Readers Remember: Locations Vary.
The Whole World.
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
The Whole World.
"The False Medical Report That Does Falsely Accuse Murray."
This report is about a very serious long "False Medical Report" that The Police of British
Columbia, The Medical Board of British Columbia and The Mental Health Board of British
Columbia, intentionally, criminally, wrote out.
Columbia, The Medical Board of British Columbia and The Mental Health Board of British
Columbia, intentionally, criminally, wrote out.
Readers: My reaction to these abominable Dark Ways that I and other "Innocent People"
have been mistreated to is the following.
have been mistreated to is the following.
1. I do believe that you Bady Bady, Who Are The Dark Ways, who are The Oppressors Of My Life,
are nothing more than A Bunch Of Bureaucrat Bullies who are usually standing on The Corner
Of The Street Block named No-Where Street.
are nothing more than A Bunch Of Bureaucrat Bullies who are usually standing on The Corner
Of The Street Block named No-Where Street.
2. I do believe that for the most part of Your Gang "You Are Almost If Not Totally Illiterates."
3. I do believe that here in this specific case "You Illiterates" are "MURDERERS."
There-fore I have judged "You Illiterates" as "MURDERERS" should be judged.
In Canada where you Dark Hearts have committed a lot of your murders I expect that nothing much will ever be done against you.
Should "You Illiterates", "MURDERERS" venture out away from Canada and into say Southern
England or let's say Taiwan where foreign people do judge your criminal murder offences a whole
lot different than they do in Canada: there the charges against you will be a whole lot different than
they are here in Canada.There you Bady Badies will be charged rightfully with murder charges.
they are here in Canada.There you Bady Badies will be charged rightfully with murder charges.
1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, will have you picked out, arrested, by the foreign people of those nations
and other nations on the charges of you having committed murder.
2. I, Murray S. Fenwick, do believe in "Capital Punishment In Your Kind Of Society" and there-fore in
your "MURDERER" case.
3. I, Murray S. Fenwick, will do what I can do in order to have you "MURDERERS EXECUTED"
by the people of the foreign nation involved.
You "MURDERERS" have caused me trauma trouble after trauma trouble with your Black Hearted
Murder Schemes.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, do have every intention of turning "YOUR OWN DEATH BLOW" back onto
you. You are The Real "MURDERER" that has to be dealt with in A Proper Court Of Law..
Page 1: January 2, 2015.
Dear Readers
& Lawyers
Readers: To save time here I will make this report extremely short in comparison with the
tremendous long length that this report could be, should it be written out full length.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am going to right here immediately expand on this report to a report
that is province wide. This report that I call "The False Report" is about me, true enough,
but because these horrible crimes have been committed against a lot of other innocent
people as well in the province of British Columbia I am going to make this report, non
personal, as well.
Readers: These horrifying crimes that were committed against me and other "Innocent People" in the
province of British Columbia have been properly publicly exposed through-out the
province. Readers: These Bad People literally went from Point A all the way to Point Z all
over the province hurting me and other "Innocent People."
Readers: This case has to be studied over a long period of time in order to understand it properly but
also "This False Report" is happening right now on January 2, 2015 Anno Domini, right
today. We have to go back to at least the 1960's in order to study this "The False Report"
Readers: Remember Readers: This case, "The False Report," can and should be divided up into
more than one person's case of traumas.
Readers: This, "False Report," does go back into the 1960's when my sister was murdered ruthlessly
by Gangland-The British Columbia Medical Board-and-The British Columbia Mental
Health Board. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say they are all of the same criminal mind nature.
Page 2:
One day I, Murray S. Fenwick, was whistling a merry tune while I was walking along home and up
drove The Police in their Police car who did arrest me.
This took place in Nanaimo and then all of the way to Port Coquitlam's "OLD" Farm Colony Road
Mental Health Care Lock Up.
I was taken into Police custody and was locked up in The Police Station Jail in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.
1. I was mistreated by Police verbal threats while I was in The Nanaimo Jail.
I use the term "OLD" Farm Colony Road Mental Health Care Lock Up because there was an "OLD"
Farm Colony Road Mental Health Care Lock Up and now there is a "NEW" Farm Colony Road Mental Health Care Lock Up .
2. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was then transferred from Nanaimo Jail to Port Coquitlam's Farm Colony
Road Mental Health Care Lock Up.
