Monday, 10 February 2020

#D106. Locations Vary. The Whole World. My, Murray's, Visit To The Yukon, Canada. Vancouver's Detox Centre Then Off To The Yukon.


The Whole World.


Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

The Whole World.

My, Murray's, Visit To The Yukon, Canada.
Murray Went To The Vancouver's Detox Centre, Then Went Off 
To The Yukon.
Dear People of The Yukon, Canada,
and The World at Large: this is a little letter to explain why my
coming to The Yukon has been delayed. Each and everyone of
you know that i planned to come there now some time ago. This
little letter here is the explanation as to why there has been
confused delay around my coming to The Yukon

1. while visiting in a detox centre in Vancouver i met some people
    from The Yukon
2. the people from The Yukon said that they were not drug addicts
    or alcoholics or anything like that. There was at least about 8
    people from The Yukon got involved in this situation which
    developed into me coming to The Yukon when i did. I had planned
    to come to The Yukon a little later on in the year
3. they led me to believe that they were more out scouting around for
    people they knew and had the names of in order to get them
    through detox if necessary and home safely to The Yukon
4. because of what they were doing they might have to drink a bit
    of alcohol or use a fake drug or even a real one when forced into
    it because of the group of people they happen to be with but
    mainly they were now on there way home once again to The Yukon.
    This faking of illegal drugs etc. was done as part of their job
    when they were out away from The Yukon searching for and
    helping these people, it kind of went with their job
5. some of these people did say that when they are on holidays they might
    use a drug or they might not. Some of them thought that using a drug
    might help them get over work tensions and some things like that but
    they mainly did say that once they were back in The Yukon with the
    people that they were sent out searching for that was the end of
    using any drug what-so-ever
6. these workers from The Yukon repeatedly said that they were not a
    drug addict like people are in this detox building. They said that we
    are different and that we do not do anything like drug detox people do
7. they were glad to be going home now with the people they had gathered
8. they all said that they were holding down good jobs as well
9. what and how these people were doing this kind of gathering
    up of people that had to go back to The Yukon was in a way
    different than what i knew anything about but there was quite
    a number of them right here in a detox centre and they all
    did say the same thing. After i had talked with all of them a
    while i let this difference in doing things go by but i did
    question all of them and they all did say the very same things

right in this detox centre with these people who later were proved
to be liars was the beginning of a terribly bad nightmare for me

1. the group of people from The Yukon said that i could stay with them
    free of charge until i got my life organised in The Yukon
2. these people from The Yukon were very friendly and said that it did
    not matter if it took a day or two or a week or two or even a year or
    two in order for me to get properly organised in The Yukon. They said
    that i was very welcome to stay with them at no charge

it turned out that these people from The Yukon all came from The McIntyre
Indian Reservation in Whitehorse, The Yukon, Canada

1. i arrived in The Yukon by bus the first time i went there
2. unfortunately alcoholism and illegal drug abuse has affected
   The Yukon People In General, and smoking pipes etc.
3. i talked with different people in different parts of town as to
    the location of McIntyre Indian Reservation and the people
    seemed generally confused about my question. They did not
    know that McIntyre Indian Reservation even existed
4. finally in the middle of the afternoon i found out where McIntyre
    Indian Reservation was located and i walked there.

the people not knowing where this reservation was located were
very unusual because McIntyre Indian Reservation is as far as
i know right in the municipality of Whitehorse City.It is very
close to being right down town. I asked quite a number of
people of many different work back grounds where this Indian
Reservation was located and not one of them knew where it
was.I have reason to believe that the people i asked were
liars, alcoholics and drug addicts. The best of answers i got
was that The Indian Reservation was located about 50 miles
away in an unknown and obscure direction

5. when i arrived i went straight to the house which i was told to
    go to and knocked on the door and was welcomed into the house

