Saturday, 11 January 2020

#J57. Sidney. Sidney's Amateur Weight Lifter Murray S. Fenwick. "Report #3."

Saanitch Peninsula.

Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Saanitch Peninsula, Sidney.

The Amateur Weight Lifter Murray S. Fenwick.

Readers: Some Points Of Interest In His Life. 

When I was 21 years of age I was actively involved in an amateur weight
lifting meet in The Victoria Young Women's Christian Association and Young
Men's Christian Association that was located at 851 Broughton Street, Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada,V8W-1E5. This Y. building was a brand new building
at the time that I was a member in the year of 1968.

1. This weight lifting meet took place about the year 1968.
2. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was a member of The Y. at the time.

Readers Beware!
Some of the athletic coaches in The United Kingdom are very well trained to
do their job. All of The Y's Coaches that did oversee this particular weight lifting
meet were authentic amateur coaches who were licensed to coach Olympic
Wrestling, Olympic Gymnastics, Olympic Weight Lifting and what-ever else
needed a coach around The Y. at that time.

3. I was asked by at least 5 of these Y. Coaches to compete in "This Amateur
    Power Weight Lifting Meet".
4. I was right in The Y. when one of the main gyms on the main floor was set
    up for this specific weight lifting event.
5. The gym used was the gym on your right when you faced both gyms that
    were located on the main floor of The Y.
6. The Y. Coaches were busy for several days setting up for "This Power Weight
    Lifting Meet".
7. The Y. Coaches did set up a nice platform to lift weights on.
8. The Y. Coaches did put good barbells on that platform. The barbells were classed,
    known to be, very good barbells. They were Olympic Designed free weight lifting
    equipment, at that time.

Readers: Beware. The Y. in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, had "A Very Good
                Barbell and Dumb Bell Gym" at that time. That Y. had a lot of "Very Good"
free weights in it.

Readers: Beware. I am not mentioning any  People's specific names here but the
                people are known who did lie about the very good free weight set that
was very seriously put into The Y. at that time. Those people did cause a lot of
trouble against other people and I do mean a lot of other people and "Are Wanted
By Foreign Nations Dead Not Alive! !!!" The Execution Of Those Bad People is what
Some Of These Reports are about.   

Get This Readers!
The brand new and very hard to get "Spring Scale" now enters this specific weight
lifting picture here.

9. The Y. Coaches put barbell free weights as well as a very hard to get brand new
    "Spring Scale" on to the weight lifting platform. The brand new "Spring Scale" was
    from the nation of Russia or Poland or some other place like that.
10. The brand new "Spring Scale" was designed for the power weight lifting event
      called "The Dead Lift".
11. It came to be my turn to do "The Dead Lift." At the command of The Y Coach I
      went up on to the lifting platform.
12. I, Murray S. Fenwick, did decide to make my "Dead Lift" with this brand new
      "Spring Scale". I decided to try out the brand new "Spring Scale" that was very
      much chased after and thought to be such a weight lifting prize because it was
      so very hard to get from Russia or Poland or some other country.

Whether the competitors used The Olympic Barbells or the brand new
"Spring Scale" to do their "Dead Lift" with was left up to them. Both pieces
of equipment were accepted in The Y. by The Licensed Coaches in The Y.
as authentic.

13. I, Murray S. Fenwick, picked up "The Spring Scale Handle" and adjusted my
      position and stood ready for the Y's  Coaches command to lift the weight.
14. Then all of The Y's Coaches gathered around and watched as to how much
      weight I was going to lift on this brand new "Spring Scale".
15. The Y's  Coach said to me to lift "The Spring Scale" now and I did.
16. Up and up I lifted "The Spring Scale".
17. All of The Y's Coaches were very surprised as to how much weight I did lift
      on that brand new "Spring Scale".
18. All of The Y's Coaches very carefully took a turn to look at the amount of
      weight that I lifted on that "Spring Scale".
19. I was told by The Y's Coach who was commanding my lifting to hold
      "The Spring Scale" as steady and as best that I could at the highest spot on
      "The Spring Scale" that I could lift "The Spring Scale" to and to hold it at that
20. I, Murray S. Fenwick, obeyed The Y's Coach.
21. At least 5 Y. Licensed Coaches did study very carefully my highest holding
      position on the brand new "Spring Scale" that was designed for "The Dead Lift"
22. I was then ordered by The Y's Commanding Coach "To Lower The Weight, The
      Handle Of The New Spring Scale Down."

After a short time it was decided by the Y's Coaches, at least 5 of them, that I did lift
1166-1169 pounds on the brand new "Spring Scale".

Readers: Take Note!

The "Spring Scale" was brand new.
In The United Kingdom "Spring Scales" are accepted as legal weigh scales and are
sold all over the countries of The United Kingdom for the measuring out of goods
sold through different kinds of stores.
Therefore The United Kingdom does accept "The Spring Scale" as accurately made
for the job of "Weight Lifting" with.

My, Murray S. Fenwick's, "Weight Lifting," at this Y. Weight Lifting Meet did set a new
world record.
My, Murray S. Fenwick's, new world record that I set at this Y. Power Lifting Meet has
never been beaten.

Readers: Here's a word to the wise.

The coaches present and the specific coach who did command me, Murray S.
Fenwick, at this weight lifting meet were so very hard on me, Murray S. Fenwick,
about lifting the weight properly and holding the weight in the proper lifted
position for a specified period of time that, Murray S. Fenwick, had a very hard
time doing exactly what the command coach did demand out of him. I, Murray S.
Fenwick, had to hold the weight in the lifted  position for quite some time in order
to please the coach commanding me. Those coaches were so very hard on me
that I almost broke my back right out but I did make this world  record lift.

Those 5 Y. Coaches were very careful about what they did note in their
note books there on the lifting platform and did carefully enter my world
record into The Coaches Book's. Then The 5 Y Coaches did enter my new
world record into The Y.W.C.A.-Y.M.C.A. Record Book's which were at this
time kept in "The Desk Drawer" of The Head Y. Coach in His "Desk" in His
"Office" in The Y.

Readers: Take note

The numerals 1166-1169 on "The Spring Scale" that I used to lift this "Dead Lift"
world record with are very easy to make a mistake with when the weight lifter is
having a hard time holding such a heavy weight in the proper lifted position and
the needle indicator on "The Spring Scale" tends to vibrate a little. This fact is
understood by The Y. Coaches and my new world record was written down in The
Y. books of records accurately enough.

The Y. Coaches were very careful to make proper notes about the weights used
and the weights lifted at these kind of Y. weight lifting events.

Also The Y. Coaches were very careful in weighing a weight lifter himself-herself
on a very accurate weigh scale that they had in The Y.

My own weight when I was weighed in for this weight lifting event was I weighed
under 149 pounds.

I am not very small.
I am not very big.
I am about middle sized.
In height I am about 5'8" tall.

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