Tuesday, 4 February 2020

#E44. Nanaimo. The Large Stores Of Murder In Nanaimo. "MORE"


Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

And The Municipality Of Nanaimo.

The Large Stores Of Murder In Nanaimo. "MORE" 
This report is about many criminal scenes.
This report is very serious.
I make no report here on the names of the businesses or their street addresses etc. or the color of
their buildings etc..
Where I got my information from is important on the truths pertaining to these serious criminal
scenes but the origination of my information is kept silent to protect the innocent.
I t would take vast books to write all of this report down so I am keeping it extremly short by the way
that I have chose to write it.

Readers: I am putting "A Man's Make Believe Name" down here. I do not know what his real name
               is. Therefore "The Make Believe Name" that I have put down here is a name that I, Murray
               S. Fenwick, do call a certain man who was in The Big Store and who was one of the very
               Big Golden Forty Niner People. This man is of very big importance in events of the past
               and of the present and of the future on the whole earth. I am putting my "Make Believe
               Name" for this man into this report right here in order to properly introduce him into this
               report. I will put some things about this man in this report later on in this report. I
               thought it best though to put his name right here at the very beginning. This man is very
               very important to know about. Thank You.

My "Make Believe Name" for this man is Eel-I-Yum.
My "Make Believe Name" for this man is Ish-ee-um.
My "Make Believe Name" for this man is Ill-ee-um.

This man whom I call Eel-I-Yum goes about in hiding.
This man whom I call Eel-I-Yum goes about as a spy, he is into every dimension of it.
This man whom I call Eel-I-Yum goes about as a Peeping Tom.
This man whom I call Eel-I-Yum goes about as a Eves Dropper.
This man whom I call Eel-I-Yum takes precaution to be always well hidden from public view.
This man whom I call Eel-I-Yum takes precaution to be not recognizable when he is in public.

Readers: I want you to know that I am trying to write this report with great caution in order not to
               offend anyone and that does include The People In The middle East. Eel-I-Yum might be
               associated in his work with Kings And Queens and Golden Forty Niners who are in office
               in The Middle East or who have influence in The Middle East. This report is about a
               specific individual whom I call Eel-I-Yum and about some of his direct workers who just
               might be located in The Middle East.

Readers: To some people my statements about the man whom I call Eel-I-Yum might be to them
               very negative. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say this judgment of my writings about the
               man whom I call Eel-I-Yum is up to the individual to decide.
Readers: To some people my statements about the man whom I call Eel-I-Yum might be to them
               very positive. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that this judgment of my  writings about the
               man whom I call Eel-I-Yum is up to the individual to decide.

Readers: Here we go. Off and into reading this report about The Big Stores in Nanaimo, British
               Columbia, Canada.

1. Some guy was working in this big store and suddenly a lot of trouble happened.
2. Right away the worker reported that illegal gas was used in this type of very serious trouble
    making but no-one would listen to that guy.
3. It was not very long and more very serious trouble making took place.
4. The worker reported once again that illegal gas was used in this type of very serious criminal act
    but as usual no-one listened to him.

The worker came to know that the large stores management did hear what he had to say about these
criminal offences and illegal gas etc. but he came to understand that the large stores management did
not want to do anything about this type of trouble making.

Just some olf the trouble is the following.
1. Young Indian boys and others riding the bicycles in the large stores hallways and doing all kinds of
    clown acts with those bicycles. This kind of ill behaviour literally did bicycle itself around and
    around about the large store and parking lot. It looked as though the Indian boys had a circuit circle
    drawn up around about the large store and they just kept on riding through the store or around and
    around the outsider of the store in a large circle.

2. Restaurants delivering take out food to people who were allowed to park in cars on the large stores
    parking lot. To the worker it seemed that the parked cars were always filled with drug pushers
    and prostitutes.

3. The Loco Police did the same thing. When ever the worker phoned The Loco Police over a
    problem that the large store was having they would always come to the large store right away
    and sexually rape a nuts woman in Their Car They Called The Cruise-Her. It is known that in
    Naniamo this scene never has ended.

4. Then one day in the big store the big bank got "Big" broken into. Really "Big" broken into!

5. Whoever did rob the bank did run off with a lot of "GOLD"! A whole truck load of "GOLD"!

6. This big "GOLD" robbery happened more than once in the big store.

7. At a later date the worker did report trucks and cars on the big stores parking lot that had a lot of
    "GOLD" in them but no-one ever looked into this matter.

    "GOLD" roberry was very bad but things got worse at the big store!

