Wednesday, 25 December 2019

#L39. Victoria. Locations Vary. Beautiful PF "My Girl. ..."

Locations Vary.

Written by Murray S. Fenwick. 
Murray owns all copyright rights. ...

Readers: Murray, here, gives you a word to "The Wise. ..."  
               1. Murray does believe in The Religious Book Named The Koran.
               2. Murray does believe in Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
               3. Murray does believe in Islam
               4. Murray does believe in the good things in The Koran and  
                   Murray also does believe in The Koran's capital judgement
                   ideas as well; like death by the swords, knives and guillotine etc. ...
Readers: #101: "People, I ask you to understand and head up and heed The Koran's 
                           Judgement Laws. ..." 

Readers: Remember, Locations Vary.    

Maybe Stouffville?
Maybe Sidney? 

Beautiful PF "My Girl. ..."

This is a picture of My Girl. ...

She was 13 years of age when this photograph was taken

My Girl was a smart, bright, little girl
She was happy all the time

1. My Girl was the second daughter of a Lucky Woman
2. She was a happy child never doing any wrong
3. When she was about 14 years of age she started going to the local
    Long Store where the local kids would dance to the music of Rock-N-Roll
4.Between My Girl and her sister Miss Dance is how we found out that people
    who would go to The Long Store went seriously into different kinds, Of Dark Rooms,
    of crime.
5. When My Girl was 18 she stopped going to Public School, High School
6. When My Girl was 18 and had stopped going to School she then started
    to go to a School of Fine Hair Dressing in Toronto
7. After about 1 year of Hair Dressing School she graduated
8. My Girl immediately went to work as a hair dresser
9. My Girl did very well in Hair Dressing School and was asked to continue
    her studies there to become a teacher in The Hair Dressing School itself.
10. My Girl did not want to become a Hair Dressing Teacher in The Hair Dressing School.
      She turned the advance training down and the job offer down
11. Because My Girl turned down the job at The Hair Dressing School to be a teacher she
      was then offered by the Hair Dressing School a second form of employment which she
      did decide to do
12. My Girl was offered THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to go to Hollywood in The State of
      California in The United States of America to further her studies as a Hair Dresser in
      Natural Alternative Types of Hair Dressing and Cosmetician
13. At this time My Girl was having a very good happy time in life by working at her Hair
      Dressing Job and waiting for the time to come when she would leave for Hollywood

Readers: My Girl when she was 18

Here she is dressed up to be bridesmaid to her sister Miss Dance when
Miss Dance got married
My Girls mother raised her to be basically a Christian girl
My Girl was a smart, bright, little girl and she did like what she was doing.
She was also an attractive girl too. My Girl was also a wise little girl too
and did listen to her mother’s Christian teaching about things including no
sex before marriage. My Girl did hold on to her virginity until she did get married.
My Girl did give her virginity to her husband after they got married. My Girl did
believe in living a good Christian's life.

Readers: This is where My Girl got illegally street drug attacked

I have intentionally kept the following very short in order to shock you 
as to how short a time My Girl lived after she was drug attacked.

Written by Murray S. Fenwick
Who owns all copyright rights

Between the time of My Girl's graduating from Fine Hair Dressing School                  
in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and the time arrived for her to go to Hollywood, 
her family did move to Lovely Little Sidney By The Sea, Saanitch Peninsula, 
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 

1. My Girl did come to Sidney to visit her mother and family
2. My Girl did not come to Sidney to live in Sidney with her family
3. My Girl did not come to Sidney to get married
4. My Girl was in Sidney about 5 days exactly when she went out for a
    "The Innocent" walk about town
5. A drug gang in town met My Girl right at the corner of 4th. Ave. and Beacon
    Street and did give My Girl a permanently crippling drug from a pop bottle
    that was supposed to be pop. The drug appeared to be pop. My Girl  did drink
    this liquid poison from the pop bottle thinking that it was pop.
6. Because of this crippling drug attack against her, My Girl's life changed a lot.

Readers: It is very shocking just how fast the following sad events took place

This is a photograph of my My Girl and her new husband "THE CAT MAN. ..."
This is a picture of "The Cat Man" who married My Girl
This picture was taken on their Wedding Day
My Girl had already been criminally drug attacked
My Girl did not know that she had been drug attacked because of the way that the
pop bottle liquid drug had affected her. 
Only the criminal gang on the corner knew about this drug attack against My Girl
at this time

A Serious Change Takes Place Here. ...

"THE CAT MAN" is the most important "CRIMINAL PERSON" in getting
The Mental Health Staff "TO EXPERIMENT WITH My Girl" which led to her death.
The life "Cat Man" lived outside of The Mental Health Hospital is known
to be very unruly and very questionable also
"Cat Man" died many years after My Girl was murdered by him and The Mental Health Gang
Once again "The Cat Man" was driving fast on an old back road in The Interior of British Columbia
and went off the road because of his excessive speed and hit a tree.
"The Cat Man" caused this accident in The Interior of B.C. to take place. For certain "The Cat Man"
was responsible for causing this "Very Bad Death Car Accident." 
This accident killed him and "ANOTHER INNOCENT VICTIM," passenger!
My Girl's mother told me as close as possible where this accident did take place at. But due to "Cat Man's" speeding away from a town like Williams Lake or 100 Mile House and sliding his car around corners of the roads it is not easy to pin point in some ways just exactly where a person would say this accident did take place at. I knew well enough what had finally happened to "Cat Man" and to
"THE UNFORTUNATE INNOCENT VICTIM," passenger, who was in the fast moving car with "Cat Man."

