Saturday, 15 February 2020

#D47. Locations Vary. The Whole World. Vancouver. Hindu Temple. Murray The Slave. "Check This Out."

The Whole World,

Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

The Whole World.

British Columbia,

The Whole World.

Hindu Temple. Murray The Slave. "Check This Out."

The following writing is another report.
This is addressed to
The, "Senior," Human Resources Worker Named So-And -So
Located at The Downtown East Side Medical Clinic
October 13, 2010.

Dear, "Senior:"

I am going to be very short on this little report here Senior. What this writing is about is The Main
Woman and Her Crazy Boy Friend named Such-And-Such, how ever he spells his name, both
tried to get me to go to the continent of Africa. Whether I went to Morroco or Egypt or The Sudan
did not matter to them. They tried for 3 weeks to get me to go to Africa. They tried to get me to go
there by very severe talking to me for 3 weeks of time.

Readers: This has to be known:
This talking of theirs, to me, was some what forced on to me by these two insulant people.
They are two of the slave traders themselves.

I want you Readers to know right here that The Boy Friend was supposed to get married
to The Main Woman. That is what The Main Woman said. This all turned out to be false.

What turned out to be true is the following.
Once again The Main Woman had a big party at her home. The Main Woman had parties quite
a lot as well as all kinds of different gatherings of different types of people right in her own home.
I say that The Main Woman,s Great Big Party was another one of Her drunken drug addict party
scenes with Her sex scenes thrown all over the house.

I Murray S. Fenwick did hide in my room.
But I, Murray S. Fenwick, do have eyes that see and ears that hear.

When the people at the party got drunk enough, out of their minds
When the people at the party got drugged enough, out of their minds
Now that the people at the party became loosed tongued enough
They all told me what they were going to do to me once they got me into Africa
But first I will tell you readers how they were going to get me into Africa
But first I will tell you what the work vocation was and still is of all the people who did attend This
Great Big Drunken Drug Party with The Main Woman's Sex Attacks all over the house.
What their work, their vocation is, is Slave Trading People! Every person at this crazy party was and
still is A Slave Trader.

How The Main Woman planned to get me to go to Africa was she dreamed up the idea of having A
False African or Middle Eastern or call it what you will, "Kind Of Marriage," where The Bride and The
Groom get married several times in different locations. I know from talking with "THE FALSE Bride and THE FALSE Groom" that they had dreamed up at least 5 different marriages in at least 5 different
locations. Some of these locations were in Africa.

Now "THE FALSE Bride" broke what she called The Good News to me that she and "THE FALSE
Groom" wanted to Honour Me by having me become one of their more important guests at their
many  weddings. That is how they were trying to trick me into going to Africa. They tried to make
me an Honoured Person at their weddings and some of their weddings were going to take place in
Africa. They even told me that they were going to make me an Honoured Member of their very
large family. The numbers of their family were about 3,000 to 3,500 people in North America and
through out the world at large about 30,000 to 35,000 people.They even told me that they were
going to give me part of a house to live in after their marriages were over with. The house also was
located in Africa in the country of Morroco. "THE FALSE BRIDE" by being drunk and constantly
being on Hippy Drugs and thinking about Her 5 Point Location Marriage coming up and me, Murray
S. Fenwick, being sold into The Stockades Of The Out Lieing Areas Of The Sudan as A Slave put
her into such an exstatic happy state, frame of mind, that The Main Woman could not help herself
at all from constantly telling about the nice airplane rides that I was in line for after I had been
taken in by the family and made an honorary member of the home etc. The airplane rides were free
for me and they were planned all the way from North America to Morroco. Then from Morroco across
The North of Africa to Egypt and then to The South of Egypt and then on to The Sudan and Murray's
Sale Into Slave Trade and then the final airplane ride to The Outback Of The Sudan and into The
Stockade Forever for Murray. The Main Woman was in such glee over this that you could think
that she had swallowed The Morning Sun!

Well to say the least about  this scene, I, Murray S. Fenwick, certainly did not agree with it.
Therefore something had to be done!

