Saturday, 8 February 2020

#E16. Nanaimo. I, Murray, Was Poison Food And Gas Attacked At Swartz Bay Ferry Landing Personel Office.

Swartz Bay.

Swartz Bay,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Swartz Bay.

This food poisoning and gas poisoning attack 
against Murray S. Fenwick and a friend of his
took place at Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal in about 
the year 1972.

1. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was an empoyee for The Government on The British Columbia Ferries
    that sailed out of Swartz Bay
2. at this time I was a janitor aboard ship
3. one of my best friends whose name is Golden Forty Niner Son wanted to work on the boats too
4. this Golden Forty Niner young man just happened to be the son of The Very Wealthy Golden
    Forty Niner Family located in The United States of America
5. The Golden Forty Niner Family owns multi billions of dollars in gold values
6. I got to know The Son of The Golden Forty Niner Family when the son lived in Canada

Why The Golden Forty Niners Son wanted to work on the boats I do not know but he asked me to
take him to Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal myself and help him to get a job on The Boats there. He
might have just wanted to take some photographs of the ships when they were tied up at the wharves
and when they were on their daily run to send home to his Golden Forty Niner Father.

The following is what happened.

1. I went to The Golden Sons home and dropped off my car there
2. The Golden Son and I got into his car and drove from Victoria out The Patricia Bay Highway to
    Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal
3. I took The Golden Son into the man's office who did hire and fire people who worked out of
    Swartz Bay

The man in this office was classed as the personel director and his names were Mr. Murderer, Mr.
Illegal Gas Man and Mr. Drunk Man! This Mr. Bad Man had many names.

4. both The Golden Son and I had a short talk with Mr. Bad Man then I began to help The Golden
    Son to fill out an application for work aboard The B.C. Ferries
5. After we had filled out the work application form I went and sat down in the waiting room on a
    nice sofa and began to  eat the orange or apple that Mr. Bad Man had given to me. The Golden
    Son went into Mr. Bad Mans office once again to give him the filled out form.
6. in just a moment or two The Golden Son walked by me and said that he would be back in just
    one moment, that he was just going to use the washroom

Both The Golden Son and I had tea with The Bad Man and The Bad Man gave us an orange and
an apple and a cooky to eat.

7. it was a nice sunny day and I thought it was the warmth of the sun that made me feel drowsy.
    I fell asleep on the sofa. How long I was asleep I do not know.
8. in a little while this drowsy affect wore off and I did stand up and went looking for The Golden
    Son who was gone longer than expected
9. I found The Golden Son lieing down in the washroom from having been illegally gassed in the
    washroom by Mr. Bad Man!
10. I helped The Golden Son to his feet and got him out of the washroom
11. I then helped The Golden Son to get his clothes on straight and properly
12. while I helped The Goldeen Son he shouted and hollared that someone was gassing him and
      trying to kill him and trying to trreat him like an homosexual

The Golden Son lost complete control of himself a few times within the next while and just shouted
that someone was trying to kill him and sexually abuse him. The Golden Son was very hard to handle
at this time. The Golden Son could not stand up properly. The Golden Son could not even due up
his waist belt properly.

13. The Golden Son kept shouting that The Bad Man did this to him

I, Murray S. Fenwick, knew from working out of this Ferry Terminal that The Golden Son and I
were in extreme danger at this time.

14. I managed to get The Golden Son out of the building and to his car
15. after awhile The Golden Son drove both of us back to his house but this was very difficult for
      him to do

I did keep a sharp eye on The Golden Son for a couple of years, 2 years, at least and I did know
that The Golden Son did suffer very much from this food and gas attack against him.

I do not know what The Golden Son and His Golden Family and over all of this The Golden Sons
Golden Father is going to do about this case but I Murray S. Fenwick intend to request a pension
for being criminally drugged by poison food attack and criminally gassed while I was in the office
of The Bad Man right at Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal.

The apples and oranges and cookies were all poisoned food given to The Golden Son and I to eat
and the tea that we were given by Mr. Bad Man was poisoned also. Then Mr. Bad Man gassed
both of us. I did not get as much of a gassing as The Golden Son got because I was in another
room called the waiting room. I was not in the wash room where The Golden Son was located at.
The Wash room was where the gas was concentrated at.

Remember readers that The Golden Sons Father, The Golden Father, has multi billions in gold
assets and is financially capable of making a literal war with The Province of British Columbia.
Because The Province of British Columbia did ruin The Golden Fathers Golden Son He might
finacially take something out of The Province in future years to come to make The Province pay
for ruining his Golden Son. The Golden Father could do this without the average  work-a-day-Joe
knowing anything about it being done.

Because of the huge finances involved in this case that are held against The Province of British
Columbia I demand a complete review of this case be done. Because of the possibility of even
war coming to pass over this case being made against The Province of British Columbia I demand
a complete hearing of this case.

I demand all things straightened out in this case!

It is unfortunate that my friend The Golden Son was ruined by this illegal gassing and poison food
attack against him. It is unfortunate for British Columbia the amount of very costly damage that
The Golden Sons Golden Father can cause The Province to sufffer.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, was also damaged by this illegal gas and poison attack. I am after a pension
from The British Columbia Government for causing damage to me.

Also instead of having friends The Province of British Columbia now has enemies.

It is known by Murray S. Fenwick that a lot of other people were hurt by this poison and gas
attack right here in The Bad Mans office. Also through-out the entire Ferry Fleet a lot of other
people were out right murdered and hurt in various ways.

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