Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
Saanitch Peninsula, Sidney.
Sidney. Little Old Sidney By The Sea.
The Wood Saw Mill Was Intentionally Burned Down.
A Complaint Against Little Old Sidney By The Sea.
This report is about what criminal minded people did to destroy the job availability that was brought
into The Little Old Village on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada named Sidney that does
still exist on The Saanitch Peninsula.
I will report to my readers right here that there is an old type of criminal mind in Sidney and there
always has been. I will say it this way. The old people who live in "Sidney By The Sea" are criminally minded. This fact can be proven very easily because of the terrible murder that did take place in
Little Old "Sidney By The Sea."
1. Someone with a lot of money put a wood variety of saw mill into the town of Sidney.
2. The first thing that The Old Criminal Minded People of Sidney did was they burned down the
wood saw mill.
3. People who did work in the wood saw mill went to work not to work at all but to play at strong
man stunts like arm wrestling.
4. Unfortunately though, when a worker went to work and played at arm wrestling, the loser of the arm
wrestling might get at least the hand that was on the arm that lost the arm wrestling competition
literally burned by a fire flame to the point of being not servicable again for the rest of their lives.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, says that this is not proper arm wrestling fun. This burning up of the losers hand right here shows Sidney's "Mental Ill Problem" that The Old People Of Little Old "Sidney By The Sea" have proven demonstrably that they do suffer from.
Let us look at another job problem that did take place in Little Old "Sidney By The Sea."
1. Right on the ash heaps of the now intentionally burned down saw mill location someone with a lot
of money built a fish cannery factory.
2. Once again The Old People Of Little Old "Sidney By The Sea" did break down this fish cannery
factory and destroyed it to the point where the owners of the fish cannery factor decided that it was
easier to take the ruined remains of the fish cannery factory down completely and literally leave
The little Old Town Of "Sidney By The Sea" behind permanently which is exactly what they did
The burned down saw mill and the ruined fish cannery factory were located right at the end of Beacon Street near the Beacon Street wharf right by the salt chuck.
Attention Golden Forty Niners, "IT'S," "Sidney By The Sea! !!!"
1. Just one of the dirty bad jobs that The Dirty Old People Of "Sidney By The Sea" would do is they
would kill innocent people and then put them down in preserving jars called fish cans that were in
the fish cannery factory. In other words The Dirty Old Criminally Minded People would kill
innocent people and can them in the fish cannery factory by putting the innocent dead peoples
corpses through the canning machinery in the fish cannery factory itself. They did do this quite a
lot. That is The Dirty Old People Of Little Old "Sidney By The Sea" did do this very act and they
did do it a lot.
The intentional burning down of the wood saw mill that did take place in "Sidney By The Sea" did
ruin a lot of potential job opportunities in Little Old "Sidney By The Sea".
The intentional breaking and thus ruining the fish cannery factory that did take place in "Sidney By
The Sea" did ruin a lot of potential job opportunities in Little Old "Sidney By The Sea".
Then someone "Who Did Have Eyes" to see with and "Who Did Have Ears" to hear with did make a
work potential move against Little Old "Sidney By The Sea". That person came to Sidney and did
literally remove the entire railroad system that was in Little Old "Sidney By The Sea".
1. That person who did have the brains to do it did remove every railroad rail out of Little Old
"Sidney By The Sea".
2. That person who did have the brains to do it did remove every railroad tie out of Little Old
"Sidney By The Sea".
3. That person who did have the brains to do it did remove every railroad building out of Little Old
"Sidney By The Sea".
Thus ended the work potential of Little Old "Sidney By The Sea".
P.S. An added look at something here. We will now look at the ongoing criminal offence of murdering innocent people and canning them. I would recommend that The Golden Forty Niners do
read also POST #66.
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