I talked with The Surrey District Community police station and it became obvious that half of the
police station were East Indian People who did believe in Slave Trade themselves. The other half of the police station were all different ethnic people who did want The Slave Traders ran in but could
not get The Slave Traders ran in because of the influence of The East Indian Side of the police
station. Therefore that something, which was properly dealing with The Slave Traders, did not get

Since the police network fell down I wonder what could be done next?
I am very concerned about this Slave Trade taking place. Just one reason is because I am knowledgeable about Slave Conditions In Africa by my being in The Canadian Army Regular
and by talking quite a lot with A Large Religious Foundation in San Jose, California, U.S.A.,
and by talking with quite A Large Religious Foundation in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

I was in The Canadian Army Regular in 1964 when I was 17 years old and I was in The Canadian
Armoured Corps and I volunteered for just about immediate but soon enough war duty against
The Sudan in Africa. The war was going to be severely done against The Sudan people. The Sudan
War with Canada was stopped by a Golden Forty Niner. The Golden Forty Niner Penned the war
out for Gold Reasons. I believe that I do know who The Golden Forty Niner was who stopped the
war effort of Canada and by so doing allowed Slave Trade to carry on in The Sudan against The
Whole Wide World.

I do not agree with The Golden Forty Niner stopping Canada's war effort against The Sudan.

Also The Boy Friend lives somewhere but no-one can locate exactly where he lives. I do know
that he is to be found at times in the area of Carnegie Centre located at 401 Main Street in The
Downtown East Side of Vancouver. The Boy Friend has many different names, "Identifications,"
Pass Ports etc. Somehow the police proved that The Boy Friend had his own Identification Card
and then he had 5 additional Bogus Identification Cards on him at one time.

I know that both The Main Woman and The Boy Friend did try to get me put into a "SLAVE STOCKADE" In The Sudan in Africa. When they were in their drunken drugged stupor they
talked quite a lot to me about "THE SLAVE STOCKADE" and how many guards are about

Remember Readers: I have told you before that these people have been reported to you by
myself as very probably being born mentally handy-capped.

Since my last talking to you there have been many visits of Big Cats like Lions and Black Panther
Cats at this address at night times. I did see Great Big Black Panther Cats in the back ally way. The
Big Black Panther Cats in the back ally way were As Big As A Horse. They were one of The Very Big

There have been many very extreme troubles in this house since I talked with you last.

This report is about a job The Main Woman had. She was hired to train chickens to do
A Circus Act.

1. The Main Woman said that she had no money
2. The Main Woman said that she had to go out and get a job
3. The Main Woman got A Job Training Chickens To Perform A Circus Act 
4. After The Main Woman was working for a day or two she began to get into very bad fights with
    The Owners of The Chickens 
5. The Main Woman argued with The Owners of The Chickens over everything under the sun
6. The Main Woman was On The Job Part Time for only about 2-3 weeks. The Main Woman was
    fired from the job after she was On The Job Part Time for a very short time.
7. It was found that The Main Woman could not even pick up Chicken Eggs properly and put them
    into A Carrying Basket Designed For Carrying Chicken Eggs In.

This simple, Training Of Circus Chickens,  Chicken Egg Job, did prove that The Main Woman
could not learn a very easy type of job properly.

The Main Woman was fired from The Chicken Job for trouble making with The Owners of The
Chickens and for being Incapable of learning the simple job of simply picking up eggs and
putting them into an egg basket. Also The Main Woman did try to over rule The Owners of The
Chickens by attempting to reorganise The Chicken Job To Work Her Own Ways which was found
unsuitable to The Owners of The Chickens. This reorganisation attempt was found to be nothing
more than An Improper Attempt by The Main Woman to some how take over the chickens
them selves and at least run the chickens her own ways which was found to be completely out
of place by The Owners Of The Chickens. It is definitely not out of place to think that The Main
Woman did try to take over The Chickens and keep to herself The Chickens somehow. The
attempted stealing of The Chickens by The Main Woman is definitely a possibility and should
there be a proper investigation into The Main Woman's life over all the issues of trouble making
that she has been found in, this stealing of The Chickens has also got to be looked into. The Main
Woman's "Slave Trade Business" does seem to be one of her most illegal businesses she was involved in.

The Main Woman is not allowed back to see The Chickens again at all, and this has been
Legally Enforced by The Owner's of The Chickens.

The Main Woman does nothing but curse The Chickens and The Owner's of The Chickens. 

