Deep Cove.
Deep Cove,
Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
The Negatively Attacked, Victimized, Church=Churches.
The Negatively Attacked, Victimized, School=Schools.
This Negative Attack Against This Particular School was in about
1967-1968 Anno Dimini.
This date is a good date to start searching school records in order to
zero right in on This Particular Negative Victimized School Attack.
Readers: What happened is the following.
1. One day I, Murray S. Fenwick, went from my home in Little Old
Sidney By The Sea to Victoria to do some business.
2. When I got to Victoria I was walking alone along a street and just
across the street was a, The Victimized School, that had just been
attacked in the last few days.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, am not putting The Name Of The Street
in this report even though I know The Name Of The Street very
well and I am not putting in This Report A Good Positive Description
Of The School even though I know This Victimized School very well.
The Street Name and The Positive Description of This Victimized
School can very easily be written out and said in A Proper Court Of
Law any time. This Report has to be written this way because of The
Privacy Act.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was walking alone along The Street when
suddenly two young men, with other people, did start to shout
very loudly at me from across The Street.
3. I, Murray S. Fenwick, did stop immediately right where I was on The
Street and did look in utter amazement directly across The Street exactly
at the location right in front of The Victimized School to see just what
did cause all of this shouting to take place.
Readers: Also the two young men did call out my very own name, Murray
S. Fenwick, which was very surprising to me.
4. When I looked across The Street I did see the two young men who started
this loud shout out and who did shout out my name right directly at me
right across The Street right where I was standing.
5. I did recognize the two young men as two young men who did live in Little
Old Sidney By The Sea. I knew them both quite well. They were two of The
Worst Trouble Making Murderers that probably ever did live in Sidney in all
of Little Old Sidney By The Sea's "HISTORY."
6. These two young men from Little Old Sidney By The Sea would not stop
their shouting across the street at Me, Murray S. Fenwick. Their shouting
went on for quite some time.
7. People who were also on The Street began to wonder in amazement what
all of this shouting and jumping up and down by the two young men from
Little Old Sidney By The Sea was all about.
8. Finally some of the people who were just walking by on The Street called
The Police up and asked them to come immediately to this sight of trouble
making by the two young men from Little Old Sidney By The Sea.
9. The Police arrived and immediately silenced down the two young men from
Little Old Sidney By The Sea.
10. The Police went into The Attacked School and told the people and parents
who were in The Attacked School that they would come into The Attacked
School and investigate The Attack That Had Happened Against The School
in just a moment or two.
11. The Police had to come back outside of The Attacked School and help to
stop the problem of the two young men from Little Old Sidney By The Sea
from "FALSELY" accusing Murray S. Fenwick, for Attacking The School
12. The Police did eventually stop the two young men from Little Old Sidney By
The Sea from attacking Murray S. Fenwick.
13. The Police also did clear up "THE FALSE CASE" that the two young men
from Little Old Sidney By The Sea had "FALSIFIED ALL OVER THE
14. The Police told Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that they had proved that the case
was "FALSE" that the two young men from Little Old Sidney By The Sea had
shouted all over the neighbourhood against me.
15. The Police then told Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that I was free to leave and go on
my own way when ever I wanted to.
16. I, Murray S. Fenwick, asked The Police what damage The Attack Against The
School had caused to take place.
17. All that The Police told me is that The Attack Against The School was very
serious and that quite a large number of students had been seriously hurt and
that some of the students might have been killed or are on their way to the
hospital to get much needed medical aid immediately. The Police said that
one third of The Attacked School had been knocked flat down and were in
much need of medical help.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did not find out exactly when The Attack Took
Place At or what was used to hurt so many students so very severely.
It seemed to me that The Attack Against The School had taken place several
days ago and that the people who did run The Attacked School along with The
Parents of The Attacked Children did keep The Attacked Children in The School
and did try to work with them medically in their own ways for at least three days
before this morning time. This morning time, In The Attacked School, there was
a lot of shouting going on and a lot of shoving student desks around and noise
making of all descriptions going on. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was asked by The
People who did run The Attacked School to definitely not go into The Attacked
School myself. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was asked politely by The People who
did run The Attacked School to stay outside of The School with The Police
and to just quietly leave the area behind when I thought that I was able to. The
People who did run The Attacked School were at this time trying to quiet down
the students and other people like parents of the attacked children. By now The
Police were working with The People who did run The Attacked School to try
and get control of the situation and quiet it down. The situation at The Attacked
School was just about out of control.
Readers: After awhile of my talking to The Policemen about how "UGLY"
FROM Little Old Sidney By The Sea I, Murray S. Fenwick, went on my way.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, did never ever find out any thing more about The
Attack Against The School.
Readers: The Notorious Swimmers Gang was involved in This School Negative
Series of criminal attacks.
