Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
British Columbia,
Readers Remember: Locations Vary.
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
Murray S. Fenwick The Slave.
Tiger Claw Rape Down, Elephant Trample Down Etc., Happening.
Readers: The following is Tiger Claw Rape Down, Elephant Trample Down Etc.,
Readers: The following is Tiger Claw Rape Down, Elephant Trample Down Etc.,
This is a little report on my stay at an East Indian Temple. An East Indian Temple is usually set
up to begin with by having also A Nice School built next door to it. These East Indian Temples
and Schools have been going on for thousands of years therefore it is not necessary for me to
give accurate dates when I was living in this Hindu Temple. The Temples and The Schools are
always beset by people of different ethnic back grounds who are not interested in The Temple
Teachings or in The School Teachings either. "The Temple and The School Trouble Makers"
are not just East Indian in their originations they do come from all over the world. "These
Serious Trouble Makers" make serious trouble and they always have and they probably always
will. After I had been in The Temple for awhile some of The Good East Indian People sat me
down and explained to me What The Trouble Makers Were Doing in The Temple and why they
were doing it. The following report is just a short report on this issue.
1. I Murray S. Fenwick moved into The Temple basement bedroom
2. I was to be in The Temple about 2-3 months and while I was there I was to be A Security Assistant
3. I was then to go to the nation of India to further my religious studies
my staying in The Temple and then going to India to study religion was arranged for me by The
Priest who did run The Temple
4. the Priest turned out to be a great big liar and a very bad criminal type of person. The Priest's
ethnic back ground was pure blood Tibetan but he would say in publick that he was pure blood
East Indian. This type of lying of his got him into a lot of trouble all of the time.
The following is just a short list of the trouble that this Priest did do. The list does seem to go on
forever! !!!
1. The Priest lied all of the time
2. The Priest used The Temple to room-and-board big cats in like tigers, Tibetan Snow Leopards,
very big black panther cats in, and small cats too.
3. also The Priest did house a large black bear in The Temple
4. also The Priest did house a man eating ape in The Temple
5. these big cats, the bears and the ape were very dangerous animals. The Temple had very big man
eating types of animals and people had to be very careful with them all of the time because they
would attack a person. The Temple also had small black panther cats that were trimmed up to look
like small dogs to medium sized dogs, but very big black panther cats too.
6. the big cats were trained to come home to The Temple from about 10 miles distance away from
The Temple Itself. The big cats were taught a large area of ground and taught to come home to
The Temple all the time. If you made The Temple the centre of a circle that is about 20 miles in
diameter that is about the size of land that the big cats are trained to know and to return to their
home from which is The Temple. The big cats are taught to know this large piece of property
quite well. The big cats know exactly how to return home to The Temple when-ever and where-
ever they are released inside of this 20 mile diameter circle.These big cats are constantly released
from automobiles at a distance of 10 miles from their home, The Temple, and the big cats have no
problem what-so-ever returning home.
7. The big cats are taught to roam around in this large circle that has a 20 mile diameter. The big cats
do roam around in this big circle all of the time.
8. all kinds of illegal drugs were sold in and about The Temple
9. atmospheric drugs were released into the air in The Temple and were also forced with the hot air
through the furnace ducting of The Temple
10. women were bought as prostitutes in The Temple and The School
11. women were sold into marriages that they, the women, did not want to be involved with
12. women were dragged off all over the place
13. serious fighting happened everywhere with fists,knives and guns
14. serious robberies of large amounts of money repeatedly happened
15. gold robbery took place
16. date rape drugs were also used in The Temple on women
17. A King from India seemed to own The Temple and The School. The King was involved in
The Temple and The School in a very big and important way. The King was found to lie and
mistreat the people very badly.
18. It did seem like The Priest and The King were working together but very much against the people.
I did seem that they did want to hurt the people very badly.
19. It did seem very likely that The Temple Priest did have two men work with him as his first and
his second stand-ins who would act in his place. These two men would dress up like The Priest
and colour their faces with creams to look like The Priest. The Priest did this in the same way
that Hollywood Actors do it. Hollywood Actors have people work for them who do stand-in for
The Hollywood Actor at times. It does look like The Temple Priest did do the same thing.
