The Whole World,
Cowichan Valley Areas.
Readers Remember: Locations Vary.
The Whole World,
Cowichan Valley Areas,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
A Complaint Against The Whole World, Victoria
And The Cowitchan Valley Areas.
A Complaint Against The Whole World, Victoria
And The Cowitchan Valley Areas.
This report is about A Claiming Churchman who was not a Churchman at all.
He was one of the most ruthless killers of "Innocent People" that has ever
been in The Province Of British Columbia, Canada.
He was one of the most ruthless killers of "Innocent People" that has ever
been in The Province Of British Columbia, Canada.
I tell my Readers right here to, "Hang Onto Your Hats!"
Here we go!
Readers: When I, Murray S. Fenwick, was at these home Bible Studies people
would sit on a couch or in a easy chair, rocking chair, and wave their
hands and shuffle their feet, "Not Normally." They would also make faces at
each other.
Readers: When I, Murray S. Fenwick, was at these home Bible Studies people
would sit on a couch or in a easy chair, rocking chair, and wave their
hands and shuffle their feet, "Not Normally." They would also make faces at
each other.
1. When I was a young man of about 23, I was introduced to A Christian Home
Bible Study by Ex L>S>D users.
Bible Study by Ex L>S>D users.
2. The Christian Bible Study, they said was nice to go to.
3. The people who ran The Christian Bible Study were said to be real Christian
4. The people who ran The Christian Bible Study were supposed to be in A
Good Born Again Christian Church that they attended regularly that was
located just down the road from their home.
Good Born Again Christian Church that they attended regularly that was
located just down the road from their home.
5. The Ex L>S>D users said that these Christian Church people shared The
Bible and a lot of Christian Love that they had developed over their years
in Church.
Bible and a lot of Christian Love that they had developed over their years
in Church.
6. I was told that These Church People did believe in The Love of Jesus Christ
and sharing Jesus's Love with other people.
and sharing Jesus's Love with other people.
7. The Ex L>S>D users talked up this home Bible Study a whole lot.
8. At the end of some time and three big talks that were given to me about this
home Bible Study set of people I did agree to go to their home Bible Study
meeting with the Ex L.S.D Addicts.
Readers: This report is "Extemely Long To The Extreme." I, Murray S.
Fenwick, will report in here, in one line simple statements,
about different events, "Negative Events," that are within this overall
case and that I do know about. The people who are involved in this
"Negative Case As The Guilty People" do commit crime as a way of life.
It would take many large volumes of books to even write up a little bit of
their trouble making. Therefore I, Murray S. Fenwick, cannot even begin
a large report on those "Negative People's Lives. Readers: You will soon
see what I mean right here. Readers: I thank you.
Readers: Here we go. ...
1. I was taken to This home fellowship by The X L.S.D. users and the very first
time that I, Murray S. Fenwick, was walking up the sidewalk to the house main
front door with other people who were coming to this private residence for This
Type Of Home Bible Study a young blond haired girl in her teenage years came
blustering out of the house front main door screaming and shouting her head off
at The Negative People Who Did Run This Private Home Bible Study. I asked
what was wrong and I got shouted at by the shouting girl that all of The Negative
People who did attend and who did run This Private Bible Study had sexually
abused her, drugged her, had beat her up in many different ways and were now
in the process of throwing her out of the house and off of their property and on
into the wild forest under brush where she was told to live the rest of her life at
and then she was to die there. Readers: Number one right here is sure a very
large case, mouthful, of trouble making should "This Negative Case" be studied
in detail. Readers: Later on The Negative People who did come to This Private
Home Bible Study and also Those Negative People who did run This Private
Home Bible Study all got together and agreed to lie about This Innocent Girl
who went all about the neighbourhood shouting her head off. They simply lied
by saying that she has mental problems and that nothing that she says has any
validity to it what-so-ever. They might have also said that The Shouting Innocent
Girl was also from an Indian Reservation and because of her growing up on The
Indian Reservation She Has Extreme Mental Health Problems. This kind of lies
was certainly part of all of The Negative People's Lives because every one of
Those Negative People who ran or who did visit This Home Bible Study was
seriousely involved with Indian Reservations.
2. On my first visit at This Private Home Bible Study I found out that there was
"Illegal Drugs" in this home that were hidden in a medicine cabinet that was
located in this house's bath room. The "Illegal Drugs" were put into this medicine
cabinet bath room location because when someone wanted to use "Those Type
Of Illegal Drugs" they could lock themselves into the bath room and therefore
out of sight of other people because the bath room door had a lock system on it
that was not a customary bath room lock.
3. This family who owned this house and who did run This Private Negative Bible
Study Were Supposed To Be, Were Proposed To Be, a very healthy Born Again
Christian Church Family who for many long standing years was an active family
in A Good Living Born Again Christian Church. Also right at this very hour there
were born blood members in This Negative Family who were Senior Elders in
their local Born Again Christian Church.
Readers: Basic Born Again Christianity was not even in this house.
4. This Negative Church Family who did run This Private Bible Study did present
themselves as being Ethnic English People. I found out that this claim made by
this Negative Church Family was not necessarily the truth. This Negative
Church Family had just returned home to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada,
from quite a prolonged stay in The Nation Of India. This whole Negative Church
Family had grown up as East Indian People in The Nation of India. They all
spoke the languages of India quite well, as good as anyone else ever did. This
Negative Family was actually East Indian right through-out their entire being.
Through-out a number of years of my, me, myself and I, that is Murray S.
Fenwick's, quite closely knowing This Negative Church Family I would stand
right next to them and talk daily with them, face to face, and all the time I
knowing that This Negative English Background Claiming Family was not
English at all but was East Indian right through-out their entire lives.
5. This Negative Church Family who did run This Negative Private Home Bible
Study had A Senior Son who was seriously "Thrown Out Of This Families
Very Own Born Again Christian Church." This senior son was repeatedly
thrown out of, kicked out of, This Negative Families Born Again Christian
Church for committing serious enough sins against The Lord Jesus Christ
and thusly against This Born Again Christian Church to get him thrown right
out. This senior son did appear to be "Made Absolutely Anathema From The
Born Again Christian Church At Times Forever."
