Sunday, 12 January 2020

#J46. Sidney. Locations Vary. The Case Of The Noble Woman.

Locations Vary.

The Case Of The Noble Woman.

the following report might not be how you would orate a report 
the following report might not be how I would orate a report 
but it is how some of The Golden Forty Niner's do orate a report 
because of diverse circumstances the following report is about 
as accurate, as good, as i can make it

signed Murray S. Fenwick, Pope of The Golden Forty Niner Family
and of The Other Golden Forty Niner Family.
I was to replace the Pope in the year of Our Lord, Anno Domini.
I was to be The Pope Of Rome and of The Whole Wide World.

Readers: This is a report about A Possible Noble Woman?
                This story, event, took place in A Country Like
England but not necessarlly England. I call This Land,
Place," "A Hidden Land."

this is a report about "A Noble Woman," from, "A Hidden Land,"  Like England.
The Noble Woman's public name is Captain Privateer. ! !!!
her private name may have been, "Mixed Human Breed. ! !!!"
She was publicly claimed to be A Noble Woman from The Royalty of
"A Hidden Land." This statement is not questionable amongst Nobility?
This Noble Woman came from The Indian Reservation named "A Hidden Land.! !!!"
This Noble Woman came from The Indian Reservation named England. !!!!
This Noble Woman came from The Indian Reservation named Wales. ! !!!
This Noble Woman came from The Indian Reservation named Ireland. ! !!!
This Noble Woman came from The Indian Reservation named The Isle Of Man. ! !!!
This Noble Woman came from The Centre Of All Black People Of All Black
Africa and wearing Her own Black Skin. She definitely is A Black, Negro,
Woman Herself. ! !!!
This, "Woman Who Is Claimed To Be A Noble Woman By Nobility Themselves,"
came from, well, where-ever she did arrive from. ! !!!

Readers: "NOW. ! !!!"

This Noble, "Raised," Woman,  "Was Called In," to do Her duty for The Queen
Of All Privateering. ! !!!
it is possible that The Noble, "Raised," Woman came from the province of
Manitoba, Canada. I will explain this location later. 

I, Murray S. Fenwick, asks you as readers here to take careful note:
I, Murray S. Fenwick, did not say that The Noble, "RAISED," Woman
"Was Called IN" to serve God The Lord Jesus Christ. ... 
I, Murray S. Fenwick, did say that, "THE RAISED NOBLE WOMAN,"
who might be A Real Noble or who might not be A Real Noble,
"Was Called In" to serve The Queen Of Privateering. ! !!! 
"NOW" I will say The Queen Of Privateering Is Always The Royal Head
Queen Who Is In The Throne And Who Is Classed As The Ruling Queen. ! !!!

This ruling Queen is always assigned the job of being The Head of all
Privateering that is done by Their Own Nobility. ! !!!

The Woman Ship's Captain "Brought In" was immediately forced into marriage
to a man named Prince Of The Nobility. 
Prince was The Noble Son of A Noble Woman Named Queen Of Privateering.
The Ruling Queen Of Privateering is always married to A Ruling King.
Prince was A Noble Son 

On this day of December I, 1700 The Queen Of Privateering is negatively reaching
her destructive arms out, across the oceans of the earth, against The Innocent
People who She is commissioning Her Privateer, "Brought In," Captain away to fight

This "The Brought In Captain Woman" and "The Queen Of Privateerings Family" is
who this report is mainly about.