this is where this murderous scene changes again and got worse for me

1. within minutes of being in this house i became aware that illegal
    drugs were in this house
2. within moments of being in this house i was aware that the people
    who lived in this house were drug addicts and serious ones and they
    were using illegal drugs right now
3. i was offered the basement to live in
4. i was offered the basement to live in renovated and permanently to
    live in this house or just stay awhile. The people who lived in the
    house told me that i had to renovate the entire basement
5. i was then asked to just sleep on the couch for now
6. the woman who ran this house said to me that she liked using drugs
    at different times of the day and driving 90 miles an hour to work
    where she helped design tree planting. When she talked about this
    it became obvious that this driving of hers was very dangerous
7. generally this house was typical of serious drug houses in the following
    ways. They ate sporadically. They ran about the house all over the
    place. They watched T.V. sporadically. They seemed concerned
    about how they did dress but ended up just wearing what they had
    on like jeans etc. A few visitors about the dogs which they had but
    nothing really seriously talked about pertaining to their dogs. Getting
    up late for work and just rushing off without a meal like breakfast.
    This list just goes on and on
8. this went on for a couple of days and then the people of the house
    changed their attitude towards me. Their attitude went from them
    being quite nice to very bad towards me. Drug addicts are like that.
    Their mood changes all the time and usually ends very undesirable
9. by the second or third day i was told very harshly to get out
10. just one of my bad lucks in this house is that the people who ran
      the house would not let me stay more than 5 days. That is 5 days
      totally being there in their house. When i was told this i had
      already been in the house 2-3 days
11. the house was a typical drug house. There were drugs in the
      bedroom, drugs in the basement and drugs outside under steps etc.
12. i believe that there were also illegal drugs literally put into the
      garbage box to be let off there at this house or put there by this
      house and to be picked up by someone else
13. there was more than this one drug house on The McIntyre
      Indian Reservation
14. at this particular time quite a number of people were sent away
      from The McIntyre Indian Reservation for alcoholism and drug
      abuse but also quite a number of alcoholics and drug addicts were
      kept on The McIntyre Indian Reservation for a reason unknown
      to me
15. i was sent away from this house which was ran by drug addicts
      and alcoholics but i was definitely not asked to leave The Reserve

these people did not know that I Am A Senior Indian Chief Myself

16. i say right here that there was no reason of any kind to send
      me A Senior Indian Chief away from that house

as A Senior Indian Chief i started my own investigation about this
drug house and others on The McIntyre Indian Reservation

17. at a later date, I Senior Indian Chief, did start this investigation by
      phoning The McIntyre Indian Reservation and asked them some
      serious questions about what befell me there. I intentionally did
      for various reasons. The peoples attitude was gunfire. I was
      told that the people would shoot me with a 30-30 lever action
      rifle gun that they had hidden right behind one of their doors if i
      came to their drug house again.

I would like you Reader to take note here that I could go to The
Reserve anytime that I wanted to but I could not return to the
drug house again or any other drug house on that Indian Reserve

this is an important note here
I say this as A Senior Indian Chief
that I found this out and I know that it is the truth

the man who ran this drug house that I stayed in did the following

he gave a young Indian Girl a drug which did cause her to miscarry
her baby when she was about 5 months pregnant
the Young Indian Girl did not know about this before he did this
act of cruelty to her. She was definitely not in favour of this
being done to her and to her still unborn baby that she did miscarry.
The Young Indian Girl had no intentions of miscarrying her baby.
This act of cruelty did hurt The Young Indian Girl very deeply.
This Young Indian Girl might never be able to have a baby now
because of something like a collapsed womb

the dirty drug man might have also done this act of cruelty to
Other Indian Women as well

I say this as A Senior Indian Chief
that I do believe that this intentional drug poisoning of This Young
Indian Girl with the intention of miscarrying her baby in her womb
should be properly investigated and the dirty drug man brought to
a complete stop in doing this kind of cruel murder scene

also the dirty drug man was said to be in a responsible position somewhere
and somehow building houses for someone. I do know that he was not
properly qualified to do that kind of building contracting by himself. There
might have been other people work with him on this type of building
but i do know that he was no trades man himself. I know him as a dirty
drug dealer just lieing his way along in life.

I believe that should responsible people from McIntyre Indian Reservation
investigate that dirty drug man that they will definitely lock him up in an
insane jail like Farm Colony Road Lock Up located in Port Coquitlam
in British Columbia, Canada

I will start here another line or two on this report

1. when i approached The McIntyre Indian Reservation three, 3, Indians
    on bycicles stopped and talked to me about people in the local area
    feeding bears which should not have been done and the result of this
    bear feeding was that people got eaten by the bears that did come to
    the bear feeding stations
2. i believe that the three Indians who told me this were three Chiefs from
    very nearby Indian Reservations who did not go along with this kind of
    bear problem and they were out to tell people about it and try to get rid
    of the bear problem and those people who did cause it. Because these
    three Indian Chiefs told me about this bear problem i kept my eyes and
    ears extra on the alert concerning this man eating bear problem. The
    three Indian Chiefs did tell me that the bears had killed and eaten quite
    a lot of people of all different ethnic back grounds
3. sure enough along came the bears
4. there was a pack of three Polar Bears trying to enter the house i was
    staying in. The Polar Bears tried three times to get into the house. The
    pack of three Polar Bears seemed to be a mother Polar Bear and her two
    cub Polar Bears
5. the people who were the drug addicts in the house that i stayed in fed
    the Polar Bears by putting large amounts of dog food outside in a small
    children's play house for the bears to eat from
6. the Polar Bears were obviously knowledgable of the drug addicts house
    because of the way they pushed at things on the property in general
7. the bears were definitely white in colouration
8. the mother Polar Bear had one yellow mark like a line on her left shoulder
    running down to part of her waist