Readers: The following writing in this report named number 6. is very important
for you to read but also for you, My Readers, to remember. This #6.
does interconnect with past writings in this report that were The Introduction
About, "The L.S.D. Users, People," and #1. that was about, "The Young Blond
Girl," who did run all over the neighbourhood shouting her head off and #2.
which is about "The Locked Up, Hidden Medicine Cabinet," that had been put,
into , secretly located in the bath room. Readers: Remember that "This Hidden
Medicine Cabinet" did have "Illegal Drugs In It." Number, #6, does also go
forward and does connect with The Cowichan Valley Illegal Drugging.
Readers: Here we go for number, #6., that does interconnect A Long, Long Ways.
6. One day I, Murray S. Fenwick, was sitting at the kitchen table with The Family
who did own the house where all of this trouble was taking place and who were
The Family who did give birth to "The Anathema Son." Readers: In order to
keep this report short: what did take place right here at the kitchen table and did
take place several times, more than one time, is The Father did accuse The
Anathema Son for poisoning him with some kind of poison pill, or poison in
some other form, that did give him a bad case of ulcers in his stomach. The
Father had nothing wrong with him and then all of a sudden The Father almost
did die from an ulcer problem. The Father had to have several medical check
ups and then a very serious stomach operation to remove those bad ulcers that
just about killed him. The Father would not put down his side of this arguement
that took place against his Anathema Son. The Father was completely ruined
and had almost died from this medical sickness and did accuse his Anathema
Son out right for "Artificially Giving Him This Medical Sickness" that just about
took his very own life. Readers: It is the very truth that The Father just about
died from this, "Ulcer, Ulcer Like, Sickness." The Father had no previous illness
or symtoms from "This Ulcer, Ulcer Like Sickness," what-so-ever. The Father
simply started to vomit out a lot of blood from what appeared to be "An Ulcer
Sickness," but "This Sickness Was More Like An Ulcer Sickness Than A Real
Ulcer Sickness." I do not know what did cause The Father's near death but I
do believe that it was due to the fact that The Father did vomit out a lot of
blood and that The Father did almost die from the loss of that much blood in
such a short length of time. Readers: There were other medical complications
both outside of the hospital operating room and inside of the hospital operating
7. The Anathema Son, against his father's better wishes, did buy for himself A Old
Coup Car. The car was in need of repair and The Anathema Son took The Coup
Car apart into many pieces where The Old Coup Car did need the work done on
it. First some of the wheels came off, then the fuel system came off, then The
Old Coup Car would not run at all. The Father tried to talk to his about getting rid
of The Old Coup Car and he would not sell it off. The Father then complained to
his Anathema Son about the serious mess that he had made all over the back
lawn and his Anathema Son would not listen to him. Then The Mother of The
Anathema Son complained, talked to, The Anathema Son about the mess that
he was making in the back yard and all over the flower garden etc. and did ask
her Anathema Son to please clean up his mess making and to sell off The Old
Coup Car and The Anathema Son would not do so. This got into a terrible long
arguement and very serious confrontation that The Anathema Son would not
listen, harken to, what-so-ever. The Anathema Son at times would shout out
loudly that he wanted to learn automobile mechanics and that what he was
doing with The Old Coup Car was helping him along the ways of his learning
automobile mechanics.
8. Readers: Number 8 here is an extremely long report. In real life there
was an investigation that went on for 2 maybe 3-4 months
about this criminal scene. I could probably never write it all in this report.
Readers: Here we go.
One day when I was living with "The Anathema Kid" and his family there
suddenly began a terrible shouting and hollering and running about the
local community and driving fast, faster, about The Victoria Community.
What caused this great alarm is just down the road but still in the local
community in relationship to "The Anathema Kid's Residence" a lot of
local girls got "Illegally Drug Attacked." Illegal drugs were supposed to
have been passed, thrown, illegally trafficked, along several roads
right where the young girls were "Illegally Drug Ruined." This criminal
drug attack scene took place quite near to The University of Victoria.
"The Anathema Kid" and his paternal family did live quite near to The
University of Victoria. There were quite a large number of young girls
who had to be literally carried into houses as very sick medical patients
for the rest of their lives. Readers: The following statement happened
many times. "The Anathema Kid" and "The L.S.D. Users" talked in front
of me, Murray S. Fenwick, that is they talked with each other when I
was with them, that they now had to be very careful as to what they did
do and exactly how they did conduct themselves especially during this
long time of the investigation in order that they would not be caught
passing, trafficking in drugs, whether the drugs were legal medications
or "Illegal Street Drugs" along those very by-roads=side roads where
all of those young girls were "Illegally Drug Attacked." Readers: Those
young girls who were "Illegally Drug Attacked" were medical patients
for the rest of their lives. Those young girls did not recover from that
"Illegal Drug Attack." Readers: It is My, Murray S. Fenwick's, belief that
"The Anathema Kid" and "The L.S.D. Users" could not with stand one
serious police investigation about this "Young Girl Drug Attacked Issue"
without being caught for trafficking in toxic illegal drugs. "The Anathema
Kid" and "The L.S.D. Users" definitely did avoid the police for quite some
time for fear of being caught for trafficking, passing drugs, along those
by-roads=side roads that they did not want the police or anyone else to
know about them being involved with for fear of being charged with "The
Overall Illegal Drug Attack Against All Those Young Girls."
9. The Anathema Son soon after throwing his "Girl Friend" out of the house
and into the wilderness area went looking for "Another Young Girl" to take
advantage of. He soon found One. She was "A Young Blond Girl" and did
look like "The Girl" who The Anathema Son just threw out. This "New Girl"
supposedly had the ability to guide Her life and the lives of other people
by using A Spiritual Game that was like Throwing Dice up against the wall
of coffin boxes that Her and Her boy friend, at a later date, did pile, stack
up, together. This "New Girl" did seem to come from an Indian Reservation.
The Anathema Son and his "New Girl Friend" got married immediately. As
far as I know they were married in The Christian Church that the father of
The Anathema Son was a senior in. The Anathema Son some how did meet,
stumbled upon, this "New Girl Friend" who was at the time living near to a
park. The Anathema Son never new Her previously. Some how The Terrible
Anathema Son stumbled upon Her by knocking on Her door for some evil
unclear reason and then at a later date going back to "This Young Girls"
home by himself and got to know Her. This getting to know one another took
place through "The Young Girl's Spiritual Gift Of Dice Throwing very quickly.
