Sunday, 9 February 2020

#E8. Nanaimo. Nanaimo's Pastor "Mr. Mixed Up And Cruel."


Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,


"Pastor Mr. Mixed Up And Cruel."
This report is about a Pastor that I met who was "Mixed Up And Cruel."

1. Pastor "Mr." Mixed Up Cruel was repeatedly cruel harsh to the people of "His" Church.
2. I went with two or three other people to visit Pastor "Mr." Mixed Up Cruel when "He" just had a
    minor operation in A Hospital. Pastor "Mr." Mixed Up Cruel would not speak to me properly. Pastor
    was so cruel harsh rude to me that I along with my two or three friends did agree to get the nurse
    who was caring for Pastor "Mr." Mixed Up Cruel and ask her whether or not we should be talking to
    "Him" at this time in relationship to the time that "He" had his operation. Sometimes you should not
    talk to soon to a patient who has just had an operation because of the sedatives etc.. We told the
    nurse that Pastor "Mr." Mixed Up Cruel was so terrible towards us that we felt that we had to ask
    her about this. Whether or not we should come back later on this evening or tomorrow etc. after
    Pastor "Mr." Mixed Up Cruel had recovered "Himself" from the operation and sedatives etc..
3. The nurse very carefully told us that Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel had a minor operation and that he
    was in plenty good enough shape to be talked to by you and your two or three friends or by me the
    nurse or by a doctor.
4. We asked the nurse about Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel as to whether or not his head was alright
    because he was so terrible to us.
5. The nurse then said that Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel was mixed up in his head and I his nurse do
    know that he is and also his doctor who is looking after him does know that he is mixed up in his
    head and we do know that he is a very cruel person.
6. The nurse then said that Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel has no excuse not to be alright in his head
    pertaining to the operation that he had because the operation was just a mild small one.
7. Then the nurse investigated his medication and said that the medication should help his head not
    hinder his head in any way.

Then out spoke another voice.
It was "The Doctor."
"The Doctor" quoting "The Nurse" then said that this is "The Doctor" speaking.
"The Doctor" then said that "The Nurse" said the absolute truth as far as he saw the mental state of Pastor Mr. Mixed UP Cruel. At this point of this issue "The Doctor" did agree that Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel did have "A Mentally Ill Problem."

8. "The Nurse" said that there was no reason why Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel should not be alright in
    his head.

Then the nurse and the doctor spoke about the trouble in general that "Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel
Had Been Causing In The Hospital" and there conversation talk would lead one to believe that if
Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel did not change his ways like right now "He Could Very Easily End Up In
A Mental Hospital For The Rest Of His Life."

9. Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel was even terrible to me when "I Read Him Nice Bible Verses" which
    were read to him also collectively by the two or three people with me in order to try to cheer him
    up. He was just terrible to us.

The following statement is very serious to "All Bible Students" and has to be taken that way. Pastor
Mr. Mixed Up Cruel was very "Mixed Up" indeed and could not even remember a certain passage
in The King James Bible that he asked me, us, to read to him. Also his "Mixed Up Mind" had him
place himself above "The Authority Of Gods Word" by having him claim that he was greater than
"God's Word." "All Bible Students" will see what I mean right here.

!0. My Readers have to remember now that I, We, were reading Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel some
     Bible Verses out of The King James Bible and we were also asked by Pastor Mr. Mixed Up
     Cruel to talk to him about "A Certain Passage Of Scripture".
11. When I, We, did recite and read "The Passage Of Scripture" to Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel he
      even told me to shut my mouth and not to recite to him The Bible Verse. The manner in which
      he did do this started to get other peoples attention like the nurse and doctor again.
12. "Then Myself and The Others" with me did decide to show Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel that he was
      wrong about this particular Bible Verse the way in which he remembered it. When we all showed
      him this he got even more rude and terrible towards us and harsh with us.
13. Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel then said that he was right and that The King James Bible "Was
      Wrong!." What Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel said right here is that "He Was A Better Bible
      Than The King James Bible Was." This situation got to be so hard pressed with Pastor Mr.
      Mixed Up Cruel's crazy kind of statements that I and those with me there in The Hospital were
      just going to  walk out on him.
14. This situation that Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel continued to make became so horrifying that we all
      double checked with "Another Nurse Doctor Set" and we had "The First Nurse Doctor Sets"
      statements confirmed to us that there should be nothing at all wrong with Pastor Mr. Mixed Up
      Cruel except for the fact that he acts nuts.
15. Finally The Born Again Christian Church where Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel was residing at was
      told right over the main sanctuary altar that Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel also had a very bad
      marriage and that he might even end up divorced by his wife.
16. Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel also beat up his wife badly enough to make a divorce very possible.
      Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel literally punched her and did kick her. This had gone on for quite a
      long time.
17. Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel's wife in order to protect herself would lock herself into her own
      bedroom for as long as two to three weeks at a time. She would do this on an on going basis and
      without any water or food straight through for at least that length of time. This wife finding it
      necessary to lock herself into her bedroom for weeks on end became a terrible scene. At times it
      was said that she had completely lost her mind for doing this and from the terrible beatings that
      brought her to do this self lock up scene.This was investigated enough to know that she even
      went to the bathroom right in a corner of her bedroom that she felt it necessary to lock herself
      up in.

Unfortunately this list of very serious trouble making that has been held against Pastor Mr. Mixed Up
Cruel does go on and on!

P.S. "The Two Nurse Doctor Teams" told me, us, the following.

1. "The Nurse And The Doctor Teams" had to find a certain spot to put Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel
    while he was still in The Hospital.
2. They found a likely spot and put him in there in a curtained in cubicle.
3. Still Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel's trouble making did go out of his "Curtained In Cublicle" and
    about the immediate room, and then down the hallway and then into another room.

"The Two Nurse And Doctor Teams" really did let me, us, know that they really did think that Pastor Mr. Mixed Up Cruel had a mentally ill problem!

Unfortunately this list of very serious trouble making that has been held against Pastor Mr. Mixed Up
Cruel does go on and on!

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