Thursday, 6 February 2020

#E27. Nanaimo. Pastor Mr. Carnegie Centre, Corner, Vancouver, Nanaimo.



Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

Pastor Mr. Carnegie Centre, Corner, 
Nanaimo. Vancouver. 
This report is  about Pastor Mr. Carnegie Centre, Corner.

1. Mr. Pastor Carnegie  Corner is definitely a drug addict and was proven to be one of
    the worst drug addicts of Vancouver's and Naniamo's history.
2. I believe  that Pastor Mr. Carnegie Corner pretended Christian Conversion.
3. I believe that Pastor Mr. Carnegie  Corner did  not know Jesus Christ at all.
4. Pastor Carnegie Corner did not graduate from Our Church's Bible School.
5. Pastor Carnegie Corner was in constant rebellion against Our Church's Bible School.
6. Pastor Carngie Corner was in so much rebellion when he was in Our Church that he
    actually did punch some of The Pastors right in the face.
7. Pastor Carngie Corner also did commit robbery in Our Church.
8. Pastor Carnegie Corner did go into The Christian Ministry to young and was spoken
    against by Pastors who did have a Proven Successful Ministry.
9. Even Pastor Carnegie Corner's own personal Pastor did not consent to him entering The
    Christian Ministery as early as he did.
10. It was generally believed amongst The Church that Pastor Carnegie Corner did not know what
      he was doing.
11. Pastor Carnegie Corner was asked by his own private Pastor and others to quit fooling around
      as a Pastor and playing some kind of game at being a Pastor and to return to Bible School right
      now and grow in proper learning in The Church and Pastor Carnegie Corner would not listen to
      them. Pastor Carnegie Corner simply went his own way making people of all descriptions a lot
      of trouble.
12. Pastor Carnegie Corner got into so much trouble with his own personal Pastor and The Church
      in general that he quit going to this specific Church and went and joined another one.
13. Pastor Carnegie Corner would lie about people in The Church. This lieing of his would bring
      about some people leaving The Church and at times The Innocent People who were lied about
      would be evil spoken about which did bring about trouble for them.
14. Pastor Carnegie Corner did literally steal "A Young Virgin Christian Girl" from her Christian
      home and did drug her with "Date Rape Drugs" and did ruin that little girl to the point where she
      did agree to stay with Pastor Carnegie Corner as her husband.
15. That little Christian Girl was to young to get married too.
16. In some evil way Pastor Carnegie Corner did keep that young Christian Girl as his wife. He had
      to do some dirty dealings to do this.
17. The Christian father and mother of that little Christian Girl suffered a lot of ruin over this issue.
      They certainly did not deserve it.
18. The Christian father and mother were Christian Pastors and suffered a lot of ruin in their work
      as Christian Pastors.
19. Pastor Carnegie Corner did ruin that Christian family by stealing that little Christian Girl.
20. After awhile of being in Church in Vancouver Pastor Carnegie Corner moved himself to
      Naniamo on Vancouver Island.
21. One of the first things that Pastor Carnegie Corner did in Naniamo is he attacked a mine
      illegally. This was very criminally serious and I know that the uproar from the local people
      that came about because of this is not over with even yet.

A private note.
1. I personally do not agree in having "Trouble Making Hippies" like Pastor Carnegie Corner in
    Church at all.
2. It was proven by Our Church and by a lot of other Born Again Christian People that Pastor
    Carnegie Corner was one of the very worst illegal drug addicts in Vancouver's and Naniamo's
3. These Hippie Crowds today, 1982-2013 A.D., do sworm about Churches in general all over
    the place. I would not allow this to take place.
4. I do know that the Christian father and mother of that young Christian Girl that was stolen by
    Pastor Carnegie Corner did not know where she disappeared to for quite a long time. The
    stealing of that young girl was very criminally done and a lot of trouble in The Church came
    out of it!

To my Readers,
The following is a special note.

1. Word went around that Pastor Carnegie Corner's heart was failing fast.
2. It was not long until everyone in town heard that Pastor Carnegie Corners was dead. He
    past away.
3. The real cause of his death was not known and I could not find out myself how he died.
4. There were prayers for the family who had just lost their father and then there was
    purchasing of a coffin box for the dead man and then the dead man had his funeral and
    was buried.
5. After this had all happened, taken place, "The Supposed Dead Man" was seen by three
    different crowds of people walking about Naniamo in very good health.

This looks like the movies!

6. Did Pastor Carnegie Corners pretend to die in order that he would gain access to possible
    really finacially big life insurance that he might have had officially or underneath somehow?
7. Did Pastor Carnegie Corners pretend to die because he was wanted to be "Murdered" by
    the community that his Church was in and who he had wronged so very much!

This looks like the movies!

God Only Knows

Readers: Because Pastor Carnegie Corners did attack "The Mine" maybe The Gold Miners
                wanted to kill him? that wouldn't be a surprise. ...

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