Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Murder. Victoria's Illegally Torn Down,
Illegally Ruined, "Mansions,"
Some Severe Desecration On Rockland Avenue,
And About Rockland Avenue.
Dear ARA August 12, 2013.
Mental Health
Action Research
& Advocacy
Association of Greater Vancouver
163 West Pender Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada, V6B-1S4
Phone number:604-689-7938
Fax: 604-689-7318
Toll Free: 1-800-689-7938
This is a small report about a family of people who did live in The Victoria area in 1969. I believe that they do still live at this house residence. Also I do need to know if you are the person to talk to about this murder scene. In The United Kingdom I have found out in the past that the people who I was told to talk to about similar murder scenes did not do one single thing positive to help out The Innocent People.
1. The family name is two names.
2. One of the families names is The Music Family.
3. The other family name is The Let's Get Married Family.
4. They live just off of Rockland Avenue in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Their home is
talked about as being located up just off of Rockland Avenue.
5. I got to know The Music Family in about the year 1969.
6. The reason that I got to know The Let's Get Married Family is I was to get married to The Let's
Get Married Families daughter who's name was Miss Attractive. Through my relationship with
Miss Attractive I also did have a relationship with The Let's Get Married Family. "The Situations"
that did happen between Miss Attractive and I would take at least a month to write out but would
be of very interesting facts about this overall murder case should any serious court need the
7. Because I got to know The Let's Get Married Family I did also get to know The Music Family. At
that time of my life I was A Known Poet and A Known Folk Musician in and about The Victoria
Area. The Music Family and Miss Attractive and I would spend the evenings playing nice music of
Folk Traditional Standards of North America and of Spanish Leyenda Standards of Spain.
8. The Music Family were all musicians especially the father who's name was Mr. Spanish Guitar
9. Mr. Spanish Guitar Himself is one of the finest Spanish Guitar Players that a person is ever likely
to meet.
At any rate.
Just after I got to know The Let's Get Married Family a lot of trouble did happen in and around about The Let's Get Married Family.
10. A lot of illegal drugs were found around about The Let's Get Married Family.
11. A lot of fighting of different kinds was found in and about the Let's Get Married Family.
12. The Let's Get Married Family was found to be involved in a large "RUFF" gang that did
"ILLEGALLY WRECK" a lot of HOUSES AND "MANSIONS" in The Victoria area.
13. The Let's Get Married Family and this Big "RUFF" Gang did attack the people in "A NEW
HIGH-RISE APARTMENT BUILDING" in The Rockland Area and did successfully kill,
"THAT IS MURDER" at least one hundred and twenty people.
14. There were sex exhibits made by The Let's Get Married Family on The Grounds Of Victoria
University that were completely out of place.
15. There was a bomb blown off on The Let's Get Married Families property that did wreck their
horse stable and also did wreck a very expensive large collection of antiquities that was stored
in their hay barn.
16. There was also an attempt to murder my very own life, that is the life of Murray S. Fenwick, by
The Let's Get Married Family.
I believe that The Let's Get Married Family=The Music Family is a member of a large gang that I have already written a report about in my blog system in The Internet. Should it be found necessary by The ARA I can write them a more full report about the dirty scenes that The Let's Get Married Family=The Music Family were at that time involved in.
Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick
Mental Health
Action Research
& Advocacy
Association of Greater Vancouver
163 West Pender Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada, V6B-1S4
Phone number:604-689-7938
Fax: 604-689-7318
Toll Free: 1-800-689-7938
This is a small report about a family of people who did live in The Victoria area in 1969. I believe that they do still live at this house residence. Also I do need to know if you are the person to talk to about this murder scene. In The United Kingdom I have found out in the past that the people who I was told to talk to about similar murder scenes did not do one single thing positive to help out The Innocent People.
1. The family name is two names.
2. One of the families names is The Music Family.
3. The other family name is The Let's Get Married Family.
4. They live just off of Rockland Avenue in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Their home is
talked about as being located up just off of Rockland Avenue.
5. I got to know The Music Family in about the year 1969.
6. The reason that I got to know The Let's Get Married Family is I was to get married to The Let's
Get Married Families daughter who's name was Miss Attractive. Through my relationship with
Miss Attractive I also did have a relationship with The Let's Get Married Family. "The Situations"
that did happen between Miss Attractive and I would take at least a month to write out but would
be of very interesting facts about this overall murder case should any serious court need the
7. Because I got to know The Let's Get Married Family I did also get to know The Music Family. At
that time of my life I was A Known Poet and A Known Folk Musician in and about The Victoria
Area. The Music Family and Miss Attractive and I would spend the evenings playing nice music of
Folk Traditional Standards of North America and of Spanish Leyenda Standards of Spain.
8. The Music Family were all musicians especially the father who's name was Mr. Spanish Guitar
9. Mr. Spanish Guitar Himself is one of the finest Spanish Guitar Players that a person is ever likely
to meet.
At any rate.
Just after I got to know The Let's Get Married Family a lot of trouble did happen in and around about The Let's Get Married Family.
10. A lot of illegal drugs were found around about The Let's Get Married Family.
11. A lot of fighting of different kinds was found in and about the Let's Get Married Family.
12. The Let's Get Married Family was found to be involved in a large "RUFF" gang that did
"ILLEGALLY WRECK" a lot of HOUSES AND "MANSIONS" in The Victoria area.
13. The Let's Get Married Family and this Big "RUFF" Gang did attack the people in "A NEW
HIGH-RISE APARTMENT BUILDING" in The Rockland Area and did successfully kill,
"THAT IS MURDER" at least one hundred and twenty people.
14. There were sex exhibits made by The Let's Get Married Family on The Grounds Of Victoria
University that were completely out of place.
15. There was a bomb blown off on The Let's Get Married Families property that did wreck their
horse stable and also did wreck a very expensive large collection of antiquities that was stored
in their hay barn.
16. There was also an attempt to murder my very own life, that is the life of Murray S. Fenwick, by
The Let's Get Married Family.
I believe that The Let's Get Married Family=The Music Family is a member of a large gang that I have already written a report about in my blog system in The Internet. Should it be found necessary by The ARA I can write them a more full report about the dirty scenes that The Let's Get Married Family=The Music Family were at that time involved in.
Thank You Very Much
Murray S. Fenwick
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