And The Saanitch Peninsula.
And The Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
And The Saanitch Peninsula.
This Is Another Murder Scene
Against The Premiors Of The Province
Of British Columbia.
And The Saanitch Peninsula.
And The Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
And The Saanitch Peninsula.
This Is Another Murder Scene
Against The Premiors Of The Province
Of British Columbia.
1. one day I went out for a drive
2. I went all the way from Sidney up to Naniamo
3. I had my old but like new 48 Ford car at the time
4. my like new 48 Ford car seemed to work alright, there did not seem to be anything wrong with it
5. I took another man with me who I thought would enjoy the nice ride through-out all the
beautiful scenery of Lower Vancouver Island.
There did not seem to be anything wrong with my car that is until the man named Yellow Belly
did go for this ride up to Naniamo with me.
6. on my way up to Naniamo nothing seemed to go wrong with my nice car
7. but on my way back from Naniamo something did go very badly wrong with my nice car
8. Yellow Belly said that he would check my oil in the car engine to make sure everything
went alright. This was done on my way back from Naniamo to Sidney
But what Yellow Belly did was he opened up the radiator drain plug and started to drain the water
out of the radiator without me knowing that he was doing this. After we went along our way a
little Yellow Belly said things like he thought my car smelled like it was over heating
9. I said that my nice 48 Ford was alright.
10. Yellow Belly insisted on me stopping my car because he said that he wanted to check the
radiator to see if I had enough water in it
11. Yellow Belly did this checking of the radiator at least three times and every time that he did
check the radiator he would unloose the water drain a little more
12. Then all of sudden, surprise to me, there appeared a water temperature heat problem
registered on the heat water temperature gauge in the car dash board that had never happened
Yellow Belly very carefully did keep opening up the drain plug on the radiator and drained the
cooling water out of the radiator until this heat problem in the engine of my nice 48 Ford did
show up on the temperature gauge in the dashboard of the car.
13. I told Yellow Belly that I thought I could quite easily get home without any problem
happening to the car and once at home I could put cooling water into the radiator
14. but Yellow Belly insisted on me stopping at someones home that he knew just up the road
to put water into the car at his friends house
Yellow Belly did govern my travelling time very closely and he was very aware of our time of
day and our locations all of the time. Yellow Belly did govern the travelling times on our return
home drive from Nanimao very carefully. This is very important to know here.
15. for example: Yellow Man would check the time of day and then would ask me to stop the car
on the side of the road and let it cool down for awhile
16. then Yellow Man would adjust the radiator drain plug and let out more engine coolant water
I studied this journey of mine very closely and I do know that Yellow Man did govern our time
and did govern our destination very carefully. Yellow Mans destination was not my home
destination at all. Yellow Man had back shooting murder in his mind!
17. as the afternoon wore on I did think that Yellow Man was playing around with the water coolant
drain plug on the radiator for some peculiar reason. I did not know why Yellow Man was
doing this draining of the water coolant out of the car. I was soon to find out though how
terrible a back stabbing murderer Yellow Man really was!
18. very soon up came the road where Yellow Man knew some people. Yellow Man said to me
that I could get water coolant for the cars now over heating engine right here.
Now readers you will have to understand this, that I have not been in this area for a long time
therefore I am putting in here a couple of names of roads where the people lived a long time ago
where the water coolant could have been obtained from. I would have to come over to Vancouver
Island and drive out The West Saanitch Road to both of these roads to identify the road exactly
properly where these pelople did live where the fresh water coolant was obtained from. I think
though that this write up here and expanation is good enough for this here report.
19. I turned left at the corner of Mount Newton Cross Road onto McPhail Road or Senanus Road.
Onto some road near to Alec Road.
20. once again the very first house on my left was the house where I could get fresh water coolant
for the now over heated nice 1948 Ford car engine
21. I turned my car right around by making a U Turn on the road and shut it off
22. I immediatly got out of the car and opened up the hood of the car to get at the radiator and get
ready to put fresh water coolant into it
The road here was very narrow.
23. immediatly there was shouting and fighting going on right across this narrow road from where
I parked my car
24. I looked across the road and there stood The Premior of The Province of British Columbia
25. The Premior being He or She was with their immediate family right there at a picnic table
that was set into the woods like a kitchen nook is set into a kitchen
26. the shouting got worse
27. then there was a lot of gunfire nearby The Premior and the first family of The Province. The
gunfire came from a little more of a distance set into the wilderness past beyond the picnic
table set
28. The Premior and his family took to running down the road as fast as they could run shouting
"Help Us Murray, Save Us"
29. I, Murray S. Fenwick, got involved by first shouting at the gun crowd
30. The gun crowd then did immediatly appear out of the wilderness. The gun crowd was about 6
men that were more darker of skin than they were white of skin. They had different types of
hand guns and rifle guns in their hands.