yes i believe that murder was committed here

1. the three Indians who stopped on their bycicles did say to me that
    Innocent People were killed and eaten by these bears attacking them
    right nearby

yes i believe that murder was attempted against me when the following
was done against me

1. i was asked to go a long way from Vancouver to Whitehorse under false
    pretenses of house accommodations by these drug addicts who had no
    truthful intentions at all of letting me stay in their house safely until i got
    myself organised to move out on my own
2. i asked those drug addicts several times about people dieing from bear
    attack and they lied to me about it and would not answer my questions
3. the drug addicts totally denied the fact that any kind of bear problem
    did exist by lieing to Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fernwick
4. the drug addicts did leave early that morning and left me exact directions
    about having all the doors and windows open in the house to ventilate
    the house out with fresh air
5. they even opened the doors and jammed them open with equipment left
    by the doors for retaining them open
6. they talked with me explicitly at least three times about leaving the doors
    and windows open for what was said to be a  ventilation purpose
7. the addicts did open the house up themselves for this ventilation of fresh
    air to take place and then left the house behind
8. the reason that the drug addicts gave for opening the doors and windows
    for ventilation was false. The reason that the drug addicts wanted the
    doors and the windows of their house opened up was for no other
    reason than to let the Polar Bears into their house and eat me right up

this was definitely a murder attempt by the drug addicts of this house to kill
me by Polar Bear attack

i am sure glad that i met those three Indian Chiefs just 2-3 days earlier just
down the road a little who did forworn me about this type of bear attack
taking place right here on the property of these drug addicts and right at
their dog feeding station which was none other than the bear feeding
station itself

9. i figured out quickly that if the bears were about this day and at this
    hour that this would be the likely time that they would attack me
10. i immediately ran about the house and basement and and in a hurry
      i closed the entire house down
11. i made double certain that everything in the house was locked down
12. i felt very bad for the immediate neighbours who ran the risk of
      being eaten, like i did, but i knew that they had been warned by the
      Chief about this bear problem being right on their site
13. it seamed like just minutes but it was about mid morning and there
      they were, three Polar Bears very silently pawing at the doors and
14. for certain by me watching the bears antics i knew they were
      familiar with this place and how to get into this house and where
      some poor unsuspecting man or woman would be sitting not
      knowing that they will soon be killed and eaten by Polar Bears.
      I swear that those Polar Bears knew everything and everyone
      in this place and where everything and everyone in this place
      was located
15. the bears generally mauled the mother dog and her puppies which
      were located on the driveway
16. the Polar Bears then sat down on the driveway looking in my direction
      It was the mother Polar Bear and her two cubs. The three of them sat
      down on their back-sides and proceeded to look all around

the following attack against me took place by the Polar Bears

the Polar Bears saw me looking through a summer glass door at them
immediately one of the cubs attacked me snarling and growling at me.
Just as immediately the cub saw itself in the glass door and the glass
door reflected the image of the charging bear right back onto its own
eyes. The charging Polar Bear obviously thought that i had a Polar
Bear right there by my side now charging at it. The charging Polar
Bear veered off its charge at me right at its collision point with the
light screen and glass summer door and it ran back over to its mother
and hid beside her. The reflection of the charging Polar Bear in the
summer screen and glass door saved my life

17. i immediately stepped away from the glass summer door and more
      or less hid about the inside of the house in order not to be seen
      by the Polar Bears again now that they had been alerted that i was
      in the house
18. i know that the Polar Bears did come up the front steps and look in
      the living room window and they did pry about the door but they did
      not break the door down or break a wall down of the house itself
      which they were capable of doing to get at me inside the house and
      kill me and eat me
19. the mother Polar Bear when she would sit down on her back-sides
      could very easily reach right up to the eaves of the house and claw
      away at the eaves troughing. She was a very big Polar Bear and
      very long in her length
20. in a subdued voice when the drug addicts arrived home late that
      afternoon i demanded explanations about this bear scene of theirs
      which has excellerated from a bear scene into an imported Polar
      Bear scene and i got absolutely no answer

generally i did not say much about this scene or any other scene which
did happen here because i came to realise that i was in a very dangerous

i was going to leave immediately fast but the man drug addict said that he
would give me a ride in the car down to the bus station in about one hours
time or there abouts. I left as quickly as i could.

