The Whole World,
The Whole World,
British Columbia,
British Columbia,
The Torquoise People.
Readers Remember: Locations Vary.
Readers Remember: Locations Vary.
The Torquoise People Are A Hidden,
Well Kept Secret, Secretive, People
And Possibly Unwanted People.
A Complaint Against Victoria, Nanaimo And The Whole World.
There is a hidden people called "The Torquoise People" living in Victoria,
Nanaimo, B.C., Canada And The Whole World.
This report is about The Torquoise People.
The Torquoise People are a group of people who do hide themselves within
the society of Nanaimo.
Nanaimo, B.C., Canada And The Whole World.
This report is about The Torquoise People.
The Torquoise People are a group of people who do hide themselves within
the society of Nanaimo.
The Torquoise People have been very evil spoken against.
The Torquoise People have been put out of communities in the past.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am speaking to you Nanaimo.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am speaking to you Nanaimo.
In order for your very own community to run smoothly along and straightly
In order for your very own community to know what is seriously going on in
your very own community.
your very own community.
In order that no-one in your very own community does get unnecessarily hurt.
In order that your very own community can prove whether or not The Torquoise
People are doing things right, living right.
In order that your very own community can prove whether or not The Torquoise
People are doing things right, living right.
I do believe that at times it is a good idea for your very own community to
investigate groups of people like The Hidden Torquoise People.
investigate groups of people like The Hidden Torquoise People.
I do believe that since The Torquoise People have always chosen to remain
hidden away from The General Public.
I do believe that since The Torquoise People have always chosen to hide their
hidden identity and what they are doing from The General Public as well.
Therefore: Me, Myself and I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that The Torquoise
People should be ordered by The General Public to publicly talk about exactly what
they are doing.
I do believe that since The Torquoise People have always chosen to hide their
hidden identity and what they are doing from The General Public as well.
Therefore: Me, Myself and I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that The Torquoise
People should be ordered by The General Public to publicly talk about exactly what
they are doing.
This report is about a hidden crowd of people named "CROWD TORQUOISE,"
who live in Nanaimo, B.C., Canada.
This day of 1980 Anno Domini one of my Great White Light Spirit Guides Named
Shiva showed me just some of those people's haunts who call themselves The
Crowd called Color Torquoise.
1. One day when I was walking along the streets of Nanaimo, British Columbia,
Canada. ...
2. I, Murray S. Fenwick, saw the color turquoise.
3. I took note of the location that I found, saw, the color turquoise.
Readers: For some peculiar reason "The Color Turquoise" was always placed in
a non-obvious, some what hidden, location. The color torquoise did
seem to be a hidden little brush mark of paint that had been put onto things in a
non observable place.
4. The color turquoise was painted on the underside of a house's extending eves.
The eves did extend out over the side and ends of the house and in one location
between two extending beams of roof rafters there was a little bit of the color
torquoise painted right there. The color turquoise when painted in this location is
very hard to see,to detect, to find at all.
5. I then saw the color turquoise painted on the underside of a garbage can. A
person had to literally lift the garbage can up and right upside down and over
to see the color turquoise painted right there on the garbage can's bottom. The
color turquoise when painted onto this garbage can in this location was very
hard to detect by just human eyes indeed but The All Seeing Eyes Of The Lord
Shiva Do See Everywhere! ... There right before my very own eyes was just a
small splash of the color torquoise.
6. In another non-obvious location "The Crowd's Color Turquoise" was painted
onto an upright piece of cement that was part of the steps that led to a house.
By being in this location it would lead one to think that the color turquoise was
painted there in order to give people guidance when they were approaching
the house in order that one did not trip on the cement sidewalk. Even though
the color turquoise could be readily scene in this position a person would
recognize this paint job as a direction pointer not as "A CROWD PLEASER."
7. One day when I was doing business at The Nanaimo Royal Canadian Mounted
Police Station I was very shocked when I saw A Royal Canadian Mounted
Policeman there wearing "The Color Turquoise" all over his uniform. The Color
Torquoise was always kept in a secondary position to the color and design of his
great big colorful uniform but he had a whole lot of "The Color Turquoise" on
himself. Should The Crowd Called Turquoise look at him they would certainly see
Their Color Turquoise, on his uniform, in every direction. I'll say it again, This very
seriously shocked me! !!!
Readers: I have seen The Color Turquoise splashed about. ...
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that "The Crowd Turquoise" should
be very seriously investigated as to just what they are in general doing
about the communities of The United Kingdom and maybe just what are they doing
about other nations in the world as well?
who live in Nanaimo, B.C., Canada.
This day of 1980 Anno Domini one of my Great White Light Spirit Guides Named
Shiva showed me just some of those people's haunts who call themselves The
Crowd called Color Torquoise.
1. One day when I was walking along the streets of Nanaimo, British Columbia,
Canada. ...
2. I, Murray S. Fenwick, saw the color turquoise.
3. I took note of the location that I found, saw, the color turquoise.
Readers: For some peculiar reason "The Color Turquoise" was always placed in
a non-obvious, some what hidden, location. The color torquoise did
seem to be a hidden little brush mark of paint that had been put onto things in a
non observable place.
4. The color turquoise was painted on the underside of a house's extending eves.
The eves did extend out over the side and ends of the house and in one location
between two extending beams of roof rafters there was a little bit of the color
torquoise painted right there. The color turquoise when painted in this location is
very hard to see,to detect, to find at all.
5. I then saw the color turquoise painted on the underside of a garbage can. A
person had to literally lift the garbage can up and right upside down and over
to see the color turquoise painted right there on the garbage can's bottom. The
color turquoise when painted onto this garbage can in this location was very
hard to detect by just human eyes indeed but The All Seeing Eyes Of The Lord
Shiva Do See Everywhere! ... There right before my very own eyes was just a
small splash of the color torquoise.
6. In another non-obvious location "The Crowd's Color Turquoise" was painted
onto an upright piece of cement that was part of the steps that led to a house.
By being in this location it would lead one to think that the color turquoise was
painted there in order to give people guidance when they were approaching
the house in order that one did not trip on the cement sidewalk. Even though
the color turquoise could be readily scene in this position a person would
recognize this paint job as a direction pointer not as "A CROWD PLEASER."
7. One day when I was doing business at The Nanaimo Royal Canadian Mounted
Police Station I was very shocked when I saw A Royal Canadian Mounted
Policeman there wearing "The Color Turquoise" all over his uniform. The Color
Torquoise was always kept in a secondary position to the color and design of his
great big colorful uniform but he had a whole lot of "The Color Turquoise" on
himself. Should The Crowd Called Turquoise look at him they would certainly see
Their Color Turquoise, on his uniform, in every direction. I'll say it again, This very
seriously shocked me! !!!
Readers: I have seen The Color Turquoise splashed about. ...
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that "The Crowd Turquoise" should
be very seriously investigated as to just what they are in general doing
about the communities of The United Kingdom and maybe just what are they doing
about other nations in the world as well?
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