Entrance Island,
Light House Station.
Entrance Island,
Light House Station,
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
Entrance Island.
Light House Station.
The Murder Of The Young Boy At Entrance Island Light Station. "MORE"
Readers: This is another murder case. It would take a very long report in order to fully explain
this murder case. I am keeping this report about this murder case short to the extreme
but should this murder case go To Investigation and then To Court and The Court need
a full report then I will very willingly oblige The Court and write out a full report about
this murder case.
Readers: Right here I do put into this report that All Light Houses in both The Southern Agency
and The Northern Agency on The British Columbia Coast, Canada are used extensively
Readers: This is the murder case.
1. When I, Murray S. Fenwick, was A Junior Light Keeper on Entrance Island at Entrance
Island Light House that is located just outside of Nanaimo's Harbour, near Gabriola
Island, in The Gulf of Georgia on the coast of British Columbia, Canada a very bad
murder case took place right on, at, Entrance Island right on, at, Entrance Island Light
House Station, southern agency.
2. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was The Junior Light House Keeper on Entrance Island Light House
when this murder took place.
3. I, Murray S. Fenwick, was The Junior Light House Keeper on Entrance Island Light House
about the year 1978 Anno Domini.
4. The very bad murder case took place on Entrance Island Light House about the year 1978
Anno Domini.
Readers: What happened here is the following.
5. A young boy about the age of 4-5 years of age was ruthlessly murdered right on Entrance
Island right at Entrance Island Light House Station, southern agency.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, do not know how the young boy got to be on Entrance Island.
Readers: I do not know either how the young boy was murdered.
Readers: I do know though that the young boy was murdered.
Readers: After the young boy was murdered he was then taken to a large building that had in
it a large fresh water, potable water, water holding tank and was thrown bodily into
the water of the large fresh water holding tank itself.
Readers: How long the murdered young boy was in the water of the fresh water holding tank I
do not know.
Readers: I do not know who said the following: Someone has found a murdered young boy in
the water of the fresh water holding tank in the water holding tank building or said:
someone has found a young boy murdered who was in the water of the fresh water
holding tank and who has been retrieved out of the water and put beside the fresh
water holding tank.
Readers: This case is not an easy case to handle by me in writing up a report on it. I do know
"Just Some" of the events that do surround this murder of the young boy on Entrance
Island Light Station.
Readers: I just might have seen the little boy walking around on Entrance Island Light Station
but I do not know this for sure and the reason why I do not know this for sure is there
just happened to be another little boy the same age and the same appearance who was
on Entrance Island Light Station at times also who I might have been looking at
instead of the other little boy who got murdered. Some things about this case I cannot
put together or understand at all.
Readers: I really do believe that I did see the murdered little boy walking about with his nice
blue jacket on but when you present the other little boy, and they both look like a pair
of twins, it is very hard to prove.
Readers: I strongly suspect that who did commit the felonious murder of that little boy with the
blue jacket on did seriously murder the wrong little boy. I do believe that the murderer
came onto Entrance Island to commit murder of the other little boy who was "In
Appearance" the exact duplicate of the murdered little boy. Just who the murdered
little boy was who had on a blue jacket I do not know and just where he came from I do
not know. The other little boy who was the murdered boys twin came to Entrance Island
occasionally just to visit. I think we have a sneaky murderer on our hand here who did
not know proper identification of the two young little boys who did look very much
alike and who did commit murder of the wrong little boy by mistaken identification.
Readers: I did get the message straight though that the little boy with the blue jacket on was
murdered and I do believe that I did see him dead on the floor of the fresh water tank
Readers: I do believe that I do know who might have murdered the little boy but it might get
to be very difficult to prove.
Readers: As far as I know the poor people who do use the illegal drug named L.S.D. do commit
murder very easily. I, Murray S. Fenwick, do have an L.S.D. users son who is known
for committing murder in his past on Entrance Island Light Station. I thought that he
was never on Entrance Island Light Station before but he swore an oath that he had
been on Entrance Island Light Station before and to him, and is the truth besides, it is
only a minutes drive in a boat to go to Entrance Island Light Station from Gabriola
Island and the L.S.D. son had been on both of those Island especially Gabriola Island.
Readers: I have a young woman who did come and go to Entrance Island Light Station who's
knowledge about the death of the young boy does not "Quite Add Up." I talked with
that young woman at the time of the boys murder and I got, have, nothing against her
pertaining to the young boys murder.
Readers: Unknown to me there was a group of scuba divers that included both men and women
who did frequent Entrance Island Light Station a whole lot. They would come to
Entrance Island Light Station in a type of rubber little boat that was the color of I
think gray which was the color of the environment.They would approach Entrance
Island Light Station in a certain hidden way and then drag the little gray rubber boat
onto Entrance Island and hide the boat amongst the rocks. I, Murray S. Fenwick, does
swear that a person could not see this little gray rubber boat even if they tripped right
over top of it. They did admit that they intentionally did hide the little gray rubber boat.
I have nothing to speak of against these scuba divers but because they were there on
Entrance Island in a hidden fashion I definitely would look into this group. There just
might be something wrong here between the relationships of the men scuba divers and
the women scuba divers. The women just might have been dragged around illegally.
Readers: There was also another boat that would come to scuba dive near abouts Entrance
Island Light Station. It was an older boat. It might have been an older clincker
type of wooden hull or an older carvel type of wooden hull I really do not know.