They seemed to have gotten married even quicker. They seemed to have
gotten married before The Anathema Son had even time to bring this "New
Young Blond Girl Friend" of his home to meet his mother and father. The
Spiritual Guidance that "This Young Blond Girl" claimed to have has to be
remembered by my Readers because "This Young Girl," at about the age
of 18 years, already had=has every Church "Christian Born Again" Pastor
in The City Of Victoria seriously searching for Her to help Her straighten out
from giving False Spiritual Advise and False Spiritual Direction to every
Church Little Person who could be Victimized by Her Type Of Dice Throwing.
10. Readers: This Spiritual Type Of Dice Throwing that "This New Girl Friend"
did constantly do has to be remembered and looked into very
carefully because at a later date This Spiritual Type Of Dice Throwing
did enter into "The New Girl Friend's" life, The Bad Anathema Son's life,
and Other People's lives who did work with "The New Girl Friend And With
The Bad Anathema Son." This collective work was definitely guided by
This Spiritual Type Of Dice Throwing and did bring down many "Innocent
People's" lives right down into the graves.
Readers: The Anathema Son being East Indian Raised would practice some
East Indian Religious Practices. Just one of The Anathema Son's
East Indian Religious Practices was when he was outside of his house
practicing this he would hang in the air from tree limbs round circles of metal
like old wheel barrow steel or iron wheels and others like that. When The Bad
Anathema Son would practice this in his house he would hang the wheel
barrow iron or steel wheels from the ceiling of the rooms that he practiced
this East Indian Spiritual Art in. Then The Anathema Man would stand back
away from the various steel or iron wheels and ask The Spirits that were
nearby to come to the wheels and give the wheels a spin and a swing in the
air. The Anathema Man would store away his collection of old wheel barrow
steel or iron wheel in his dresser drawer. When I was asleep at night time
The Anathema Man would get out his collection of wheel barrow wheels of
iron and steel and hook them up to the ceiling over the person sleeping and
then stand back and call to The Spirits that are nearby to come to him and
prove that they have come to him by giving the old iron and steel wheel
a spin and a swing in the open air. Then The Anathema Man would ask
The Spirits to help him understand and to work with the person who is
lieing on the couch or bed sound asleep in front of The Mad Bad Anathema
Man. I woke up many times when The Anathema Man was doing just this to
Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick.
11. As soon as "The Young Blond Girl" and The Anathema Son got Dice Thrown
Married they moved into an apartment by themselves to start out their Dice
Thrown Lives together.
12. In order for The Anathema Son to support "His Newest, Most Recent, Dice
Thrown Wife, Girl Friend," he had to get a job.
13. Out of the apartment and down the road went The Anathema Son looking for
a job.
14. It was not long before he got a job.
Readers: You have to be careful here because this job and this jobs location is
"The Centre Of The Overall Location" where very many "Innocent
People" were murdered, killed, at.
15. The type of job that The Anathema Son got hired to do was, he was to be The
Acting Principal of A School that was located on Vancouver Island, B.C.,
16. Very soon after The Anathema Son got the job of being The Principal of The
School he moved his "New Girl Friend, his Newest Wife" and himself to a new
house in the immediate area of the school. The Anathema Son wanted to live
close to his job.
Readers: In order for Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick, to keep this report
short I am going to ask you to take note of the following statement
because I am turning "The New Girl's, His Newest Wife's," form of "Dice
Throwing Guidance," into full view in order that you, my Readers do read, do
see, do understand, what I am talking about here. I do think that this report can
be finished quite quickly now. The way that I am writing it here should finish this
report quite quickly now.
Readers: Here we go.
17. Immediately when, "The New Girl," was properly settled into her new
house that was located nearby the school that Her husband, The
Anathema Man, was The Principal of She began to direct Her husband
by< "Once Again," Throwing Dice up against The Negatively Growing
Wall Of Coffins that were filled by "This Young Girls" Victims.
18. "This Young New Girl," instructed Her husband and Others that for him
and them to please Their Saviour who was The Lord Jesus Christ they
had to mentally adjust all of the little children of the school by electrical
shock therapy.
19. Because The Anathema Man and Others had previous experience with
The Mental Health Board Of British Columbia, Canada, and did know
"As Hoodlums Do Know," electric shock therapy quite well they all
pitched in with their own hands, their own work capabilities," and did
make by themselves all of the hand made electric shock therapy
equipment that they ever did need to have, to use, for the destruction
of every little student who was unfortunate enough to enter the school
that The Anathema Man did command through his "New Girl Friends,"
Dice Throwing Commands.
20. By now, this time, he, The Anathema Man, was completely under The
Sways, Dice Throwing Commands of his "Newest Girl Friend," who had
become his "Newest Wife."
Readers: School full after school full of students fell Victim to The Anathema
Man, his "Newest Girl Friend" and Others.
Readers: This electric shock therapy that was used negatively against these
unfortunate school students went on for over, "Twenty Years Of
Time, 20 Years Of Time."
Readers: Because of "The New Girls" Dice Throwing Religious Beliefs being
successful against The School's Students she then got involved in
making the situation worse for The School Students. She once again Threw
Her Dice up against the wall of growing coffin boxes and then told Her boy
friend, The Bad Anathema Man, that he had to be "Faithful" to his Lord And
Saviour The Lord Jesus Christ or die and go to Hell like The School Students.
"The New Young Blond Girl's New Dice Throwing Command" to Her new boy
friend was, "since the electric shock therapy was successful against The School
Students, now The Anathema Man had to apply all "Street Drugs" against The
School Students as well, or disobey Her Dice Throwing which was believed by
The Anathema Man to be non other than The Lord Jesus Christ talking to him
through The Spiritual Woman who was now his "New Girl Friend." "
21. Therefore out the door of his new house and down the road went, drove,
The Anathema Man, in search for the very best street drug to apply to his
School Students. The Anathema Man wanted to get and use on his School
Students "The Street Drug" that would ruin his School Students the most.
The Anathema Man, "The Young Blond New Girl Friend" and The Others,
thought that they were acting out God's Special Revelation Command that
was given to them by "The Young Blond Girl Friend" from her Dice Throwing.
They all thought that it was Their Lord Jesus Christ Their Lord And Saviour
talking, communicating, with them. For certain "The Young Blond New Girl
Friend" who was the one who threw The Dice thought that she did have A
Spiritual Gift from God Himself. "The Young Blond New Girl Friend" who did
The Dice Throwing believed, absolutely, that "Her" Lord And Saviour, The
Lord Jesus Christ was talking to her through "Her" Dice Throwing.