Readers: Unfortunately it was very easy to prove true that "The Cat Man" was a fast car "Speed
                Demon." "The Cat Man" would attend all car races as an observer and also as "A High
Speed Car Driver, HIMSELF." "The Cat Man" would go into fits and become uncontrollable when
he simply just attended car races of different descriptions. Readers: You have to know and
remember that "The Cat Man" would get into a race car and race the car himself. While the car
race was running "The Cat Man" would not take a drink of refreshment regardless of what it was
and would not also take time out himself to have a hot dog. He would fight and argue a whole
lot about him not taking time to have refreshments at all while the race was running. While the
car "FAST RACES" were running "The Cat Man" had to be right up on his feet at all times to see
the entire race run. People in fun and for good times would try "The Cat Man" on this issue and
"The Cat Man" never did take a refreshment while the race was being run. "The Cat Man" went to
"FAST CAR RACES" every chance that he could. "The Cat Man" finally killed himself by speeding
and then losing control of his racing car and running, sideways, into a tree. "The Cat Man" was
killed in this accident of his own making. "The Cat Man" did also kill An Innocent Passenger in his
final accident that he did cause to take place himself.

Readers: "The Cat Man" "By Lieing And Saying His Tall Tale Religious Stories" would tell people
                that he was A Confirmed Jehovah's Witness all the days of his life and then the very
next day he would say something religiously very different like he was All Of His Life A Firm Man
In The Belief Called Shamanism or that he really did belong to The Church just down the road.

Written by Murray S. Fenwick
Who owns all copyright rights

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am just going to mention A Religious Spiritual possibility here.
                Because of the way that "The Cat Man" did act about racing cars it is possible that "The
Cat Man" was what is called Demon Possessed by A Speed Demon, Dark Entity Evil Spirit. ...
Readers: Very soon after My Girl was drug attacked My Girl had changed a lot. My Girl now did
               not know what she was doing much any more.

7. Very soon My Girl was married to a man "She Never Knew=The Cat Man=The Car Racer Speed
    Demon=The Evil Spirited Man. ..." 
8. My Girl's going to Hollywood was totally canceled because of this drug attack and her getting
9. The drug attack affected her terribly
10. The Mental Health Board of British Columbia said that they would try to help poor little My Girl
      but they just used her as an Experimental Patient and beat her up even worse by doing this.
11. This Experimenting with My Girl has been proven out. The Mental Health Board of British
      Columbia is guilty of this illegal treatment procedures that they illegally did mall practice on My

Readers: There is a very serious "Possible Twist In The Murder Of My Girl Right Here."

12. Worse led to worse for My Girl
13. Suddenly My Girl dropped dead from the drug attack by the drug gang and by "The Illegal
      Medical Mall Practice Procedures" that The Mental Health Board of British Columbia did apply
      to My Girl

Readers: A very bad catch in this is the following

This is not necessarily the truth at all pertaining to "My Girls FINAL DECEASE ONLY!"
It is possible that a member of the drug gang that did attack  My Girl did murder My Girl. There is a terrible drug gang scene about  My Girl when she died. It is very possibly true that the drug gang did follow My Girl and did kill, murder, her in the end of her life when she died.

Thus ended My Girl!

Readers: I want you to take note that regardless of who did finally murder My Girl, The Lovely Little                      Village of Sidney was definitely directly involved in My Girl's murder, right from the                                beginning of The Murder Plot against her right through to the end of My Girl's Life. 

Readers: The Lovely Little Town Of Sidney By The Sea once again did just throw a pretty young girl
                right off of the end of the wharf. ... 

Readers: This short note right here is very possibly "The Truth! !!!" 
                To save myself from being charged for slander in court, I, 
Murray S. Fenwick, will offset "The Location Of A Pop Company to
say, "The Dark Side Of The Moon." Should this Pop Company name
and address need to be known, I, Murray S. Fenwick, will supply those 
needs most gladly. 

1. The company in question right here is "A Pop Company." 
2. This "Pop Company" could have brought their line of Pop
    to The Earth In A Real Nice Space Ship Of Some Kind Or 
    Other. The Real Nice Space Ship could have landed at a
    private back lawn anywhere in Little Old Sidney By the Sea. 
3. The Pop could then have been delivered all over Little Old 
    Sidney By The Sea in many different types of vehicles 
    including motorcycles and bicycles. 
4. Unfortunately someone gave A Guardian Girl a glass bottle
    of this "Pop That Was Not Pop At All."
5. This glass Pop bottle had some kind of poison in it that did 
    Poison, destroy, This Guardian Girl.
6. I, Murray S. Fenwick, did see this happen with my own two eyes. 
7. Should there be "A Proper Inquiry Made" this known Pop Company
    situation will definitely be brought out and be thoroughly examined.

Readers: This report is another report about "The Same Thing." There
                was terrible poisoning in The Gorge Area of Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada. This poisoning of The Gorge Area took place about
the same time that The Guardian Girl was poisoned. This Pop Company 
could very easily have done the poisoning of The Gorge Area. This Pop
Company has already been investigated a long time ago and was found 
to be guilty of poisoning people with poison that they, "The Pop Company,  
did put into their Pop Bottles." This Pop Company did use glass pop bottles
to put their pop into not aluminum cans or anything else that might be used 
today. This year is 2022 Anno Domini.  The investigation about this Pop 
Company took place about the years 1959-1961, Anno Domini.  

Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick           

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