Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
A Complaint.
Guns Are Murdering In The Mental Institutes.
This report is addressed to A Medical College.
On the day of August 101, 2101, I, Murray S. Fenwick, did have an interview with
A Worker named Mr. Guns of The Advocacy that is located in British Columbia,
1. Before I had this interview I, Murray S. Fenwick, did talk "Very Straight" about
"THE FALSE REPORT" that I did want him to review. I did talk "Very Straight" to
Mr. Guns "About Newspaper Articles" that had been printed and distributed out
to the general publick and a "A Lot Of Other Things" that I did and do believe
"Are Very Relevant To A Proper Understanding Of, "THE FALSE REPORT."
2. "THE FALSE REPORT" is about "The Very Serious Criminal Mental Health Acts"
that have been committed against The General Publick of The Province of British
Columbia, Canada.
Readers: Right here this report changes very seriously. Mr. Guns does seem to have
been placed into The Job Of An Advocate in order for him to follow people
around who The Police Of B.C., The Medical Profession Of B.C. And The
Mental Health Of B.C. are wanting to know their were abouts in order to
bring Illegal Hurt To The Innocent People Even Further. Mr. Guns Has A
Very Criminal Mind. Readers: Be prepared here for a very serious change
to take place from A Person Namely Myself, Murray S. Fenwick, in this
case, who was just looking for some sound advice as to how to handle A
Court Case Coming Up, to A Mr. Guns Death Threatening Case that took
place right in An Advocacy Office right here in B.C., Canada.
3. When I, Murray S. Fenwick, did have The Interview with Mr. Guns, The Interview
was very short and not nice at all.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, went back to Mr. Gun's Office 2-3 additional times in
order to prove out Mr. Gun's Criminal Mind. I found out that Mr. Guns was
Criminally Crazy and that he was Murder Crazy. He said to Me, Murray S.
Fenwick, that he, that is Mr. Guns did like going into Mental Health Buildings
and shooting people down dead with guns. Mr. Guns told me that he did do
this kind of murder scene all of the time. For certain he did not do this type
of murder scene just once or twice in his life. Mr. Guns said that he had a
continual experience going on all of the time and for a very long time killing
people by shooting them with guns in British Columbia Mental Health
Buildings. Mr. Guns told me, right to my face, that he does go on a continual
basis into British Columbia Mental Health Buildings and does shoot down
people dead with guns that he does own.
4. Just one of the things that Mr. Guns was supposed to do for me is he was supposed
to give to me advice as to what lawyer I was to see about having a very serious court
case against The Mental Health Organisation of British Columbia, Canada. This help,
direction, Mr. Guns did not do. Mr. Guns was to busy telling Me, Myself And I, that
he wanted to shoot me down with his guns that he did own.
5. Also Mr. Guns, instead of agreeing with my own position and a lot of other Innocent
People's Position which was Against The Publick Abuse That The Police Of B.C.,
That The Medical Board Of B.C. and That The Mental Health Of B.C. had been proven
to be Illegally Committing since The 1950's. Mr. Guns took the position of The Police
Of B.C., of The Medical Board of B.C. and of The Mental Health of B.C. Mr. Guns did
agree with "THE FALSE REPORT" being written against me by The Police of B.C., by
The Medical Board of B.C. and by The Mental Health Board of B.C.
Readers: The Police of B.C., The Medical Doctors Board of B.C. and The Mental Health
of B.C. are known to be Criminal Institutions that are The British Columbia
Readers: Also Mr. Guns did oppose The Head Mental Health Director who was hired by
The B.C. Parliament Buildings to investigate The B.C. Police, The B.C. Medical
Board and The B.C. Mental Health for their criminal ways of doing bad things
to The Innocent People.
Readers: The Head Director did fire people right off of their jobs for committing crime
while they were on their jobs.
Readers: Mr. Guns did disagree with The Government of British Columbia who did
hire Mr. Head Director for the purpose of A Huge Investigation that was
held against The Police of B.C., The Medical Doctor's Board and The British
Columbia Mental Health.
Readers: Mr. Guns did oppose The British Columbia Newspapers and All News Media of
British Columbia who did expositor This Very General People's Case in their own
format of News Media.
Readers: Mr. Guns did ask me to stand right up and leave his office behind or he would try
to shoot me down dead with a gun.
Readers: Also Mr. Guns did say to Me, Myself and I, Murray S. Fenwick, that he thought
Doctor, Who Had No Proper Certification, In British Columbia. Mr. Guns said
that he did believe that "THE FALSE REPORT" Was Right and that I, Murray
S. Fenwick, had to be Treated For Mental Illness Immediately by people who
have Absolutely No Proper Certification to work in The Mental Health Institutes
of British Columbia what-so-ever.
Readers: GET THIS. ...
I, Murray S. Fenwick, "Did Win A Supreme Court Case Of Canada" that I ran
against "THE FALSE REPORT" Specifically and In General. Mr. Guns did also
oppose The Supreme Court Of Canada.
Readers: I, Murray S. Fenwick, does believe that Mr. Guns has to be charged by proper
law for committing murder in The Mental Health Buildings, Institutes, of
British Columbia, Canada, and seriously locked up in Farm Colony Road Lock
Up in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada.
Readers: Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick
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