Readers: After awhile of asking questions about, "Street Drugs," at The British
Columbia Mental Health Building, The Anathema Man, did decide on
"The Street Drug" named "Wacky Duck." He found out at The British Columbia
Mental Health Building in Victoria that "The Street Drug" named "Wacky Duck"
was known to ruin people's bodies and minds very easily. Therefore The Bad
Anathema Man thought, did believe, that "The Street Drug" named "Wacky
Duck" would be the perfect "Street Drug" to ruin his School Students with. The
Bad Anathema Man, "The New Young Blond Girl Friend," and The Others, did
feed "The Street Drug" named "Wacky Duck" in various ways, to The Anathema
Man's School Students.
Readers: The Anathema Man, "The New Young Blond Girl Friend" and The Others
also did feed in various ways "The Street Drug" named "Wacky Duck" to
The Entire Cowichan Valley Illegal Street Drug Addict Scene and did ruin Every
Young Illegal Drug Addict In The Entire Cowichan Valley And Cowichan Areas by
doing so. They thought that they were obeying Their Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ's special message that was given to them by The Spiritual Dice Throwing "New Young
Blond Girl."
Readers: Get This. ...
Prepare to hang on to your hats. ... and your heads. ...
Readers: Once again "The Young Blond Girl" was Throwing Her Dice up against
The Wall Of Coffin Boxes and "She" believed that The Spirit Of "Her"
Lord And Saviour, The Lord Jesus Christ did communicate with "Her" the following
important private message.
Readers: The important private message was that "She" "The Young Blond Girl"
was to command "Her" boy friend, The Anathema Man, to physically
attack The Student's of his School with "Hatchets And Axes" and cut the heads
off of his School Students. "The Young Blond New Girl Friend" screamed on that
the feeding of "The Street Drug Wacky Duck" was partly used against The School
Students to get them both physically and mentally down in order that The School
Students could now be run at "With Hatchets And Axes" and be finally finished off
by cutting their heads right off more easily. ...
Readers: The Anathema Man, "The Young Blond New Girl Friend" and The
Others did do all of This Very Important God Given Revelation Of
"Hatchet And Axe" Cut The Student's Heads Off Idea And A Lot More. ... that
"The Young Blond New Girl Friend" did supposedly receive from God On High
by Throwing Dice up against The Ever Increasing Wall Made From Coffin Boxes.
Readers: A whole lot of trouble did happen over this very large case in general
but "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" was done to any of The Guilty At All. ...
Readers: As a matter of fact "The Young Blond New Girl Friend" is still throwing
"Her" Dice Up Against The Wall Of Coffin Boxes that "She " has made
out of The Innocent Church People who were somehow Vulnerable to "Her." The
Bad Anathema Man still listens to his "New Young Blond Girl Friend's" Spiritual
Messages he calls "The Lord Jesus Christ's Revelations From On High For
Himself" and does go about wrecking everything that he can get his hands onto.
The Others just drift in and out of "The New Young Blond Girl Friend's" presence,
like shadows, when "She" calls them to come to "Her" to do "Her" The Lord Jesus
Christ's bidding. ...
Readers: I have serious enough reasons to believe that The Bad Anathema Man,
"The Young Blond New Girl Friend" and The Others were all involved in
Slave Trade and White Slave Trade. I do believe that they did at times sell some
of The Students at The School as Slaves and as White Slaves.
Readers: The Bad Anathema Man because of his position of being A School
Principal was given a key to avail himself and others with money
and other needs that people have who do go to The British Columbia Human
Resources Office for assistance, help. The Bad Anathema Man's Human
Resources Key had Government Authority all the way from The Little Village
of Sidney on The Saanitch Peninsula, then to Victoria, then on to Duncan,
then on to Nanaimo and any place in between. To Me, Myself and I, Murray S.
Fenwick, that Government Key was very seriously a very powerful Key.
Readers: On one occasion I saw The Anathema Man do the following.
1. The Anathema Man did do the following for a man who was a friend of his in
order to just help him out. I found out that this was not very much for The Bad
Anathema Man to do in his seriously very big job as A School Principal.
2. The friend of The Anathema Man did not really need financial help but for
certain the friend of The Bad Anathema Man would appreciate any financial
help that he could get.
3. The friend of The Bad Anathema Man was in the process of buying a nice new
house and land. The friend did not absolutely need financial help but he could
sure use a helping hand because he was some what debt beaten down for
buying this new house and land.
4. When The Bad Anathema Man found this out he offered to help his friend out of
debt, and help him pay the debt off, by going into The Human Resources Office
and simply through the modern day computer system "Legally Increasing His
Friend's Monthly Check" by a whole lot in order to make life easier on his friend.
5. The Bad Anathema Man's friend asked The Bad Anathema Man to definitely not
to do this for him because the friend thought that this act of The Bad Anathema
Man was Illegal to do also the friend might lose his house and land through a
court case should he be found, caught, committing fraud, an illegal crime of this
type, against The Government Office named The Human Resources.
6. The Bad Anathema Man most assuredly told his friend that this idea is done all
of the time and that this type of help is absolutely honest right through.
7. The Bad Anathema Man also said that he had already checked his friend's
monthly allowance and that his friend was being seriously cheated because
his friend's check monthly allowance was definitely to small.
8. Therefore off went The Bad Anathema Man and his "Poverty Stricken Friend"
with him to the local Human Resources Office to make all financial adjustments
that The Bad Anathema Man did dream up that he thought his friend did need.
Readers: Fortunately after all "New Financial Arrangements" had been made at
The Local Human Resources Office and The Bad Anathema Man had
gone home, "At A Later Date," the friend went to The Local Human Resources
Centre and made a personal inquiry about this "New Financial Arrangement" to be
checked out.
Readers: The Bad Anathema Man simply forgot to turn The Government Key that
he was issued with in order to lock into The Computer "The New Money,
Financial Arrangement" that The Bad Anathema Man had typed into The New
Money Computer that was located in The Local Government Human Resources
Office. Therefore when The Human Resources Worker checked this "New
Financial Arrangement" out that The Bad Anathema Man had arranged for his
friend this "New Money Arrangement" did stand out in The New Money Computer
as false.
