Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
Sooke. Another Murdered Policeman In Sooke.
Mr. Boogy Mad Man Is Involved Here In
Committing These Murders. Mr. Boogy Mad Man
Is One Of The More Seriously Involved Murderers
Of All Of Sooke's History.
Readers: The following is another Report against Sooke.
Some of these gun abuse charges are quite lengthy. I wish that they were not. Frankly I,
Murray S. Fenwick, am sick to death of them, but that is why I, Murray S. Fenwick, am
putting them onto my blog right here. I hope to further report, expose, these criminal
cases and just maybe get them properly dealt with. Then there will be more safety, more
security, for the general public.
Readers: I have every intention of dealing with murderers as strongly as the country that they
are apprehended in does deal with them themselves. That does include out right
killing them in the electric chair or by standing the guilty at a cement wall and killing
them by gun fire. The exact death means is determined by the country that they are
executed in. That said I will go on with this case, murder report.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was destined to be a very big Indian Senior Chief. Right here
in this report there is no point in getting involved into understanding my adoption
into The Indian Nation, and other very interesting things that took place in my Born
Again Christian Life, Church Christian Life.
Readers: Therefore I, Murray S. Fenwick, will start this gun murder report off right here in this
Readers: This false gun charge that was laid against me, Murray S. Fenwick, does pertain to
The Little Village Of Sooke that is located on The West Coast Of Vancouver Island
that is located on The West Coast Of British Columbia in Canada. I also do mean
The Municipality of The Little Village Of Sooke.
Readers: Unfortunately this report could be lengthened out and pertain to all of British
Columbia, Canada!
1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was walking down the street in Victoria and I met an Indian Man
who was from The Little Village of Sooke who did ask me to go to Sooke and pray for
2. In a week or two off I went to The Little Village of Sooke to pray for The Old Indian Man.
3. After I had a nice evening of Christian Fellowship with The Old Indian Man, Bible Study
and Prayer, The Old Indian Man asked me about me moving to live in The Littler Old
Village of Sooke.
4. I did like to live in the country therefore I talked with The Old Indian Man about the
possibility of my moving to The Little Old Village of Sooke.
5. The Old Indian said that he knew of a old house that he thought that I could rent or of
some land that he thought that I might be able to buy and he then helped me along
looking into these things.
6. It turned out that the land was just sold.
7. Therefore I took up residence in the old house in The Little Old Village of Sooke.
Readers: About the year 1975 Anno Domini, I moved to Sooke to live there.
8. Not long after I moved to Sooke I met a quite young boy who lived next door to me.
9. He was in about grade 3 in the locale public school of Sooke.
10. By my talking with the young lad I found out that the school of Sooke did have problems
going on in The Sooke School that should not be there at all.
11. I do not know or remember just what those problems were but the young lad who lived
next door to me new what those troubles were.
12. I do know that there was a lot of very rough fighting going on in Sooke.
13. I came to know enough young students who did attend The Sooke School who were
into fighting that The Sooke School was "The Center Of."
14. This rough kind of fighting that was "Centered" at The Sooke School even got into
hitting each other over the head with 3 to 4 foot long steel 1 inch thick steel bars.
15. There was a lot of people shot down by gun fire in The Sooke Area.
16. Guns were in constant abuse in The Sooke Area.
Readers: This report could be extremely long but I am keeping it short.
Readers: There was a lot of serious trouble making in The Little Village Of Sooke
when I lived there. This report would be very long if I tried to cover just
some of the very serious trouble making that was in Sooke.
Readers: Therefore I am going to mention in this short report just some of the troubled
events that were known by myself to be going on in The Little Village Of Sooke
that were also about "The Unfortunate Policeman" who was shot down.
Readers: For example: I could get into details about the illegal gun shooting that was
going on all about Sooke Village but it would take a lot of a long report to just
do a small report on that subject.
Readers: Therefore I am doing just a short report around about "The Killed Policeman".
Readers: I did say that should The Supreme Court Of Canada ask me for a long report I,
Murray S. Fenwick, am certainly willing to write that long report for them.
17. As I lived in Sooke for awhile I came to be introduced to some other people who also
did live in Sooke.
Readers: There were also in Sooke Great Big Mountain Lions that did eat people.
18. One of these people that I came to know in Sooke claimed for himself a Bible name.
19. There were other Bible Oriented crazy people in Sooke who did claim to be The
Beginning And The Ending Of All The Christian Faith. This trouble was extreme.
These mixed up people were involved in every kind of evil sin imaginable to
Readers: Everyone of those troublesome crazy Bible People had a loaded gun and had
shot down dead some poor little victim and had literally thrown their victims
dead body off of the Sooke beach front into The Great Pacific Ocean. Also
the killers victims were thrown into The Great Pacific Ocean Right Off Of The
Sooke Spit.
Readers: There were alcoholics and illegal drug addicts living in Sooke who did like to
talk it up and boast about shooting people with "An Old War Gun Called A Lee
Enfield Rifle" but those people did not understand much if anything at all about
the true killing power potential of such fire arms. They simply "Shot Their Mouth's
Off" all over The Sooke Place about killing some innocent bystander with such a
fire arm.