20. because I lived and worked in The Temple I do believe that I did see this going on.
21. The Priest and his stand-ins all looked the same.
22. The Priest would never admit publickly to this going on. Well whoever The Priest was?
"The Good East Indian People" in The Temple told me that this type of trouble making in Old India
TIGER CLAW RAPE DOWN is when some bad people attack other people and do everything
evil to them that they can think up except kill their victims off
At times the attacked people do get killed but it is not expected to happen
There is only one kind of attack in Old India History that is worse than TIGER CLAW RAPE DOWN
and that is called ELEPHANT, TRAMPLE, RAPE DOWN.
ELEPHANT, TRAMPLE, RAPE DOWN is when people gather up their elephants and go to a village
and by using the elephants they trample down the grass huts and mud huts and also do trample
down the people as well with the elephants with the intention of killing the people right off.
I put this explanation in here to inform you Readers what is going on in The Temple and in The School and in the district of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. The district of Surrey is predominantly East Indian.
are a few different names around about that mean the same thing as ELEPHANT RAPE DOWN,
ELEPHANT TRAMPLE DOWN, but they all mean the same thing. I could add this in here to help
people understand Old India and some of their OLD WAYS. For example: Kingdom after Kingdom
that is Geographical Area after Geographical Area or say it this way because some Kingdoms are
quite small, County after County, might say things a little differently than one another but by manner
of proper interpretation The People's Statements will say about the same things. Things are
understood about the same except for a little this or that and The Nice People Of India do explain
these little this or thats very easily.
dear Readers the following is TIGER CLAW RAPE DOWN happening. You have to understand
what TIGER CLAW RAPE DOWN is when you read this report to understand properly what the
people involved in this report were doing to me and to other people.
1. the first thing that I am going to say is that I do believe that The Main Woman written up into this
report I do believe is mentally ill. I believe that she was born that way.
2. I have talked with her enough to have come to know that she had severe mental problems of this
nature all of her life
3. just some of the problems that she has are written up in this report from about October 1, 2009
to about March 1, 2010.
4. I, Murray S. Fenwick, did report verbally, this report to responsible people in the community of
The Down Town East Side in The Vancouver area for about 1 year of time about the same dates.
5. The Main Woman always had a very argumentative attitude at her homes through out her life
6. she left her fathers home for keeps at the age of about 16 or 17 years of age
7. she was at one time living with a man on his farm or ranch down in Texas or there abouts and
she could not get along with him either and was thrown off of the man's property or left him and
the land behind in just another one of her mental uproars of hers
8. about the year 2005 The Main Woman began to live with an illegal drug addict who was also an
illegal drug pusher. The drug addict lived with The Main Woman for about 4 years of time on a
continuous basis. This fact right here shows that The Main Woman is mentally handy capped
9. The Main Woman then had A International Student from some where in The Orient live with her
for two maybe three weeks and The Main Woman could not get along with The International
10. the trouble that developed between The Main Woman and This International Student was so
severe that it went to the school where The International Student was located at and then all the
way back home to The Orient where The International Student did originate from. This is no joke.
This type of trouble making is very severe.
11. I moved into the house that is ran by The Main Woman and I have a lot of trouble also with her
and just some of this trouble making of hers is written up here in this report
The Main Woman lies all of the time
The Main Woman does not even say her real name
The Main Woman does not say even what country she is from
But one thing that I do know about The Main Woman is that she is in Canada illegally
The Main Woman pretends that her name is Miss Such and Such. I have turned this name in to
proper authorities
The following is an additional note that I wrote at a later date and added to this report after the
report had been turned in to the proper authorities. The following addition has to be taken seriously
to heart.
in the major part of the report I did say that The Main Woman did act like a mentally ill woman
in this country of Canada and other countries where this case will definitely be held at, they will
look at the facts of this case in different ways
the following, right here, will have to be seriously looked at
1. if The Main Woman is mentally ill just how dose she then function as a school teacher
2. The Main Woman is a school teacher and she still teaches school
3. it is believed in this country of Canada that a person who teaches school, whether it be a man
or a woman, cannot be mentally ill
whether The Main Woman is mentally ill or not does also determine what kind of judgement will
be passed upon her
1. if The Main Woman is found to be mentally ill she might be just left at home and, "maybe," put
on some kind of pill from a mental doctor
2. but should The Main Woman be found not to be mentally ill them she might be executed in a
distant land for committing slave trade because she knew full well what she was doing wrong
and went ahead and did commit the crime regardless of the hurt to the people she was slave
trading. In some countries you can be executed for committing slave trade. Whether The
Main Woman is crazy or not is why I have said that there has to be a lot of very serious
investigation into this case.