Readers: The Government Human Resources Worker had to take the time to
properly enter all needed information about, "The Friend," back into
"The Nice New Money Computer."
Readers: Then a lot of trouble happened.
Readers: The Government Human Resources, "Worker Then Workers," did not
know how this "New Financial Arrangement" had got typed into The
Nice New Money Computer.
Readers: The Government Human Resources Workers did at first blamed "The
Friend" for illegally entering The Human Resources Office and trying
to steal money by falsely adjusting their own private monthly pay check with out
having proper Government Authority to do so.
Readers: There were terribly negative scenes happen in The Government Local
Human Resources Office against "The Friend" for quite some time.
Readers: Also The Government Human Resources Office was going to take "The
Friend" to court and take his unpaid for house and land away from him.
They were going to take "The Friends" unpaid for house and land away from him
no matter what happened in this false case. The Government Human Resources
Office was determined to do this.
Readers: Remember. This is just a small, short, report on The Anathema Man.
Readers: Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick.
home Bible Study set of people I did agree to go to their home Bible Study
meeting with the Ex L.S.D Addicts.
Readers: This report is "Extemely Long To The Extreme." I, Murray S.
Fenwick, will report in here, in one line simple statements,
about different events, "Negative Events," that are within this overall
case and that I do know about. The people who are involved in this
"Negative Case As The Guilty People" do commit crime as a way of life.
It would take many large volumes of books to even write up a little bit of
their trouble making. Therefore I, Murray S. Fenwick, cannot even begin
a large report on those "Negative People's Lives. Readers: You will soon
see what I mean right here. Readers: I thank you.
Readers: Here we go. ...
1. I was taken to This home fellowship by The X L.S.D. users and the very first
time that I, Murray S. Fenwick, was walking up the sidewalk to the house main
front door with other people who were coming to this private residence for This
Type Of Home Bible Study a young blond haired girl in her teenage years came
blustering out of the house front main door screaming and shouting her head off
at The Negative People Who Did Run This Private Home Bible Study. I asked
what was wrong and I got shouted at by the shouting girl that all of The Negative
People who did attend and who did run This Private Bible Study had sexually
abused her, drugged her, had beat her up in many different ways and were now
in the process of throwing her out of the house and off of their property and on
into the wild forest under brush where she was told to live the rest of her life at
and then she was to die there. Readers: Number one right here is sure a very
large case, mouthful, of trouble making should "This Negative Case" be studied
in detail. Readers: Later on The Negative People who did come to This Private
Home Bible Study and also Those Negative People who did run This Private
Home Bible Study all got together and agreed to lie about This Innocent Girl
who went all about the neighbourhood shouting her head off. They simply lied
by saying that she has mental problems and that nothing that she says has any
validity to it what-so-ever. They might have also said that The Shouting Innocent
Girl was also from an Indian Reservation and because of her growing up on The
Indian Reservation She Has Extreme Mental Health Problems. This kind of lies
was certainly part of all of The Negative People's Lives because every one of
Those Negative People who ran or who did visit This Home Bible Study was
seriousely involved with Indian Reservations.
2. On my first visit at This Private Home Bible Study I found out that there was
"Illegal Drugs" in this home that were hidden in a medicine cabinet that was
located in this house's bath room. The "Illegal Drugs" were put into this medicine
cabinet bath room location because when someone wanted to use "Those Type
Of Illegal Drugs" they could lock themselves into the bath room and therefore
out of sight of other people because the bath room door had a lock system on it
that was not a customary bath room lock.
3. This family who owned this house and who did run This Private Negative Bible
Study Were Supposed To Be, Were Proposed To Be, a very healthy Born Again
Christian Church Family who for many long standing years was an active family
in A Good Living Born Again Christian Church. Also right at this very hour there
were born blood members in This Negative Family who were Senior Elders in
their local Born Again Christian Church.
Readers: Basic Born Again Christianity was not even in this house.
4. This Negative Church Family who did run This Private Bible Study did present
themselves as being Ethnic English People. I found out that this claim made by
this Negative Church Family was not necessarily the truth. This Negative
Church Family had just returned home to Victoria, British Columbia, Canada,
from quite a prolonged stay in The Nation Of India. This whole Negative Church
Family had grown up as East Indian People in The Nation of India. They all
spoke the languages of India quite well, as good as anyone else ever did. This
Negative Family was actually East Indian right through-out their entire being.
Through-out a number of years of my, me, myself and I, that is Murray S.
Fenwick's, quite closely knowing This Negative Church Family I would stand
right next to them and talk daily with them, face to face, and all the time I
knowing that This Negative English Background Claiming Family was not
English at all but was East Indian right through-out their entire lives.
5. This Negative Church Family who did run This Negative Private Home Bible
Study had A Senior Son who was seriously "Thrown Out Of This Families
Very Own Born Again Christian Church." This senior son was repeatedly
thrown out of, kicked out of, This Negative Families Born Again Christian
Church for committing serious enough sins against The Lord Jesus Christ
and thusly against This Born Again Christian Church to get him thrown right
out. This senior son did appear to be "Made Absolutely Anathema From The
Born Again Christian Church At Times Forever."
Readers: The following writing in this report named number 6. is very important
for you to read but also for you, My Readers, to remember. This #6.
does interconnect with past writings in this report that were The Introduction
About, "The L.S.D. Users, People," and #1. that was about, "The Young Blond
Girl," who did run all over the neighbourhood shouting her head off and #2.
which is about "The Locked Up, Hidden Medicine Cabinet," that had been put,
into , secretly located in the bath room. Readers: Remember that "This Hidden
Medicine Cabinet" did have "Illegal Drugs In It." Number, #6, does also go
forward and does connect with The Cowichan Valley Illegal Drugging.
Readers: Here we go for number, #6., that does interconnect A Long, Long Ways.