also there were wolves about eating out of the same huge dog food bin
i know that i saw at least one of them but a pack of 40 were there
they were shaped like a German Shepherd dog and darker in colouration,
they, the wolves, were the larger of the two

i believe that those drug addicts have murdered a lot of Innocent People
when i was there at this drug house i made certain that i did dig out of
these people just how many visitors they have had and it was quite a lot
of them

it is true that those drug addicts who did locate themselves on the brand
new Indian Reservation named The McIntyre Indian Reserve were from
all different ethnic back grounds they were not just Indian drug addicts there.
Drug addicts came to there from all over the place

this is another word of warning from The Senior Chief  Murray S. Fenwick
that if you are a person who does live on The McIntyre Indian Reservation
all you have to do is just leave your doors and windows open and you could
get eaten by these IMPORTED Polar Bears, and quite large dark wolves,
and big cats like cougars. They all come to feed at these quite large feed
stations. The drug addicts have falsified these quite large feed stations by
saying that they are for the use of their own dogs, when The Guilty Drug
addicts do use them as part of their killing equipment in order to kill people
with. I know that the drug addicts do throw their victim's dead bodies
onto these feed lots as well and also i do know that they do tie people up
at these feed stations and let the predators like the Polar Bears and
other large predators like the wolves kill The Innocent people and devour

I Senior Chief Murray S. Fenwick have gone to the community of
Whitehorse several times about this terrible murder scene going on,
on McIntyre Indian Reservation and other locations in The
Whitehorse area

I have also gone to The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
about these murder scenes in and about Whitehorse who
are located at the following address:

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
1100 4th. Ave.
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada, Y1A-1H5

The following report is about Another Bad People's Trouble Making in The Yukon.
The following report is about A Mother's and A Step Father's experience in the Yukon.

the mother and step father built a nice brand new summer cottage on a piece of
property they bought right on the lake front on a hidden away little lake in the Yukon

the step father lived in the Yukon for many years and most of his  family still lives in
the Yukon. The step father's name is Old Scared Man. Old Scared Man wanted to spend some of the summer time in the Yukon so he and the mother built a nice new little
summer cottage there

unfortunately the cottage in the Yukon was very carefully robbed
the cottage was robbed so carefully that Old Scared Man said each page of each and every
book that was on the book shelves was even taken down and thumbed through page
by page to see if there was any hidden money in between the pages. Old Scared Man also
said that all of his paper documents had been thumbed through the same way for hidden
money and cheques of any description that might be forgable in the thieves hands

how this robbery happened is the following
Old Scared Man and the mother had a little work to do inside the cottage
they hired Old Scared Mans inlaws to do the job
the total amount of work to do was so little that i thought that Old Scared Man and the mother would do it themselves but they wanted to come home to Sidney By The
Sea, British Columbia, and rest awhile so they hired Old Scared Mans inlaws to do
the little job for them. The total job to be done was to paint with a brush just part of
a wall not all the wall but just part of the wall, about 20 square feet. Old Scared Man
and the mother got all the necessary equipment to do the job and left for home in
Sidney leaving behind Old Scared Man's inlaws to do the job and to stay in the cottage while they did do the job and to then further stay in the cottage to house sit the building
in order that some people would be about the place in order to prevent a possible
breaking and entering and robbery from taking place

because these people were Old Scared Man's inlaws and Old Scared Man trusted them he also left them the banking right to draw money out of his and the mother's bank account should they need more supplies to do the job with. This was Old Scared Man's big mistake. Little did Old Scared Man know that his own inlaws were the criminals themselves and that they were contriving as to how to rob Old Scared Man and the mother for as much money as they could rob them of

once Old Scared Man and the mother left the Yukon for their home in Sidney the inlaws went straight to the bank and lied to the banker that they needed to withdraw money for more supplies in order to purchase more supplies to finish the job with

the inlaws did this going to the bank and withdrawing money no less than 5 times and each time that they did do this they withdrew 5,000 dollars

their inlaws withdrew a minimum of 25,000 dollars over the period of a couple of weeks by lieing to the banker about needing more supplies and more supplies in order to finish the job with

