Sunday, 22 December 2019

#L57. Victoria. The Bank Of British Columbia Is Broke. "More"


Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 

The Bank Of British Columbia Is Broke.

This report is about The Bank Of British Columbia being broke.

1. One day I was standing in down town Naniamo and a group of women came up to me and said
    "Hello Murray how are you doing today?"
2. I said that I was doing quite fine.
3. Then I found out by talking with this group of women that they had just arrived in Naniamo from
    visiting The White House down in The United States in The District Of Columbia.
4. After we talked for awhile one of this group of women said that The President in The White
    House had just told her that The Bank Of British Columbia was broke.

This is of interest to my Readers.
I do believe that this woman had a hidden nick-name and that it is mentioned at times after their
main name which was "The Coffin Makers" but to protrect "The Innocent" I am not reporting her
name to my Readers right here.

5. She said that it is known that The Bank Of B.C. had to borrow money to pay for Their Billy
    Bonds that had been issued out to the general publick.

6. She said that The President had a committee investigate Those Billy Bonds and The Bank
    Of B.C. in general and that The Bank Of British Columbia was broke.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, thought that this information might connect up with the gold robbery in
The City Named Quesnel that took place when The Bank Of British Columbia was beginning
to be organised.

Gold was certainly stolen by The Ashphalt Workers at that time and a lot of people were killed
and a lot of machinery for mining and for road development was broken down by The Ashphalt Workers.

I was on a nearby road at the time that this happened and I with some other pedestrians had to be taken and made to duck down behind the road that we were walking on in order to avoid being hit
and possibly killed by the bullets that were being shot off in this terrible robbery scene. I know that
The Ashphalt Workers did commit Gold Robberies all over The Province Of British Columbia. It did
appear to be the truth that where-ever The Ashphalt Workers were working in The Province they
also robbed that area of Gold.

I have this Gold Robbery Scene that did take place in The Province Of British Columbia by The
Ashphalt Workers written up in my blog in another posting.

I do believe that this robbing of Gold all over The Province of British Columbia is definitely one of the
reasons why The Bank Of British Columbia is broke.

Readers this additional report right here is written rather quickly but it is adequate for the job that it
has to do.

1. I was once employed by A Golden Forty Niner Family.
2. I was A Pastor at the time.
3. The Golden Forty Niner Families work for me was working in The Pastoral Line but on an
    International Basis.
4. My job with The Golden Forty Niners ended because of a very serious gun shoot out that took
    place in The City  Of Nanaimo in The Province Of British Columbia in The Nation Of Canada.
5. The people who illegally started the gun shoot out were from Victoria.
6. The people who illegally started the gun shoot out were Nick named The Illegal Little Money Fat
    Boys of Victoria.
7. The Victoria Murderers had a leader who was A Drug Addict and was a member of Parliament.
8. I, Murray S. Fenwick, know who he was and a lot of things about him. The Parliament member
    who was the leader of this murder gang of Victoria was definitely a man.
9. The Drug Addict Parliament Man and The Victoria Fat Boys murdered at least 250 innocent
    people in The Nanaimo area and then spread their killing all over the world.
10. Just how "Many Innocent People" were murdered through-out the whole killing scene I do not
11. I say that The Drug Addict Parliament Man and The Low In Gold Victoria Fat Boys did not know
      that they were already under close scrutiny to be killed off themselves because of their terrible
      murder scenes that they were found to be involved in.

Readers did you know?

That I, Murray S. Fenwick, was an man of great gold influence at this time and should I wanted to I
on my own credibilities could have with just one jot of My pen cancelled out The Gold Broke Bank
Of British Columbia or equivalencies with That Broke Bank. I could have made a lot of Negative
Trouble for at least British Columbia's Banking Money Systems.

The reason for the cancellation of The Gold Broke Bank Of British Columbia is the following.

To help pay for the debts that The Drug Addict Parliament Man and The Victoria Fat Boys that is The Victoria Fat Boys who have gotten themselves fat by eating other peoples "sMEAR Dollar Bills...!!!" because they have no real "GOLD FAT THEMSELVES" caused to accrue against themselves by committing such vast murder of the innocent. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that The Drug Addict Parliament Man and The False Money Fat Boys Of Victoria are in severe "LARGE REAL GOLD DEBT" for causing the amount of trouble that they have caused.