8. The Indian boys gave up their bicycle riding for a while and climbed up onto the roof of the big
    store. The Indian boys climbed up onto the roof of the big store a whole lot. It became known that
    the Indian boys might just have taken up living on the roof top of the big store.

    Well like the worker said things got worse and worse!

9. What happend is someone put once again illegal gas into the big store and the illegal gas did get
    itself into the exhaust fan system that did vent itself out onto the flat roof of the large store where
    the illegal gas then did kill all of the Indian boys sitting around about the exhaust fans on the roof
    of the large store.

10. This method that someone used to kill an awful lot of Indian boys was never looked into or
      stopped in any way shape or form.

Well worse went to worse!

11. The worker went faithfully to management of the large store and would report these little Indian
      boy deaths but nothing was ever done about it. But this constant reporting brought about another
      event in the workers life who worked for the large store.

12.The management of the large store ordered their worker out of certain areas of the large store and
      right off of certain areas of the parking lot.

Dear Mr. Representative:

I, Murray S. Fenwick, have not seen you for a long time Mr. Representative.

1. I am still upset over the amount of trouble the I had happen to me and the general public in the
    large store.

2. My being frank with you. I do know that you would like to see me more often. I would like your
    heart to be at peace, I am still your friend.

3. I would like to see you more often "BUT".

Reader did you know?

4. I, Murray S. Fenwick, have been in 3 military armies of different countries and I know how to use a firearm...

5. I think that I remember you Mr. Representative liking a hand held revolver called a six shooter
    and a lever action 30-30 caliber rifle gun for just shooting around big stores with.

6. Well I like an up powered version of just about the same things called a 357 Magnum Revolver.
    Also a few long range rifles and some shot guns will do me just fine.

Remember I am just cueing you in on something here Mr. Representative. I, Murray S. Fenwick, will
not forget or in anyway put unjustly down the trouble that did happen in the big stores. Should I capture "The Guilty" in an appropriate country I surely will bring murder charges against them on sight. "The Guilty" might even get executed for serious crimes that they have committed.

I hope that by now you Mr. Representative have recovered from the trouble making that did happen to you in the big stores. I do know that your lovely wife did pass away, that is did get killed, from
this very serious trouble making and I do believe that I have cracked the case as to how she was
killed etc. etc.. I have never talked with you Mr. Representative about her untimely death.

I also do not come around to see you Mr. Representative because I began life as A Pastor. After awhile I changed my lives course and once again studied Buddhism. After awhile I became a Buddhist Priest. After awhile I changed through what is called "The Transformation Process" and
became a Buddha myself. That is I became Enlightened. You Mr. Representative are not involved
in Spiritual Studies. There is no hard feelings from me to you but since I became Enlightened I, Murray S. Fenwick The Lord Buddha, does remain mainly by myself.

Reader on your further enquirery about my where-abouts.

I do not come around The Golden Forty Niner Families because they are involved in "Great Big
Gold Retrieval Work" and they are very expensive to be around. I, Murray S. Fenwick The Lord Buddha, simply cannot afford to be around such Golden Forty Niners. Therefore I stay by myself at home. Also because I definitely have different interests than The Golden Forty Niners I think it is best for me to stay away from them in order to prevent a conflict arising between us.

Readers this is the conflict right here.

Remember Mr. Representative I am The Born Again Christian Pastor who you did condemn unjustly at times for his Christian beliefs who did become The Buddhist Priest who did become Murray S. Fenwick The Lord Buddha.

I say that I The Born Again Christian Pastor who did become The Buddhist Priest who did become
Murray S. Fenwick The Lord Buddha does know what I am doing Mr. Representative.

Signed The Lord Buddha,
Murray S. Fenwick.
I'll see you over on The Other Side Of The Graves
Mr. Representative.

Readers the locations that I am writing in this report are known locations to the people who do work
in The Large Stores.

Readers this writing here is about just the gas attacks that I suffered when I was in The Large Stores.