1. Like I said The Two Criminal Minded Murderers from Little Old Sidney By
The Sea are both in The Swimmers Gang.
2. These Two Swimmers Gang Members very easily have been The Criminals who
did attack The School In Victoria. The Victoria School had A Certain Ethnic
Person In It. No-one from Another Ethnic Back Ground was ever allowed in That
Particular School. This was A Private School that was attacked.
3. One of These Two Criminals from Little Old Sidney By The Sea was Definitely
Of The Same Ethnic Back Ground that The Attacked School In Victoria was made
up of.
4. I do know that The Two Murderous Criminals from Little Old Sidney By The Sea
did have free access to The Private School In Victoria because The One Of These
Two Criminals was of The Same Ethnic Back Ground.
5. From My, Murray S. Fenwick's, knowing The Two Criminals From Little Old Sidney
By The Sea, I do know that The One Criminal Who Did Have The Same Ethnic Back
Ground for certain did frequent That Private School. He certainly did go into That
Private School and He Certainly Did Take His Criminal Friend Into That Private
School With Him. As a matter of fact The Criminal From Little Old Sidney By The
Sea who did have The Same Ethnic Back Ground As All The Faculty And Students
Of The Attacked Private School Had To Have In Order To Be In That School told Me,
Murray S. Fenwick, that he at times did go To Victoria And Did Go Into That Very
Private School. For certain That Criminal Man From Little Old Sidney By The Sea did
have free access To That Private School.
Readers: The next explanation does confirm The Honest Case That Is Being Held Against
Those, In Particular, Two Criminals From Little Old Sidney By The Sea and Also
Is Held Against The Swimmers Gang.
Readers: The Swimmers Gang Committed Murderous Scenes, and The Cremation Furnace
Scene that did take place in Sidney's Secondary School named North Sannitch
Secondary School.
Readers: The Swimmers Gang also did attack Sidney's Junior School.
Readers: There was also A School Attacked in The Elk Lake Area. When I, Murray S.
Fenwick, did talk to The Swimmers Gang, The Swimmers Gang did tell me that
The Swimmers Gang did definitely participate in the wrecking of that school.
Readers: There was A Trade School built in Central Saanitch. I am not to sure about This
Trade School's exact location. This Trade School was also attacked by The
Swimmers Gang. The Swimmers Gang told Me, Murray S. Fenwick, that they, The
Swimmers Gang did attack That Trade School.
Readers. There were two other schools also attacked by The Notorious Swimmers Gang.
1. One of These Private Schools was also located in Little Old Sidney By The Sea. This
Private School was located quite near to North Saanitch Secondary School. The
Swimmers Gang Did Attack This Private School with Knives and Axes and All Types,
Kinds, of Guns. At least one of The Two Young Murderous Men from Little Old Sidney
By The Sea was also involved in This Killing Attack Against This Private School. All
of This Private Schools Faculty and Student Membership were murdered and also every
Person who was killed in This Private School Massacre were "ALSO BEHEADED."
2. One of These Private Schools was located in Central Saanitch about halfway between
Alec Road and The Little Indian Village at Brentwood Village. The Swimmers Gang
Did Attack This Private School with Knives and Axes and All Types, Kinds, of Guns.
At least one of The Two Young Murderous Men from Little Old Sidney By The Sea
was also involved in This Killing Attack Against This Private School. All of This
Private Schools Faculty and Student Membership were murdered. This was Another
Private School Near Massacre? ??? "OR TOTAL FULL MASSACRE? ???"
3. There were "ALSO" Five Nice Christian Churches that were located on The Saanitch
Peninsula that were also attacked by The Swimmers Gang. These Five Christian
Churches suffered Near Massacre? ??? "OR TOTAL FULL MASSACRE? ???" Once
again at least one of The Two Murderous Young Men From Little Old Sidney By The
Sea Was Directly Involved In Negatively Attacking These Five Nice Christian Churches
that did suffer like The Private Schools did suffer Near Massacre? ??? "OR TOTAL
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do believe that These Two Notorious Criminals from
Little Old Sidney By The Sea And The Notorious Swimmers Gang have to be
charged by A Proper Court Of Law and brought To Honest Justice for Their Very
Serious Crime Making.
Readers: This Report Right Here is just A Little Note about Little Old, "CRIMINAL
SIDNEY" By The Sea. The Amount Of Criminal Crimes That Little, "OLD
CRIMINAL SIDNEY" By The Sea has committed are staggering to An Honest Innocent
Persons Mind. ... Sidney has committed Very Serious Crimes! !!!
Readers: Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick
Mr. Third Street
Yes My Readers, It Is Once Again
Mr. Barbell's, Mr. Third Street, Sidney
Murray S. Fenwick
I, Murray S. Fenwick, do wish you all well
Good-by for now
From Your Mr. Third Street Barbell Strong Kid
Mr. Goody Goody. ...
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