this little addition here is definitely not a contradiction of the major report but is an addition as to
just how much you have to look into this slave trade crime that has been going on right here in
little old Surrey for who knows how long
Dear Readers: these are a few additions to this case that cannot be over looked. I was going to put
them in earlier but I waited until a later date to put them right here on file
1. the kitchen stove smashed through by people having their heads and hands smashed down onto
the top elements when the stove is running and very hot.
2. cats taught to throw articles off of the top of fridges etc. to break them
3. people screaming their lungs out at night when they were being beaten up
Also Their that is The Hindu Police stabbed me in the back. First The Hindu Police of Surrey
District said that my report was correct and then they stabbed me in the back by saying behind my back that my report was wrong. The report was about this case right here but taken by The Hindu
Police of Surrey in generalities.
Then The Hindu Police of Surrey District stabbed me in the back by first saying that my report
about The Main Woman was correct and then they stabbed me in the back by saying that my report
about The Main Woman was wrong
These two reports or ways of looking at one report are quite closely alike but are a little different
Through these terrible experiences that I have had with The Hindu Police of Surrey District I have
come to the belief that there is A East Indian Side to The Police Station in The Surrey District and
an Occidental Side to The Police Station in The Surrey District I believe that The Hindu Side of The Police Station in The Surrey District has to be brought to honest trial in Canada and foreign lands
like Arabia where they might be executed for The Slave Trade Crimes that They, The Hindu Police, have committed through-out The World at large.
like Arabia where they might be executed for The Slave Trade Crimes that They, The Hindu Police, have committed through-out The World at large.
unfortunately the smashing down of the stove's hot elements does resemble the exact same acts
that do happen on Indian Reservations on a continuous bases. On The Indian Reserves though
cast iron pot wear is used on a continuous bases to smash the hot elements in with. This has been
known about for a long time now. People being beat up about the stoves in general is an on going
bad scene on The Indian Reserves. The Main Woman's house smash up and The Indian
Reservation smash up is about the same. Whether its the house or the garage that gets smashed
up it is about the same here.
remember Readers this is TIGER CLAW RAPE DOWN taking place. This goes all over the place
just like a great big Tiger Cat does when it wants to run around. The Tiger Cat seems to go all over
the whole town all at one time
Readers: I remember that this particular huge lion was totally white in its colouration. It "Might Have
Been" the night street lights that made this lion appear white, I do not know.
1. after living in the room for a week or two i went for a walk in the middle of the night. I was
walking on 140th. street towards The Corner Store and I noticed a big yellow bright gold animal
just a little ways away from me about 20 feet. I stopped by the shade and shadows of some trees
immediately and took a vary careful look at this yellow animal for about two minutes straight.
The animal that i was looking at was a full grown African lion. The African lion had big teeth
called fangs and big claws and was quite big in its overall size. I did not think that the lion saw me
but it did and it began growling at me and it did make body motions that led me to believe that it
was going to chase after me. I was very aware what this African lion was doing and I turned and
ran all the way home and very lucky for me I got home safely and closed the door behind me. The
full main on the lion was clipped down but it was growing back in.
2. From my past knowledge of a Hindu Temple located on #101 Street in Vancouver located near
Dead Kennel City Mall Hall I do know that Black Panthers are taken from that Temple and
brought to The Surrey District in general. In return people in The Surrey District who are from
India do also go to that Hindu Temple located near Dead Kennel City Mall Hall in Vancouver.
3. The first week that I lived here in this basement suite there was a lot of live gun fire right about
the location of 140th. street and 90th. street right near or at Kyo Park. This live gun fire was
much talked about at the bus stop right at Kyo Park. I heard the guns being fired off myself but
I did learn more about this gun shoot out at the bus stop and at Carnegie Centre located in The
Downtown East Side. People who were standing outside of Carnegie Centre the morning after
the gun shoot-out took place talked about this bad gun shoot out scene that had happened in
The Surrey District.