6. One day I, Murray S. Fenwick, was sitting at the kitchen table with The Family
who did own the house where all of this trouble was taking place and who were
The Family who did give birth to "The Anathema Son." Readers: In order to
keep this report short: what did take place right here at the kitchen table and did
take place several times, more than one time, is The Father did accuse The
Anathema Son for poisoning him with some kind of poison pill, or poison in
some other form, that did give him a bad case of ulcers in his stomach. The
Father had nothing wrong with him and then all of a sudden The Father almost
did die from an ulcer problem. The Father had to have several medical check
ups and then a very serious stomach operation to remove those bad ulcers that
just about killed him. The Father would not put down his side of this arguement
that took place against his Anathema Son. The Father was completely ruined
and had almost died from this medical sickness and did accuse his Anathema
Son out right for "Artificially Giving Him This Medical Sickness" that just about
took his very own life. Readers: It is the very truth that The Father just about
died from this, "Ulcer, Ulcer Like, Sickness." The Father had no previous illness
or symtoms from "This Ulcer, Ulcer Like Sickness," what-so-ever. The Father
simply started to vomit out a lot of blood from what appeared to be "An Ulcer
Sickness," but "This Sickness Was More Like An Ulcer Sickness Than A Real
Ulcer Sickness." I do not know what did cause The Father's near death but I
do believe that it was due to the fact that The Father did vomit out a lot of
blood and that The Father did almost die from the loss of that much blood in
such a short length of time. Readers: There were other medical complications
both outside of the hospital operating room and inside of the hospital operating
7. The Anathema Son, against his father's better wishes, did buy for himself A Old
Coup Car. The car was in need of repair and The Anathema Son took The Coup
Car apart into many pieces where The Old Coup Car did need the work done on
it. First some of the wheels came off, then the fuel system came off, then The
Old Coup Car would not run at all. The Father tried to talk to his about getting rid
of The Old Coup Car and he would not sell it off. The Father then complained to
his Anathema Son about the serious mess that he had made all over the back
lawn and his Anathema Son would not listen to him. Then The Mother of The
Anathema Son complained, talked to, The Anathema Son about the mess that
he was making in the back yard and all over the flower garden etc. and did ask
her Anathema Son to please clean up his mess making and to sell off The Old
Coup Car and The Anathema Son would not do so. This got into a terrible long
arguement and very serious confrontation that The Anathema Son would not
listen, harken to, what-so-ever. The Anathema Son at times would shout out
loudly that he wanted to learn automobile mechanics and that what he was
doing with The Old Coup Car was helping him along the ways of his learning
automobile mechanics.
8. Readers: Number 8 here is an extremely long report. In real life there
was an investigation that went on for 2 maybe 3-4 months
about this criminal scene. I could probably never write it all in this report.
Readers: Here we go.
One day when I was living with "The Anathema Kid" and his family there
suddenly began a terrible shouting and hollering and running about the
local community and driving fast, faster, about The Victoria Community.
What caused this great alarm is just down the road but still in the local
community in relationship to "The Anathema Kid's Residence" a lot of
local girls got "Illegally Drug Attacked." Illegal drugs were supposed to
have been passed, thrown, illegally trafficked, along several roads
right where the young girls were "Illegally Drug Ruined." This criminal
drug attack scene took place quite near to The University of Victoria.
"The Anathema Kid" and his paternal family did live quite near to The
University of Victoria. There were quite a large number of young girls
who had to be literally carried into houses as very sick medical patients
for the rest of their lives. Readers: The following statement happened
many times. "The Anathema Kid" and "The L.S.D. Users" talked in front
of me, Murray S. Fenwick, that is they talked with each other when I
was with them, that they now had to be very careful as to what they did
do and exactly how they did conduct themselves especially during this
long time of the investigation in order that they would not be caught
passing, trafficking in drugs, whether the drugs were legal medications
or "Illegal Street Drugs" along those very by-roads=side roads where
all of those young girls were "Illegally Drug Attacked." Readers: Those
young girls who were "Illegally Drug Attacked" were medical patients
for the rest of their lives. Those young girls did not recover from that
"Illegal Drug Attack." Readers: It is My, Murray S. Fenwick's, belief that
"The Anathema Kid" and "The L.S.D. Users" could not with stand one
serious police investigation about this "Young Girl Drug Attacked Issue"
without being caught for trafficking in toxic illegal drugs. "The Anathema
Kid" and "The L.S.D. Users" definitely did avoid the police for quite some
time for fear of being caught for trafficking, passing drugs, along those
by-roads=side roads that they did not want the police or anyone else to
know about them being involved with for fear of being charged with "The
Overall Illegal Drug Attack Against All Those Young Girls."
9. The Anathema Son soon after throwing his "Girl Friend" out of the house
and into the wilderness area went looking for "Another Young Girl" to take
advantage of. He soon found One. She was "A Young Blond Girl" and did
look like "The Girl" who The Anathema Son just threw out. This "New Girl"
supposedly had the ability to guide Her life and the lives of other people
by using A Spiritual Game that was like Throwing Dice up against the wall
of coffin boxes that Her and Her boy friend, at a later date, did pile, stack
up, together. This "New Girl" did seem to come from an Indian Reservation.
The Anathema Son and his "New Girl Friend" got married immediately. As
far as I know they were married in The Christian Church that the father of
The Anathema Son was a senior in. The Anathema Son some how did meet,
stumbled upon, this "New Girl Friend" who was at the time living near to a
park. The Anathema Son never new Her previously. Some how The Terrible
Anathema Son stumbled upon Her by knocking on Her door for some evil
unclear reason and then at a later date going back to "This Young Girls"
home by himself and got to know Her. This getting to know one another took
place through "The Young Girl's Spiritual Gift Of Dice Throwing very quickly.
They seemed to have gotten married even quicker. They seemed to have
gotten married before The Anathema Son had even time to bring this "New
Young Blond Girl Friend" of his home to meet his mother and father. The
Spiritual Guidance that "This Young Blond Girl" claimed to have has to be
remembered by my Readers because "This Young Girl," at about the age
of 18 years, already had=has every Church "Christian Born Again" Pastor
in The City Of Victoria seriously searching for Her to help Her straighten out
from giving False Spiritual Advise and False Spiritual Direction to every
Church Little Person who could be Victimized by Her Type Of Dice Throwing.
10. Readers: This Spiritual Type Of Dice Throwing that "This New Girl Friend"
did constantly do has to be remembered and looked into very
carefully because at a later date This Spiritual Type Of Dice Throwing
did enter into "The New Girl Friend's" life, The Bad Anathema Son's life,
and Other People's lives who did work with "The New Girl Friend And With
The Bad Anathema Son." This collective work was definitely guided by
This Spiritual Type Of Dice Throwing and did bring down many "Innocent
People's" lives right down into the graves.