1. In the open area at the end of the hallway that leads to The Large Stores main doors I was
    knocked-out on a public sitting bench by knock-out gas.
2. I was knocked out by knock-out gas on the inside of The Large Stores right in front of the inside
    doors of The Drug Store several times. I fell flat on my face onto the floor of The Large Store.
    I was knocked-out several times in this location.
3. I was knocked out on the inside of The Large Stores Main Doors.
4. I was gas attacked and knocked-out in the hallway that led to The Large Stores Main Management
5. I was knocked-out by gas in the hallway that led to The Women's Washroom. I was carried and
    thrown ruffly into The Women's Washroom. I was thrown until I reached the end of The Women's
    Washroom. I was left their alive or dead. "A Very Important Woman" did try to revive me in The
    Women's Washroom but "The Very Important Woman" could not revive me. I was left their alive
    or dead. After a few hours I woke up and went about my job.
6. I was knocked-out at the end of the middle hallway of The Large Stores just inside of the entrance
    exit doors. Right beside the entrance exit doors there was an alive electrical room located. People
    who did work in The Large Stores did find me located there on the floor knocked-out by gas.
    These people were mentally odd. Instead of phoning an ambulance they simply put me into the
    alive electrical room between the electrical boards like a piece of sandwitch meat is put into the
    middle of two pieces of bread. For some peculiar reason I was as stiff as a board when they found
    me on the floor. The mentally odd workers simply picked me up and stuffed me between two alive
    electrical boards which was very dangerous to do to me. I was standing up  verticle stuffed in
    between the alive electrical boards for a few days knocked-out by the knock-out gas. Then some
    Building Service Empoyees found me there and simply pulled me out from being sandwitched
    between the two alive electrical boards and threw me out onto the hallway floor. I was left there
    abandoned by The Mentally Odd Building Service Workers for a few days and then I woke up
    and went home very annoyed about how I was mistreated by The Large Store Empoyees.
7. There happened to be an empty space in The Large Stores that was classed as an empty store that
    was not at present time being used. In this empty space there were odds and ends stored. No-one
    was supposed to go into this empty space unless they were properly authorized to do so. I was
    supposed to go into this empty space two or three times a month. Two or three times I was found
    in this empty space knocked-out by knock-out gas.

Readers number 8 has to be written here quite differently in order that I can explain this overall report

1. First of all let me explain this following statement very briefly. Because I, Murray S. Fenwick,
    had certain work commitments with The Golden Forty Niners I had to obey some of Their
    work requirements. One of The Golden Forty Niners work requirements for me was that I could
    not be found in certain locations in or about The Large Stores. This was Their request to me and I
    had to abide by it.

2. There had been A Lovely "Very Important Lady" who did get gas attacked on the corner of one of
    The Large Stores parking lots. I,  Murray S. Fenwick, was not allowed in that area.

Readers now we'll get on with number 8.
8. One day I, Murray S. Fenwick, was, just happened to be outside of one of The Large Stores. I
    thought that I would look about the parking lot just to check the parking lot area to see that
    no-one had come onto the parking lot to make trouble of some kind or other.

Readers the following is what happened.

    Some criminal minded person, or group of people, released knock-out gas where I was walking
    about on the parking lot.

    Because the knock-out gas was released outside of The Large Store in the open atmosphere it did
    disperse quite quickly.

    Because the knock-out gas did disperse itself in the atmosphere I got only knocked about and
    knocked down on one knee by the gas.

    I did not get knocked right out cold by the dispersing knock-out gas.

    I did stagger along the parking lot a ways from the gas area but still remained on one knee from the
    effects of the knock-out gas.

Readers then the following terrible scene took place.

    Right in beside me where I stood kneeling down on one knee drove a police car or cars.

    The police cars were full of policemen and police women.

Readers the police men and the police women did get out of their car or cars and did disperse themselves around about their car or cars and about the immediate area about their car or cars.

Readers the police men and the police women did seem to have a fight going on with someone who
was in the lead, front, car. This fighting with that person did not stop.

Readers you have to know and remember that the police car or cars did drive into the parking lot and
did stop right at my left side. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was so close to that police car or cars that they almost ran me down. I did not like the speed or the way they drove onto that parking lot.

Readers I, Murray S. Fenwick, just had to bend down a little to see what was going on in that police
car or cars but Readers that was not very easy for my  to do because the police car or cars did appear
to me to have darkened down windows.

Readers you have to remember that I, Murray S. Fenwick, was on illegally released gas at the time that this police scene was happening. Because of the gas affects on me the police car or cars windows
might have appeared darkened down and the car bodies appeared to me to be pink but I was still awake enough to know what went on that day with that police car or cars and those types of police

Readers I, Murray S. Fenwick, do call those types of police people "PLAY A COP=COPS".

Readers it was not long before I, Murray S. Fenwick, did discover what "THE PLAY A COP=COPS" were up to doing.

Readers since this fast moving darkened glass car scene and gas scene was hosted by THE PLAY A
COP=COPS  who I say should not have been allowed on The Big Stores Property, just what were they doing.
1. THE PLAY A COP=COPS were obviously fighting, wrestling, grappling with someone in the
    front seat of the first fast moving darkened down windows car.