Readers, you have to take very careful attention of this report.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that because of the very large trouble making and because of the nature, type, of trouble making that took place right here. My Readers would have to study this case
overall the case to figure this out. Did you know Readers that British Columbia could at any time and in the future lose "THE ENTIRE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA." I, Murray S. Fenwick, am one
person who is for The Bank Of British Columbia to be given over to the people who have been so
greatly adversely affected by The Crazy Drug Addict Member Of Parliament and The Poor Money
Fat Boys Of Victoria. It may surprise you Readers that I have to say that The Government Of
PEOPLE DID CAUSE TO TAKE PLACE." It does look true to me that because The Province Of
British Columbia was involved in this Murder Scene And Other Criminal Scenes that it is very
possible that The Province Of British Columbia then has to forfeit The British Columbia Bank in order to pay just part of the owed debts off with.

Readers just read the following:

1. Because The Drug Addict From Parliament, Victoria Parliament Buildings, Became The Leader
    Of The Murder Gang From Victoria called The Gold Poor Paper Dollar Flat Fat Boys.
2. Because The Drug Addict From Parliament with The Gold Poor Fat Boys Gang did attack several
    families of "THE REAL GOLD PEOPLE" who I call The Golden Forty Niners.
3. Because The Parliament Leader, The Drug Addict, of The Notoriously Real Money Poor Gang
    called the foul name of The Gold Poor Fat Boys Gang of Victoria did try to lead The Gold Poor
    Fat Boys to the heights of real gold prosperity by murdering some of The Golden Forty Niners
    Families and running off with the real money The Gold.
4. Because this uncalled for attack killed many innocent people off through-out the entire world.
5. Because The Parliament Leader, The Drug Addict, got The Parliament of Victoria involved in this
6. It is not unlikely that The Province Of British Columbia has to pay a large debt.
7. By having The Province Of British Columbia give over to The Golden Forty Niners who were so
    greatly offended the entire Bank Of British Columbia is actually right to do.
8. This would only be accepted as one little payment.

Remember Readers there would be other much required payments to be made too because of the nature of this great offence.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, who was working for Some Of The Golden Forty Niner Families at the time
that these terrible murders and other criminal offences were so horribly illegally committed against
them does say that this "REAL MONEY" this "GOLD DEBT" has to be rightly paid.

Readers "ALSO."
Because of the loss of life through-out the world in general The Drug Addict Leader From Parliament Hill and The Rest Of The Notorious Dollar Spent Fat Boys Gang just might have to answer with their
very own lives.

1. They might have to be taken to Southern England and hanged until dead in the high towers of the
    castle works there.


2. Just maybe returned into The Nation Of Guatamala and be beheaded and then have their
    shoulders cut off also and then, "there, their remains", cast into a bottomless pit unknown
    grave and forever forgotten about.

Readers read On:

Readers did you know?
1. That The President Of The United States Of America named Ronald Reagan was shot to death in
    Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.
2. President Ronald Reagan was captured by some people who remain unknown to me and beaten
    up very badly then President Ronald Reagan was shot down dead.
3. President Ronald Reagan was murdered at one of the big stores in Nanaimo, British Columbia,

Readers because One Of The Presidents Of The United States Of America was murdered in British
Columbia it is another reason why The Bank Of British Columbia could very easily go into The White Houses' Hands to be closed down and have all of its currency both Gold and Otherwise given
over to a people who might reject the possible idea of continuing The Bank Of British Columbia
as a business to be ran for part payment of "The Murder Debt" that Canada does owe The United
States Of America for committing The Murder Of One Of Their Presidents named Mr. President
Mr. Ronald Reagan.

The Murder Of The President Of The United States Of America named Ronald Reagan is written in
my report in my blog.

Readers read on:
Readers did you know?
1. That a very prominent Noble Queen was criminally beaten up and sexually raped in one of The Big
    Stores in Nanaimo.
2. The Noble Queen was actually The Ruling Noble Queen of Her country at that time.
3. The criminally minded men who did beet her up really did punch and kick her a lot and the beating
    was very severe.
4. The criminally minded rape men who did sexually rape The Noble Queen sexually raped her a lot.
5. This criminally minded gang that did assault The Noble Queen had quite a large number of men
    present when they did do this criminal act against The Noble Queen.
6. The criminal gang was one gang that did assault The Noble Queen and that did rape The Noble
7. The criminal gang did commit these two crimes of both assault and sexual rape at the same time.
    One criminal crime did follow the other.

