel-I-Yum's to the inner rings of The Planet Saturn
         was told to me very seriously for quite some time. The Observer of Eel-I-Yum"s rocket
         research inside of the rings of The Planet Saturn was also very carefully observed by Eel-I-
         Yum's Unknown Observer as The Golden Forty Niner withdrew His Military Mission back
         to the out side of the rings of The Planet Saturn. Eel-I-Yum did keep His Unknown Guest under
         very close scrutiny.

Readers: As Eel-I-Yum exited all of the rings of The Planet Saturn He saw something that did make
               Him almost faint. Eel-I-Yum almost did vomit His guts out watching His Unknown Guest
               fly about Him both when he travelled into the rings of The Planet Saturn and when he
               withdrew from the rings of The Planet Saturn.

Readers: Read this. When The Golden Forty Niner named Eel-I-Yum existed all of the rings of The
               Planet Saturn There Standing Up At His Own Military Exit Gate were three,3, space rockets
               all equal with the space rocket that had just followed him into the rings of The Planet Saturn
               and out from the rings of The Planet Saturn. The space rocket that had followed him about
               both into and out from the rings of The Planet Saturn joined up with those other three,3,
               space rockets.

Readers: This is quite the Child's Game when it is called Come Play With Me The Child's Game
               Named Find The Ghost In The Closet.

Readers: Eel-I-Yum was Militarily Surrounded And Out Rocketed In All Space Rocket Directions.

Readers: Eel-I-Yum simply carefully observed his Military Situation As Hopeless Should The
               Four,4, space rockets decide to attack him.

Readers: The Golden Forty Niner Eel-I-Yum decided simply to head back to The Planet Earth

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