Readers I, Murray S. Fenwick, did look at this scene close enough and I, Murray S. Fenwick, did find
out what THE PLAY A COP=COPS were fighting, wrestling, grappling, with, over, in the front seat
of the first fast moving darkened down windows car.

2. Readers what THE PLAY A COP=COPS were doing is they were in "The Sexual Act Of
    Criminally Assaulting A Woman".

Readers the next thing that happened was THE PLAY A COP=COPS threatened me to go away from
the car where "This Criminal Sexual Assault" was taking place.

Readers I would not go away from the car where "This Sexual Criminal Assault" was taking place. As a matter of fact I shouted at THE PLAY A COP=COPS that I was going to call out the whole
neighborhood and attack THE PLAY A COP=COPS for "Criminally Sexually Assaulting That There Woman".

Readers at that, my statement, THE PLAY A COP=COPS went into a berserk fighting frenzy. One of
THE PLAY A COP=COPS even held high over his head a light tan in colouration hand gun holster
that did have a loaded six shooter in it and threaten me that he would shoot me down if I did not run off. That exact PLAY A COP=COPS had been hiting "The Sexually Criminally Assaulted Woman"
between the legs right on her vaginal canal areas with that very light tan in colouration hand gun
holster. That light tan hand gun holster had "The Sexually Assaulted Woman's Vaginal Blood" all over one side of it.

Readers I had to back away from trying to save "The Sexually Criminally Assaulted Woman" because of that terrible hand gun threat to me.

Readers I, Murray S. Fenwick, did back away raising what thunder I could against THE PLAY A

Readers in the next moment I was back in The Large Stores and running leaping down the hall towards the empty spaced where THE PLAY A COP=COPS had dragged off "Their Victim Woman"
to the empty room, space, at the end of The Large Stores hall.

Readers I immediately ran into about 4 kick boxers who did beat me up and did knock me out onto the floor of The Large Store.

Readers when I woke up I attacked THE PLAY A COP=COPS in the empty space and was knocked
out and left in a corner of the empty space, the room, out cold.

I was later dragged about in the empty space, room, by The Large Store workers and left as dead.
Sometime later I woke up from being knocked out and crawled off home.

Readers it is very unfortunate if any woman gets sexually assaulted and beaten up. This particular
woman happened to be a very important Queen from a very important nation in the world today.

P.S. The Cops were dressed in a light brown color of uniform and did wear a forge cap.
        The kick boxers were dressed in active wear gym outfits.

P.P.S. I do believe that there was a bomb of some kind involved in the beginning of the sexual assault
           scene that began to happen on the parking lot when I got attacked with illegal gas there. Some
           how in my memory I do believe that a bomb did blow up there. I do not know what kind of
           bomb it was but I do believe that there was one. It seemed to blow up between myself and the
           corner of the parking lot.

Readers the following is another report but this report did take place at The Big Stores.
Readers the following report is my opinion on an issue. This particular report does not originate from
the opinions of anyone else.

1. I had always heard good reports about This Certain Fellow-Woman all of my life.
2. The good reports started to filter through into my brain when I was just a kid.
3. Here and there people talked about how good This Certain Fellow-Woman was.
4. Then just about everyone in the whole wide world knew about This Certain Fellow-Woman.
5. Then just about everyone in the whole wide world did talk positively about how good This Certain
    Fellow-Woman was.

Readers I was told by A Government Agent that I am quite legal enough to say The Certain Fellows-
Woman's name right here but there are some known hold backs in my own mind about doing so. You Readers will probably be able to guess His-Her name. I, Murray S. Fenwick, am available to discuss this issue on a private basis and say His-Her name then. I would rather not say His-Her name in public but I let it be known right here that The Government Agent did say that I could say His-Her name right here in public.

Readers I will say right here that this report on The Big Stores is very important to read, to know

Readers some things you can know about The Much Honored Person named His-Her Name.

This report right here is about The Much Honored Person Named His-Her Name.

The Person who's name in this report is His-Her Name Is Much Honored At The American White House.

The Person who's name in this report is His-Her Name, when one studies His-Her Name's life is
somehow interconnected with Mathematics.

The Person who's name in this report is His-Her Name, when one studies His-Her Name's life is
somehow interconnected with The Nobel Prize. I do not know just what it is here but there does seem
to be some interconnection.