4. The Main Woman is a white woman from The American South. She says that she is from there.
It is known though that The Main Woman is in Canada very illegally. The Main Woman is also
falsely named. I do not necessarily know her proper name even to this day. The Main Woman
lied all the time. I could not believe The Main Woman about any thing there was.
5. The Main Woman was trained in guns by a High Ranking Member of a Special Forces Team
in The United States of America
6. The Main Woman leaves on 10 lights both day and night both in the apartment and outside of it.
Normally speaking one outside porch light is used with one inside light left on. This is very
expensive running ten lights both day and night. The Main Woman says that she is afraid that
someone will break into her apartment and attack her and hurt her. The Main Woman said that
she leaves 10 lights on all of the time in order to stop someone from breaking in and hurting her.
7. The Main Woman stomps all over the house and shouts out all of the time. She also stands at one
end of the room and shouts at the other end of the room
8. The Main Woman is a disciple of a false guru
9. The Main Woman and her friends go into and search my room unannounced all of the time
10. The Main Woman and her friends enter my room without permission and search my room and
over turn my room all of the time
11. all coats and other dry cleaning has been several times pulled apart badly and thrown about my
room while the clothes were still in their cleaning bags that I brought them home in from the dry
cleaners. Every pocket was searched
12. someone entered my room and punched my nice big silver bowl down through the top of a box
down into the box itself
13. someone entered my room and used my nice typewriter and altered the margin settings on my
typewriter without my permission
14. when i demanded out of The Main Woman who it was who was always entering my room and
searching it etc. she shouted at me that her two domestic cats and her pet little dog did do it. She
also said that they did throw my room straight up into the air
15. i complained that there was no proper lock on my door
16. The Main Woman shouted that i could not have a lock on my door
17. at night i would keep my door closed. Because the door did not lock properly at all The Main
Woman would put different kinds of strange animals into my room
18. At night a poison India rat and at other times a Black Viper Snake and at other times some other
kind of poison animals were definitely seen by me in my room.Some of these animals were about
the size of a domestic cat. I have not been able to positively identify these animals. When one
studies these animals and snake etc. and they remain unidentified but because this is an India
very bad scene going on right here these animal's trouble making possibilities take on a very
dangerous possibility. Some of these animals seemed to fly through the air and hit the walls.
Some of these animals hid under the bed. Some of these animals elongated out for quite a
distance which did make them appear like a snake.
19. on this property and in this area of Surrey there are holes in fences and in garage doors etc.
so that rats and cats and snakes can go into and out of buildings and access front and back yards
very easily. Every kind of animal in this area seems to crawl all over the place through these
access holes
20. there is a lot of urine and defecation on the carpeted floors of this basement suite and the
urine and defecation have sunk through the carpets and cannot be gotten out of them and
this makes for a very unclean and fowl smelling suite
21. The basement suite is quite cold in the winter time. The Main Woman is very cheap and will
not turn the heat on properly to even dry out your rain coat over night. The coldness can lead
to quite serious sickness.
22. The Main Woman stores a lot of her own goods in my room which is not right to do. The Main
Woman enters my room without my permission saying to me that she wants to get at her stored
goods which I have proven to my own mind to be false. The Main Woman ducks away from
my questioning her about this issue with total lies and denials.
23. there is a lot of fowl smell from the domestic cats and dogs urine and defecation on the rugs
of this basement suite in general and this urine and defecation does go under the rugs and
becomes a health hazard
The Oriental International School Student:
1. just before I moved into this room an Oriental International School Student lived in it for about
2 weeks
2. The Oriental Girl had a lot of trouble from The Main Woman when she lived here
You as a Reader of this report have to right here learn quite quick enough just how serious The Main
Woman was in her trouble making.
3. The Oriental Girl had to go to her school and talk to them about this very serious trouble making
that was done by The Main Woman against her.
4. The trouble making was so severe that it was passed on to the school principle.
5. Then the trouble was found to be so serious that the case was then passed on to the teachers and
board of directors who did handle International School Students.