This Report Readers about The Chickens is very serious once you take into account that The Main
Woman has claimed to be a properly trained gun woman from The Southern United States who has
been trained to kill people by A Special Force Unit that was organised around about The White
House Itself or thereabouts. This thought about The Main Woman very possibly organising the
gun killing of The Innocent Owner's of The Chickens by herself and her crazy alcoholic, drug
addict  "SLAVE TRADING" family that stood just outside the gates of The Chickens is not far
fetched when you have sat and listened to The Main Woman and Her Large Criminal Family talk
and shout about what they are planning against The Chicken Owners. This shouting and hollering of
The Main Woman and Her Criminal Family went on about The Home Place for days even weeks.
The terrible character of The Main Woman and Her Large Criminal Family is definitely bad enough
to bring the possibility of gun killing into This Chickens Report.
I have to say the following too because this overall "SLAVE TRADE" scene did happen this way
all the way along.
1. one day The Main Woman told me that her Boy Friend was a Human Resources Worker
2. The Main Woman told me this for about a week and a half straight
3. Then The Main Woman told me that her Boy Friend because he was A Human Resources
    Worker wanted to talk privately with me

I asked The Main Woman just what did her Boy Friend The Human Resources Worker want
to talk about.

The Main Woman would not say what it was that her Boy Friend The Human Resources Worker
wanted to talk about.

This is very important to know here that this request of The Main Woman for me to talk with her
Boy Friend The Human Resources Worker was not a request at all, The Main Woman absolutely did
demand that I do talk with her Boy Friend The Human Resources Worker and The Boy Friend did
demand this talk with me also.This situation got to be very strained to the extreme.

This strained scene went on for about one and one half months.

I simply did not think that it was right for me to talk with The Main Woman's Boy Friend at all.
He was not my Human Resources Pension Worker so I thought that he had nothing to do with me

One day by a quirk of fate I did talk with that fellow but he talked about nothing and after I talked
with him I went my own way. This talk was extremely strained.

It turned out that The Main Woman's Boy Friend The Human Resources Worker was not a Human
Resources Worker at all. The Main Woman lied about his job and The Boy Friend lied about his job.

I think that this lieing of these two mental patients has to be seriously looked into and I think this way
because of the seriousness of their offences. These two are involved with home made alcohol,
cigaretts, illegal drugs, guns, "SLAVE TRADE" and the list of dirt in their lives goes on endlessly on.

The following report is about The Negro Family who do live in The Surrey District.

1. The Main Woman publickly said a lot of bad things about The Negro Family
2. I cannot even begin to remember how many bad things The Main Woman has, "TERRIBLY" said
3. Just one thing that The Main Woman said about The Negro Family is that they did intentionally
    poison a very nice pet set of racoons in this area of Surrey. All of the racoons died a horrible
4. The Main Woman tried to get me to go to The Negro Families home residence and fight it up with
    The Negro Family over this issue. I refused to do this.

The Main Woman tried several times with different arguements that she did have with The Negro
Family to get me to go to their home address and fight it up with them. I refused to do this.

Once again I found The Main Woman standing at a fence in The Surrey District and shouting as
though she was mentally ill. This time it was The Negro Family that she was shouting at. The Main
Woman was in a wild uncontrollable manner.

I say that this type of ill behaviour of The Main Woman's does make a lot of trouble in any
community and this type of behaviour of The Main Woman's has been with her all of her life.
This is one of the reason why a lot of people think that she is nuts.

This next statement is very seriously said here Readers.
This type of accusation of The Main Woman's about poison and the killing off of the nice pet set
of racoons is only one little phase, just one little statement set , of her publick statements about
poison and The Negro Family in The Surrey District. The Main Woman talked a lot publickly
about The Negro Family, who under handedly put poison of various descriptions about The Surrey
District "ILLEGALLY" and did poison animals and people with it intentionally!

I do believe that The Main Woman is also saying that The Negro Family did get involved in illegal
drug trafficking in The Surrey District and did do this entry into illegal drug trafficking in The
Surrey District against The Main Woman's Own Will!

This poison scene which The Main Woman has accused The Negro Family of publickly goes a
long way a lot farther than the average person would think it would. That is people hear about this
kind of accusation all over the place.

I do believe that this situation alone should bring a very pointed Police Investigation to find out why
The Main Woman did say this Poison Scene Publickly and say it against The Negro Family so out
spokenly publickly.

I do believe that The Main Woman could be charged for this and taken to A Court Of Law.

The following is another report.
This report pertains to kitchen articles that are professional in nature.

Something came in to This Tiger Claw Rape Down Kitchen that did catch my eye. I did only look
at it.


a very expensive professional piece of kitchen equipment called a Robo Coupe that was Maroon
to Red in colouration, as best as I can remember it

in the year of 2010 a Robo Coupe cost 1,500 dollars Canadian Money

this Robo Coupe was on the kitchen counter to the left of the sink this summer past of 2010

I say: just where did this Robo Coupe come in here from?
          just where did it go out to from here?

this is just a passing statement: every professional cook does want a Robo Coupe
but they do not have one because they are very expensive

this is a laughable scene this Robo Coupe scene is
there is A Robo Coupe scene going on right now right here in  Vancouver

A Robo Coupe is mainly a woman's very fine piece of kitchen equipment.
A man has stronger hands, wrists and arms than a woman has.
A Robo Coupe saves a woman's hands, wrists and arms from to much wear and tear.
A man does not need A Robo Coupe as much as a woman does.