Readers remember that I did say here in my  report that The Noble Queen was The Ruling Noble of
Her Kingdom at that time. I will now add here that Her Kingdom is quite a large one.

Should British Columbia, Canada, have to pay a debt over this "Terrible Beating AND Sexual Rape"
of This Noble Queen the debt would be staggering to the average work-a-day person in The
Province Of British Columbia, Canada.

Right here is another very sound reason why The Bank Of British Columbia could very easily go broke. The Bank Of British Columbia could very easily go broke by having to pay such a large debt
off to The Beaten "AND" Sexually Raped Noble Queen and to The Offended Nobility In General.

The Boot Brutal Beat Up "AND" The Sexual Rape of This Ruling Noble Queen can be read on my
Blog where it is written.

Readers I strongly advise you to read that additional report that I have named right here.

My report does pertain to the out right murder of Nobility and should not be over looked.

There is something that has gone on and that might still be going on that All Nobility throughout The
Whole World should read very carefully with a very thoughtful mind. I do believe that The Nobility
throughout The Whole World should receive very serious counseling about this most serious issue.

Thank you very much
The Lord Buddha
Murray S. Fenwick

Readers read on:
Readers did you know?
I, Murray S. Fenwick, am putting in this report right here several of the reasons "That I Know About" that could end The Bank Of British Columbia, Canada. There are a lot of other reasons "That I Do Not Know About." Readers it is to your advantage to seriously look into the matter as to where you personally bank yourself. I would worn my Readers to be on "The Serious Look-Out" as to where you bank and in general who does handle your "BONDS" etc. because you could loose your hard worked for income that you use to make your own proper investments with. Because The Money Of
British Columbia could falter off through these terrible offenses and totally collapse.

Readers this is very seriously written because The Bank Of British Columbia is supposed to be broke
since at least I983 and maybe earlier on than that. It is The American White House in The District Of
Columbia, in The United States Of America, that does say that. I, Murray S. Fenwick, am not reporting my own ideas here. Thank You Readers.

I will repeat something here:
1. Readers remember that earlier on in this report I did say that I, Murray S. Fenwick, on my own
    right of banking could have in the past on one signed document shut down "The Entire Bank Of
    British Columbia," or had great big influence in A Negative Fashion against The Paper Money
    Fat Boys of British Columbia.
2. This statement of mine is the truth.
3. I was working for one of The Golden Forty Niners at the time and they do not like being shot down
    by The Victorian Parliamentarian Paper Dollar Fat Boys.
    LUCKY INDEED" because Those Very Golden Forty Niner Families could have very easily shut
    down The Bank Of British Columbia as partical payment for Themselves for shooting Them down.
5. I, Murray S. Fenwick, do know that The Golden Forty Niners do have Their Rights and You Mere
    Paper Money Broke Boys Of Victoria did commit murder against Them right out of Your Own
    Parliamentarian Hill.

Readers I think you should look into "This Murder Scene That "The Real Gold" Did Suffer From "the
poor hands of" The Victoria Broke Boys." For by bringing proper disciplinary actions against The Poverty Stricken Broke Boys Gang would be right in the law books of Canada but it would also bring
about better banking arrangements for you Readers in the future years to come.

Readers read on:
Readers did you know?
1. One day I, Murray S. Fenwick, went for a nice drive.
2. The nice drive took place on The Saanich Peninsula that is located on Vancouver Island, British
    Columbia, Canada.
3. I drove out from Victoria to The British Columbia Ferry Terminal located at Swartz Bay on the
    end of The Saanich Peninsula.
4. I had a friend with me named Mr. Golden Forty Niner's Son.
5. The Golden Forty Nine'rs Son wanted to look at a few B.C. Ferry Boats.
6. The Golden Forty Niner's Son wanted to photograph a few B.C. Ferry Boats.
7. The Golden Forty Niner's Son wanted to work a little on some of The B.C. Ferry Boats.
8. To me it looked like The Golden Forty Niner's Son wanted to get some "First Hand Information"
    about The B.C. Ferry Boats.
9. To me it looked like The Golden Forty Niner's Son wanted "This First Hand Information" of His
    in order to give it to His Own Father for some interest that His Father had about The B. C. Ferries.
10. The Golden Forty Niner's Son thought that he should work on The B.C. Ferry Boats Himself in
      order to get this "First Hand Information" and get a little pay to cover His own gas and other
      running expenses to and from his job of gaining this information and photographs and whatever
      else He thought necessary to do.

