Vancouver Island,
Campbell River,
Alert Bay,
Gibson Island,
The British Columbia Coast.
Readers Remember: Locations Vary.
Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,
"Doctor Dog Food."
This report is a short report about Doctor Of Lies "The Doctor of Lies! ..."
This Medical Doctor Set is also known as "DOCTOR DOG FOOD! ..."
Unfortunately Dr. Of Lies was found out of place when he did
represent me at one of my hearings with The Military for my
pension. What Dr. Of Lies did was he lied about a small piece
of paper that was supposed to be in my medical file. The small
piece of paper was supposed to have a report written up on it
from a Doctor about me when i was about two years of age.
pension. What Dr. Of Lies did was he lied about a small piece
of paper that was supposed to be in my medical file. The small
piece of paper was supposed to have a report written up on it
from a Doctor about me when i was about two years of age.
This is completely false what Dr. Of Lies did and he knew this,
the paper which was said to be quite small and just a torn off
piece of paper from a regular sheet of paper did not never exist.
Dr. Of Lies was definitely asked to produce this small piece of
paper containing this report and he could not produce it. ...
it was proven that the reason that Dr. Of Lies could not produce
this small piece of paper was because it did not exist and never
did exist
Dr. Of Lies lied and said that i had a bad heart from an early
age and that this small piece of paper had written up on it
a report from a Doctor when i was two years of age proving
this out. Doctor Of Lies lied and did write to The Military
and did say that a Doctor did write on this small piece of
paper a report about me having a bad heart when i was two
years of age
this out. Doctor Of Lies lied and did write to The Military
and did say that a Doctor did write on this small piece of
paper a report about me having a bad heart when i was two
years of age
Dr. Of Lies cannot prove his statement out
as a matter of fact Dr. Of Lies cannot even produce the
supposed talked about report as a matter of fact Dr. Of
Lies cannot produce any report of any description that is
ilegally signed by a proper medical Doctor about me at
any age what-so-ever especially this talked about report
when i was two years of age
supposed talked about report as a matter of fact Dr. Of
Lies cannot produce any report of any description that is
ilegally signed by a proper medical Doctor about me at
any age what-so-ever especially this talked about report
when i was two years of age
Dr. Of Lies has been found very out of place
Dr. Of Lies might be charged by me yet over this issue of his
lieing about me in such A Military Case and he might find
himself very seriously in a court case over this issue. For
certain what Dr. Of Lies has done is definitely going to go all
over town and condemn the man for committing such a terrible
Dr. Of Lies has definitely caused me a lot of trouble by lieing
about this report of his imagination. Dr. Of Lies was caught
lieing about me and producing his false report by myself and
by other medical Doctors. Just what we are going to do to him
for doing this false report is not yet certain to us but we are
going to charge him somehow and publicly run him in somehow
this Dr. Of Lies caused me, Murray S. Fenwick, a lot of
trouble by lieing about me and my heart condition this
Dr. Of Lies caused other medical Doctors a lot of trouble
by lieing as he did because they had to then pick up my
false medical report which was made by Dr. Of Lies and
straighten it out. This Dr. Of Lies also caused Military
by lieing as he did because they had to then pick up my
false medical report which was made by Dr. Of Lies and
straighten it out. This Dr. Of Lies also caused Military
Canada a lot of trouble because they have to once again
further My Heart Injury Case.
further My Heart Injury Case.
I do want Proper Court Action against Dr. Of Lies "The
Doctor of Lies"
Doctor of Lies"
The following has to be added into this report to help
people understand what Doctor Of Lies is really like.
I know that Doctor Of Lies does horrible things to
people in the community.
people understand what Doctor Of Lies is really like.
I know that Doctor Of Lies does horrible things to
people in the community.
1. one day when i was visiting Dr. Of Lies he talked
with me at length about how much he hated The
Herbalist People in the community in general
Herbalist People in the community in general
2. he even stood up behind his desk and slammed his
fist down onto his desk saying lowdly that he wanted
to erase all Herbalist People right out of the community
fist down onto his desk saying lowdly that he wanted
to erase all Herbalist People right out of the community
3. he said that every time he gets a chance he writes up
reports against The Herbalists and condemns them
reports against The Herbalists and condemns them
4. he said that he tries to shut them down all of the time
5. this attitude of Of Lies towards The Herbalist People
is absolutely terrible
6. whether or not The Herbalists are Chinese Herbalists
or Western Herbalists makes no difference to Doctor
Of Lies. He swears condemnations out of his great big
lowd mouth at all of them.
or Western Herbalists makes no difference to Doctor
Of Lies. He swears condemnations out of his great big
lowd mouth at all of them.