Readers: This is a very important statement right here. The Swimmers Gang were seriously,
criminally involved in Sooke and The Sooke Areas. I have written a report on The
Swimmers Gang right here in my blog. Readers you should read my report on The
Swimmers Gang.
20. Some people were also involved in auto racing cars, trucks and motorcycles in Sooke.
Readers: This auto racing set of people just might be the craziest set of people who were
using illegal drugs and alcohols who did get involved in the Automobile Racing
Sport that you are ever likely to meet.
21. Some of those people who did live in Sooke and who did race automobiles did also
illegally race some kind of cars,trucks and motorcycles on the open public roads of
Sooke. This made trouble for other people who were using the public roads of Sooke
for honest transport by causing automobile accidents of all descriptions.
22. When the race crowd set were on their illegal drugs and alcohols, and believe me
Readers this set right here had many varieties of illegal drugs and alcohols,that they
would even partially undue the front end wheel assemblies of their automobiles and
then race those very cars and trucks to prove to their drugged selves and to others
on illegal drugs and alcohols that they, "THE SUPERMEN AND SUPERWOMEN
OF SOOKE" could race a fast automobile without having front wheels on it. Readers:
I want you to remember that I did for warn you that I did tell you that "This Racing
Car Set" right here in "The Little Village Of Sooke And Surrounding Areas About
Sooke Were Crazy."
23. I, Murray S. Fenwick, by accidental happening, did get a ride in an old truck that "The
Sooke Mad Man" had the front wheel assemblies loosened off on and I can tell you that
was the last time that I ever got into that there vehicle. That scary ride was my last scary
ride that ever did happen to me in Sooke. I got out of that truck as soon as I could and
went home and closed the house door on "THAT SOOKE, CRAZY CAR RACE SET
Readers: I can say in this report right here that there were living in Sooke at this time
motorcycle racing drivers that were racing with international racing teams for
really big motorcycle companies.
24. At this time someone burned down a really big church in The Little Village of Sooke.
There was not many people lived in Sooke at that time. The church was really big to
have been built in such A Small Village as Sooke was. That church would have been
considered a big church building in any city in Canada.
25. It is believed that it became known who did burn that big church down but nothing
was ever done to the person or persons for burning that really big church down.
26. Maybe there was lack of evidence against the person or persons who were thought to
have burned the really big church down.
27. It was talked about though that the person was or persons were caught who did burn
that really big church down.
28. It was talked about that the person or persons did have a personal argument against
the really big church too.
29. I do know that The Burning Down Of The Really Big Church became like A Haunting
Scene all over The Little Village Of Sooke for quite some time.
30. If a innocent bystander did look upon this burning down of the really big church scene
over all of the things that did happen in and about the burning down of the really big
church they would quite easily become afraid by seeing what I mean by saying that
This Was A Really Bad Haunting Scary Scene.
31. Pigs went up for The Rustling in Sooke.
32. Bad boat accidents did happen in Sooke where innocent children might have drowned.
33. People cut down and stole Sookes very expensive trees illegally.
34. People drove very expensive tractors through Sookes wilderness areas and then literally
stood those very expensive tractors on their ends wrecking those tractors.
35. People would rob down grocery stores by not even paying their bills.
36. People would even harvest shellfish illegally which brought about the starvation of the
local Indian Peoples.
37. There was a lot of Illegal Drugs in and about Sooke.
38. People would literally tear at and tear down in some kind of ways other peoples houses
and building and then claim that the people who suffered the torn down losses were
attacked by The Paranormal Poltergeists.
39. People who did live in trailers were attacked in all directions in various ways.
40. Crazy types of people who were using the illegal drug named L.S.D. would by using a
knife kill horses and cows right in the pasture lands of Sooke and then simply drink the
animals fresh blood that ran out of the just slain animals throat.
Readers: I want you to take the next statement very seriously.
41. That women were seriously bought and sold in Sooke as permanent slaves.
Readers: I do not know why but a spit of land jutting out into the ocean in The Little Old
Village Of Sooke is spelled two different ways. One way is with an e, Whiffen Spit
and the other is with an i, Whiffin Spit. ?
Readers: In order that I do not cause confusion through the spelling of this particular spit of
land at Sooke I have chosen to use the "i" form of spelling Whiffin Spit.
42. There was a lot of very rough scenes even to the point of murderous scenes that took
place at Whiffin Spit and very nearby Whiffin Spit and near enough to Whiffin Spit to
be said that the murderous scenes did take place at Whiffin Spit.
43. There were a lot of dead bodies of people discarded at Whiffin Spit and then thrown into
The Pacific Ocean at Whiffin Spit.
44. The reason that the murdered people were thrown into The Pacific Ocean from Whiffin
Spit, that is from off of Whiffin Spit itself, is that the dead bodies of the murdered people
would never be seen again once they entered The Great Pacific Ocean from that exact
Readers: Those people left alive in The Little Old Village Of Sooke, after they had murdered
their victims, would endlessly throw the dead bodies of their victims off of Whiffin
Readers: After I lived in The Little Old Village Of Sooke for a while I soon learned that it was
not a good idea to go to Whiffin Spit at all.
Readers: Because of the criminal murderous danger surrounding the area of Whiffin Spit and
Whiffin Spit itself it was not a good idea to go any where near to Whiffin Spit.
45. An innocent person by going to Whiffin Spit ran the high risk of getting themself into a
terrible fight of one kind or another.