Old Scared Man and the mother finally found out what Old Scared Mans inlaws were doing and cancelled all further credit to the inlaws for further needed supplies. Old
Scared Man's inlaws were obviously lieing thieves

also Old Scared Man's inlaws did not do one little bit of the little job that they were hired to do

the mother and Old Scared Man did talk to a lawyer in the Yukon about this whole matter and the lawyer did say that he thought it would be a waste of time and money to go to court
over this issue because Old Scared Man had given legal right to his inlaws to withdraw any
amount of money needed to complete the job

the mother and Old Scared Man were in tears about this money robbery happening to them
It was also proven that the inlaws were also the criminals who did rob the cottage very

when i talked with the mother and Old Scared Man about these 2 robberies taking place the 2 robberies had just happened and the seeing of the lawyer had just taken place

after awhile the mother and Old Scared Man became afraid and did not talk about these 2
robberies anymore and it did seem to me that the inlaws did scare them a lot into being
silent about these 2 robbery cases

a brother does know about these 2 robbery cases but how much he does
know is unknown to me

This following murder scene happens in Whitehorse all of the time!
These murders are called by The R.C.M.P. "the dead under the bridge"

When I, Senior Chief, Murray S. Fenwick, went to and talked with The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in The Whitehorse Police Station The Police explained to me that a lot
of people are constantly murdered in The Yukon and at times a lot of these dead people
are thrown beside the little bridge that crosses The Yukon River right at Whitehorse. The
dead found there are called by The R.C.M.P. "the dead under the bridge". The dead are
thrown down buy the bridge itself and by the flag pole.

This note right here is not aimed at any individual Policeman in The Yukon.
Unfortunately the police in The Yukon have for what-ever reason proven themselves inadequate. I believe that The Yukon Police should be carefully dismissed.

I believe that a proper military must be brought into The Yukon from Ottawa to
handle the very serious trouble making that does go on seemingly endlessly in that
location of Canada.

I will give you Readers just a quick look at just some of the trouble going on in Whitehorse and in The Yukon in general.
1. People get shot on The Indian Reservations constantly.
2. People get shot in the towns constantly.
3. When people go pleasure fishing in their little boats they get shot right out of their boats.
4. Cigarettes are used all over the place.
5. Alcohol is used all over the place.
6. Illegal drugs are used all over the place.
7. People feed other people to bears.
8. People feed other people to wolves.
9. People feed other people to large cougars and other types of large cats.
10. There is bad gang trouble all over the place.
11. There is breaking into houses and other buildings all over the place.
Unfortunately in The Yukon this bad list just keeps going on and on and on.

The following report is about Another Bad Peoples Trouble Making in The Yukon.
Mr. Al Capone and The Gang.

This report pertains to "Just Some" of the crimes that Mr. Al Capone has committed and
The Gang have committed. This report should be read by people in British Columbia and in The Yukon because these crimes have been committed there. Also these criminal people have committed crimes all over Canada, The U.S.A. and other nations of The World.

This statement right here pertains to something that all the area of Surrey, B.C. did.
1. I know that the area of Surrey, B.C.  did demand that this Al Capone of Surrey be
    thrown out of Surrey, B.C. and to never be allowed to enter The District Of Surrey
2. I believe that The District Of Surrey, B.C. can include Al Capone's immediate family
    and immediate friends in this permanent eviction request.
3. The Gang also has to very positively leave The District Of Surrey forever also.
4. I believe that Al Capone of Surrey and his his immediate family and his immediate
    friends and The Gang could be and should be committed to a mental jail lock up for
    the rest of their lives. This statement is definitely backed up by The District Of Surrey,
    British Columbia, Canada.