31. the gun crowd started shouting at me and then they threw rocks at me
32. I shouted back at them and then threw rocks back at them
33. then the gun crowd threw sticks and dirt at me
34. I then threw sticks and dirt back at them
How I lived through the following I do not know.
35. then the gun crowd started to shoot their guns at me
36. I was jumping all over the place throwing rocks at them and dirt and branches etc.
I was wearing quite a thick leather jacket that ws made out of horse hide. This jacket did help to
protect me from all of the flying debri and bullets being shot at me.
37. all I know is that I was being hit and hard hit by rocks, dirt and all else that was being thrown
38. I might have been hit by bullets and bouncing bullets that did bounce off of the trees etc.
before hitting me
When this outright murder attempt against The Premior and their family hit the hights all I can
rremember is being thrown around and being knocked down a lot. The gun fight here became
absolute madness. All I know is that I was hit and knocked about by everything under the Sun!
39. after awhile the dark gunnmen ran away into the wilderness
40. right away the lady who owned the house where I was to get fresh water coolant appeared
shouting her head off also at the gunnmen
41. she then started shouting her head off at Yellow Belly, who as soon as the fighting did start
ran to a coal bin out back of the womans house and did jump into that coal bin and did pull
the lid over top of the coal bin and did hide in that coal bin from the fight in general and from
the gun men who did attack the lady of the house and I and The Premior and Their Family.
That is why I call Yellow Belly Mr. Yellow Belly Himself!
42. after awhile the gun men ran away into the wilderness
43. right away the lady who owned the house wherae I was to get fresh water coolant for my car
appeared shouting her head off also at the gun men
44. she then started shouting her head off at Mr. Yellow Belly Himself who was out back of her
house hiding in a coal bin with the lid of the coal bin closed over top of him to hide him from
the guin men
This woman was in an out rage about the Coward Mr. Yellow Belly Himself who ran all the way to
the back of her house and jumped into her coal bin and did pull the roof of it down so he could not
be found by the gun men.
This woman did say to me: My act that is Murray S. Fenwicks act of standing his ground in the
face of gun men shooting at The Premior and their family was an act of bravery and that when
she got a minute she was going to phone The Premior and their family right up and tell them just
what happened here.
This woman here knew right well that I got shot at myself. She was quite nearby when this did take
place. She got involved in shouting at the gun men herself. She hid somewhat behind her properties
fence from all the thrown debri. I think that this woman was brave also because she did stand her
ground and did fight for The Premiors life and the lives of their family.
45. this woman got me the fresh water coolant for my car and I got ready to leave
46. for some reason she did know Mr. Yellow Belly Himself
47. this woman did not want Yellow Belly around here any more and she told him to get into the car
and get right out of here and never return
48. the Coward Mr. Yellow Belly Himself got into the car and tried to hide his feet in the glove
compartment and he soon found out that he could not hide his feet there so he then lied down
onto the floor of the car and hid under the dashboard
At any rate these dark gun men could not be identified by myself or the woman who lived here in
this house. I took another look at what went on here and at Yellow Belly around about.
49. Yellow Belly by adjusting the radiators water coolant drain plug in my car had me arrive right
where The Premior and their family were going to be very probably mu;rdered right on time of
the murder attempt
50. Yellow Belly did run and hide in the coal bin from the gun shot out that did take place
51. Yellow Belly did escape up the road not marked by even a flying twig
Yellow Belly is a white man with a white skin but Yellow Belly did at times have a very dark skin.
Let us look at how Yellow Belly did get his quite dark skin.
52. Yellow Belly did work all over the province of British Columbia laying roads down, laying
53. it is a none fact that ashphalt workers on road gangs did get an exceptionally dark skin tan from
the job of laying ashphalt
It took me awhile to prove the following bad behaviour out against Yellow Belly but I did prove
that he was a murderous gun man himself, he was an alcoholic, he did smoke cigarettes, he was a
date rape drug sex man against all women, he would steal tradesmens tools, he would put different
types of graffitti every direction he would change road signs around to point the wrong ways on roads
in order to direct traffic falsly and then rob the misguided car drivers by brute force and after they
crashed their vehicles into fences etc. There was no evil doing that he would not commit.
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