46. An innocent person by going to Whiffin Spit ran the high risk of getting literally thrown
into the very fast water currents that are about Whiffin Spit and being carried out into The
Great Pacific Oceran where the person would drowned and never be seen again.
47. An innocent person by going to Whiffin Spit ran the high risk of getting oneself out right
shot down by gun fire and then thrown into The Waters Of The Great Pacific Ocean.
Readers: Living in Sooke became worse! Day by Day The Little Village Of Sooke seemed to
sink deeper into The Hell that The Bible talks about.
Readers: Worse then got Worse in The Little Old Village Of Sooke!
Readers: Then "The Murderer" loaded his gun and went down the street and shot down
The Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman.
Readers: Then "The Murderer" got his gang together and they all descended onto and into
The Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman's Police Station and beat up all of The
Royal Canadian Mounted Policemen even to the point of locking them all up in
their own jail cells and tormenting The Policemen "VERY BADLY."
Readers: Then in The Little Old Village Of Sooke Worse got Worse! !!!
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, had what I thought were "Justifiable Reasons" to take the side
of The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Of Sooke during this terrible "ON GOING"
crisis that was always about The Little Old Village Of Sooke.
Therefore: I went driving along the road to The Royal Canadian Mounted
Police Station to offer them some real solid help.
Readers: This solid help that I did offer to The Royal Canadian Mounted Police took place in
the years of 1975-1976 Anno Domini.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe in putting God "First" in my life and that does
include God "First" in what I do. Therefore I am going to begin this part of this
report right here by "Just Beginning" to "TURN THE TABLES AROUND" in order
to make "The True Guilty" face the charges that are going to be laid against them
for committing such terrible criminal scenes as they most assuredly have.
Readers: Therefore with "GOD FIRST" then we will, not shall, but will, get on with this report
and "The Murdered Policeman."
Readers: Just why did some dumped out people in Sooke, "False Accusers Of The Christian
Brethren," accuse me, Murray S. Fenwick, for being amongst those people who did
great damage to the Churches in Sooke even to the point of burning The Big Quite
Large Church Down? ???
Readers: I do want you to remember that "I AM VERY HIGH UP NOBILITY RIGHT OUT OF
"CASTLE DUNGEONS." I, Noble King Murray S. Fenwick, does, that is, do know
who some of you criminals, to The Church are, and I have every honest intention
of putting you's into a dungeon and there dealing with you.
Readers: I do want you to know that I being of Noble Blood do have a lot of inlaws and friends
all over the world. I am definitely putting a report onto Noble People's desk tops for
them to get involved in this here case and other cases.
Readers: I do have every intention of picking up those guilty people who go about falsely
accusing Noble Me, Noble Myself and Noble I and other Born Again Christian
Brethren and dealing with them according to their evil deeds!
Readers: I do have Noble Inlaws in England, Scotland, Ireland, The Middle East, India and
even in The Noble Kingdom of Antere in Western Canada.
Readers: I swear that I, Noble King Murray S. Fenwick, will do His very best to apprehend
those people who are guilty!
Readers: That said I will get now on with the real reason of this here report. That is the murder
of The Innocent Policeman.
Readers: I Noble King Murray does say that The Murdered Policeman was not of known Noble
Birth. That means to me, Noble King Murray, that the poor innocent fellow was mere
Readers: I being A Noble Abbot do know that The Murdered Policeman was definitely not a
known Born Again Church Man.
Readers: Therefore I Noble King Murray S. Fenwick does today say that A Peasant Worldly
Man who was out, of The Church away from God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and who
was wandering about in The World as A Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman and
as The Worldly Courts say was innocent and was murdered by gun fire.
Readers: I do honestly know who did commit this murder of The Innocent Policeman.
Readers: I did turn "The Guilty Man In" to The Proper Authorities. It was a man who did
commit this murder.
Readers: As I said, down the road I went to offer some solid help to the policeman=
48. I talked with the policeman for a little while about Me, Myself and I finding out about
the trouble that he=they were in.
49. Then I talked with the policeman about Me, Myself and I offering the police some solid
50. The policeman who I was talking to had a "Negative Fit" about Murray=Me Myself and I
offering to help the police in "Such A Solid Way."
51. That individual policeman sent me to talk to some of the other policemen about "Murray's
=Me Myself and I's Solid Help Program."
52. At least 2 of the other policemen there at the police station had a "Negative Fit" also.
53. Then all of the police shouted at "Murray, Me, Myself and I" in this manner of shouting
or in that manner of shouting.
54. Then all of the policemen sent Murray, Me, Myself and I, home.
Readers: I have to say now that you my Readers might think that I, Murray S. Fenwick=Me,
Myself and I, have gone to far with "My Types Of Plans That I Offered To The
Policemen Of Sooke" and would have sent Me home too as in also but you my
Readers will be very shocked in your own brains and hearts as to where this
trouble "In General" that took place "In The Little Village Of Sooke" ended up at.
Readers: I have to write this to you.
55. I first told a lot of The Royal Canadian Mounted Police of The Little Village Of
Sooke "EXACTLY THE MAN" who did murder that shot down policeman. I
made no mistake about it. I knew who did illegally shoot down to death that
policeman of The Little Village Of Sooke and I made certain that The Royal
Canadian Mounted Police knew about him.