1. Al boasted many times that he was raised a member of the notorious Al Capone Gang.
    He literally boasted of being raised at the private Al Capone meal table that belonged
    to literally Al Capone's private personal cook named Eddy. (EEDDEE) pronounced.
2. Al also boasted that he grew up with Cook Eddy as his senior and that he, Al, was led
    into having gun fights a lot. Al said to me that he had more gun fights than he could
    even remember or count. These gun fights were mobster gun fights in style.
3. This crazy gangland upbringing of Al's took place in and about the city of Moosejaw,
    Saskachewan, Canada.
4. Al beat up four, 4, policemen while they were investigating him on his property one day.
5. Al always sells guns and ammunition illegally
6. Al hires people to cut down trees illegally. He gives the hired hand a letter of
    information and a chain saw with gas in it and tells him to cut down the tree in a park
    which is illegal to do. After the hired hand has cut down the trees and has been caught
    by the proper authorities for doing that and is charged for cutting down the trees Al then
    denies all knowledge of the hired hand and the tree cutting etc. This does leave the hired
    hand in a terrible situation with the court room etc. Al has done this many times.
7. Subduing young girls especially young Reservation Indian Girls and making them live
    in a little trailer on Al Capone's home property in Surrey District. Al Capone and The
    Gang brutally used and abused The Young Girls sexually. There was a tall Swedish man
    who at times was the head of this sex rape party. It was also said that this tall Swedish
    man was the accepted head of the sex rape party no matter what woman was being bad
    raped. I was told by boastful Al Capone at least 3 times about this "Little Girl Sex Rape
    Scene" in the little trailer. Al Capone would say that The Little Indian Girl would
    always run about in the little trailer and try to escape but could not escape because of
    such terrible mental abuse that Al Capone and The Gang would put onto The Little
    Girls. The tall Swede was especially named in this scene as being the most cruel man of
    The Gang against These Little Girls. This tall Swede can be located very easily because
    he works for The Automobile Association and is always found sluffing off on the job.
    He is always lazying around Al Capone's home. The Swede is just another big mouth to
    real men and real women.
8. On close examination you will find that Al Capone and The Gang all eat and drink
    alcohol with Drug Addict Hippies. Al Capone and The Gang all deny this being the
    facts but when someone really does take a very close look into these Trouble Makers
    Lives you will find that this is true. I suspicion that Al Capone and The Gang all do
    buy illegal drugs from The Drug Addict Hippies.
9. Al Capone and The Gang all do commit The Illegal Act Of "Peeping Tom"
10. They all drink very large amounts of alcohol and I believe that I can say that they are
      all confirmed alcoholics
11. They all insist on driving their vehicles around when they are drunk. This is illegal to
12. Their manner of conversation is filthy.
13. They intentionally wreck other peoples belongings like houses and trailers
14. All of these Mobster People are dangerous to work with because they intentionally
      cause injury to others while on the job
15. One of The Gang became a close friend of Al Capone and rented a little shed on Al
      Capone's own property. This man is a dirty filthy alcoholic just like Al Capone is.
      One day when This Friend was drinking hard liqour and decided to throw empty
      hard liquor bottles over the top of my trailer. He then decided to bounce some of
      the hard liquor bottles off of my trailer. He then decided to attack my trailer and rip
      the trim right of of the back of my trailer which he did do. He then decided to then
      pour bottles of strong acid into the walls of the back of my trailer which he did do.
      This damage that This Friend did do did cause a lot of water to run into my trailer
      during winter rain season. This caused a lot of damage to my trailer also.

      Readers: I demand that This Friend pay for the complete amount of damage he has
                     done in proper repairs!

16. This friend of Al Capone's also studied Karate a lot and would attack people without
      just cause.
17. Al Capone would not let me leave his property or have my trailer at all after I had
      paid for the trailer in cash money. "BUT" one day Al Capone got so drunk that he
      signed the vehicle transfer papers by drunken accident. I went immediately to the
      vehicle government transfer building in Surrey and did transfer the ownership of
      my trailer into my own name after a hard struggle with Al Capone over
      this issue.

Al Capone, The Al Capone Immediate Gang and The Al Capone Friends have been
found to be located in The Yukon. I, Murray S. Fenwick, Senior Indian Chief, have
found them to be located in The Yukon.

1. Al Capone and I arranged quite a long time ago to move my trailer to Whitehorse in
    The Yukon.
2. It must have taken me about 6 months to make these arrangements.
3. It was in the fall of 1997

Readers: The following is the results of it. A very "Negative Serious Situation" took
                place here.

This situation developed prior to our leaving Surrey, Vancouver, British Columbia for Whitehorse in The Yukon.

4. Al Capone said that he was very sick. He said that he needed a lot of medical attention
5. Al Capone said that he was not satisfied with his medical doctor
6. Al Capone said that he wanted to try using a herbalist approach to getting him better and
    to cut down on medical prescription drug costs
7. I recommended to Al Capone that he see a professional type of herbalist who was
    working in a store in Surrey. This herbalist was very close to Al's home. Al asked
    me to look into the matter for him.
8. After I got looking into this matter on Al's behalf, he, that is Al, did back out of the
    herbalist's coming appointment and said that he did not ask me to make the herbalist
    appointment at all. I soon found out that this backing out of some things that Al
    Capone got himself involved in was definitely part of his bad character. He would
    first asked you to do something and then back out of the situation and say that he
    had nothing to do with this situation at all.
9. The next thing I knew is that Al had at least 3 different herb dispensing people in the
    privacy of his own home at different times but their visits were quite close together.
    They issued him various herbs to eat and an electric machine which passed an electric
    current through a persons hands. This all cost Al Capone quite a lot of money.
10. I asked Al several times if these different people were professionals and he would not
      answer me. The conversations on Al's behalf did become very angry and his voice
      would go horse and his attitude was terrible. He was mean about what was being
      asked him.
11. This went on for quite a number of months
12. Al Capone would ask me to get involved myself with these herbalists and take their
      herbal formulas as well and maybe even buy one of these little electric machines

Readers: Because I, Murray S. Fenwick, does my own herbal work I turned Al Capone's
                suggestion down.

