Parliament Buildings,
Vancouver Island,
Parliament Buildings.
Murray, Parliament Buildings,
Was Falsely Accused Of Murder.
Page 1.
Dear Readers: This report is a mere little scratched note about serious murder gun scenes
that I, Murray S. Fenwick, have been falsely accused of. Should this overall
false gun murder case that I, Murray S. Fenwick, have been repeatedly assused of go to The Supreme Court of Canada I can then add to this report what is needed in The
Supreme Court of Canada. This report is a collection of reports that I have written up in order to start to deal with a problem that has developed from people falsely accusing me of having loaded guns and committing murder with them and with other murder weapons also.
This particular murder case took place "Inside Of The Parliament Buildings" that are
located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did work for The Government of British Columbia, Canada, in The Department of Public Works. I was located at Government House, on
Rockland Avenue, in Victoria. I worked there everyday. I was attached to The Gardeners
who did look after The Government Public Grounds in and about Victoria. My home base
was at Government House when this murder took place.
1. I was never located for work at The Parliament Buildings in Victoria, in all of my life.
I was asked on one, just one, occasion to help deliver some flowers to The Parliament
Buildings from where I was located for my work which was at Government House, on
Rockland Avenue. I was sent from Government House with a group of Gardeners to
deliver flowers to The Parliament Buildings. We transported the flowers from
Government House to The Parliament Buildings in a set of trucks, called The Flower
2. While the work Gardener gang that I was attached to was delivering the flowers at The
Parliament Buildings a man was shot down dead by gun fire "In A Room In The
Parliament Buildings Themselves." I do not remember the exact date of this murder case
but is took place about the years 1976.
3. I was proven at the time of the gun shot taking place that "I, Murray S. Fenwick, Was
Not Even In The Parliament Buildings", that "I Was Outside Of The Parliament
Buildings" attending to my designated job at or inside of a flower van, truck.
4. Regardless of my location when that death dealing gun shot was fired off The
Parliament Building's "Cheap Paper Money Parliamentarians" Falsly accused me
anyways for committing this murder.
5. It was later proven that "Those Cheap Paper Money Parliamentarians" do hate me,
Murray S. Fenwick, because I am a Christian and they, "The Cheap Parliamentarians"
do hate Christ's Born Again Church".
6. Readers: Readers you just have to read this one.
This next statement is just one of the heights of The Parliamentarians Negative
Mental States, thus called by The Lord Jesus Christ's Church.
The Cheap Paper Money Parliamentarians do try to build themselves up in life
Parliamentarian Back-Slider from The Truth, The Christian Church and The
Temples, fall down terribly negatively in life. Even The Back-Slider
Parliamentarians lack of just natural goods like the mere metal called
"TRUE GOLD" not just Their Lack Of Paper Money but "TRUE GOLD" does
prove this terribly broken down Back-Slider life of The Back-Slider, The
Parliamentarian, does live.
Readers: The Parliamentarians who did witness this murder that happened right in front of
"Their Back-Slidden", "Worldly Eyes", "RIGHT INSIDE OF THEIR BIG
BUILDINGS", thought that they themselves were Higher Than God and Bigger
and More Important Than God, that they themselves, drummed-up, and
immediately held a court case against The Church Man Murray S. Fenwick.
Those Parliamentarians knowingly falsley accused Murray S. Fenwick and
condemned him to die. Their crazy court case was begun and over with in five
minutes of time. Those Parliamentarians hated The Christian Church and
therefore falsley blamed Murray S. Fenwick for committing that murder.
5. Those "False Parliamentarians" first wanted Murray S. Fenwick beaten very badly to
the extent of braking his bones and in other ways wounding him very badly in order that
he looked like a bloody mess.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, right here would like to remind The False Parliamentarins
that I have been in 3 different militaries and do know how to shoot guns back at
soldiers! !!! Darkness soldiers who do fight against our true country! !!!
6. Those "False Parliamentarians" then secondly wanted Murray S. Fenwick to be gun shot
down dead in the hallway that led to the room where the murder had taken place in.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, right here would like to remind The False Parliamentarians
that since I left The Military Regular behind I have copiously enough attended
two different gun schools and have graduated from both of them in knowledge
how to shoot guns correctly, properly enough. Also I, Murray S. Fenwick, does
"HATE" The Soldiers Of Darkness who do fight against our True Country. I,
Murray S. Fenwick, does think that The False Parliamentarians have gotten
themeselves in front of a rifle gun firing squad.