Readers: My, Murray S. Fenwick's, solid help strategies that I offered to The Royal Canadian
Mounted Police of The Little Village Of Sooke was that I would certainly assist them
in getting proper "Common Sense" control of The Little Village Of Sooke even to the
degree of losing my life by backing up The Royal Canadian Mounted Police with "A
Military Contingent=Troop Of Soldiers" should The R.C.M.P. require it. I have served
in 3 different militaries and I was well able to organise A Troop Of Soldiers should it
be found necessary to do so.
Readers: This is "No Easy Off Joke" for The Man Murray S. Fenwick to risk his very own life in
order to help save the remaining Royal Canadian Mounted Police Of The Little
Village Of Sooke and for lack of a better expression "The Innocent People Of The
Little Village Of Sooke and Sooke's surrounding district's=plural and more than plural.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was accused by different people from The Little Village Of
Sooke to also the surrounding areas of The Little Village Of Sooke for committing
murder of various people in various ways.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was accused also of committing the murder of The Royal
Canadian Mounted Policeman.
Readers: The following is another Report against Sooke.
Readers: The following short statement will scare the life right out of you.
56. I, Murray S. Fenwick, on A Sunday went out for a Sunday drive in The Little Village
Of Sooke and in The District Areas of The Little Village Of Sooke.
57. Suddenly "A Flagman" came into my view on A Sooke Side Road and waved to me to
stop my car. "The Flagman" was a man.
Readers: I never had seen "The Flagman" before.
58. "The Flagman" knew exactly who I was and also did know my name was Murray S.
59. "The Flagman" was exhausted from fear and excessive strife.
60. "The Flagman" may have known me from my job location which was located at
Government House on Rockland Avenue in Victoria and also at The Parliament
Buildings in Victoria.
Readers: "The Flagman" may have worked at The Parliament Buildings himself,
I do not know whether he did work there or if he did not work there.
61. "The Flagman" who waved to me to stop my car on that little old Sooke side road
was right at the entrance to the driveway of People Who Would At Times Visit The
Parliament Buildings in Victoria, B.C. right where I, Murray S. Fenwick, worked at.
I did know that much about them.
62. "The Flagman" was very careful with what he was doing.
63. "The Flagman" asked me to participate with what was thought had to be done right
now at this certain property.
64. "The Flagman" asked me to drive very carefully into the driveway and to then drive
carefully right to the bottom end of the driveway.
65. "The Flagman" asked me to then get out of my car and ask the man there for positive
directions as to what I have to do on this property right now.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did do "EXACTLY" what "The Flagman" did ask me very
politely to do.
66. The driveway sloped down from the entrance into the driveway to the inside of the property
to where the driveway did end.
67. On this Sunday when I drove to the bottom end of the driveway and got out of my car I met
A Woman there not A Man.
68. The Woman talked with me for a moment or two, "But Long Enough", to understand what
she was talking about.
69. The Woman told me that Her and Her Husband were A Woman And A Man of Parliament
and that they had the authority to swear me, Murray S. Fenwick, in to be a type of "Helping
Body Guard" type of person to help Her and Her Husband out right now.
70. The reason The Woman of Parliament needed my sworn in help "RIGHT NOW" is This
Woman Of Parliament did say that for some reason a lot of people just came to Her and
Her Husband's Residence with loaded guns and are trying to shoot them down and kill
them. That this murder attempt against Her and Her Husband was taking place "RIGHT
NOW! !!!"
Readers: Remember this is how bad Sooke really is. The Woman and The Man who were to
be murdered right here on their own property were people who did go to The
Parliament Building right in Victoria at times. The mental case people of Sooke
could not have cared less who This Woman and This Man were. The people of
Sooke simply got high on their illegal drugs and drunk on their whiskey and loaded
their firearms and went to This Woman's and This Man's Residence and started to
fire their guns at These Parliament People in order to murder them.
Readers: There was a lot of people from Sooke who did get involved in "The Negative Side" of
this murder scene right here who did try to commit murder of The Woman And The
Man from The Parliament Buildings.
Readers: This attempt at committing murder of The Woman and The Man who did at times go
to The Parliament Buildings in Victoria is definitely "THE HEIGHTS" of "The Insane
Acts" of The Illegal Drug Crowd and The Alcoholic Crowd of Sooke.
Readers: The Crazy People Of Sooke first shot down The Innocent People Of Sooke and then
tried to also shoot down The Parliament People Of The Parliament Buildings In
Victoria ALSO! !!!
Readers: There seems to be no final end to the severe types of trouble making that does come
from The Alcoholic and The Illegal Drug Addict.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did accept being sworn in by The Woman, Now "THE LADY"
Of Parliament to protect Her and Her Husband's very own life.
Readers: The Lady from The Parliament Buildings in Victoria swore me in very quickly. I was
ordered by The Lady from The Parliament Building to protect Her and Her Husband's
very own life and "The Other Innocent People" who were at this time located at this
quite large area "Murder Site."
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was ordered to use the firearms that were provided for me and
to shoot down every murderer from The Lady's House all the way to the water front.
This area that was under illegal gun fire when I arrived on this murder scene was quite
Readers: I was in the future never unsworn off of gun duty "To Protect The Lady's and The
Gentleman's Very Own Life" who would frequent The Parliament Buildings in
Victoria on occasions.