13. Al Capone said at times that he had extreme trouble using these herbs and said that he
      felt like he could die but kept using them regardless. He said that one reason why he
      did not want to use these herbs was that they seemed to put strain on his body.
14. This herbal formula set of herbs was done also in conjuction with a doctors prescription
      drug set. This combining of herbal formulas and doctors prescription drugs should not
      have been used together.
15. Once again this false lieing of Al's came to the surface in his life. He several times
      accused me for getting him involved with these herb formulas.
16. I had nothing to do with what I consider Al Capone's trial and error self medical
      treatment methods.

Readers: You have to understand here that Al Capone's self treatment was not just herbal
                formulas but did also contain doctor's prescription drugs. It is believed that a
patient should not mix, that is take, both herbal formulas together with doctor's prescription
drugs at the same time. It is believed that you can get a negative, bad, reaction from this
mixing of herbal formulas and doctor's prescription drugs.

17. This filthy act committed by Al Capone against the medical profession in general led
      up to another filthy act by Al Capone. Al used his medical distress situation to drop out
      of the agreement of towing my trailer up to The Yukon. He said that he was to sick.
      This was after about 6 months of preparation to go to The Yukon on the day of April 1,
      1998. Al Capone got back into the tow job after evaluating money he needed for gas
      only, gas only, for himself to take a little holiday.

Readers: Al Capone got the idea to take a little holiday while he towed my trailer up to The
               Yukon. Al Capone could afford to do this because of the amount of money that
I, Murray S. Fenwick, was paying him for towing my trailer up to The Yukon.

18. Al Capone backed out of towing me to The Yukon just 3 days before we were to leave
      and then got back into towing me to The Yukon right away because of his need of
      money for gasoline in order for him to take a holiday and to pay generally for his
      short holiday.

Readers: This cancellation and then getting back into the job caused me a lot of trouble. Al
                caused me other troublesome situations at this same time.

19. through this time of trouble making of Al Capone's, Al tried to use the confusing
      situations to get my trailer put back into his own name. He tried this several times.
20. We were going to leave Surrey for Whitehorse about March 27, 1998. Somehow this
      was detained. I do believe that this confusion of Al Capone's making was aimed at
      getting the trailer back from me by confusing me and somehow escaping with the
      trailer once again in his name.
21. After leaving Vancouver Al Capone began to speed and drive recklessly. He even
      drove through a Department of Highway's work gang at high speed who were working
      on the road and waving many stop signs at him. This was very dangerous for him to do.
22. I spoke to Al about slowing down and driving more sensibly but he would not
23. Al drove at 100 miles an hour through The Fraser Canyon which was dangerous to do
24. Al's towing vehicle which was an old panel truck was not designed for such reckless
25. my little trailer was not designed for high speed travel either
26. At my questioning about slowing down and driving more sensibly Al got very angry
      and would not admit how fast he was going

Readers: The following writing does describe a different "Bad Road Scene" that took
                place while, when, Al Capone was towing my little trailer north to Whitehorse,
in The Yukon.

27. This "Different Scene" began around the community of Chetwynd. Al Capone would
      not stop speeding very fast. Now when we got near to the community of Chetwynd and
      what is called "Break-Up," taking place all along the highway at this time of year.
      The farther north we went the more pronounced "Break-Up" was. Because of the
      high speed that Al was traveling at, Al Capone's truck and my little trailer would
      definitely jump straight up off of the highway when Al raced over the "Break-Up"
      areas. Sometimes the towing truck and the trailer would be thrown right across the
      highway onto the oncoming highway lane.This flying up into the air and across the
      highway was severe. Al Capone was driving like a mad man in a crazy rage. Al would
      not slow down and he would only admit that he was exceeding 100 miles an hour and
      that he was not going to slow down and that he was going to drive at least this speed
      through all the "Break-Up" areas.This was crazy to do.
28. This excessive speeding brought the two vehicles almost constantly into "Jack-Knife
29. This "Jack-Knifing Conditions" showed up worst about The Scene at Chilliwack Road
      Work, The Fraser Canyon, then Chetwynd and then all "Road Break-Up Areas." Then
      the same "Jack-Knifing Conditions"  happened directly on the highway at The Peace
      River Bridge Areas that is directly before Fort St. John. This is one of those places that
      Al Capone went way out of control of the vehicles. I thought that we were going to be
      killed in a car accident or get drowned in The Peace River.
30. Al Capone made trouble for a police man in The Fraser Canyon at a rock slide when all
      traffic had to stop. The policeman had his hands full in directing traffic properly at this
      rock slide and Al. by making gestures out of his truck and by shouting caused a mix up
      to take place and trouble in general. This trouble making right here got so bad that I
      was going to get out of the van and try to help the other traffic and police man and tell
      them also that Al Capone was responsible for this trouble making with the stopped