Readers: The Anathema Son being East Indian Raised would practice some
East Indian Religious Practices. Just one of The Anathema Son's
East Indian Religious Practices was when he was outside of his house
practicing this he would hang in the air from tree limbs round circles of metal
like old wheel barrow steel or iron wheels and others like that. When The Bad
Anathema Son would practice this in his house he would hang the wheel
barrow iron or steel wheels from the ceiling of the rooms that he practiced
this East Indian Spiritual Art in. Then The Anathema Man would stand back
away from the various steel or iron wheels and ask The Spirits that were
nearby to come to the wheels and give the wheels a spin and a swing in the
air. The Anathema Man would store away his collection of old wheel barrow
steel or iron wheel in his dresser drawer. When I was asleep at night time
The Anathema Man would get out his collection of wheel barrow wheels of
iron and steel and hook them up to the ceiling over the person sleeping and
then stand back and call to The Spirits that are nearby to come to him and
prove that they have come to him by giving the old iron and steel wheel
a spin and a swing in the open air. Then The Anathema Man would ask
The Spirits to help him understand and to work with the person who is
lieing on the couch or bed sound asleep in front of The Mad Bad Anathema
Man. I woke up many times when The Anathema Man was doing just this to
Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick.
11. As soon as "The Young Blond Girl" and The Anathema Son got Dice Thrown
Married they moved into an apartment by themselves to start out their Dice
Thrown Lives together.
12. In order for The Anathema Son to support "His Newest, Most Recent, Dice
Thrown Wife, Girl Friend," he had to get a job.
13. Out of the apartment and down the road went The Anathema Son looking for
a job.
14. It was not long before he got a job.
Readers: You have to be careful here because this job and this jobs location is
"The Centre Of The Overall Location" where very many "Innocent
People" were murdered, killed, at.
15. The type of job that The Anathema Son got hired to do was, he was to be The
Acting Principal of A School that was located on Vancouver Island, B.C.,
16. Very soon after The Anathema Son got the job of being The Principal of The
School he moved his "New Girl Friend, his Newest Wife" and himself to a new
house in the immediate area of the school. The Anathema Son wanted to live
close to his job.
Readers: In order for Me, Myself And I, Murray S. Fenwick, to keep this report
short I am going to ask you to take note of the following statement
because I am turning "The New Girl's, His Newest Wife's," form of "Dice
Throwing Guidance," into full view in order that you, my Readers do read, do
see, do understand, what I am talking about here. I do think that this report can
be finished quite quickly now. The way that I am writing it here should finish this
report quite quickly now.
Readers: Here we go.
17. Immediately when, "The New Girl," was properly settled into her new
house that was located nearby the school that Her husband, The
Anathema Man, was The Principal of She began to direct Her husband
by< "Once Again," Throwing Dice up against The Negatively Growing
Wall Of Coffins that were filled by "This Young Girls" Victims.
18. "This Young New Girl," instructed Her husband and Others that for him
and them to please Their Saviour who was The Lord Jesus Christ they
had to mentally adjust all of the little children of the school by electrical
shock therapy.
19. Because The Anathema Man and Others had previous experience with
The Mental Health Board Of British Columbia, Canada, and did know
"As Hoodlums Do Know," electric shock therapy quite well they all
pitched in with their own hands, their own work capabilities," and did
make by themselves all of the hand made electric shock therapy
equipment that they ever did need to have, to use, for the destruction
of every little student who was unfortunate enough to enter the school
that The Anathema Man did command through his "New Girl Friends,"
Dice Throwing Commands.
20. By now, this time, he, The Anathema Man, was completely under The
Sways, Dice Throwing Commands of his "Newest Girl Friend," who had
become his "Newest Wife."
Readers: School full after school full of students fell Victim to The Anathema
Man, his "Newest Girl Friend" and Others.
Readers: This electric shock therapy that was used negatively against these
unfortunate school students went on for over, "Twenty Years Of
Time, 20 Years Of Time."
Readers: Because of "The New Girls" Dice Throwing Religious Beliefs being
successful against The School's Students she then got involved in
making the situation worse for The School Students. She once again Threw
Her Dice up against the wall of growing coffin boxes and then told Her boy
friend, The Bad Anathema Man, that he had to be "Faithful" to his Lord And
Saviour The Lord Jesus Christ or die and go to Hell like The School Students.
"The New Young Blond Girl's New Dice Throwing Command" to Her new boy
friend was, "since the electric shock therapy was successful against The School
Students, now The Anathema Man had to apply all "Street Drugs" against The
School Students as well, or disobey Her Dice Throwing which was believed by
The Anathema Man to be non other than The Lord Jesus Christ talking to him
through The Spiritual Woman who was now his "New Girl Friend." "
21. Therefore out the door of his new house and down the road went, drove,
The Anathema Man, in search for the very best street drug to apply to his
School Students. The Anathema Man wanted to get and use on his School
Students "The Street Drug" that would ruin his School Students the most.
The Anathema Man, "The Young Blond New Girl Friend" and The Others,
thought that they were acting out God's Special Revelation Command that
was given to them by "The Young Blond Girl Friend" from her Dice Throwing.
They all thought that it was Their Lord Jesus Christ Their Lord And Saviour
talking, communicating, with them. For certain "The Young Blond New Girl
Friend" who was the one who threw The Dice thought that she did have A
Spiritual Gift from God Himself. "The Young Blond New Girl Friend" who did
The Dice Throwing believed, absolutely, that "Her" Lord And Saviour, The
Lord Jesus Christ was talking to her through "Her" Dice Throwing.
Readers: After awhile of asking questions about, "Street Drugs," at The British
Columbia Mental Health Building, The Anathema Man, did decide on
"The Street Drug" named "Wacky Duck." He found out at The British Columbia
Mental Health Building in Victoria that "The Street Drug" named "Wacky Duck"
was known to ruin people's bodies and minds very easily. Therefore The Bad
Anathema Man thought, did believe, that "The Street Drug" named "Wacky
Duck" would be the perfect "Street Drug" to ruin his School Students with. The
Bad Anathema Man, "The New Young Blond Girl Friend," and The Others, did
feed "The Street Drug" named "Wacky Duck" in various ways, to The Anathema
Man's School Students.