The following is an "Investigation Report" about The Brought In Woman, Supposedly
A Noble Woman, and her death. This investigation report was ordered  to be done by
The Golden Forty Niner Family who were residing in Naniamo on  Vancouver Island in
British Columbia, Canada. The date that this "Investigation Report" was done was about
A.D. 1700.

the following report came about by A Golden Forty Niner Family wanting as full a
investigation as possible made into the death of The "Brought In Captain" Woman.
This report pertains also to the public statement about The "Brought In Captain"
Woman being murdered which was found out might be false. The Golden Forty Niner
Family had The White House who was their head adviser about this murder issue to
make the investigation. The White House was very reliable doing such  research work
as this report concerning The "Brought In Captain" Woman.

i call the very wealthy gold families "The Golden Forty Niners" because there are 49
families of them

some of The Golden Forty Niners have reports such as these orated to them, some blow
trumpets before, during and after the reading of this kind of report. Some raise and lower
swords. In this case The Golden Forty Niner had The White House orate this report to them
while The Golden Forty Niner present was standing nearby at attention himself and listening
very well to every word, while I, Murray S. Fenwick, stood by close at hand

The Golden Forty Niner that this report was orated to was about 12 years of age

The White House started out orating the following report to The Golden Forty Niner
by Their Own  Chief of Staff of Investigations from The White House Itself

Readers: And The White House Chief Of Staff Of Investigations Orated On. ! !!!

Dear Golden Forty Niner:
the following is a report about "the proposed murder of The "Brought In Captain"
i believe it is one of those infamous Nobility scene flings of, "A Gun Shot,"
through a darkened tunnel, "ONCE AGAIN."

Readers: I say, "ONCE AGAIN," because "the public statement about A Nobility death
by public murder is questionable?"

Readers: And The White House Chief Of Staff Of Investigations Orated On. ! !!!

I hope you understand in your young ears, dear Golden Forty Niner, that Nobilities
death by bloody murder usually does not happen.

Readers: And The White House Chief Of Staff Of Investigations Orated On. ! !!!

Readers: All Nobility out right refuse to answer to Commoner's Serious Questionings.

Readers: And The White House Chief Of Staff Of Investigations Orated On. ! !!!

Usually Nobility who do come into question "For Committing Terrible Offences" that
are called by Nobility just "unmentionable acts" are sent around a corner of the street
to somewhere, " God Only knows to where" and hidden by Noble In laws and Noble

Readers: And The White House Chief Of Staff Of Investigations Orated On. ! !!! 

Dear Golden Forty Niner

It is a well known fact that Nobility of all lands of the entire world do get themselves
into terrible trouble constantly by Killing Commoner People Off and they always hide
one another across the street. When Nobility get themselves into trouble they are
known to "Duck Out" to some place and hide.
They are known to even hide behind The Iron Curtain in Russia.

Readers: And The White House Chief Of Staff Of Investigations Orated On. ! !!!

Dear Golden Forty Niner

The well accepted fact that the real Proposed Dead Woman is in hiding somewhere
is real enough, this is a real possibility, Dear Golden  Forty Niner.

Readers: And The White House Chief Of Staff Of Investigations Orated On. ! !!! 

Readers remember: It is a known fact that Nobility are not easily murdered under
                                 any circumstances especially when they are out walking or
driving down the street like the report made public about the death of "The Brought
In Captain, Supposedly, A Noble Woman."

The Golden Forty Niner's  Chief Of Staff Of Investigations From The White House
Orated On.

Dear Golden Forty Niner:

it is possible that "The Brought In Captain, Noble Woman," was killed in the tunnel
that her car had just passed through before crashing up. People could have easily
beaten her to death with base ball bats near her crashed up car. Then "The Brought
In Captain, The Noble Woman," could have been placed back into the, Her Car Dead.
Then an additional act could have been done which was the car could have been
driven, by orders to the driver,to lightly crash up the car further yet. Then the surviving
people could claim that "The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman," did die in the car
crash itself or by a distant rifle gun bullet or otherwise.

Readers: But What Is True Is The Following. There is "The Hidden Information," about
                the murder of  "The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman." "The Hidden
Information Is The Trouble Around About The False Public Statement That Was Made
About The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman's Untimely Death." There was A
Criminal Bad Scene Around About The Brought In Captain's, The Noble Woman's," out
of place, possible murder, death. There was a story about The Brought In Captain's, The
Noble Woman's Death, in the newspaper and other news media that was found to be false.

Readers: And The White House Chief Of Staff Of Investigations Orated On. ! !!!