Readers the following is what happened.

1. I had a nice drive along The Saanitch Peninsula with my guest The Golden Forty Niners' Son
    to The Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal.
2. I, Murray S. Fenwick, did fwork on The B. C. Ferry Boats at this time.
3. I told my friend that I could drive him to The Ferry Boat Terminal.
4. I told my friend that I could take Him right to The Personal Office itself.
5. I told my friend that I could take Him right to The Personal Man Himself and introduce Him to

Readers I did do these things.

6. After I did introduce The Golden Forty Niner's Son to The B. C. Ferry Officer in Charge of Swartz
    Bay B. C. Ferry Terminal I stepped out of The Personal Director's Office carrying with me "The
    Drink Of Coffee And A Small Assortment Of Cookies And A Nice Orange" to eat while I waited
    for The Ferry Boat Personal Officer and The Golden Forty Niner's Son to have their talk about
    jobs and writings and photographs etc. ...

Readers now is the moment that "ALL DARKNESS DID HAPPEN."

7. I walked across the personal office waiting room and did sit down on the nice plush couch
    that was in the waiting room to accommodate people should they want a nice plush couch
    to sit down on.
8. I finished drinking my tea and then I ate all of the nice cookies and then I ate the nice big

Readers you would never believe what happened then.

9. I, Murray S. Fenwick, simply went to sleep on the nice plush couch.

Readers: I will say something here.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, simply  went to sleep on the nice plush couch in the middle of the nice sunny
day in the middle of a very important personal meeting between The Personal Manager and A Very
Important Friend Of Mine. To me this particular Golden Forty Niner's Son always was an important
friend of mine.

Readers. As the old time clock ticked away by the hours of the sunny afternoon on I slept.

Readers I say right here that this sleeping of mine in this specific situation was very unusual indeed.

Readers what happened to me here is The Personal Director gave me a sleeping pill of some kind or
other in the tea and the cookies and the orange that he gave me to eat.

What happened next on This Darkened Down Sunny Day is The Personal Manager wanted me seriously enough out of the way  to knock me right out on the waiting room couch in order to carry
on with his terrible main idea of Dark Intentions.

Readers what happened here is The Personal Director then gave The Golden Forty Niner's Son some tea and when The Golden Forty Niner's Son had to use the washroom to relieve himself of his built up
tea urine, he, that is The Personal Director, then did attack The Golden Forty Niner's Son in the washroom with some kind of "ILLEGAL GAS" that did knock out The  Golden Forty Niner's Son
right flat out cold onto the washroom floor.

Readers "THE ILLEGAL GAS" that The Personal Director used to knock out The Golden Forty Niner's Son did permanently do damage to The Golden Forty Niner's Son's "BRAIN".

The Golden Forty Niner's Son did not wake up in His proper mind and never did have His proper mind ever again.

On top of this The Personal Manager Did In A Homosexual Manner Did Sexually Assault And Have
Illegitimate Homosexual Sex With The Golden Forty Niner's Son When The Golden Forty Niner's Son was unconscious laying down on the washroom floor.

Readers I then woke up from The Illegally Induced Sleep that I had been put into by The Personal
Manager and did help The Golden Forty Niner's Son back onto His feet and then I did help Him to
get properly dressed again and then I did drive Him off to his home.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, was knocked out, true enough, but I was not suffering from brain damage through  this  illegal attack against me by The Personal Manager Of The British Columbia Ferry
Authority located at Swartz Bay.

The Golden Forty Niner's Son for certain did get severe brain damage from the attack of The
Personal Director against Him.

Readers what was the outcome of this overall attack?
I simply recovered from the surprised shock of it all and went back to work on The Ferry Boat.

What did take place with The Golden Forty Niner Son's Family over this damaging issue?
This is the terrible consequences right here.
1. First of all Their Are Concerned People About The Golden Forty Niner's Son who want legal
    court  room charges laid against The Guilty Personal Director.
2 Second and without question The Province Of British Columbia does lose The Bank Of British
    Columbia "Once Again" for causing damage to The Great Gold Families who I call The Golden
    Forty Niners.