Al Capone told me very thoroughly one day about "The Land Property" that he owns in The United States Of America.

1. how large a piece of property it is I do not know
2. exactly where this property is located I do not know
3. I do know though that the property is used as a junk yard
4. I do know though that the junk yard for some reason has some kind of wheels on it and I
    mean also a lot of wheels at that
5. Al Capone said that the property has a very big value in money

I recommend to The Police of The U. S.A. that should Al Capone and his immediate family and The Gang be found by the police in your nation I personally recommend that a very strong police hand be used against them because they have been found to be involved in every kind of criminal offense including murder.

Thank You

Al Capone can be proven to be even a terrorist on the phone.
Al Capone has all the equipment necessary to be A Mobster In A Gang including guns

This Is A Complaint!

I was up in The Yukon recently in 2008, 2010 and 2012.

A very ugly old man with bad intentions and "Dirty Sneekers" from working his old run down green house tried to steal flower preparations off of me that I designed in green house work, in cold frame work and in open air garden work.

The flower preparations were my very own. I like them very much.

I do not like that "Dirty Old Sneeker Man."

God Forbid "Honest Men" from throwing rocks through the last few whole pains of glass of "Dirty Old Sneeker Man's" run down green house. I do not know just what to say what "The Poor Bedeviled People" will do to "Dirty Old Sneeker Man" when they finally do locate him and line up "His Dirty Sneeker Unmanly Deeds" that he has "In Darkness
Committed" against The Honest Community Of Whitehorse.

I say: When "Dirty Sneeker Old Man" is found dead may he be thrown into " His Own Old Dirty Compost Pile" that does not percolate properly. Maybe then "His Own Old Compost
Pile" will die rotten like he is!

I do know that "The Poor Bedeviled People" do like Rock Throws!
I just WONDER what "The Poor Bedeviled People" will do to "The Dirty Old Sneeker Man's" few last pains of unbroken glass in his old fallen down green house and to "His
Own Darkened Down Home Doorways! !!!"

The following report is about Another Bad Peoples Trouble Making in The Yukon.
This report is about someone in The Yukon improperly acquiring "GOLD."

1. I went to the Yukon one day. I forget whether it was by bus or by airplane.
2. Someone I met in The City Of Whitehorse told me that I had to go around the corner of
    the street and meet some of the people who were in "THE GOLD BUSINESS."
3. I went around the corner of the street and the first people that I met who were in "THE
    GOLD BUSINESS" were 2 women.
4. I do not know if they had a store or any kind of a building that they managed their
    "GOLD BUSINESS" from but there they were right in The City Of Whitehorse
    buying "GOLD."
5. After I talked with these 2 women for awhile I discovered that they were working for
    someone other than themselves and both of these women were being over worked and
    not cared for properly.
6. The two women lived in a run down old truck somewhere local to or in Whitehorse
    when they were in The City Of Whitehorse. They seemed to  travel buying "GOLD" on
    behalf of their boss.
7. One bit of knowledge about these two women that I did get out of them is that they
    would pinch a little bit of gold every 3 months or every 6 months in order for them to go
    out one evening and have a little bit of fun. Their boss never knew about this going on. I
    said that these two women did have a very hard time and I do mean exactly that. Their
    boss was out right cruel to them.

Enough of those two "GOLD BUYING WOMEN."

The following report is about Another Bad Peoples Trouble Making in The Yukon.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do have a reason to say this.
                I do believe that a proper, truthful, investigation by "Ottawa Canada's Gold Standards" be done here.

I carried on and went around the next corner on the street. This "GOLD BUYING SCENE" took place in The City Of Whitehorse also.

1. This time I met a man.
2. This man was into getting his hands onto "GOLD."
3. People said that everyone in The Entire Yukon did know him.

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do have a reason to say this.
                I do believe that a proper, truthful, investigation done by "Ottawa Canada's Gold Standards" be done here.

Readers: Thank You Very Much
                Murray S. Fenwick

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