7. I know that Dr. Of Lies has done great damage towards
All Herbalist People
All Herbalist People
8. for some reason Dr. Of Lies just roars up a storm and
shouts all over his office against all Herbalist People.
shouts all over his office against all Herbalist People.
9. i do know that he has done great damage against
Reason: I will say this short.
The following is a possible reason why Doctor Of
Lies is making so much trouble for everyone
The following is a possible reason why Doctor Of
Lies is making so much trouble for everyone
1. one day when i was walking by Dr. Of Lies office
a lot of people were out side of the building that his office
was in and they were talking very much about the terrible
scene that had happened in Dr. Of Lies building in general
scene that had happened in Dr. Of Lies building in general
2. what had happened is someone had put illegal gas into the
building and knocked out everyone in the building
building and knocked out everyone in the building
3. i immediately stopped and talked with these people
4. whether or not Dr. Of Lies was in the building at the time
of the gassing i do not know
of the gassing i do not know
5. what kind of gas was used i do not know
6. whether or not the gas was hurtful to the people in the
building or not i do not know
7. this has to be left up to The People's Investigations and their
report has to be read on this illegal gassing of the building
i cannot do up this report myself what-so-ever
all i know is that Dr. Of Lie's office building was gassed illegally
but them what kind of gas it was and if it were noxcious or not
i do not know
i found out also that gas was put illegally in a hall of this building
and the hall did lead directly to Dr. Of Lies office
but whether or not he was gassed i do not know but i do know
that other people who did have an office which this hallway did
lead to were gassed and they did say that the gas did hurt them
i believe that there has to be a proper investigation into this issue
brought about by the people of this community
p.s. i talked with the people who did say that they were hurt by
this illegal gas attach against them and they did say that with
the best of their memory they all did agree that Dr. Of Lies
and his staff were definitely not in their office when this
particular gassing did take place. Therefore Dr. Of Lies and
his staff were not gassed
1. Dr. Of Lies is both bad and in dirty ways is sneaky how he does
2. i had to go to his office a number of times to have my military
file examined properly and to be talked to properly by Dr. Of
Lies as to just how my bad heart condition did happen to me
when i was in the military
3. Dr. Of Lies did talk to me quite a lot about this but Dr. Of Lies
had no intention what-so-ever in trying to get me my pension
from the military
had no intention what-so-ever in trying to get me my pension
from the military
4. he simply shoved off what i had to say and proceeded to write up
a false report about where my heart condition had come from
even though right in my Ottawa File right on his desk Doctors in
Camp Meaford and in Camp Borden and in 11 Personel Depot in
Vancouver and in Ottawa said that my heart condition did come
from being shell shocked in the heart when i was in Camp
Meaford, Ontario
Camp Meaford and in Camp Borden and in 11 Personel Depot in
Vancouver and in Ottawa said that my heart condition did come
from being shell shocked in the heart when i was in Camp
Meaford, Ontario
5. even though the Doctors of the military who examined me and
The Doctors of Medicine in Ottawa said my heart condition did
come from being shell shocked in Camp Meaford when i was
knocked down by a battle tank main gun blast more than one
time The Crazy, Self Centered, Dr. Of Lies did proceed with his
time The Crazy, Self Centered, Dr. Of Lies did proceed with his
sneaky lie and did botch up the court case that i had over this
heart condition issue
heart condition issue
i now have to get this lieing scene that Doctor Of Lies did cause
to take place straightened out and proceed with another court case
to try to get my pension from The Canadian Army Regular
to try to get my pension from The Canadian Army Regular
Dr. Of Lies' attitude towards me was absolutely terrible
he would shout in the office
he would stand up from his chair and walk across his office
and shove machines about that were made for practicing
medicine with he would stomp about in his office he would
shout out the door of his office at other patients to sit down
and shove machines about that were made for practicing
medicine with he would stomp about in his office he would
shout out the door of his office at other patients to sit down
and wait their turn he would take patients files and throw
them across his desk and all the time he would be ranting
and raving about hating The Herbalists
them across his desk and all the time he would be ranting
and raving about hating The Herbalists
Dr. Of Lies did shout at me that i was worthless and that i did
not deserve to have any food
not deserve to have any food
And That He Had His Plans For Me.
