Saturday, 8 February 2020

#E17. Nanaimo. Swartz Bay. I, Murray, Was Illegally Gassed Aboard The Ship "The Queen Of Esquimalt."

Swartz Bay.

Swartz Bay,
Saanitch Peninsula,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Swartz Bay.

I, Murray, Was Illegally Gassed Aboard 
The Ship, "The Queen Of Esquimalt."

This Report is about when I, Murray S. Fenwick, 
was "Illegally Gassed" when I was on board 
The Ship, "The Queen Of Esquimalt," that sailed out of
Swartz Bay.

1. this happened on the same ship and the same location as the other gassing that I was illegally
    knocked down by
2. the only difference here is that I got gassed when I entered the mop room which was where the
    janitorial supplies were kept stored away at
3. I immediatly fell down onto my face because of the gas affect that it had on me. I fell crash
    right down on my face in the corner of this steel made room and did hurt myself
4. I managed to back out of the janitors storage room into the companionway
5. after I got out of the companionway I made for the door
6. I got out the door and then went out the door on my left onto the outside boat deck where the
    fresh air did revive me

After awhile I felt alright and I then carried on with my work.

7. this illegal poison gas in the janitors room became very well known about and this did happen
    more than one time, how many times this did happen I do not know but I do know that people
    came to know about it and more than once someone got gassed, affected by gas, in this janitors
    storage room.

This exact gassing in the janitors room was very severe and people might have been killed right here?

I do know that this serious illegal gassing was looked into by The B.C. Ferry Management.

Remember readers that this gas is not necessarily a knock out gas only but it can be a very lethal
gas and can cripple a person for the rest of there lives and possibly kill people!

Remember readers that this exact location is where I saved The Provinces Premior from being
gassed. This is very serious. The Premior may have died right here or have been knocked out and
then thrown off of the boat when when the ship was in deep water out in The Gulf of Georgia.
This would have cost The Premiors Their Very Own Lives! I have written this account up in
another report that I have put in this overal report and I want you readers to take this gas attack
against The Premiors Most Seriously! The Premiors that I am talking about were The Premiors
of The Province of British Columbia themselves!

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