The Person who's name in this report is His-Her Name, when one studies His-Her Name's life is
somehow interconnected with The White House who did much Honor His-Her Name but ALSO did
cause to take place The Naming Of A Large Foundation of some sort after His-Her Name. This large
Foundation does to me seem to be in The Florida Area but I do know that it does reach for some
reason through-out The Whole Wide World. The White House that I am talking about here is The
American White House that is located in The United States Of America in The District Of Columbia,
in The Eastern United States.

The Person who's name in this report is His-Her Name, when one studies His-Her Name's life is
somehow interconnected with the Stringed Instruments Of A Large Symphony, A Large Orchestra.

Readers I am writing some of these things of interest to me in this here report to help make this report
a good one but also to show you readers that I have investigated The Honored Person His-Her Name
enough to write this report.


Readers I, little old murray s. fenwick, might have known His-Her Name.

Some Readers will say that for Murray S. Fenwick to know The Much Honored Person His-Her Name is not possible to do when we are talking about my knowing His-Her Name right now In The
Year Of 2014 Anno Domini.

Readers some people will say that The Much Honored Person His-Her Name did die at least away
back in the 1950's or there-abouts.

But I, Readers, do say that The Public Reported Death of His-Her Name is not necessarily the truth.

Readers I do want you to take careful note of the following statement.
Readers did you know or did you take notice of the following situation developing in His-Her Name's life.
1. Unfortunately for that person named His-Her Name was at times was rejected from "Proper
    Admission" to Universities.
2. That is that person named His-Her Name was not to my knowledge accepted as "A Proper Student
    At The University Level" for some reason.
I do think that this absolutely solid wall of rejection that did happen to Student His-Her Name should
be looked into very carefully as to "Just What Did Cause That Rejection To Take Place". I mean
absolutely cleared up and positively understood. It is very difficult if not dangerous to make a
statement here with the knowledge that I have. From the reading that I have done it does look like
Student His-Her Name has a mental hang-up of some kind but I do admit here that my reading just
might be short but then the material that I was reading was not short at all. I do believe that more has
to be known before a statement here can be made solidly "Either Pro Or Con" about Student His-Her
Name about this particular issue.

Readers I put this statement in here because it was in very serious up to date publick literature that had been written up about Student His-Her Name. I would personally though very seriously make a
very pointed specific investigation into this statements validity. I think that the publick statement that
was made does justify a very important pointed investigation on this statement alone. Thank you

Readers unfortunately there are other things in Students His-Her Names life that do point to this issue
of Student His-Her Name seriously having a mental hang-up of some kind or other. Just one or two of
them will follow.

Readers I would like you to know right here that I, Murray S. Fenwick, does try to do his homework
about such issues as I am writing about right here.

1. There is no vast literature ever been published publicly about His-Her Names Religious Beliefs.
    a. Whether Student His-Her Name was A Born Again Christian.
    b. Whether Student His-Her Name was A Believer In Buddha, Buddhism.
    c. Whether Student His-Her Name was A Follower Of Hari Krishna, Hinduism.
    d. Whether Student His-Her Name was A Practicing White Witch, Witchcraft=The Craft Of The
    This statement right here that you have just read... is the most serious negative statement that you
    will ever find ever written about Student His-Her Name.
2. Student His-Her Name was found killing a lot of innocent people off who should not have been
    killed off and was literally ran out of the area where the killings did take place at. This will be
    written into this report in a little while.
3. Readers there certainly was a little bit of mindlessness in this one. Student His-Her Name would
    show up a work dressed for the job. When Student His-Her Name finished work at the end of the
    day and went home Student His-Her Name would put their over coat on and go home but leave
    behind their hat. This happened so very often that it might have become a personal practical joke
    about Student His-Her Name. Student His-Her Name would at times return to the job and ask The
    Job Director where their hat is.

Readers this report is moving along.

Readers the following is just a little expounding on the innocent killings that Student His-Her Name
causes to take place. Readers I refuse to put into this report just how Student His-Her Name did
commit these innocent killings and I'll write here exactly why I refuse to explain methods that are used to kill people with. Readers what I see as the problem here is a lot of people will shoot down their neighbor if you give them a loaded gun. Even if you give them a car to drive around in they abuse the potential of the car by speeding around with negligence and run over neighbors child.
People in just about every community in North America fist fights are going on somewhere with
someone at least every week. Readers I do think that people in general are really very dangerous.
Police are brought into communities to try to keep the peace and communities also do get themselves
run over by military units as well. This said you Readers do know why I personally do not give anyone a  loaded gun of any description.

