Friday, 14 February 2020

#D51. Locations Vary. The Whole World. How, At Times, Atomic Compounds React Within Bodies.

The Whole World.
Generally The World At Large.

Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

The Whole World.
Generally The World At Large.

The Whole World.
Generally The World At Large.

How, At Times,
Atomic Compounds Do React
Within A Human Beings Body
Or The Bodies Of Animals,
Birds, Fish and Insects, Etc. ...
i was being trained at one time in my past to be a properly
trained mathematician working in The Atomic Program
of The United States of America, and my training was
not to be in theory only but was to make me a practical
worker on the job as well

the information in this report that i have written up here
is from The Main Floor of The White House. It is not my
own idea. I was being trained by the head of The American
Atomic Program and he is who taught me these things

"THIS IS NOT A NEW LOOK" at this atomic problem
called Mental Health
it would be good if those people who work in Mental
Health read this. This knowledge is very old
it is proven true that where there is atomic compounds
there is a Mental Health Problem should the person or
persons have contacted atomic compounds and taken
them into themselves.This being affected by atomic
compounds can happen to a person in quite a number
of various ways

atomic radiation also brings about Mental Health

here is a little explanation about how atomic compounds
can do bad things to the human body

should a person eat or contact atomic compounds the
atomic compounds can do what a scientist might call
"Fall Through" just like grain flour falls through a
baking sieve

the atomic compounds fall through the human body
molecules just like grain flour goes through a sieve

it can be very unusual how this can and at times does
take place
for example:
should a person take atomic compounds into their mouth
the atomic compounds can then fall straight down through
their body and ruin a kidney and then cross the abdomen
and then fall down the leg and out of the body through the
sole of their foot

Mental Health is affected adversly by atomic compounds
in various ways.I believe that this issue should be looked
into by the general public for all peoples Mental Health

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