The Robo Coupe is also very practical to have.
I repeat no-one has one because they are very expensive.

A Robo Coupe to a woman is like her fine diamond ring. If a woman owns a Robo Coupe she will
hide it like crazy. She will stick it into her pocket somewhere and if you ask the woman cook if she
has A Robo Coupe the woman cook will answer back to you "and why do you ask me about A Robo
Coupe, just tell me that?" A woman cook will never show that she owns one. The reason why the
woman cook will not show people her Robo Coupe is that people will put the little Robo Coupe right
under their coat and walk away with it, they will steal it. A Robo Coupe in Vancouver is very much in demand today.

A Robo Coupe looks like a juicer.
A Robo Coupe is smaller than a juicer though.
A Robo Coupe is very powerfully made.
A Robo Coupe can do a lot of things for a woman cook.
A Robo Coupe saves a woman cooks hands, wrists and forearms from aching while she performs
certain kinds of jobs.
A Robo Coupe is quite small and even if they are out on the job, that is in use, you cannot see them

To a woman cook they are prized beyond compare.

I do think that The Robo Coupe that was brought into The Tiger Claw Rape Down Kitchen was a
stolen one and I do think that this should be looked into.

A little continuation about The Kitchen Utensils and Their Possible Criminal Use!

I do know that The Main Woman and Her Boy Friend did traffic in Illegal Drugs all over The
Community of The Surrey District! I do know that they also sold these Illegal Drugs to School
Children who were of various ages!

Now Understand This!
I believe that the following report is how they did package some of those Illegal Drugs and distribute
them around The Surrey District.

1. They did some of this by getting blenders and juicers from various sources like Flea Markets
    and Church Hand-outs etc. and Street Peoples Sales etc.
2. I do know that The Main Woman did and still does get a lot of things this way
3. The other day she had a Pastor and His Wife visit her who had just given her a lot of shopping
    bags full of goods like blenders etc. ...
4. that night The Main Woman did give to The Minister a lot of goods that she did not want around
    her place like blenders etc. The Main Woman said that Her gifts were just Her offerings to The
    Church where This Juicer Exchange was now happening at.
5. One evening time The Main Woman gave to The Minister and His Wife a blender and some
    dishes. The Minister as far as I know took the blender and some dishes back to The Church.

after you Readers read this you will know what I am talking about

At any rate that evening The Main Woman found a kitchen piece of equipment missing.The piece
of kitchen equipment that was missing was a blender. It certainly becomes obvious that in all
probability The Minister and His Wife took it home with them, back to The Church. This scene
looks like The Main Woman was on drugs and lost her memory for awhile, maybe for all the while!

If you Readers have never really seen a Drugged Mad Woman you should see this one.

The Drugged Mad Woman being The Main Woman now once again raised her hands straight up
into the air and walked about the house shouting at the top of her lungs!

Then The Main Woman illegally entered my bedroom and literally tore it apart looking for her
blender that I think she had stored her Illegal Drugs in! The Drugged Mad Main Woman did not
find her blender or whatever she was looking for in my bedroom.

I think that Hippies at times call what they store their illegal drugs in A Drug Can. I think that The
Minister and His Wife walked off with The Main Woman's Drug Can and took it home with them
back to The Church.

The Main Woman went on screaming her head off all about the house.

This shouting and hollering of The Main Woman's went on for 2 days straight this time.

The Main Woman would constantly stand against the end wall of the living room of her house
and scream her head right off for hours at a time.The Main Woman would constantly do this.

I think that The Main Woman and Her Boy Friend should be locked up in a mental jail or returned
to The Sudan in Africa or to Arabia and stand honest trial for murder charges that can obviously
be held against both of them when one takes into account their "SLAVE TRADING" life.

I do believe that The Main Woman and Her Boy Friend could very easily be selling Illegal
Criminal Drugs In The Container Part Of Blenders And Juicers. Their bad attitude and their
shouting around the house is typical of drug addicts who are on drugs. Please remember
Readers that The Main Woman's Boy Friend did live here with her for 4 years and he was
a very heavy drug addict and Illegal Drug Pusher. I know that The Main Woman was also
involved in doing "THE SAME THINGS!"