Readers: There were people being shot at and shot down all over the land, area, right at this
Readers: The Lady from The Parliament Buildings was shot at so very many times that I do
not know how she lived through such heavy gun fire that was aimed at her.
Readers: Unfortunately for me and The Lady and The Lady's Husband who would frequent
The Parliament Building in Victoria at times, there was for some unknown reason
to me absolutely no ammunition for the rifle guns, that appeared to me to be new,
to me.
Readers: This is the hour, the time, that I found out that The Lady from The Parliament
Buildings "Just Might Have Had Faith In The Lord Jesus Christ" because she did
talk with me about her Faith in God at this very moment when both she, The Lady
from The Parliament Buildings and I discovered that there was absolutely no
ammunition for those nice new rifle guns and that the only way that she, The Lady,
and I were to survive this shoot out was by prayer.
Readers: The Lady from The Parliament Buildings and I, Murray S. Fenwick, had not one
single bullet to defend ourselves with. We simply had to rely on prayer to our Lord
and Saviour, The Lord Jesus Christ.
Readers: I think that The Lady from The Parliament Buildings said that she had A Pentecostal
Born Again Christian Belief but I am not quite sure.
Readers: The shooting on this quite large area of land went on for quite some time. Just how
many hours or days this shoot out went on for I do not know.
Readers: There was quite a large number of people murdered at this shoot out.
Readers: I do not know how The Lady and Her Husband, who did frequent The Parliament
Buildings in Victoria at times, did survive this murderous illegal shoot out because
of the large amount of bullets that were shot directly at them especially The Lady.
Readers: I think that it was An Act Of God that The Lady did survive this murderous shoot
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was at this shoot out as long as The Lady asked me to be there.
There came a time when The Lady said to me that I could now go home. I did not leave
this shoot out area until The Lady said to me that it was now alright for me to go home.
There came a time that The Lady did send me off home. The Lady did explain to me
that she thought that the murderous shoot out was over with and that it was alright now
for me to go home. The Lady said to me that she did not need me on the shoot out area
any longer.
Readers: You can see why I am going to give Sooke a real solid investigation as to just who
was it that did go all over Sooke shooting people down.
Readers: I do know who some of the guilty people are but I do not know who all the guilty
people are.
Readers: I do say right here that this kind of ill conduct that did take place in Sooke, B.C.,
Canada went murderously a long way beyond what I think should be forgotten
about. I do believe in writing this murderous scene down into a proper book of
Negative Remembrances and looking people up in the future years to come to be
dealt with according to the countries laws where those people are picked up in for
murder investigations.
Readers: Because I, Murray S. Fenwick, did get up in The World in Religious and in Political
Affairs I am right here guaranteeing that no-one who was involved in The Negative
Side of these kind of murders will have An Easy Time escaping from The Capital
Punishment Verdict that can, might, be brought against you=them.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, says right here that you murderous person=people who did
commit these murder scenes are not going to get away with it should I catch up
with you.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, says right here that you murderous person=people who did
commit these murder scenes are not going to get away with "Falsely Blaming Me,
Myself And I, Being Murray S. Fenwick" for committing these murder scenes.
Readers: In other words I, Murray S. Fenwick, am going to do what I can do in order to bring
you murderers to Honest Justice.
Readers: These murder scenes can be very easily proven to have taken place especially The
Murder Of The Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman and the murderous shoot out
at The Lady's and Her Husband's Home who were a couple involved with The
Parliament Buildings in Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick
Readers: The following is another Report against Sooke.
Readers: This is an additional report that I am going to put into this overall report against
Sooke. This report has to be done by itself. This additional report is a seriously
different report but is typical of this, my, overall report against Sooke.
1. This report happened to me, Murray S. Fenwick, when I was 15 years of age.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am "The Murderers," "Victim," right here. You Readers do not
have to talk with anyone else than Murray=Me, Myself And I, to find out about this
murder scene. I, Murray, am "The Killers" "Victim" right here who is writing this
report out for you to know about this murder scene in order that you can try to do
something to stop this murder scene from carrying on.
2. I had just moved from Stouffville, Ontario, Canada to Sidney, British Columbia, Canada when
this murder scene against me took place.
3. I, Murray S, Fenwick, was living in Sidney on The Saanitch Peninsula on Vancouver Island,
British Columbia, Canada at the time.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was A Secondary Public School Student at North Saanitch
Secondary School at the time. Every other teenager who was A Secondary Public
School Student who also did live in and about Sidney also did attend North Saanitch
Secondary School as A Secondary Public School Student.
4. This report took place about the month of July, 1962, Anno Domini.
Readers: Should the names and addresses of the people who did try to murder me be needed
for a proper court case I will write them onto this report for the court to have
available or for the responsible people to have on file for the court proceedings. I
will not put their names and addresses into this report right here on The Internet.
5. I was asked by some school teenagers to go to The Sooke Potholes for a swim.
6. I think that a person does get to The Sooke Potholes via The Sooke River Road but I do not
quite remember.
Readers: I do want you to remember that I am intentionally keeping this and other reports of
mine short in order to get them written down and to keep them easily readable for
the Readers.