6. The case did also get taken back to the homeland of The Oriental School Student. This meant that
this case went all the way back to Cambodia or Vietnam or where-ever This Oriental School
Student came from.
The Main Woman is so evil that she would not even say the proper name of The Oriental Student
or the proper name of her homeland. Please remember how far this trouble making of The Main
Woman has gone over this Oriental School Student. This trouble making of The Main Woman had
to be investigated all the way back to Old Siam.
Now pertaining to The African Lion Scene:
1. I was told by The Main Woman that some things like animals or snakes etc. from this local area
of Surrey did try to break into my bed room at night time. The basement window that did lead to
my bedroom was the location of this attempted break in.
I know that from talking with The Main Woman that in times past animals of different descriptions
did brake into my bedroom area and thusly gained access to the bedroom and to the house itself.
The animals and snakes etc. did get into the bedroom and to the house by also entering my bedroom
through the bedroom window when the bedroom window was open.
2. I was told by The Main Woman that it did not matter whether the bedroom window was closed
or open. I was told that animals of various descriptions did enter my bedroom and thusly the house
in general through that window. What The Main Woman did say is that my bedroom window was
a door way to my bedroom and to the house in general for various types of animals. My window
that led to my bedroom and to the house in general that was used as a doorway for animals
both entering my bedroom and the house in general and used by animals to also leave the building
had gone on for a long time. I believe that there was no change made to this being the facts.
I was told this two or three times but I was not told who or what it was that did have access to my
bedroom and to the house in general through my bedroom window. I was not told what kind of
animals or just who, what people, did use my bedroom window to enter my bedroom and thusly
the house in general and also to exit the building by using my bedroom window as a doorway.
3. my bedroom window is like a bathroom window. It is rough glass and you cannot see through
it very easily but you can see shapes etc. through it. You could certainly here the sounds of
animals through it
4. there is an outside light right at my window as well and this did help me somewhat see this lion,
African Lion, at my window trying to get in.
5. The African Lion tried to get into my bedroom twice in one nights time and once the next night
6. in the night light I saw its long legs and watched it paw at the glass. I looked at The African
Lion through the glass itself.
7. this was very dangerous to the extreme to have happen and i want you to take note right here
i was not allowed to have a proper lock or any kind of a lock on my bedroom window
I do know that A African Lion can be trained or learn to just slide a window very easily rather than
just smashing the window out with its paws
8. I saw the colour of gold on The African Lions legs too.
Readers: There might have been more than one African Lion involved right here. That Great Big
African Lion, that did appear to be the colour of white in the night lights, is not necessarily
The Same African Lion that would at times come to my bed room window and try to enter
my bed room through that basement bed room window and thusly gain access to the
whole house.
Readers: There might have been more than one African Lion involved right here. That Great Big
African Lion, that did appear to be the colour of white in the night lights, is not necessarily
The Same African Lion that would at times come to my bed room window and try to enter
my bed room through that basement bed room window and thusly gain access to the
whole house.
By accident i found a little nail or screw in the window ledge that i was told was all the lock that was
allowed on this window. There was a hole in the window ledge and the nail fit into it to secure the
window shut but I found this most unsatisfactory especially with A Full Grown African Lion pushing
this bedroom window around like it was. The window was almost smashed out by The African Lion
at times. The African Lion would hit the window with terrible blows at times. The crashing of The
African Lions paws against the window would wake me up, in the night time, at times.
I repeat that this was very dangerous to have happen
I was not allowed to cover up, over, the bedroom window in any way, that is cover the window off
with a piece of plywood etc. or a piece of sheet steel.
with a piece of plywood etc. or a piece of sheet steel.
The African Lion and other animals would also enter the main part of this house and attack the person
who was sleeping in the bedroom through the bedroom door. This was a known fact to other people in this house to have been done and on many occassions.
I repeat that I was not allowed to lock my door either. Not in any way was I allowed to lock
properly my bedroom door. This trouble making of The Main Woman got so severe that I did take
to jamming my door at night with a chair. I know that from my bedroom door from almost being
broken down right to off of its hinges that this was absolutely necessary. I think that I saved my own
life by doing this.
This killing murder act of The Main Woman and other people working in The Slave Trade Market
with her was a very serious offence to the people of this nation.