3. "OLD" Farm Colony Road Mental Health Care Lock Up, that is "The OLD" Place was designed
and built many years ago. It was located on a large acreage in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia,
Canada. This Farm was to supply many needs of "A Hospital" that was also built on this same large
"OLD" Farm Colony Road Mental Health Care Lock Up was a very nice Farm and Hospital set for
many years.
The buildings making up "The OLD" Farm Side and the buildings that did make up "The OLD" Farm
Colony Road Mental Health Care Lock Up were all torn down in recent years and were replaced by "A NEW" building complex that was built on the same Farm's large acreage of land. This "NEW"
building complex does still retain the same name.
Page 3:
A very well educated man in medicine named Doctor Superlative was hired by the province of British Columbia to investigate very serious trouble making that was presently going on in "OLD"
Farm Colony Road Mental Health Care Lock Up. Doctor Superlative was also hired to perform daily
medical work and normal daily routine mental psychiatrics as well.
The following part of this report that has its originations in "OLD" Farm Colony Road Mental Health
Care Lock Up does go back a few years but because of the seriously offensive criminal ways of The
Police, and of The British Columbia Medical Board and of The British Columbia Mental Health Board,
this part of the overall report does very justly remains needed in this report in order to explain properly, enough of the criminal situations that did and still do exist in The Police, in Medicine and in The Psychiatrics of The Province of British Columbia.
1. Doctor Superlative was properly trained and certified as a Doctor of Medicine and as a Doctor of
2. Unfortunately because there was a lot of trouble in Farm Colony Road Mental Health Care Lock
Up and about The Farm Itself, Doctor Superlative was brought into an investigation case that was
being brought against Farm Colony Road in general.
3. In order to study Farm Colony Road properly Doctor Superlative did insist on having his own
properly trained and certified nurse who was a woman named Properly Qualified Nurse.
4. In order to study Farm Colony Road properly Doctor Superlative did also insist on having his own
properly trained Nurse Pharmacist on the job at Farm Colony Road in order to give out prescribed
medications properly. Doctor Superlative's Nurse Pharmacist was a woman. I do not remember her
name but I do know that her name can be got from Doctor Superlative's Properly Qualified Nurse.
5. After setting himself up properly in Farm Colony Road Doctor Superlative did then put into
operation his own plans of finding out who were the criminals there.
6. Doctor Superlative did find out about a lot going on wrong at Farm Colony Road.
Doctor Superlative made his reports out, then turned his reports in and then he did go off somewhere
else to work.
Page 4:
Readers: The following statement named Readers is very important.
Readers: There has been a lot of very serious body and mental abuse statements made public,
illegal body transplants spoken out about in public and murders that have taken place
made public. These things have been made public all over our province of British
Columbia. These public statements have been aimed at The Police, against The British
Columbia Medical Board and against The British Columbia Mental Health Board. These
terrible crimes that these socially dark organisations, professions, have committed have
reached all levels of our British Columbia society, and innocent people like you and I have
been seriously injured and murdered all over our province of British Columbia.
illegal body transplants spoken out about in public and murders that have taken place
made public. These things have been made public all over our province of British
Columbia. These public statements have been aimed at The Police, against The British
Columbia Medical Board and against The British Columbia Mental Health Board. These
terrible crimes that these socially dark organisations, professions, have committed have
reached all levels of our British Columbia society, and innocent people like you and I have
been seriously injured and murdered all over our province of British Columbia.
1. I have in my own hand "The False Report" that was made out by The Police, by The Medical
Board of British Columbia and by The Mental Health Board of British Columbia.
2. This "False Report" that I have is about 80 to 100 pages of lies long.
3. This "False Report" is "Totally False" right from the beginning right on through to its end.
Readers: I see no reason to go over that long of a "False Report" at this time point for point. Not right
now anyways. It would be a tremendously long job and honestly I do not think that it is necessary to do at this time.
But: This "False Report" is going to be made publicly available for a very serious public hearing of
this "False Reports" false statements right from the beginning of "The False Report" right
through-out to the end of "The False Report."
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, might even make "This False Report" into a book and sell it publicly.
I personally do believe that should this be done that it will be a good book to read and to
keep on ones book shelf for serious reference about the crimes of the government of British
Columbia, Canada.
Readers: The address of Farm Colony Road for quite a long time now follows.