Readers now we will get on with Student His-Her Name and about Student His-Her Name killing a
lot of innocent people off in various places in the world and ALSO In Nanaimo's Big Stores.

1. One day I, Murray S. Fenwick, was visiting The Big Stores and I met Student His-Her Name right
in The Big Store killing people.
2. I went immediately to a man in The Big Store who was from The American White House and
    talked to him about what I did see Student His-Her Name do.
3. I  talked with that man for quite a time.

Readers you will have to understand that Student His-Her Name did not just kill the innocent people
off Student His-Her Name had a way, means, of getting rid of the dead bodies very quickly.

4. How Student His-Her Name did kill or near kill His-Her Name's victims was done in the following

Readers I would not even say how Student His-Her Name did kill or near kill Nis-Her Name's victims but Student His-Her Names method of killing people was known about generally publicly
enough. I would not say Student His-Her Name's weapon out if it was not known generally about
how these killing can be done.

5. The type of weapon that Student His-Her Name did carry around to kill people with was a much
    more powerful electric shock type of stick that is used to drive different types of live stock around
6. I have seen drivers of live stock trucks use those electric shock sticks on different types of animals
    when the drivers are loading those live stock animals into their trucks to be taken off to market and
    to slaughtering houses.

Readers Student His-Her Name had exactly the same thing in His-Her Name's hand but in the shape of quite a good looking straight black walking cane.

7. For certain Student His-Her Name did walk about The Big Stores hallways knocking people down
    with that high powered shock stick. I, Murray S. Fenwick, did watch Student His-Her Name do
    just exactly that and just exactly that did catch my attention enough to go and talk with the man
    from The American White House about Student His-Her Name doing just exactly that attack.
8. It was told to me by Student His-Her Name at the time that Student His-Her Names attack was
    going on that, that very large and powerful shock stick black walking cane could do much more
    than just knock a person out or just kill the victim. Student His-Her Name did tell me right to my
    face that, that very large powerful black walking cane shock stick did have a lot more uses than
    people generally ever found out about.
9. What Student His-Her Name was talking to me about is the black very large walking cane shock
    stick had a lot of very powerful and good features designed into it that people in general knew
    nothing about and that it was a very fine piece of killing equipment to own.
10. Student His-Her Name was thrilled to have that exact shock stick in His-Her Names hand and this
      killing scene going on right now at this exact moment in time.
11. I was told right to my face that the rather large black walking cane shock stick could do a lot
      more than be just turned up in its power out put to kill people with or turned down in its power
      out put to just stun and knock down a victim with.

Readers "THE PERSON" Student His-Her Name became very  well known through-out the world in

People all over this Old World of ours followed Student His-Her Name's books on various inventions
believing in them to be the absolute truth.

Student His-Her Name even went to Hollywood in The State of California, U.S.A. and became
very important in Hollywood. ...

Readers at one time in my life I knew Student His-Her Name's BOSS who was from The American
White House. I am not saying whether Student His-Her Name's BOSS was a man or a woman either.
Readers, Boss said similar things about Student His-Her Name, that Student His-Her Name was very

Readers there has to be made A Very Serious Line Of Demarcation like is made in A Military at times. This Line Of Demarcation that I chose to make here is very important to take note of. I have
made it intentionally and I am going to write, right here in this report why I am making it, right here.

Readers why I am making This Military Line Of Demarcation is right here there does appear what
could be said a very big difference in the life of Student His-Her Name. One of Student His-Her Name's faces fronts, presents a Hollywood character as the real Student His-Her Name but then when a person studies Student His-Her Name's life you do come up with what I am writing right
here about Student His-Her Name being a very serious type of murderer. This murderer side of Student His-Her Name was never made public. No-one really does know about what I am writing
about Student His-Her Name right here. Therefore I put This Line Of Military Demarcation in.

Reader, But I, Murray S. Fenwick, said!
1. That Student His-Her Name was caught in this Student's past illegally murdering innocent people.
Reader, But I, Murray S. Fenwick, said!
2. That Student His-Her name was caught in this Student's present illegally murdering innocent

Readers as soon as I positively identified Student His-Her Name's murder act I went right to very good authorities about what Student His-Her Name was doing and how Student His-Her Name did
get rid of the murdered corpses.

Since the Student His-Her Name was not from Canada but was out-right from The American White
House I, Murray S. Fenwick, did go directly right to A White House Representative right away. The
American White House Representative was right their in The Big Stores.

Readers the following is what The American Representative did do against Student His-Her Name
after I reported Student His-Her Name for murdering innocent people in The Big Stores.