Concerning The Big Cats.
I know from seeing this Great Big African Lion that it was involved in this attack but from my observing This Big Cat Attack Case I do believe that there were other Lions involved in it also, like other African
Lions and also other similarly coloured Big Cats Like Cougars. At times a Cougar is Golden or Tawny
In Colour.
Readers: There is some confusion, for me, as to whether the following person was a man or a
woman. Just maybe there was A Man And A Woman Team present here and they
dressed themselves in the same clothes and by using cosmetics and wigs or hair
styles did make them selves to look like one and the same person. One thing about
identifying this person=persons right here is that on all occassions of that person=
persons being present at any time, at all times, for certain, only one person would be
present not two persons. For certain no matter where that person did show up doing
there dirty job of, "Selling Illegal Drugs," only one person would show up not two
Readers: There is some confusion, for me, as to whether the following person was a man or a
woman. Just maybe there was A Man And A Woman Team present here and they
dressed themselves in the same clothes and by using cosmetics and wigs or hair
styles did make them selves to look like one and the same person. One thing about
identifying this person=persons right here is that on all occassions of that person=
persons being present at any time, at all times, for certain, only one person would be
present not two persons. For certain no matter where that person did show up doing
there dirty job of, "Selling Illegal Drugs," only one person would show up not two
1. for about 4 years of time A Woman, "A Drug Addict, Who Was Also An Illegal Drug Seller,"
who was a good friend of The Main Woman, moved in with The Main Woman and did live
in the basement bedroom that I now live in
in the basement bedroom that I now live in
2. the good friend of The Main Woman was, "An Illegal Drug User And An Illegal Drug Seller",
3. this friend of The Main Woman Was A Man
4. it is believed to be possible that this man drug addict did cause a lot of TROUBLE in The Surrey
District Community by USING ILLEGAL DRUGS all over the place
5. it is believed that this man drug seller did also sell drugs illegally all over The Surrey District
Community and did make a lot of trouble doing it
6. it is also believed that this drug addict did also cause very bad harm to the immediate schools of
The Surrey District Community by illegally drug attacking the students. Quite possibly very
young students at that.
One of these school's name is Creekside Elementary School. This school is nearby The Drug Addicts
One of the schools just up the road is named Invergarry School.
There are several schools in this immediate neighbourhood. They all could have been adversely
affected by The Man=Woman Drug Addict Selling Illegal Drugs.
This Illegal Drug Man that lived here for as long as 4 years cannot be over looked. I do know for
certain that he made a lot of Illegal Drug Trouble in The Surrey District Community. This illegal
drug man should be looked into very closely!
Recently The Main Woman claimed to have a heart condition. I say that The Main Woman's heart
condition could very easily have been caused by taking illegal street drugs with her Drug Addict
Boy Friend who was The Seller Of Illegal Street Drugs Himself. This illegal drug abuse by The
Main Woman could very easily have gone on for at least 4 years of time. This illegal drug abuse
scene I do know has never been looked into but I do believe that it should be looked into very
closely too as in also!
I believe that The Main Woman and her Boy Friend, The Illegal Drug User And Seller Man now
and for quite some time of The Surrey District Community should both be put into a mental jail
like Farm Colony Road in Port Coquitlam and made to answer for their criminal acts.
and for quite some time of The Surrey District Community should both be put into a mental jail
like Farm Colony Road in Port Coquitlam and made to answer for their criminal acts.
Now Back To The Big Cats!
I also believe that on at least 3 more occassions I did see quite large Black Panther Cats in the back-
yard. These sightings did take place in the night time hours when I would come home late from
Church. I do know that The East Indian Temple dose bring their Black Panther Cats out to The Surrey District Community for various reasons. These Big Cats are very dangerous. People from
The Surrey District Community also do attend The East Indian Temple and do take their Big Cats
to and from Temple.
The Following Is Possible:
This Black Panther Cat would lie down on the cement sidewalk in the back lawn area and wiggle its
ears at me and shrug its shoulders. Its body was about the length of quite a large roll of black rolled
roofing and somewhat flattened down. This Black Panther Cat did move around on its lieing down
location each night that it was seen by me there but it did remain generally speaking on its spot of
the cement sidewalk. Readers you must know and remember that this back yard and the property
in general is a public walkway and I knowing about These Big Black Panther Cats a little do know
that this is the walkway exactly where Those Big Cats would choose to sit, and there it did lie, The
Big Cats head and part of its shoulders were then on the end of the rolled roofing. This was quite a
size able cat.