I do believe that The Illegal Drugs that were put into The Blenders and into The Juicers that were
always entering this house and then going out away from this house do look like a very big Illegal
Drug Pusher Scene to me!

a note: these juicers and blenders are all second hand kitchen equipment and they value at about
5-12 dollars each. I know this from looking at them at times in The Second Hand Stores about town.

for what reason does The Mad Drugged Main Woman scream like she has lost Her mind for several
days at a time. Remember Readers She and He does do this hollering all of the time. This is really the
crazy scene to see! It seems like These Two Drug Nuts do not have any more drugs and scream their
heads right off because of it. It does seem like These Two Drug Nuts make mistakes with The Illegal
Drugs that they have in their possession at times and scream their heads off because of their mistake
making. It seems like These Two Drug Nuts get robbed at times of their Illegal Drugs and scream
their heads off because of it. When She and He have Illegal Drugs go missing this does cost them
a lot of money. Regardless, this Main Woman and this Boy Friend scream their heads off all of the

Someone is around again with A Roaring Lion!
I can see The Roaring Lion at my basement bedroom window again!

1. The quite large international family which counted up to about 32,000-33,000 people.
2. The quite large national part of this large family which counted up to about 3,200-3,300 people.
3. I believe that all of this family and that is both the international part of the family and the national 
    part of this family should all be collected up and sent to various nations for trial on murder and,
    "Slave Trade," issues, criminal drug selling etc.. This case of felonous charges goes endlessly on...
4. I believe that this could be done systematically by simply sending the whole family to different
    nations like India, then to Arabia, then to Morroco, then to Egypt, in large groups on board the
    large air planes that we have today.
5. Giving this large family a trial like this could be done in 1 months time. This is not hard to do.
6. I believe that My Land Lady And Her, Boy Friend, Husband should be, "EXECUTED."

I believe that this case is very serious and that this case should be dealt with in a firm manner.

Now considering The Nation Of The Sudan in Africa.

1. I was in The Canadian Military when I was 17, in the years 1964... Anno Domini.
2. I was in The Canadian Armoured Corps.
3. When I was in The Canadian Military, I along with other Military Personal were being trained to 
    fight A Canadian War against The Nation Of The Sudan in Africa.
4. The Golden Forty Niner who was governing this war decided to stop The Canadian War with 
    The Sudan in Africa. The Golden Forty Niner's word was accepted as final!
5. Never-the-less the training that we Military Personal were given up to the date of this Canadian
    War cancellation "Was Real And TOP SECRET."
6. My Land Lady and Her Boy Friend, Husband, did try many times and by various cut throat means
    to get that "TOP SECRET MILITARY INFORMATION" from me. My Land Lady and Her Boy
    Friend, Husband, have been caught selling The Canadian People as Slaves into The Sudan in
    Africa. My Land Lady and Her Boy Friend, Husband, Are Spies from The Sudan in Africa and have
    been sent into Canada To Spy Against Canada and turn all their knowledge of The Military Of
    Canada and other knowledge as well back into The Sudan in Africa.

Readers: This Spying of The Main Woman and Her Boy Friend, Husband, on The Canadian Military
                is why The Main Woman and Her Boy Friend, Husband, planned such A Terribly False
                Human Resources Meeting with Me, Myself and I, Murray S. Fenwick. The Main Woman
                and Her Boy Friend, Husband, were trying Their Best Spying Techniques to gain, get,
                Strategic, Military Information, from me in order to send The Top Secret, Very Strategic,
                War Information, back into The Sudan in Africa. This Top Secret, Very Strategic, War
                Information,would help The Negro, Black, People, of The Sudan combat, fight, A Very
                Severe War should That War be fought against The Country Named The Sudan, in Africa.  

I believe that my Land Lady and Her Boy Friend, Husband, were wrong in doing This Criminal Act against Me and Other Canadian People, Including All Of Canada, and should be Permanently
Stopped By Executing Both Of Them.

7. I never stopped believing in A Canadian War Against The Sudan in Africa and I would still like to
    see A War go ahead against The Sudan in Africa. This War would be designed in order to help
    Slave Women and Slave Children To Be Set Free.

By my personally knowing some of The Golden Forty Niners I do know why The Canadian War
against The Sudan in Africa was stopped.

I do not agree with The Golden Forty Niner for stopping that war.

Readers: The War against The Sudan in Africa, To Liberate Slaved Women and Slaved Children,
                was scheduled to be fought in about the years of 1964 Anno Domini.  

This year is 2013 Anno Domini.

Readers: Thank You Very Much
                Murray S. Fenwick

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