Readers: The Anathema Man, "The New Young Blond Girl Friend" and The Others
also did feed in various ways "The Street Drug" named "Wacky Duck" to
The Entire Cowichan Valley Illegal Street Drug Addict Scene and did ruin Every
Young Illegal Drug Addict In The Entire Cowichan Valley And Cowichan Areas by
doing so. They thought that they were obeying Their Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ's special message that was given to them by The Spiritual Dice Throwing "New Young
Blond Girl."
Readers: Get This. ...
Prepare to hang on to your hats. ... and your heads. ...
Readers: Once again "The Young Blond Girl" was Throwing Her Dice up against
The Wall Of Coffin Boxes and "She" believed that The Spirit Of "Her"
Lord And Saviour, The Lord Jesus Christ did communicate with "Her" the following
important private message.
Readers: The important private message was that "She" "The Young Blond Girl"
was to command "Her" boy friend, The Anathema Man, to physically
attack The Student's of his School with "Hatchets And Axes" and cut the heads
off of his School Students. "The Young Blond New Girl Friend" screamed on that
the feeding of "The Street Drug Wacky Duck" was partly used against The School
Students to get them both physically and mentally down in order that The School
Students could now be run at "With Hatchets And Axes" and be finally finished off
by cutting their heads right off more easily. ...
Readers: The Anathema Man, "The Young Blond New Girl Friend" and The
Others did do all of This Very Important God Given Revelation Of
"Hatchet And Axe" Cut The Student's Heads Off Idea And A Lot More. ... that
"The Young Blond New Girl Friend" did supposedly receive from God On High
by Throwing Dice up against The Ever Increasing Wall Made From Coffin Boxes.
Readers: A whole lot of trouble did happen over this very large case in general
but "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" was done to any of The Guilty At All. ...
Readers: As a matter of fact "The Young Blond New Girl Friend" is still throwing
"Her" Dice Up Against The Wall Of Coffin Boxes that "She " has made
out of The Innocent Church People who were somehow Vulnerable to "Her." The
Bad Anathema Man still listens to his "New Young Blond Girl Friend's" Spiritual
Messages he calls "The Lord Jesus Christ's Revelations From On High For
Himself" and does go about wrecking everything that he can get his hands onto.
The Others just drift in and out of "The New Young Blond Girl Friend's" presence,
like shadows, when "She" calls them to come to "Her" to do "Her" The Lord Jesus
Christ's bidding. ...
Readers: I have serious enough reasons to believe that The Bad Anathema Man,
"The Young Blond New Girl Friend" and The Others were all involved in
Slave Trade and White Slave Trade. I do believe that they did at times sell some
of The Students at The School as Slaves and as White Slaves.
Readers: The Bad Anathema Man because of his position of being A School
Principal was given a key to avail himself and others with money
and other needs that people have who do go to The British Columbia Human
Resources Office for assistance, help. The Bad Anathema Man's Human
Resources Key had Government Authority all the way from The Little Village
of Sidney on The Saanitch Peninsula, then to Victoria, then on to Duncan,
then on to Nanaimo and any place in between. To Me, Myself and I, Murray S.
Fenwick, that Government Key was very seriously a very powerful Key.
Readers: On one occasion I saw The Anathema Man do the following.
1. The Anathema Man did do the following for a man who was a friend of his in
order to just help him out. I found out that this was not very much for The Bad
Anathema Man to do in his seriously very big job as A School Principal.
2. The friend of The Anathema Man did not really need financial help but for
certain the friend of The Bad Anathema Man would appreciate any financial
help that he could get.
3. The friend of The Bad Anathema Man was in the process of buying a nice new
house and land. The friend did not absolutely need financial help but he could
sure use a helping hand because he was some what debt beaten down for
buying this new house and land.
4. When The Bad Anathema Man found this out he offered to help his friend out of
debt, and help him pay the debt off, by going into The Human Resources Office
and simply through the modern day computer system "Legally Increasing His
Friend's Monthly Check" by a whole lot in order to make life easier on his friend.
5. The Bad Anathema Man's friend asked The Bad Anathema Man to definitely not
to do this for him because the friend thought that this act of The Bad Anathema
Man was Illegal to do also the friend might lose his house and land through a
court case should he be found, caught, committing fraud, an illegal crime of this
type, against The Government Office named The Human Resources.
6. The Bad Anathema Man most assuredly told his friend that this idea is done all
of the time and that this type of help is absolutely honest right through.
7. The Bad Anathema Man also said that he had already checked his friend's
monthly allowance and that his friend was being seriously cheated because
his friend's check monthly allowance was definitely to small.
8. Therefore off went The Bad Anathema Man and his "Poverty Stricken Friend"
with him to the local Human Resources Office to make all financial adjustments
that The Bad Anathema Man did dream up that he thought his friend did need.
Readers: Fortunately after all "New Financial Arrangements" had been made at
The Local Human Resources Office and The Bad Anathema Man had
gone home, "At A Later Date," the friend went to The Local Human Resources
Centre and made a personal inquiry about this "New Financial Arrangement" to be
checked out.
Readers: The Bad Anathema Man simply forgot to turn The Government Key that
he was issued with in order to lock into The Computer "The New Money,
Financial Arrangement" that The Bad Anathema Man had typed into The New
Money Computer that was located in The Local Government Human Resources
Office. Therefore when The Human Resources Worker checked this "New
Financial Arrangement" out that The Bad Anathema Man had arranged for his
friend this "New Money Arrangement" did stand out in The New Money Computer
as false.
Readers: The Government Human Resources Worker had to take the time to
properly enter all needed information about, "The Friend," back into
"The Nice New Money Computer."
Readers: Then a lot of trouble happened.
Readers: The Government Human Resources, "Worker Then Workers," did not
know how this "New Financial Arrangement" had got typed into The
Nice New Money Computer.
Readers: The Government Human Resources Workers did at first blamed "The
Friend" for illegally entering The Human Resources Office and trying
to steal money by falsely adjusting their own private monthly pay check with out
having proper Government Authority to do so.
Readers: There were terribly negative scenes happen in The Government Local
Human Resources Office against "The Friend" for quite some time.
Readers: Also The Government Human Resources Office was going to take "The
Friend" to court and take his unpaid for house and land away from him.
They were going to take "The Friends" unpaid for house and land away from him
no matter what happened in this false case. The Government Human Resources
Office was determined to do this.
Readers: Remember. This is just a small, short, report on The Anathema Man.
Readers: Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick.
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