I. When I reported to The American White House Representative what Student His-Her Name had
    done and was carrying on doing.
2. The American White House Representative did have an awful fit.
3. The American White House Representative did say that Student His-Her Name had been caught
    in their past doing the exact same murder scene and was driven off violently away from the area
    where Student His-Her Name chose to kill those innocent people at.
4. Also The American White House Representative did say that Student His-Her Name was told
    to definitely not murder anyone in the same way or get rid of the dead corpses in the same way
    around about The White House or These Particular Golden Forty Niners ever again or there would
    probably be murder retaliations brought against Student His-Her Name.

Readers I refuse to say just how Student His-Her Name got rid of all those corpses but I will say
that somehow Student His-Her Name did get rid of those corpses in such a quick manner that it was
hard to tell just how Student His-Her Name did do it.

Readers it was Student His-Her Name's invention of murder and making the corpses disappear very
quickly that did Scare The Life Right Out Of The People In The White House! Student His-Her Name's murder scene was very quick and did scare The White House People Very Badly. Readers
The White House People just about fainted out right onto the floor of The White House Itself when
they did figure out Student His-Her Name's Murder Scene.

The American White House did order Student His-Her Name to leave immediately.
The American White House did not touch Student His-Her Name in any way.
The American White House did not charge Student His-Her Name with murder either.

Readers The American White House chose to just send Student His-Her Name away, and fast away.

Readers Student His-Her Name did show up in Nanaimo doing the same murder scene and
fast corpse disappearance scene.
I caught Student His-Her Name committing murder out right.

Readers The American White House Representative knew Student His-Her Name from way back in
their past. This particular American White House Representative was immediately terrorized by finding out that Student His-Her Name was in The Big Stores doing the same murder scene and quick corpse disappearance scene. The American White House Representative was "Thankfully Gratefully" to me for telling them about Student His-Her Name's murder activities and fast corpse disappearance activities in The Big Store. Then The American White House Man seemed to lose control of himself
and began to shout and holler and run all about The Big Stores hitting the walls of The Big Stores
and pounding on table tops with his fists and kicking things about and shouting in all directions. This
running about The Big Stores and turning The Big Stores upside down went on for about two weeks.
It seemed to me that The American Representative from The White House really did lose his mind. At the end of about two-three weeks The American Representative from The White House stopped
this approach to warning everybody about the Student His-Her name being in The Big Stores and
quietly told me that the Student His-Her Name was once again informed that they could not come into These Big Stores.

Readers also Student His-Her Name showed me that after they had somehow dissolved the innocent
corpses the amount of evidence that remained from a whole corpse was nothing more than half a tea
cup of remains that could not be proven to have been human at all. I can assure you readers that
Student His-Her Name was very pleased with their inventions of this killer and getting rid of the corpse package that they always trucked around with them.

Readers Student His-Her Name became very popular.
1. The reason that Student His-Her Name became very popular is because Student His-Her Name
    could do a lot of technical things.
2. Student His-Her Name designed a lot of things and Student His-Her Name's employer did take a
    close look at all the very different things that Student His-Her Name did design. The things that
    Student His-Her Name did design did work therefore Student His-Her Name's employer did decide
    to keep Student His-Her Name employed.
3. Also Student His-Her Name did become popular in Hollywood. Student His-Her Name's employer
    did take a close look at Student His-Her Name's Hollywood popularity. Student His-Her Name's
    employer did like Student His-Her Name's Hollywood popularity therefore Student His-Her
    Name's employer did decide to keep Student His-Her Name employed.

Readers it is known within the company that Student His-Her Name worked for that it took about
50,000 machine shops to keep up with Student His-Her Name's inventions. The machine shops would
make the things that Student His-Her Name did design and it took at least that many machine shops to keep up with Student His-Her Name's masses of amounts of inventions. Student His-Her Name did
design everything from metal atomic inventions to felt hats. Readers it took a lot to keep up with Student His-Her Name's invention ideas. Readers my saying that it took 50,000 machine shops to keep up with the work load of Student His-Her Name's inventions is saying this truth in a very small
way. There could very easily have been a lot more tool shops involved with Student His-Her Name.
I, Murray S. Fenwick, am being seriously very conservative here. Readers it is true that Student His-Her Name did live a very hidden life and that some things like the tremendous work load that
Student His-Her Name was capable of putting accurately out was generally not known about by the
general public at all. This tremendous accurately done huge work load that Student His-Her Name
was capable of putting out was just a daily routine for Student His-Her Name. This huge accurate work load was definitely not a tiresome work load for Student His-Her Name to do at all but was
just the way Student His-Her Name did work. Student His-Her Name had a tremendous capacity for
putting out an accurately done huge work load. Some people work like that and Student His-Her
Name was one of them.