This is the absolute truth. Should The Father Of The Golden Forty Niner Son who was so illegally
attacked by The Province of British Columbia want to He could definitely take The Bank Of British
Columbia away from The Province very easily over this issue.

Readers: it was definitely a man who was high up in The British Columbia Government by being The
Personal Director for The British Columbia Ferry Boats out of Swartz Bay Terminal who did commit
this unlawful offence. Because of this reason right here The Province could be suede for The Bank Of
British Columbia Very Easily.

Readers just remember that The Golden Forty Niner's Son did suffer permanent life long brain damage because of this illegal attack against Him. I, Murray S. Fenwick, would certainly lay legal
claim to The Bank Of British Columbia for committing such an illegal offence against The Great
Gold Family who was so seriously offended right here.

Readers read on:
Readers did you know?
1. One day when I went for a walk in A Big Store In Nanaimo.
2. I found out that someone attacked A Golden Forty Niner Family in a store that was contained
    within The Big Store Itself.
3. Upon my investigations about this unwarranted attack taking place I found out that some unknown
    person or group of people did put Illegal Gas into The Golden Forty Niner Families Store and did
    untold, unknown, damage to Them.

Readers: it took a little while to figure out just how badly The Golden Forty Niner Family was affected by this Illegal Gas Attack.

4. The medical damage that was done to The Golden Forty Niner Family became known to be severe.
5. The Golden Forty Niner Family could not operate Their store by themselves properly.
6. It did look like The Goldlen Forty Niner Family was hurt severely permanently.

Readers there was a lot of trouble that did show up immediately with  this Golden Forty Niner Family.

Readers did you know?
That this Golden Forty Niner Family could also assume The Bank Of British Columbia as "JUST
PARTICIAL PAYMENT" for The Medical Damages that were Illegally done to Them right here in
Little Old British Columbia, Canada.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, have had damage done to my life that is so very great that there is only one
avenue of getting solid personal satisfaction out of my existing broken down life. My broken down life came to be broken down because of the Terrible Criminal Acts That Have Been Committed By
Basically The Parliamentarians Of The Parliament Buildings In Victoria British Columbia against me.

1. I am going to put into operation a scout out and proper survey of The Criminal People who have
    done me this terrible life long damage.
2. I do intend to have them arrested when they travel to other nations.
3. After The Parliamentarians have been arrested they will be charged with the crimes that they have
4. The Parliamentarians will be charged by the laws of the nation that they will be arrested in.

Readers: The Parliamentarians will be charged with committing murder through-out the world in
Readers: This dealing with The Parliamentarians is going to be severe.

Readers: Now pertaining to The Bank Of British Columbia.
1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, do say that where I have influence I will certainly totally terminate, that is
    close the doors permanently on, The Bank Of British Columbia.
2. When I talk with The Golden Forty Niners I will definitely recommend that The Bank Of British
    Columbia be totally shut down by Them permanently.

My recommendation to The Golden Forty Niners is that "The Gold" that is backing up The Bank Of
British Columbia be given over to Them and that The Golden Forty Niners do with "The Gold" what they see fit.

My recommendation to The Golden Forty Niners is that all the "Paper Money" in The Bank Of
British Columbia be given over to myself, Murray S. Fenwick, to cover just part of the financial and other loses that have happened to me by The Criminal Parliamentarians. I, Murray S. Fenwick, will deal with "The Paper Money" as I see fit.

Readers: This is just one statement to you about my personal financial and other loses about This
Overall Constant Criminal Attack that has happened to me by The Criminal Parliamentarians.

1. When I, Murray S. Fenwick, was working for The Golden Forty Niners I was, By The Golden
    Forty Niners, very seriously expected to earn "Multi-Billions Of Dollars" for myself.
2. All of "The Paper Money" in The Bank Of British Columbia will definitely not cover this
    outstanding financial loss.
3. The Parliamentarians have brought about this great financial loss of mine by committing murder
    all over the world of The Golden Forty Niners very own people. The vast murder that The
    Parliamentarians did commit did bring about the collapse of my job with them at that exact time.

Readers, I say, that The Golden Forty Niners do intend to fight back.

Readers, I say, that I, Murray S. Fenwick, does intend to fight back.

Murray S. Fenwick

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