Friday, 14 February 2020

#D50. Locations Vary. The Whole World. Nanaimo. The Internet And A False Money System.

The Whole World,


Readers Remember: Locations Vary.

The Whole World.

Vancouver Island,
British Columbia,

The Whole World.

The Internet And A False Money System.
This is a report about what I found when I did a little bit of "Shopping On-Line On The Internet."

1. I am just retired.
2. I, Murray S. Fenwick, in my past did not want to learn The Computer called The Internet.
3. Because of the general public using The Internet a lot I did decide to learn The Internet
    "Basic Only."
4. This is why I was doing a little bit of "Shopping On-Line."

Readers what I ran into is the following.

5. A large company that is on The Internet does do the following unheard of diversified money
    for purchasing their products "SCENE."
6. I wanted to buy a piece of exercise equipment for my own home use to help me stay in good
    physical shape now that I am retired.
7. I looked on The Internet for quite a number of months for that piece of equipment.
8. It did take several months to find the piece of equipment that did suite my specific needs.
9. I went ahead with the needed requirements for purchasing that piece of equipment from the
    company that did advertise it on The Internet.
10. It soon became obvious that it was a very diversified money way of doing things that was the
      prerequisite for my purchasing of that piece of exercise equipment.

Readers: I will start this hard handed look of mine right here at this diversified money "SCENE"
                that is necessary to buy that exercise machine.

11. First I had to become a member of The Internet Company to do "TODAY'S PROPER
12. The Company would not accept "Cash Money" for the exercise equipment.
      Take a look at this Readers. In doing this, This Internet Company is setting up its own type of
13. The Company would not accept "A PROPER BANK CERTIFIED CHECK" for the exercise
      equipment either.
      Take a look at this Readers: In doing this, This Internet Company is setting up its own type of
14. In order for Murray S. Fenwick to purchase this piece of exercise equipment I had to go to a
      store and buy with "THE COUNTRIES MONEY THAT I AM IN" some of those "Gift Certificate
      This diversification of money by Murray S. Fenwick having to buy some of those "Gift
      Certificate Cards" did not end there either Readers.
15. Now that Murray S. Fenwick was armed with "Gift Certificate Money" he once again did
      approach The Internet Company to purchase their piece of exercise equipment.
      Get this right here Readers: By Murray S. Fenwick's purchasing some of those "Gift
      Certificate Money Cards" did not end the problem that he did run into with This Internet
      Company who did insist of diversification of the money system of his, Murray S. Fenwick's
      Country, into their own hands and their own kind of money system that They were trying to
      build up into An International Money System. THE EVIL MONEY SYSTEM, THE BEAST,
16. For Murray S. Fenwick to purchase the piece of exercise equipment he had to now  buy
      The companies "GIFT CERTIFICATES" with his already purchased "GIFT CERTIFICATES"
      that Murray S. Fenwick had just purchased from the nearby store.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say that this process of lining different money up in order to sell
exercise equipment with your own Internet Money and that on an International Scale is
definitely starting your own Companies Money On The International Internet System Of The
Entire World. I believe that to do this is wrong and has to be stopped immediately.

Readers: The King James English Bible did talk about "WORLDLY MONEY SYSTEMS THAT
                WERE AND ARE STILL NO GOOD." I do believe that this International Internet
Companies Gift Certificates is definitely one of those horrible "EVIL MONEY SYSTEMS" that
has to be crushed right out of existence.

I, Murray S. Fenwick, does say
that I The Lord Buddha does sit and hum
that wave after wave of swirling molecules
do swirl about me and through me
at all times to make me feel really great.

No-where is there a dark corner
In my being of swirling molecules
Where Bad Worldly Money could ever exist.

At all times I The Lord Buddha
Does feel really great. AUM MANI

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