Readers remember that I earlier wrote that this part of this report about Student His-Her Name is my
own evaluation of A Person and A Foundation. My following statements are going to shock people very seriously all over the world.
1. Did you know that Student His-Her Name also had "A More Important Work Desk" located at
    Student His-Her Name's home address than "The Work Desk' that was supplied by Student
    His-Her Name's employer and that was located at Student His-Her Name's job site.
2. Did you know that Student His-Her Name lived a double work invention life.
3. Everything that Student His-Her Name did invent that would help Student His-Her Name get
    ahead in life in very serious ways was always taken home to Student His-Her Name's "Work
    Desk" and was never known about by Student His-Her Name's employer.

Readers no-one ever suspicioned Student His-Her Name leading a double life.

4. A lot of money that was supplied by Student His-Her Name's employer for Student His-Her
    Name's invention program did not get used by Student His-Her Name for the benefit of Student
    His-Her Names employer but was used by Student His-Her Name to finance Student His-Her
    Names own private enterprise of inventions.
5. Student His-Her Name certainly did have an awfully long desk when Student His-Her Name's desk
    did reach all the way down the street from Student His-Her Name's job site and into Student
    His-Her Name's own private home.

Readers as time went on the following did happen.

6.  Student His-Her Name did become a very well hidden huge person of great influence in many
    fields of business.
 Readers for example:
7. Student His-Her Name did become as militarily powerful as any of The Golden Forty Niners ever
    was. This is an awesomely large development in military strength. I believe that for certain
    Student His-Her Name did do this and Student His-Her Name did remain silently hidden away
    when Student His-Her Name did do this. No-one knows to this day that Student His-Her Name
    did accomplish this military fact. There are also other personal developments that student His-Her
    Name did establish in Student His-Her Names own name. "AS A MATTER OF FACT THERE IS
    A WHOLE LOT OF THEM". I, Murray S. Fenwick. does recommend a very serious and pointed
    investigation into Student His-Her Name's business, company ownership business scenes etc. This
    investigation could be done by A Golden Forty Niner or A United States President in order to
    prove just what went on with Student His-Her Name's business ideas and very serious hidden
    accomplishments in The Private Business World.

Readers when you scout around about Student His-Her Name's life carefully enough you will prove
that what I have written down here is in all probability the truth outright.

Readers you should look into this very carefully enough because deep space probes were known by
Student His-Her Name and this statement does also include Atomic Rockets Etc. ... !

Readers earlier in this report about Student His-Her Name I did make mention of my personally
knowing Student His-Her Name. I am going to write into this report some things about the length of
life that people have lived and still do live. If you have not studied the long lives of some people who
have lived in the world then this part of this report will probably seriously astound you. This report is
true though.

Readers first I will discuss some of the people who are reported in The Bible to have lived a long time.
The amount of years that some of the people in The Bible have lived is very clear in The Old Testament Book named The Book of Genesis. There are 4 people that I am going to write a short
report about here concerning their personal length of lives. The 4 people are Adam and Eve, Methuselah and Noah.

The Bible that I am using here for reference is The New International Version.

Genesis chapter 2: verse 7: 
The man's name was       7: the Lord God formed
Adam.                                  the man from the dust of the
                                             ground and breathed into his nos-
                                             trils the breath of life, and the man
                                             became a living being.

Genesis chapter 2 verse 22:
The woman's name        22: Then the Lord God made a wom-
was Eve. By Adam               an from the rib he had taken out
Eve was called                      of the man, and he brought her to
woman.                                  the man.

It is believed by all believers of The Bible that Adam and Eve were supposed to live forever. Living
forever is a very long time. Unfortunately because Adam and Eve did commit sin against God their
Creator they suffered their, God given penalty of death.

Genesis chapter 5: verse 5:
                                        5: Altogether, Adam lived 930 years,
                                            and then he died.

Genesis chapter 5: verse 27:
                                        27: Altogether, Methuselah lived 969 years,
                                              and then he died.

The man Methuselah was the longest living man in this part of The Bible's Report.

Genesis chapter 9: verse 29:
                                        29: Altogether, Noah lived 950 years,
                                              and then he died.

The people in this part of The Bible's Old Testament Report did live for quite a long time.

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