The Following is Definitely True:
One night time I went for a walk in the middle of the night about 4 A.M. in the morning time.
Right within 1/2 block of my bedroom I ran right into the longest Black Panther Cat that I have
ever seen. The Big Black Panther Cat seemed to be endlessly long. It's head and shoulders and
front part of its body were lieing on the road allowance and the rest of its mid section and hind
legs and tail disappeared around the corner somewhere. It seemed to be a female cat with 2 Black
Panther Kittens with Her. This large female Cat, luckily for me, seemed to be interested in
playing with its babies. I without knowing about it did walk right up to be quite close to them
but they did not see me in the shadows of the back ally way that I was standing in. I did not even
take the risk of turning around but I backed out down the ally way and back into my basement room.
I sat erect on my chair in my room and stayed awake the rest of the night shaking in my shoes. I will
never forget this one.
1. The Main Woman told me that I could store some of my things in the garage but I soon found out
that there were problems from people entering the garage and searching things out and stealing
things. I was told that this entering of the garage and stealing of goods did not happen but I do
know that it does happen and once again The Main Woman is found in a lie.
The Main Woman told me straight to my face that goods always have been stolen out of the garage.
The Main Woman might have been drunk on alcohol or on illegal drugs when she told me this but
that does not alter the truth that peoples goods were stolen all of the time out of the garage.
2. the property is also a public walkway
people use this walkway all of the time
people Abuse This Walkway at times
this is possibly where and how the back yard gate lock got broken
3. when i first moved here there was a man on the front lawn who did act strange
4. When i first moved here there was a man sitting high up on the back yard fence who did
act strange
act strange
5. The Main Woman says that she is a school teacher and that she teaches private students
6. The Main Woman says that her teaching is worth thousands of dollars per hour. This
statement is said this way to impress The Readers of this report that The Main Woman
thinks that her teaching abilities are worth countless of millions of dollars. No matter what
anyone else thinks The Main Woman does think just exactly that!
statement is said this way to impress The Readers of this report that The Main Woman
thinks that her teaching abilities are worth countless of millions of dollars. No matter what
anyone else thinks The Main Woman does think just exactly that!
7. The Main Woman says that she ran a business of teaching in The United States and that
the cost of her services was Always In The Thousands And In The Millions Of Dollars.
the cost of her services was Always In The Thousands And In The Millions Of Dollars.
8. The Main Woman said that she was offered a very good teaching job with The East Indian
Temple which I do believe can be still proven out as to whether this statement of The Main
Woman is true or false. This supposed offer of such a job took place many and many years ago.
This could be looked into because The Priests who do run The East Indian Temple do want to
review this report.
9. The Main Woman did make sex passes at me
10. The Main Woman did also present her gym clothes all covered inside and outside with her
menstrual blood and did not ask me but did tell me to outright dry clean all of them and of
course at my own expense and I was to get on with the dry cleaning job right now. There was
quite a lot of her clothes sitting there all bloodied up. The Main Woman's attitude during this
command performance of hers was absolutely terrible.
The Stealing Of My Great Big East India Temple Lifelong Patron Identification Card.
1. I have the receipts right here that do prove that I did properly join The East India Temple as a
Lifelong Patron
2. for me to purchase, "This Identification Lifelong Patron Card," did cost me about 26 hundred dollars
3. when i had totally paid the fee for joining The East India Temple I was given a proper East India
Temple Identification Card that you will soon see here is worth a lot of money through-out your
entire life
Not just anyone can purchase that Lifelong Patron Card. It is very hard to get one. The East India
Temple is selective as to who they do sell one to. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was given, "The Great
Opportunity," to purchase one so I bought The Lifelong Patron Card Immediately. To me it was one
of, "The Greatest Opportunities," of my entire life. You Readers will understand why when you read this report about My Lifelong Patron Identification Card being stolen. For a person to, "Own That Card," can mean a lot when they are an Old Age Pensioner or A Low Income Person.
