Tuesday, 7 January 2020

#K23. Saanitch Peninsula. Brentwood. Victoria. The World. Atomic Compounds In Different Mixes.

The World.

The World,
The World.

The World.
Atomic Compounds In Different Mixes.

P.S.: Dear Readers: The following is a little addition here but is very
         important to know about. 

Readers: Did you know that "Atomic Compounds" are an element unto themselves?
                "The Real Atomic Compounds" can and are mixed with other things like
                gas. When someone does mix "The Atomic Compound Element" with gas
                the gas is then named, called, "Atomic Gas."

Readers: Did you know that "Atomic Compounds" are an element unto themselves?
                "The Real Atomic Compounds" can and are mixed with other things like
                oil. When someone does  mix "The Atomic Compound Element" with oil
                the oil is then named, called, "Atomic Oil."

Readers: Did you know that there are a lot of "False Atomic Compounds," that people
                do try to use in various different ways, many different ways. These "False 
                Atomic Compounds," are very unstable in the ways of their own inner

Readers: People try to mix "These False Atomic Compounds" with all kinds of
                "OTHER ELEMENTS" in order to get them to work safely and properly
                but to date no-one has ever succeeded in making "The False Atomic
                Compounds," work safely and understandably. To date, and this is 2017
                Anno Domini, no-one has ever achieved success with "The False Atomic
                Compounds." Therefore to date "The False Atomic Compounds" remain
                a negative threat to all of Man Kind.

Readers: Unfortunately "Atomic Compounds" that are made according to a countries
                design are also very seriously unstable in all of the uses that "The Atomic
                Compounds" are applied to. For Example: Should "An Atomic Bomb" that
                is in storage blow up, that "Atomic Bomb"  "Did Detonate Itself Off By Itself"
                because "The Atomic Compounds" that "The Atomic Bomb" is made out of
                are unstable and are definitely not understood by mankind very much at all.
                Even though "An Atomic Bomb" is placed safely and securely in a storage
                space that is designed for "Atomic Bomb" storage "The Atomic Bombs" that
                are stored in that specific government designed storage space might still
                blow up on their own and it is because "Atomic Compounds" are not properly
                understood at all by any nation in the whole wide world. Therefore "Atomic
                Bombs" or let's say "Atomic Compounds In General" are not properly
                designed by any country or by any individual. "All Atomic's" no matter what
                area of "Atomic Work" that a person is talking about has always been
                classified as highly dangerous and probably will always will be classified as
                very highly dangerous. "Atomic Work" has definitely never been understood.
Readers: Did you know about "Atomic Compounds" staying behind, remaining in,
                locations where "Atomic Bombs and Atomic Compounds" have been
                placed when they have been in transit.

Readers, For Example: Should you be moving "Atomic Compounds" about that
                are mixed into a certain type, kind, of gas and the gas can, container,
                does leak some of the gas out then "Atomic Gas Containing The Atomic
                Particles" does move around, about and just might seep into, penetrate
                inside of, say some bark on a tree or some plaster on a house wall.

Readers: What does take place then is "The Atomic Gas With The Atomic Particle"
                in it does remain inside of the tree bark that it has gotten into or inside of
                the plaster that it has gotten inside of.

Readers: "The Atomic Gas Containing The Atomic Compound" does not necessarily
                move off to somewhere else.

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