Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
British Columbia Housing Is Broke.
This report is about B.C. Housing in British Columbia going broke.
1. For many years now there has been great concern for The Government Organisation called
British Columbia Housing.
2. It is said that B.C. Housing was robbed of all of its money that was used to buy the buildings
that make up B.C. Housing and that someone also robbed the bank account that was allotted
to B.C. Housing to maintain those buildings.
3. I do not know if "The Robbers" were employees of B.C. Housing or whether "The Robbers"
were not employees of B.C. Housing.
I do know "There Is More Than One Group Of People" who are working for the government in
order to try to save B.C. Housing and reconstruct B.C. Housing in order for B.C. Housing to
go on existing. I being frank, I was told that B.C. Housing no longer exists and that for quite a
long time now B.C. Housing is just a letter head name that "A Lot Of Possibly Private Non
Government Employed People And Companies are using in order to not scare "THE
GENERAL PUBLIC." It is believed that "THE GENERAL PUBLIC" will become frightened when
they find out that "THEIR B.C. HOUSING WENT BROKE." I do not know if The Many Workers
and Companies that are working day and night to save B.C. Housing are Government Employees
Or Not. I do know some of the people and some of the companies that are working to try and save
B.C. Housing but I do not know whether or not they are Government Employees. I would mention
their names right here to my Readers but if I made a public statement about these people and companies I or someone else might get into A Court of B.C. over what is classed as a criminal statement made public and get a court case held against us.
I believe that this court room and law scene going on in British Columbia and other parts of the
world is a product of Peoples Immaginations who do follow the ways of Satan and do not follow
the ways of The Christian Church Or Buddhist Temples or The Hindu Temples. I believe that
these worldly non Spiritual People do go away from The True Knowledge Of God and through
their darkened minds Imagine Up their crazy books that they call the laws of the land and then
go about bothering and hurting people with their phony Mayor, City Hall, and Court Room false
I being frank, I would by firing squad shoot the false worldly people down. That does include The
False Mayors, The False City Halls, The False Law Courts Building People, The False Police and
I include this with much hatred, The False Lawyer's Syndicates.
Never-the-less they are here for a short time and because of their false system that is called The
World Of Satan their personal names and names of their companies cannot be named right here
in public.
Dear Readers this report could get very long indeed but I am going to keep it quite short. The following issues pertaining to The B.C. Housing Government Organisation I have seen with my
own two eyes.
1. The first serious issue that I would like to say here is that B.C. Housing is broke. B.C.
Housing went broke because of intentional mismanagement. People did rob B.C.
Housing until B.C. Housing went broke.
2. I have personally found managers who do work for The New B.C. Housing that are
corrupt and who have cost me personally my little apartment to live in and therefore
have left me homeless on the street.
3. The New Managers who have done wrong to me and to other people could very easily
be involved also in all kinds of criminal acts like A. illegal drug trafficking, B. being The
Hated Pimps behind sexual prostitution, C. all kinds of breaking and enterings, and D.
very possibly committing the murder of innocent people.
The names and address locations are intentionally left out of this report to protect the innocent
from being False Court Attacked by The Satan Guilty.
1. I believe that one New Manager literally had guns in his closet that he did kill The Innocent
People with.
2. This Gun Guy also did lie about potential renters character and cause them not to get a B.C.
Housing suite to rent which did leave The Innocent People on the street without a place to
live. I can prove this true.
This Is An Extra To My Readers.
Get This.
1. It is very possibly the truth that The Management of B.C. Housing and also people who did
and still do rent from B.C. Housing did commit murder of innocent people and then commit
the horrible act of "CANNIBALISM" by then eating the dead corpses that they had made.
I have more than just a something on this issue right here.
I would like to see those guilty of these terrible offenses executed.
Signed Buddha Murray S. Fenwick.
Still in the love of God
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