70 Colony Road,
British Columbia,
The telephone number of Farm Colony Road is: 604-524-7700
Readers: Just some, not all, of the criminal crimes that The British Columbia Government
"PLAGUED" me with follow. This mere little list says nothing of "THE PLAGUES" that
others, "Innocent People" were hit with! ...
1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was falsely arrested without justifiable cause.
2. I was locked up in jail without justifiable cause.
People at times lose there jobs because of these criminal issues by being locked up illegally and not
being able to go to their place of employment.
Should the person who is illegally arrested and illegally locked up in jail have farm chores to attend
to like feeding pigs and beef cattle in feed lots etc., this attending to these animals certainly does not
get done. This does include all types of birds that are in different types of cages. The animals and birds can die from this criminal government act against you.
From this criminal jailing issue happening to myself I came to know that the jailers could not care less about you or your work commitments.
3. "The Innocent" might be verbally threatened in jail by the jailers.
4. The jailers at times use a blood transfer machine to literally drain the red blood out of the people
who they have illegally caught and put into jail and put back into "The Innocent" peoples bodies
false imitation blood in order that prescribed medications from The Illegal Doctor's Board do get a
false imitation blood in order that prescribed medications from The Illegal Doctor's Board do get a
firmer grip on "The Innocent" and cause more mental and body trauma.
5. The jails do not have good food.
6. The jails food is like a hamburger stands food.
7. You do at times get your body and your brain beat up by the jailers.
8. The jailers do force prescribed medication onto "The Innocent" which really does have a
detrimental damaging affect on "The innocent's" brain.
detrimental damaging affect on "The innocent's" brain.
9. You might get beat up in various ways by other "Innocent People" who are also illegally kept in jail
and who through being illegally drugged by the jailers are losing their mind.
10. You might get stabbed and killed by a knife attacker when you are in jail and are forced to work
for example in the kitchen. Another "Innocent Worker" in the kitchen might for some personal beat
up reason stab you with a kitchen knife and kill you.
11. An "Innocent Person" might be locked up in a very barren room by themselves for days and even
weeks on end for no reason.
Readers: "GET THIS!"
Wilkinson Road Prison in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada still practices "CAPITAL
PUNISHMENT." A lot of "Innocent People" are killed in Wilkinson Road Prison and are
boxed up and shipped right out from Wilkinson Road Prison to be gotten rid of.
12. Some times the jailers do not know that you, "The Innocent," are even in their prison.
13. Some times the jailers do not know where you, "The Innocent," are located in their prison.
14. It is very uncomfortable being transported from one prison to another prison in the jailers trucks.
15. It is a known fact that "Bureauocracy" is involved criminally with the jailers and do a lot of damage
to "The Innocent" through using the prison net works against "The Innocent" by working with the
jailers to lock "The Innocent" up in the jailer's jails when "The Innocent" have committed no
criminal offence what-so-ever.
to "The Innocent" through using the prison net works against "The Innocent" by working with the
jailers to lock "The Innocent" up in the jailer's jails when "The Innocent" have committed no
criminal offence what-so-ever.
16. The jailers can make "The Innocent" write an I.Q. Test, Exhaustive Examination.
17. The jailers do threaten "The Innocent" that they have to write an I.Q. Test at times.
Readers: There is no reason for me to get into The I.Q. Test, The Exhaustive Examination that I
was threatened by the jailers to write in this short report. I will say here though that the
I.Q. Exam that I did write took 12 days to write it. I say that is a long I.Q. Test.
was threatened by the jailers to write in this short report. I will say here though that the
I.Q. Exam that I did write took 12 days to write it. I say that is a long I.Q. Test.
18. There was foul play involved by the jailers against me when I did write this very long 12 day I.Q.
Exhaustive Examination.
19. I believe that this I.Q. Exhaustive Examination Set, team of people, have to be legally
apprehended and dealt with most severely by the law.
20. If a person does not write the I.Q. Exam when they are threatened to write the I.Q. Exam then
"The Innocent's" refusal is definitely held against them in the jail and in the illegal court scene
that is thrown illegally onto them.
that is thrown illegally onto them.
21. If "The Innocent" does write the I.Q. Exam when they are threatened by the jailers to write the I.Q.
Exam then the results of "The Innocent's" exam grade, mark, standings, just might be altered by
the jailers to suite the jailer's mentally deranged mind.
the jailers to suite the jailer's mentally deranged mind.