Opportunity," to purchase one so I bought The Lifelong Patron Card Immediately. To me it was one
of, "The Greatest Opportunities," of my entire life. You Readers will understand why when you read this report about My Lifelong Patron Identification Card being stolen. For a person to, "Own That Card," can mean a lot when they are an Old Age Pensioner or A Low Income Person.
4. The Lifelong Patron Card does allow the owner to travel through-out All Of Indian And Other
Nations Of The World Cost Free.
5. The Lifelong Patron Card is good for the owners entire life.
6. I kept my Patron Card safe in a safety deposit box in my Credit Union
7. when I went to The East Indian Temple I had to go to The Credit Union and get my Patron Card
out of my safety deposit box in order to do some business there
8. when I was finished my business at The Temple I put my Patron Card in a small stack of
important papers to be returned all together to my safety deposit box
9. I went out of my home room to buy some groceries and when I came back into my room I soon
found out that my room had once again been searched
10. I soon found out that my Very Important Great Big Lifelong Identification Patron Card had
been stolen along with other important papers
This Very Important Identification Lifelong Patron Card when shipped to India in a letter Is Worth
A King's Treasure Chest because the person who presents The Lifelong Patron Card does get room
and board free for the rest of their lives. This is very expensive for Kingdom's to do. In varying
degrees The Lifelong Patron Card does do the same thing in other nations of the world. This is very
expensive for other nations to do.
This Lifelong Identification Card that is attached to The East India Temple is a very Highly Prized
I.D. to have indeed. It is not just another Identification Card that Identifies The Person. This Great
Big Temple Identification Lifelong Card gets the owner of The Card just about everything that they
need in life for the rest of their life. It is The Great Big Identification Lifelong Card that is so much
prayed and chanted for by every person in The Nation Of India.
Because of The Great Big Identification Lifelong Cards great worth I think that this is very wrong
that this theft has happened to me. Because The Nation Of India is so very involved finacially in
backing up the owner of this type of Card I do believe that this theft should be very carefully
looked into and the guilty person who is The Main Woman be made to return this card to The
Temple immediately otherwise very serious and very large financial losses can take place. Also
because in my case because this Lifelong Identification Card is in the hands of thieves there can
be trouble take place against The Temple in many different ways.
Even The State Bank Of India is knowledge able about these Great Big Lifelong Identification Cards
being in existence.
Now on with something else:
If a person wants to get pointed enough even my rent receipts are written out differently. That is each
rent receipt is not exactly the same. I believe that an issue could be made over this.
This statement is very important here:
It is the fact that The Main Woman is definitely in Canada illegally. People like The Police are
definitely, intentionally, over looking this fact. I say that this fact should not be over looked. I believe
that there is something going on right here that is very wrong and I believe that this should be dealt
with immediately.
A statement I have to make.
1. Because The Main Woman is in Canada illegally
2. Because the receipts for my rent I question to the point of thinking that they are criminally done
3. Because all of this has been talked about many times in The Police Station by myself
4. Because I have also talked with, "Senior Staff In The Downtown East Side Medical Clinic,"
about this issue
about this issue
I say that, "I, Murray S, Fenwick," Am A totally Innocent Person,"of anything pertaining to a criminal offence regarding this issue.
5. Because The Province of British Columbia does give me a money amount every month to make
my Federal Handy Capped Pension meet certain finacial standards in British Columbia
6. Because this British Columbia Provincial amount of money is given to me to help me pay my
7. I do believe that The Main Woman very possibly could be charged by The Province of British
Columbia through The Human Resources Office for committing "FRAUD" against The Province
by criminally taking money from myself as a renter. The rent money that The Main Woman took,
I ask you to remember, came from The Human Resources Office of The Province of British
8. Because The Main Woman is in Canada, "ILLEGALLY," and writing out rent receipts that I think
are false I believe that The Province of British Columbia acting in a real court room law case
through The Provinces Human Resources Office could lay an honest court case against The Main
Please remember Readers that I have turned this case into The Proper Authorities many times.
I believe that I am free, myself, from any form of charges of, "FRAUD," against The Human Resources Office.
Thank You
Murray S. Fenwick
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