Readers: From my military work I even know how to handle a real life military battle tank
fully loaded out! !!!
7. Those "False Parliamentarians" then thirdly wanted Me-Myself-And-I, Murray S.
Fenwick, literally hanged up until dead in the middle of the hall of The Parliament
Buildings to be on exhibit for all people to see.
Readers: I have thought a closer thought and "At Least" what I think should be done in this
situation when I put some careful thought into this murder scene, overall murder
situation=situations="PLURAL MURDER SITUATIONS", is The Bible is full
of all kinds of different ways of getting rid of such Trouble Making Murderers
and I, Murray S. Fenwick, am all for getting rid of them all.
Readers: Now Readers just read the following, number 8, and you will see for yourselves
how crazy The Back-Slidden False Parliamentarian Mind Really Negatively Is
8. Those False Parliamentarians decided on just nailing the hangman's rope in the middle
of the open doorway, onto the upper part of the door jam, that led to the room where the
man had been murdered and then to "ONLY HANG" the now condemned Murray S.
Fenwick on that there hangman's rope until he is dead.
Readers: A lot of people found out about this murder scene right here and came running to
the immediate area of the murder scene itself. Remember Readers that this
murder scene took place right in the middle of The Parliament Buildings
Themselves. A whole lot of people were in Those Parliament Buildings when this
murder scene took place and hundreds of people became quite close by the
murder scene location itself to try and find out why this murder had taken place
and who was the murdered man and who did commit the murder etc. !!!
9. The False Parliamentarians involved in This False Murder Accusation against Murray
S. Fenwick were very seriously proven wrong in Their False Accusation against Murray
S. Fenwick, by the hundreds of people present, but never-the-less Those False
Parliamentarians still attempted to have me hanged right in the middle of The
Parliament Buildings and right then in broad daylight, in front of hundreds of people.
Those False Parliamentarians did still go ahead with Murray S. Fenwick's
Readers: It did take quite a lot of people who came running to the murder scene site to
stop Those False Parliamentarians from carrying on through with "THEIR
EXECUTION" of the innocent Murray S. Fenwick. !!!
Readers: The people came running to The Murder Site to see with Their Own Sight
The Murder Scene Itself. Those people did see with their own Sight, On Site
Crazy Paper Money Parliamentarians in A Loud Mouthed Frenzy, an Optical
Sight that went beyond the norm of Sights, Cite Citation.
10. After quite a long time, like 2 hours, of "HASTLE" by, from, people called The False
Parliamentarians with Their attempts at trying to Execute Murray S. Fenwick it was
believed by all other people present that The False Accusers new perfectly well that
"They Were Falsly Accusing Murray S. Fenwick" but The False Parliamentarians still
did persist in trying to go through with "The Hanging of Murray S. Fenwick",
anyways. It was thought that The False Parliamentarians were trying to kill someone,
anyone, just you or I will do, as a substitutionary death that would help to take
pressure off of someone or the real murderer from "Being Hanged Themselves" for
the committing this murder.
11. After a few hours I, Murray S. Fenwick and The Gardeners, got into The Trucks, The
Flower Vans, and returned to Government House.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say right here that you Readers have to read the
Therefore Readers: Just look at this.
Readers: You have to know that because of where this murder took place at and
where and how and who did make The False Parliamentarian Accussations
against Murray S. Fenwick that The False Parliamentarian Trouble Making
"INSTANTLY" travelled, became known, right from the murder scene room
where the man was shot down at, right to the top of The Victoria Parliament
Buildings. The I, Murray S. Fenwick, was found guilty of committing murder.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say right here that a lot of serious trouble making
STATEMENTS AGAINST Murray S. Fenwick. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does
demand a very serious Supreme Court Of Canada hearing on this issue.
Readers: I want you to remember that this report is about a real murder issue and
depending just where Those False Parliamentarians are apprehended at
and tried in The Supreme Court at depends of the types of sentences that will
be given out to them.
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