7. I, Murray S. Fenwick, did agree with The School Kids, teenagers, to go for a swim at The
Sooke Potholes.
8. The only thing that I was concerned about is that The Sooke Potholes were a long ways
9. I did not even know how to get to The Sooke Potholes.
Readers: It is very "RELEVANT," that you know that The School Students who did ask me to go
to The Sooke Potholes were "ALL AN ACTIVE MEMBER," of The Notorious Swimmers
Gang. These very teenagers who did ask me to go to The Sooke Potholes for a swim
very easily, at this young teenagers age, could get around the Coast Of B.C. very
"CAPABLY BY THEMSELVES" should they desire to do so. They could travel by boat,
by motorcycle or by car or truck should they desire to do so. They even, also, did travel
by airplanes. The Notorious Swimmers Gang was very well organised at doing things
like travelling and that also does include travelling all the way to Indonesia by their own
boat should they desire to do so. Even by todays standards and this is 2017 Anno
Domini, this is not "AWAY BACK WHEN, when roads were more difficult etc., etc.,
and etc., for the average working man to travel all the way from The Little Town Of
Sidney By the Sea To The Little Town Of Sooke. This is a very big outing. A person
might do this kind of outing once in their lifetime. I have written a report right here in
my blog about The Notorious Swimmers Gang and I do think that you, My Readers,
should read it. These very teenagers right here could and would travel all over the
place at just a "Whim In Their Minds." They would use the type of transportation that
they thought was necessary for them to apply to do the travel job right with. Readers:
This might sound contradictory but it really is not contradictory. These very teenagers
were drug addicts of all kinds and descriptions and as they burned down they would
certainly go about destroying things that were about them. Unfortunately this type of
destroying things was very severe with The Members Of The Swimmers Gang.
Readers: Some of these young teenagers were even known for "Their Dragster Racing" at this
young age and further some of them were highly qualified race track mechanics
at the age of sixteen years of age, 16 years of age. They were known for their race
track racing abilities by the age of sixteen all the way from Victoria, B.C., Canada right
down The Coast Of North America and into The High Up Racing Circuits of California
State in The U.S.A. and that does include being well known for their professional
mechanics trades training. They were also known for not being "Slackards On The
Job" but were known for getting their mechanics tools out and getting on with the job
that has to be done and doing the job well done. It did not seem to matter whether
these teenagers were running a super racing sports car or running the whole saw mill
they could and would turn to keeping the job that they were working at running and
they were capable of keeping their job running real well. The Notorious Swimmers
Gang even had very well done championship racing motorcycles in British Columbia
that they would race all over the place. Readers: It is very unfortunate that everyone
involved in The Notorious Swimmers Gang were all using "Criminal Street Drugs Of
All Descriptions And Were Raised On All Alcohols As Well." Every person involved
in The Swimmers Gang has ended up a burned down drug addict by the age of 30
years old.
10. The Swimmers Gang had to borrow a small car to use to go for this swim outing at The
Sooke Potholes.
11. The Swimmers Gang made sure that they went to the gas station and put enough gas into
the borrowed car to get to Sooke and back to Sidney with.
12. The Swimmers Gang had no trouble what-so-ever in getting to Sooke.
13. The Swimmers Gang then did have trouble in finding the access road that did lead to The
Sooke Potholes.
14. Once The Swimmers Gang did locate the road to The Sooke Potholes they drove carefully
along that road for what seemed like quite a long drive and for what seemed like quite a
long time.
15. The Swimmers Gang stopped several times and did check out their location and where
they thought The Sooke Potholes were located at.
16. Everyone of The Swimmers Gang I do believe had been here before and swam at The
Sooke Potholes.
17. These specific members of The Swimmers Gang I do believe were just making sure
about exactly where they were located at. This does seem to me to be the truth. The
Swimmers Gang right here had "My Murder" in their black hearts and on their drugged,
alcoholed, tipped, crazy minds and did not want to make a slip-up when they committed
murder of Me, Myself and I, Murray S. Fenwick. Right here The Swimmers Gang were
being very careful as to their own exact location as their location changed by their
driving along The Sooke Potholes Access Road and were taking careful notes as to where
people were located at and as to how many people were in certain areas etc. and to the
time of the changing of the time on their wrist watches etc. The Swimmers Gang were
right here very concerned about the movement of people and were very observant about
people moving around.
18. This set of teenagers from school who were all members of The Swimmers Gang did seem
to agree all at the same time about where they were located at and about exactly where they
wanted to go in regards for their swim in The Sooke Potholes which is where they intended
to murder Murray S. Fenwick at.
19. It was now only a matter of minutes and the little borrowed car slowed down to a stop
and there we were right at The Sooke Potholes.
20. The four, 4, of us all had our bathing suits on underneath our blue jeans.
21. We all took off our clothes that were over top of our swim suits, we did keep our swim suits
on and the four, 4, of us proceeded to go into the water of The Sooke Potholes to have our
22. Suddenly I, Murray S. Fenwick, did have a hurt on top of my head.
23. Then after awhile there was a lot of shouting going on.
24. Two, 2, of The Swimmers Gang shouted at me to come on out of the water now because
they had decided to end the swim now and we were to go home now.
25. As I got out of the water two, 2, of The Swimmers Gang were shouting at and disciplining
the other member of The Swimmers Gang.