His plans for me was that i had to stand in a line down the street,
somewhere he had planned this, and get in line there every two
weeks in order to recieve a can of what Dr. Of Lies called "Dog
Food." All Dr. Of Lies wanted me to eat was "One Can Of What
He Called Dog Food" once every two weeks. Dr. Of Lies mind
was very much confused. He appears like a Crazy Man I
weeks in order to recieve a can of what Dr. Of Lies called "Dog
Food." All Dr. Of Lies wanted me to eat was "One Can Of What
He Called Dog Food" once every two weeks. Dr. Of Lies mind
was very much confused. He appears like a Crazy Man I
questioned him about this "Dog Food" issue and he just kept
shouting that is all i deserved to eat was "One Can of Dog Food
Every Two Weeks That I Would Get Through His Own
Recommendation From A Dog Food Line Down The Street
Somewhere." He was insistent on this statement and he did very
clearly make me understand that i had to come under His Own
Orders to get this can of dog food! !!!
this "Dog Food" shout up was so unusual that i did take very
careful note of this. I did question Dr. Of Lies on this "Dog
Food" issue and he did shout this out. I made certain of it.
Food" issue and he did shout this out. I made certain of it.
Just speaking off the top of my hat, i think Doctor Of Lies
is Crazy. Whether or not he has been illegally gassed i do not
this Dog Food threat to me has to be looked at
it has to be looked at for the following reason
and for many reasons not written here
1. some time ago now,about 1983, i was made the adopted son of an
Indian Senior Chief of The Kuakiutle Tribe located at Kingkum
Village near Campbell River in British Columbia, Canada. My
Indian father had great influence all the way from The Queen
Charlott Islands, all the way down through British Columbia, all the
way down through Washington State, all through Oregon State and
on down to the American city of San Francisco in the state of
California, then all the way out to The Hawaian Islands then all the
way across Polinesa then all the way across Micronesia then all the
way on across and to the end of Indonesia and that is both sides of
all the islands of The Great Pacific Ocean
Indian Senior Chief of The Kuakiutle Tribe located at Kingkum
Village near Campbell River in British Columbia, Canada. My
Indian father had great influence all the way from The Queen
Charlott Islands, all the way down through British Columbia, all the
way down through Washington State, all through Oregon State and
on down to the American city of San Francisco in the state of
California, then all the way out to The Hawaian Islands then all the
way across Polinesa then all the way across Micronesia then all the
way on across and to the end of Indonesia and that is both sides of
all the islands of The Great Pacific Ocean
my Kuakiutle father came from about the area of Gibson Island on the
British Columbia coast of western Canada. He was a great big Indian
banker and did own the bank himself outright. No-one else had any
shares, holdings, in his bank what-so-ever
2. fortunately through my Indian Adopted Father i found out that for some
unknown reason to my Father The Senior Chief that there had been and
there still was a lot of Indian children being fed Dog Food
there still was a lot of Indian children being fed Dog Food
3. as a matter of fact a lot of Indian children were raised on nothing but Dog
Food. That is when they had food and a lot of the time they had no food
at all.
Food. That is when they had food and a lot of the time they had no food
at all.
4. i checked into this and i found out that this was The Sad Truth
just some of the things that i found out when i investigated this Dog
Food issue were
Food issue were
a. that Indian children when fed Dog Food were made to feel
inferior to the point of having mental illness
b. the Indian children would hide behind doors and trees etc.
because they felt inferior
Get This: they were also taught that they were inferior when
they were fed Dog Food
they were fed Dog Food
c. they were taught that they were third class citizens and
would abnormally hide from other people and would not talk to
other people because of this inferior way in which they were
d. the Indian children would constantly ask me for food because
they were hungry
Also when i would question some of the children about their small
size and whether they were migets they would tell me that they
were not midgets but they were small because they had never had
enough food to eat and therefore did not have any nutrition in them
to grow properly with
e. this feeding children Dog Food was to be found in the Gibson
Island area but then it spread out a long ways in this area to
cover a very large area
d. the Indian children even knew what kind of Dog Food to buy for
themselves that tasted the best for them
in my findings i do believe that i found a Medical Doctor in the
Gibson Island area who did know about this but who made no
attempt what-so-ever to stop this Dog Food feeding to the Indian
children. The Medical Doctor involved worked in The Kingkum
Village and Gibson Island area during the early 1980's
Village and Gibson Island area during the early 1980's
i think that it would be interesting to investigate this Doctor of Medicine
and this other Doctor named Dr. Of Lies about this Dog Food feeding to
Indian children to see if they had and still might have a Black Market
Business going on to make criminal money by selling Dog Food to
Business going on to make criminal money by selling Dog Food to
Indians adults who have the intent to feed this Black Market Dog Food
to their children .