It is true that "The Brought In, PRIVATEER, Captain, The Noble Woman," was
caught killing people off illegally. Readers: "This Brought In, Privateer, Captain,
The Noble Woman," was trained to do this type, kind, of illegal killing off of
"Innocent People." Someone had previously illegally trained, "This Girl," to do this
kind of illegal killing off of "The Innocent People." "The Brought In Captain, The
Noble Woman," was charged with committing murder with an unknown quite big
battle ship that had large ships guns put onto it by "The Brought In, Called In=Up
Captain, The Presented, But Identifiably Questionable, Noble Woman." This actual
location of this illegal killing act=acts was also possibly lied about being said to be
The Falkland Island War. The Falkland Island War being identified as the actual
location of "The Brought In Captain's, The Noble Woman's" location where she did
commit these horrible murder crimes at. The Noble's answers were so rudely and out
of place said to The Golden Forty Niner's Investigation Committee that The Nobles
who did say this was the  actual murder location were, thought, believed to be out
right liars, "Lions."

"The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman," bought these large ships guns through,
"A Noble Private Computer System," that, "The General Public," do not have access
The Golden Forty Niner's Investigators very easily proved that "The Brought In Captain,
The Noble Woman," did use, "The Noble Computer System,"  to locate and buy those
large ships guns.
The in depth investigation that The Golden Forty Niner did put into finding out the real
truth, hidden truth, should there be one, about "The False Public Statement," about
"The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman," being murdered in public etc. did prove
positive for The Golden Forty Niner from The Golden Forty Niner's Points Of View.
This investigation did also locate "The Brought In Captain's, The Noble Woman's,"
illegal killing off of Innocent People in The Falkland Island War, or where ever? ???

Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, says right here that The Nobility who were questioned
                seriously  about this Noble Murder Scene did refuse on several occasions
to answer The Investigators Questions Properly and without Criminal Malicious
Contempt that The Nobility did hold against The Commoners called The Investigators.

The Nobility who were involved in this investigation of The Golden Forty Niner were
very ignorantly silent about where this "illegal killing of Innocent People" did take place
The Nobility did say "That For Matter Of Our Own Noble Convenience Only" We decided
to place The Noble Woman's "illegal killing scene" in The Falkland Island War.

This "Overall Information," was accepted by The Golden Forty Niner and by The Golden
Forty Niner's Employees as the truth about the overall investigation about "This Nobility
Murder Scene."

Just where this "Illegal Killing" of "The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman," did
actually take place at conclusively, I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not know but this is what
The Golden Forty Niner's Own Chief of Staff of Investigations from The White House
did orate to The Golden Forty Niner Himself, and at a later date did explain to me three
more times.

It is also proven true that, "The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman's," "Illegal Killing
Off Of Innocent People" was with big ships guns and it was conclusively proven that "The
Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman did get those big ships guns through "The Private
Noble Internet Program that She by being claimed to be Nobility did have access to."

"The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman's Case," may have been investigated by
The Golden Forty Niner Family for their own knowledge, benefit.

"The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman," may have been investigated by The
Golden Forty Niner Family for someone else.

Never-the-less The Golden Forty Niner Family did investigate "The Brought In Captain,
The Noble Woman's Case."

Readers: Remember that the death of "The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman,"
is seriously questionable?

"The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman," might be in hiding with The Nobility of Finland.
"The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman," might be in hiding behind The Iron Curtain.
"The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman," might even be hiding in The Middle East
with The Nobility there.

Thus orated The Golden Forty Niner's Own Chief of Staff of Investigations who was from The
White House, The District of Columbia, United States of America.

Readers: Remember also that "The Brought In Captain, The Noble Woman," might have been
               returned to "An Indian Reservation," in Manitoba, Canada.

This Specific Queen is supposed to be startling beautiful!
But I say "do not be fooled".
This Queen is ill known for her very dark dealings.
Once again, "All Of Southern Ontario, Canada," accuses Her for being a good looking Indian Girl
from, "An Indian Reservation, In The Province of Manitoba, Canada. ! !!!"

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