Readers: I do believe that there were four, 4, of us school kids that went from Little Old
Sidney By The Sea to The Sooke Potholes together. BUT once we were actually
swimming at The Sooke Potholes more members of The Swimmers Gang could
have joined up with The Members Of The Swimmers Gang who I came to The
Sooke Potholes with. As a matter of fact I, Murray S. Fenwick, do believe that
this is exactly what did take place.
26. Because of the talk and shouting and shoving about by the two, 2, members of The
Swimmers Gang that they directed at The Other Member Of The Swimmers Gang
I, Murray S. Fenwick, soon found out why I had "A BAD HEAD ACHE."
27. The member of The Swimmers Gang who was being disciplined had lost control of
himself and had tried to kill me with a great big rock that he had struck me on top of
my head with while I was in the water swimming around about. He simply did just
wait in the water for me to swim close by him and he hit me right on the head with
a large rock the size of a cement block. The rock that The Member Of The Swimmers
Gang did hit me on the head with did weigh about fifty, 50, pounds in weight.
Readers: There were about four, 4, of us who did go this time, this day, to The Sooke Potholes
for a swim.
Readers: "BUT NOW" quite a lot of people were beginning to show up at The Sooke Potholes
for their own swim.
Readers: Because a lot of people were now showing up for their own swim at The Sooke
Potholes The Member Of The Swimmers Gang who could not control "HIS
MURDEROUS SELF" was completely subdued and quieted down from his
attacking me with huge rocks that he was throwing onto my head that were the size
of cement blocks or they all would have been seen "COMMITTING MURDER" of
me and would have come under serious police arrest.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does know that "Other Innocent People" had been murdered
at The Sooke Potholes by Members Of The Notorious Swimmers Gang.
Readers: I do ask you to take very careful note of what I am going to say right here.
Readers: The following is saying something about judgments that pertain to these
murderous issues, that in my mind, is very little said, that is very mildly
spoken of.
Readers: You have to remember that this murder scene took place back in 1962 Anno Domini.
In my memory and in my own knowledge of that particular area of The Little Old
Village Of Sooke I am not to well learned. I do think that my information here though
will be good enough to begin "Any Proper," Police Investigation, or "Any Proper,"
Christian Church Investigation, or "Any Proper," Buddhist Temple Investigation.
Readers: This Swimmers Gang could be The Notorious Gang that also did burn down that great
big Christian Church in The Little Old Village Of Sooke. The Swimmers Gang were
seriously connected with Other Members Of The Swimmers Gang who did live in The
Little Old Village Of Sooke. The Swimmers Gang were definitely strongly located
very nearby, close, to The Little Old Village Of Sooke. The "Place Name" that The
Swimmers Gang from Sidney were located at that was near by The Little Old Village
Of Sooke was "Saseenos."
Readers: I do ask you to take very careful note of what I am going to say right here.
Readers: The following is saying something about judgments that pertain to these
murderous issues, that in my mind, is very little said, that is very mildly
spoken of.
Readers: You probably do know that Christian Churches and especially The Holy Roman
Catholic Church do still retain execution equipment like The Old Guillotine in their
closet. Should the Catholics and Other Church People and that does include The
Buddhists have need of execution equipment they certainly do have such equipment
right at their hand for them to use.
Readers: I do ask you to take very careful note of what I am going to say right here.
Readers: The following is saying something about judgments that pertain to these
murderous issues, that in my mind, is very little said, that is very mildly
spoken of.
Readers: I think that you do know that The Mormon Church Of Latter Day Saints do still
execute murderers with a double barreled shot gun.
Readers: I do ask you to take very careful note of what I am going to say right here.
Readers: The following is saying something about judgments that pertain to these
murderous issues, that in my mind, is very little said, that is very mildly
spoken of.
Readers: The nations of Islam have all kinds of execution equipment all lined up for their use
against "The Murderer" right from one end of their countries of Islam right to the
other end of their countries of Islam.
Readers: I do ask you to take very careful note of what I am going to say right here.
Readers: The following is saying something about judgments that pertain to these
murderous issues, that in my mind, is very little said, is very mildly
spoken of.
Readers: It is very easily obvious to me that some murderous people who live all the way
from Sooke, British Columbia, Canada to The Vatican in Italy to Islam Countries
in The Middle East are going to get their heads cut right off by The Catholics of
Sooke who do live all the way to The Vatican in Italy and then by All of Islam
Countries in The Middle East.
Readers: I do ask you to take very careful note of what I am going to say right here.
Readers: The following is saying something about judgments that pertain to these
murderous issues, that in my mind, is very little said, is very mildly
spoken of.
Readers: It is very easily obvious to me that some murderous people who live all over the
land, world, are going to get themselves shot by double barreled shotguns by
Mormons Of The Latter Day Saints Churches, those who are The Mormon People
Of The Land.
Readers: I do ask you to take special note of what I have just said right here.
Readers: It is very easily obvious to me that some murderous people who live all over the
place are going to suffer from Capital Punishment.
Readers: The following is another Report against Sooke.
Readers: This is an additional report right here that is absolutely necessary for Proper
Investigations into the serious criminal cases in The Little Village Of Sooke
to properly take place. This here knowledge is like guide lines for Proper
Investigators to use and get help from. Readers: Please do investigate the
following murder scene.