obviously all of this terrible Dog Food scene is to make illegally acquired
i am going to bring this to the attention of the Indian people in general
Doctor Of Lies "The Doctor Of Lies" just has to be known about
1. when i looked into feeding of Dog Food to Indian children i
found that it was quite wide spread in Gibson Island, Alert
Bay, Campbell River, all the way down the coast to Vancouver,
Naniamo,Victoria and some Indian villages on the coast of
British Columbia
found that it was quite wide spread in Gibson Island, Alert
Bay, Campbell River, all the way down the coast to Vancouver,
Naniamo,Victoria and some Indian villages on the coast of
British Columbia
2. i think that Doctors in general should be investigated to
see if they have been involved in this feeding Indian
children Dog Food and to see also if they own a Dog Food
Company that makes the Dog Food that the Doctors have
been selling to the Indian people who have been eating
Dog Food. The Doctors involved in this illegal feeding of
Dog Food to Indian children could very easily own and
operate a Dog Food Company and use the Indian children
as an outlet to make illegal money from. This is very
possibly the truth. I would look into this
the reason i am making the following comment is to let people
know just how far peoples influence does travel at times.
Sometimes this is worth knowing about
know just how far peoples influence does travel at times.
Sometimes this is worth knowing about
my comment here is:
my step father known as Grand-Dad of The Kuakiutle People
had a lot of influence and a lot of wealth. His influence and
wealth reached all the way from The Queen Charlott Islands
all the way down the Pacific coast to San Francisco and then
all the way across the islands of the great Pacific to the ends
of Indonsia.
had a lot of influence and a lot of wealth. His influence and
wealth reached all the way from The Queen Charlott Islands
all the way down the Pacific coast to San Francisco and then
all the way across the islands of the great Pacific to the ends
of Indonsia.
For example: my own influence, when i was but 33 years old,
reached all the way from Victoria, British
Columbia to The White House in Washington the District of
Columbia, U.S.A.
reached all the way from Victoria, British
Columbia to The White House in Washington the District of
Columbia, U.S.A.
sometimes when my step father or myself talked with people
about this Dog Food Crime at times those people we talked to
were of great influence and both local and located in far away
about this Dog Food Crime at times those people we talked to
were of great influence and both local and located in far away
Doctors are known to own or they do have shares in Drug
Company Corporations.
Company Corporations.
Doctors are known to sell their own product drugs just like
car mechanics sell Indian people spark plugs for their car.
I believe that Doctors should not be allowed to do this.
car mechanics sell Indian people spark plugs for their car.
I believe that Doctors should not be allowed to do this.
when i conducted my research my search on this feeding Indian
children Dog Food i found out that mainly the girls could not even
invite their friends home after school for some fellowship because
they would be caught making their little friends a sandwitch out of
Dog Food and this would lead to much trouble between these people.
The boys had the same problem but it was mainly the girls that had
this one. The little girls would sit and cry and cry over this issue. The
social trouble right here was absolutely terrible
children Dog Food i found out that mainly the girls could not even
invite their friends home after school for some fellowship because
they would be caught making their little friends a sandwitch out of
Dog Food and this would lead to much trouble between these people.
The boys had the same problem but it was mainly the girls that had
this one. The little girls would sit and cry and cry over this issue. The
social trouble right here was absolutely terrible
I am not resaying something here but i have to let you understand
this very carefully enough.
When Dr. Of Lies shouted at me about his feeding me Dog Food
he did mean himself doing this Out Right.
1. i had to come under his influence some how in order to get this
Dog Food
Dog Food
2. some how he had control of this Dog Food
3. this Dog Food being under his control is a very important issue
when this comes under proper investigation
when this comes under proper investigation
4. it was Doctor Of Lies who had this Dog Food stock piled up
some where and it was he who ordered it to be given out
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