22. I, Murray S. Fenwick, has proven this crazy I.Q. Exam "SMASH-UP" to be true.
23. This I.Q. Exam is very seriously ran against "The Innocent" in British Columbia's prison net works.
Readers: Also the type of I.Q. Exam is left in the jailers hands to select for you to write.
Readers: Also the length of time that it takes to write the I.Q. Exam is also left in the mentally
deranged jailers hands.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did find out that I did write the hardest I.Q. Exhaustive Examination
and the longest one that the criminal jailers did have which lasted for me 12 days when it
was a 9 day I.Q. Examination. My I.Q. Exam took 12 days instead of the planned 9 days
because of the criminal ways that I was mistreated when I did finish, that is did complete,
the I.Q. Exhaustive Examination.
Page 1.
Readers: The following is just a hand held magnifier look at just one point of interest in "The False
Just this interesting look here does not need a great big microscope.
Doctor Superlative did investigate this Mental Health Scene of British Columbia.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, have written up here in this short report just some of my experiences with
The British Columbia Mental Health Board. Also just some of Doctor Superlative's statements have
been made mention of here.
I heard of a young girl named Teenager who did die, was killed, in A British Columbia Mental Health Hospital.
Readers: You must remember that a lot of the people who did contribute to this lieing "False Report"
have been "HARD" fired from their jobs.
Readers: Only "Doctor Big Wig" does remain on his job. This man has to be very seriously
investigated as to why he did sign, that is signature, "The False Report" as being accurately
done "AND ALSO" why he did not hire "His Own Secretary Nurse Who Did Have A Proper
Certification" and why he did not hire "His Own Pharmacist Nurse To Give Out Properly
Prescribed Medications" who had to be properly certified as well.
Readers: Doctor Superlative did do this hiring of these two additional properly trained and certified
nurses. In this case it is unfortunate for "Doctor Big Wig" for not doing this.
Readers: I do know there are other criminal class people who still do remain on their jobs with The
British Columbia Mental Health Board but I do believe that a continuation of investigations
should get them fired "HARD" from their jobs as well.
1. Miss-Doctor Illiterate Short was caught being not educated enough in order for her to do her job
2. This lack of education, of Miss-Doctor Illiterate Short, did in fact cause problems on the job for
Miss-Doctor Illiterate Short and others.
3. Miss-Doctor Illiterate Short was caught being "CRIMINALLY MINDED."
4. Miss-Doctor Illiterate Short was caught committing crimes while she was both on the job and
when she was off of the job.
5. It was not Miss-Doctor Illiterate Short's lack of education that got her "HARD FIRED" off of her
6. It was Miss-Doctor Illiterate Short's "Criminal Ways" of doing bad things that she was caught out-
right doing that got her "HARD FIRED" off of her job.
right doing that got her "HARD FIRED" off of her job.
7. Miss-Doctor Illiterate Short was a doctor under the employ of The British Columbia Mental Health
Board and she was found to be "Very Criminally Minded" in her general acts in life therefore Doctor
Superlative did "HARD FIRE" her right off of her very prestigious job.
Readers: "REMEMBER." There are a lot of people who have been hurt in Farm Colony Road
Lock-Up and other Mental Health Facilities through-out The Province of British Columbia.
My report here is simply about one person who was devastatingly hurt in "THOSE CRAZY
MISMANAGED MENTAL HEALTH LOCK-UPS" and that person is me, myself and I,
Murray S. Fenwick.
Readers: Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick
Board and The British Columbia Mental Health Board.
1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that there is a very peculiar pair of, set of, buildings in British
Columbia that do seem to bare the name of British Columbia Mental Health.
2. I have seen two distinctly different buildings that have been built side by side that have been
joined together by an electrical cable that was designed to electric shock therapy innocent
3. By putting that electrical cable from one building to that other building made shock therapying
innocent people possible by bringing into being an imagined law that was dreamed up by The
Mental Health Board Of British Columbia that now that these two building are imagined to be
one we will continue to carry on with our electric shock therapy program now also in the
building next door. By putting that electric cable to the next door building did in the imagination
of The British Columbia Mental Health Board make these two building one. Now The B.C.
Mental Health does believe that they can now electric shock therapy all of the people in the
next door building too, as in also.
4. The British Columbia Mental Health Board obviously does suffer from "Dilusionary Thought,"
"Day Dreams" or "What-Ever You Want To Call It."
5. The British Columbia Mental Health Board, in this case, is making up its own law system that
in this case does contradict "The Renters Act-The Housing Act."
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