28. Indians on The Kemp Lake Indian Reserve were asked to go to a picnic at Kemp Lake.
29. I do not know who it was asked The Kemp Lake Reserve Indians to go for a picnic at
Kemp Lake.
30. Who-ever it was, "Did Deceive The Kemp Lake Indians From The Reserve" into doing this
"Picnic Outing."
31. At "This Picnic Outing" The Deceivers did shoot down The Kemp Lake Indians with different
kinds of guns. They also forced some The Kemp Lake Indians to go into the water of Kemp
Lake where The Deceivers then shot them down. The Deceivers then shot down A Lot Of
Indian Children and Babies from The Indian Reserve. Then The Deceivers then did drowned
In Hideous Ways Grown Up Indians And Children Indians And Baby Indians in Kemp Lake.
The Deceivers intentionally did drowned The Youngsters In Hideous Ways.
Readers: I , Murray S. Fenwick, was seriously "FALSELY ACCUSED" for being on the side of
The Deceivers and that I was thought to be right on "The Picnic Site" and directly
involved in the murderous, "MURDER KILLINGS OF THE KEMP LAKE RESERVE INDIANS! !!!"
Readers: The Following is another Report against Sooke.
Readers: This is another murder scene in Sooke.
32. Right at, there abouts, the corner where Kemp Lake Road and Otter Point Road meet about
three young people, 3 young people, were murdered. I think they were killed by guns.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was seriously "FALSELY ACCUSED" for shooting these people,
maybe three people, 3 people, down dead.
Readers: The following is another Report against Sooke.
Readers: The following is an additional report. This report is very short in this writing but
if you investigate this report it is very long to the extreme.
1. The Swimmers Gang that did live in and about The Little Town Of Sidney By The Sea did
travel all the way from Sidney right out The West Coast Road to An Indian Reserve or
something like an Indian Reservation that was located near to The Little Village Of Sooke
named Saseenos.
2. I do know that members of The Notorious Swimmers Gang did get married to either men or
women at The Location Of Saseenos.
3. These marriages gave The Swimmers Gang Members a lot of influence in certain areas that
are unknown to me.
4. I do know also that The Murders that were committed by The Murderers did plague Sooke
and also did plague Saseenos.
5. People were killed ruthlessly in Saseenos and the Saseenos Area.
Readers: The Swimmeres Gang that was located in The Little Old Town Of Sidney, where I
lived, threatened my life several times to stay away from The Placed Called
Saseenos and The Saseenos Area.
6. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was threatened by The Swimmers Gang right to my very own face
that if I dared to go to The Saseenos Place or The Saseenos Area I would be ruthlessly
killed on sight.
7. The Swimmers Gang told me in so many screams that I, Murray S. Fenwick, was not wanted
in Saseenos or in The Saseenos Area and that I was out right banned from going there.
8. The Swimmers Gang Screamed right into my face that should I, Murray S. Fenwick, go to The
Place called Saseenos or to The Saseenos Area I would be killed on sight.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not know what did cause this kind of trouble to take place
against me but the trouble was there should I go to The Saseenos Place or to The
Saseenos Area.
Readers: I do believe that the trouble for me was just The Swimmers Gang Negatively Acting Up
Once Again.
Readers: The following is another Report against Sooke.
Readers: I find this report on Sooke etc. to be drawing a long time on. This is another report on
1. I, Murray S. Fenewick, was accused of destroying some of the people who were members of
The Jehovah's Witness Hall that was located in down town Sooke.
2. Before I moved to The Little Village Of Sooke someone attacked some of the members of The
Jehovah's Witness Hall in a back room or back hallway in The Jehovah's Witness Hall "Itself"
just after The Jehovah's Witnesses had a nice meeting.
3. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was definitely not acquainted with The Jehovah's Witness Hall "Itself "
or with "Any Member" of The Jehovah's Witness Hall.
4. I do not know anything what-so-ever about this inhuman scene that did happen criminally
against The Jehovah's Witnesses
Readers: Remember that this inhuman criminal scene that took place against The Jehovah's
Winesses did happen in their Jehovah's Witness Hall that was located right in down
town Sooke.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, have been a friend of Jehovah's Witnesses in my past.
Readers: The following is another Report against Sooke.
Readers: This is another report on The Little Village Of Sooke.
1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was "Falsely Accused" of assaulting mainly women and then children
in A Public Park that was located in Down Town Sooke.
Readers: This was quite a bad assault scene that took place right here.
Readers: The following is another Report against Sooke.
Readers: This is another bad report on The Little Village Of Sooke.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was "Falsely Accused" of something like beating people up in
A Sooke Money Poltergeist Building in Sooke.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was "Falsely Accused" of something like committing murder
of people in A Sooke Money Poltergeist Building in Sooke.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was "Falsely Accused" of robbing A Sooke Money Poltergeist
Building in Sooke.
Readers: This "Falsely Accusing" Murray S. Fenwick of these criminal offences were greatly
"FALSELY ORGANISED" by a lot of people. It will shock you Readers to find out
how many "FALSE ACCUSERS" were involved in the making up of "THIS FALSE REPORT."
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do thank my Readers for being attentive to this report on The
Little Village Of Sooke.
Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick
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