It was an older wooden boat though. It had quite built up top sides. There was a
serious negative report put out against that particular boat, about the people who
did own that boat and who did come right here next door to Entrance Island Light
Station, in fact that boat was supposed to have illegal drugs aboard and that the
scuba divers, being the owners of that boat, were using illegal drugs.
Readers: There was quite a large boat that would come to Entrance Island Light Station at
times. The man who did run that large boat was a confirmed alcoholic and was known
for his trouble making. There must have been about fifteen men on board of that quite
large boat and all of them were confirmed alcoholics and excessive illegal drug addicts.
Everyone of the crew were also known for their excessive trouble making. The set of
crew and commanders on this large boat have already made me, Murray S. Fenwick,
so very much extreme trouble that I will not forget it. I, Murray S. Fenwick, am waiting
in foreign land to have every one of them arrested and charged seriously with a whole
lot of criminal offences including a lot of illegal drug trafficking from off of this large
boat and in other ways to as in also.
Readers: I have on this large boat "A Member Of A Family Who Are In The Swimmers Gang
And Who Was Born By Natural Birth Into That Swimmers Gang Family." This man
who was part of the large boat crew definitely has to be investigated for committing the
murder of the young boy on Entrance Island Light Station. This family has an extemly
bad name for very serious types of trouble making. You might not find a family with as
bad a name as this family right here has.
Readers: I have a man here who was closely involved with, in general, Light Station Work. He for
what-ever the reason became a confirmed alcoholic and illegal drug addict and illegal
seller of criminal drugs. The First thing that he did in his new drug addict life was he
went right to the down town gun store and bought himself a brand new 7 mm magnum
rifle gun to back up his new illegal drug life with. This guy became quite quickly ill
known for his bad dealings in life and just how he managed to stay out of permanent jail
sentences I do not know. He fast became a serious threat to his neighborhood and then
his neighborhood got to be quite large. I say look out this guy is still on the loose.
Readers: The following I say very serious. At one time I found him literally on Entrance
Island Light Station literally destroying the place.
Readers: I have another guy who lived on Gabriola Island who would get into his power boat
and speed from Gabriola Island out to Entrance Island Light Station and go around
and around in circles around Entrance Island light Station firing a gun off at Murray
S. Fenwick and at other people who happened to be visiting, as visitors, on Entrance
Island Light Station at the time. Readers: This "UGLY MAN" was also known for
his bad conduct by brawling in Alcohol Drinking Bars quite a lot. Readers: This
"UGLY MAN" was also known around quite a district for sexually assaulting a young
girl. Readers: This "UGLY MAN" had basically no school education.
Readers: I have here a man and a woman team who came occasionally to Entrance Island
Light Station, as visitors occasionally, who were as nuts as nuts could be. These two
were known to be a crazy pair as crazy could be. At times the man would come to
Entrance Island Light Station with leather boots well up over his knees and swear
oaths that he just shot more holes into his car port flooring with his hand gun. He
would stomp all over the floor on his car port and shoot the flooring with his hand
Readers: I have an air plane pilot here who would fly by Entrance Island Light Station
irregularly who is definitely a serious drunken case who is very seriously thought
of as being the murderer of that young boy. This mad man right here is definitely
a number one candidate for being suspected for being the felon who did commit
the murder of that young boy. If seriously responsible people did investigate this
drunken man's irregular sneaky life, "DANGEROUS WAY HE LIVED LIFE",
I would guess that those responsible people would lock up that drunken pilot for
the rest of his ill life just on the general knowledge about him. This drunken
pilot has been seriously considered dangerous for quite a long time. This bad air
plane pilot scene right here is so very drunken out of place and trouble making
that this pilot does fit in as the murderer himself. This drunken pilot scene is very
badly irregular and so very much out of the murder scene itself that the drunken
bum, pilot, this time, fit himself right back into the murder scene itself. That
drunken pilot is very, seriously possibly, the murderer of that young boy himself.
This drunken pilot scene right here is a very bad scene and no-one would see this
drunken pilot as the murder scene man himself but it is possibly the truth. This
drunken pilot scene is a scene that is not very well known about at all. If people
studied this murder case of the young boy it is highly unlikely that the drunken
pilot would be known about at all. The investigators would not easily see that
drunken pilot as being involved with this murder scene at all. In a certain kind of
a way he just flies by in his air plane and is not even noticed but he is right there
and right in the center of the murder case of that young boy.
Readers: This additional note is about the drunken air plane pilot. I believe that it is possible
that the air plane pilot could have flown over Entrance Island Light Station and
while still flying in the air have thrown the little boy out of the air plane to land on
Entrance Island Light Station. The little boy could have been alive or dead when
the pilot threw him out of the fast moving plane. The pilot just kept flying by. The
little boy could have been murdered by the pilot when he was still in the air plane
or have died when he hit the ground of Entrance Island Light Station.
Readers: I have so many "Negative Things, Scenes" against that drunken air plane pilot that
I absolutely refuse to put "HIS CASE LOAD DOWN."
Readers: I think so very lowly of that drunken air plane pilot that I am putting his name into
my "Black Covered Book Of Ill Rememberances" to have him picked up somewhere
when he is out of the country of Canada and have the proper authorities deal with
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, was directly accused for committing the murder of that little boy.
Certain people, more than one person, did say that I, Murray S. Fenwick, did commit the
murder of that young boy. I do not know how many people were involved in this "FALSE
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, that is Me, Myself and I, "THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH MAN
FROM THE LAND OF ISLAM" will not forget being falsely accused for committing
the murder of that little boy.
Readers: Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick
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